This app was mentioned in 1 comment, with an average of 11.00 upvotes
>a sanitized Internet
I think I just threw up a little.
It is worth noting that Jared Cohen went straight from the State Department to Google Ideas/Jigsaw, which was pretty much created for him, after serving as a senior advisor to Rice and Clinton, and has a more or less well documented habit of meddling in Middle Eastern countries by controlling and selectively suppressing the flow of information that reaches people "on the ground".
If you want a good laugh, check out Jigsaws hypocrisy. These are their projects:
02 uProxy
04 Conversation AI (no website)
08 Abdullah-X
09 Copcast
10 Montage
12 Constitute
13 Blackout
Other than things like Project Shield and uProxy, which I'd avoid using since they simply cannot be trusted, the overarching theme of Jigsaw's projects seems to be "Let's meddle some more! What could possibly go wrong?!"
It does, however, make sense to analyze these projects and their methods in order to detect similarities to other, current or future projects aimed at people that aren't living in the middle east. I doubt that any of those is going to have the Jigsaw or Google logo displayed somewhere.