This app was mentioned in 9 comments, with an average of 1.00 upvote
Uhh is that right... whoops !
Maybe try an independent view Logcat app, geat this app READ_LOGS permission (instruction mention in playstore description) and see if it can capture logs. If the logcat doesn't work for this app then something is seriously wrong. BTW what is your phone model ?
Such an app is
However, reading the instructions sounds familiar. You still need ADB access to run a command that enables a hidden permission for reading system logs.
> problem with standard logcatting is the issue is too sporadic to reproduce while ADBing so i relied on logcat extreme which did not go as expected (app closed by system and log empty).
I also use Logcat Extreme sometimes & it works fine on my S5.
Did not test this with it but with the similar MatLog: Material Logcat Reader > 3-dots > Clear then > File > Record.
Reproduce the problem & after the device reboots > internal sdcard > matlog > saved_logs.
>llama automate is an automation software...
Thanks for the link.
Looks like powerful stuff than can also mess up the device if one is not careful.
> ...I finally found an app on the play store called "Logcat Extreme"...
I also use Logcat Extreme sometimes.
Could you try both apps? I'm curious to know if the logcat recording survives a crash or unwanted reboot.
>...Even without reboots my phone has errors displayed in the logcat...
That's normal.
That's why I suggested above to search for "crash" or "beginning of crash" or "has died".
Getting a log is a long shot. Really long shot.
But it "might" help... If your Android is rooted, it's pretty straightforward. Install the app and record the log and check for errors or warnings in the log with the name FIFA mobile or its ID or anything related.
If it's not rooted,
Connect it to PC, Start adb, type adb devices and then
adb -d shell pm grant scd.lcex android.permission.READ_LOGS
This should help you to read the logs in the app installed above scd.lcex....
You can view the logs in your PC itself with.
adb logcat
Note, It's highly possible that no log error is given by FIFA mobile and all your efforts would be a waste. And even if you do find what's wrong, You'll only be diagnosing the actual problem... It might need root to fix it or it might be impossible to fix.
When you say,.
>The game crashes each time.
Do you get ,"Unfortunately FIFA mobile has stopped"? If so, Press the report button and read the logs. If not, Follow the above procedure.
Having said all that, it's completely possible that it's a server error and your game data on their server was corrupted and there's nothing you could do.
I used Logcat Exteme which let's you have an overlay showing you what is being logged which was useful but really any will do it.
It really needs to be specifically what is logged by Pokemon Go which only ever vibrates when a Pokemon appears unfortunately. You could try to guess how it would be formatted based on that entry but the only way to be sure is to see it first hand.
I suggest filtering by "ibrat" which should catch any vibration related keywords e.g. vibrate, Vibrator, etc.
Unity outputs the errors to logcat, so try using an app that can record logcats, start recording before you start your game and keep fiddling until it crashes.
You can then stop recording and output the file to a txt file AFAIK.
This logcat recorder for example might do the job:
Your device needs to be rooted to get a full log, but I think Unity logs should still show up without root.
I have the exact same Hotspot error as the OP when switching to 5Ghz in Set up Wi-Fi hotspot and trying to turn on the Hotspot while it works fine on 2.4Ghz.
On S3 i9300 running 100% stock & clean install lineage-14.1-20171227, open_gapps-arm-7.1-nano-20171225, addonsu-14.1-arm without any custom Kernel or system modifications of any kind.
I even rebooted in Safe mode to reproduce the error.
Here is a link to a partial Logcat Hotspot Error created with the free Logcat Extreme filtered by Error with a Wifi search.
There are apps that run logcat to file in the background. Try one of them.
This one claims to background record.