This app was mentioned in 10 comments, with an average of 2.50 upvotes
This weater-proof Sony Bluetooth Headset is what I'm using now.
The battery lasts for up to 7 hours and, with its fast-charging capabilities, the battery lasts for an hour with only a 3 min charge! It's good for plugging in while you get dressed and ready for a run. It'll be charged enough to go on a 5 mile run with an adequate warm-up and cool down.
It can be used while swimming, running and working out.
For my spin bike/rowing/boxing intervals, I pair it to my phone and listen to music while having an interval timer app that plays sounds over the music to tell me to work/rest.
For running, I find them comfortable, more than loud enough to enjoy and haven't had a problem with them popping out. The added benefit is that the internal memory is 16gb (also a 4gb version available) so that I don't even need to bring my phone with me on a run to listen to music or podcasts.
> I loved sprinting at the end
This is a little sacrilegious in this sub, but there is a more to running than 5ks and more distances beyond that.
If you love sprinting (and seriously, it is hard to beat that feeling of driving your legs and arms like the fury, flying over the ground and having the breath and blood burn through you), then there's no fundamental reason why you need to play with the 5k distance. One of my favourite ways to run has always been progressive intensity sprint intervals around an oval.
eg 5 min warm up 1 min easy / 1 min progressively harder pace interval pairs x 10, with max effort for the last 30 seconds of the last interval 5 min cool down
(This is most likely too intensive for your current level, however.)
I used to use this app: although it's been a long time (stupid injuries) since I used it, so I'm not sure if it still works well with Android Lollipop.
If you still want a 5k focus, check out /u/brianogilvie 's comments in this thread:
Personally, I am not against the idea of repeating C25k weeks, but if you are tolerating the 30 min run, I feel you might as well continue that, but consider swapping one day for some specific interval work so that you can do more sprinting.
A possible approach to that might be
5 mins warm up
10 sets of {
90 seconds walk/easy (4-5/10 effort) pace then
30 seconds moderate (6-7/10 effort) pace
5 mins cool down
However, that does require access to a safe, flat stretch where you can run faster without worrying about cars etc, and ideally a grass or track surface to reduce the impact stress of going harder and faster. An oval or park is ideal. It takes a little learning and experimenting to run like this, and also a different running style, but it is very rewarding!
It's not a very pretty app, but it works. HIIT Timer
More here
Not sure about infinite (I can't train for that long!) but I have used this one for years. Happy to play your own music with voice over or countdown beep over the top and can be programmed with as many steps or exercise routines as you like.
A HIIT Interval Timer Pimpim Mobile
That's what I use. Set it for several rounds of 2:30 for bench, ohp, row, and 3:00 for squat and deadlift. I go first rep to first rep.
When the next round starts that's when my first rep of that set is, whenever I finish, I have that long to rest until the next set.
>1) I feel like its just hogging the machine and a huge dick move
If it's during the busy time and you're not allowing other people to work in even if they say something, yeah, it can be construed as a dick move. Otherwise don't worry about it, they lack the social skills, not you.
> 2) What do you all guys do for the 12 mins of just standing? I feel like people waiting to use the machine (who usually stand off to the side so I dont even fully know if they need to use it or not) are like "the fuck is this guy doing on his phone standing right infront of the machine?
I literally zone out, stare into the ether, grab a sip of water, or focus on my breathing. I have myself on a timer that may or may not be easily seen by others. (I use this app) Set it for 3:15 for 6 rounds. I have 3:15 between first reps of each set. If someone asks me how much longer I have I can give them a response down to the second of when I'll be done. (side-note: I don't like working in with people and usually refuse, (even though I look like an asshole) due to keeping myself on a timer, which working in with someone is likely to eff up)
I use this one...
This one has no adds, and more rounds options.
You mean something like ?
There are other similar apps.