This app was mentioned in 8 comments, with an average of -0.13 upvotes
IIRC you have to tell it how high you are holding your phone (so it's only as accurate as that measurement and your ability to consistantly hold it at that height), and you point the camera at the base of whatever you are measuring. It measures the angle to determine the distance. Only works if you are standing on the same plane as whatever you are measuring (so you could measure distance to a wall or a tree over flat ground, but doesn't work on sloped ground or for non-horizontal distances. Also can measure the height of objects, as shown in the video on the app page.
Since you're not liable to have a clinometer just laying around, I'd recommend the above app. It's the same math and isn't shitty advice.
Like this?
Yeah I used this one
As long as you're using it correctly
Você pode estimar usando um app que faz trigonometria.
Esse especificamente eu nunca usei, mas achei pelo google
Yeah, maybe not, I don't know because I never tried it. I remember there was a level, a measuring thing, and either it was a toolkit with all these features, or it was all these small apps by one developer.
Did a quick search on the Play Store (on the web) and I believe this is it. Smart Tools, yeah, that sounds familiar. And they have a bunch of other apps.
If you have an Android phone, maybe give it a go? I have an iPhone now, so I can't try it. My wife's got a Nexus 7, but I've taken my account off it ages ago.
I am not sure if this will be abused by cops, but I understand they really don't want people within 25 feet of them for simple safety reasons. Be sure to get cell phones with good zoom range and a provable distance sensor.
hmm downvotes...oh well, <strong>here</strong> is an example of a range finder app...maybe nor very useful while recording police at a provably safe distance, but it's a start.