This app was mentioned in 26 comments, with an average of 0.96 upvotes
I have a couple you could try. Tower Defense games mostly exist as video games. I think Sylvion is most similar to the original Plants vs Zombies video game.
Infinitode is a free tower defense without mandatory ad watching. I enjoy it a lot. is the version you want. EA bought Popcap and did what EA does. If you want to relive good times I would recommend looking on PirateBay for a PC version that EA didn't fuck up too badly.
Haven't tried the game, but my first impression is this is a clone of a popular game that I frequently play - Plants vs Zombies.
Hope this is not just another plagiarized clone. All the best. many waits are made less boring by this strange addictive game and its free now
Free games:
Free-to-play versions of Plants vs. Zombies:
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FYI: The Android version is free.
If you want to play the game. It's completely free on Android or Apple Devices.
On Android
On iOS
If you're looking for Plant or Zombies images only you could check:
I installed this one and it booted up in less than 30 seconds on my S8+.
So many good, free tower-defense style out there, but the best imho is Plants vs Zombies