This app was mentioned in 7 comments, with an average of 1.14 upvotes
Awesome. I miss playing tibia I ayed during the 7.6 days. Private servers as well. The mobile version sucks anyways lol. Congrats again!
I'm curious, is TibiaME MMO that different from Tibia? I haven't played them so I don't know the difference.
About 2D MMOs I think TibiaME and World of Magic are the closest option
If u want to try some 3D MMOs, I've read some good articles about Toram
Last update in TibiaMe was September 18, 2015 but a lot of the people still playing TibiaMe. Proof: It was just an example. Last update in Rucoy Online was December 22, 2017 (Christmas event but still it counts as an update) we need just keep waiting :D