This app was mentioned in 8 comments, with an average of 3.63 upvotes
It's super easy if you have an Android device. Buy an ELM327 Bluetooth ODB-2 tool from Amazon, and then use the MyVoltLifetime app on the Play Store. Simple! I did it right after pulling out of the dealership with my 2013 (which was showing 55mpg with 42,000 lifetime miles).
It's described in the other posts in this thread, but you use an OBDII Bluetooth adapter and reset it using an Android phone with the MyVoltLifetime app.
There's an app for Android you can use with a OBII dongle. I used it with my 2013 and it worked fine.
I had a OBII BT dongle to use with MyGreenVolt already.
It can be done on a Gen 1 Volt, not sure about the new ones. You'll need an OBDII Bluetooth scanner and an android device with the MyVoltLifetime app installed. Pair your OBDII scanner, run the app, connect, reset, done.
And once you have the scanner, you can install Torque and create lots of nifty custom gauges, dials, and graphs of all sorts of the car's parameters.
Try the the app myvoltlifetime. Link below.
Use this app with a obd2 reader to reset the lifetime counters.
So I made a mistake . The app is found in the android play store. It worked for me
you can reset it with this app on android if you have a Bluetooth OBD2 adapter