This app was mentioned in 9 comments, with an average of 1.56 upvotes
Google removed app from store, i was using logo to similar to destiny's one. I had to reupload Vault Helper as new app so now it's
Are you using ? The previous one (with different logo) was removed from google play by google, because of logo similarity. So i have to change logo, and reupload application from scratch, but it's still the same application.
The xbox login problem is solved totally, i parse a site to find xbox login url. Bungie was changing it from time to time and it was making problems.
Google removed app from store, i was using logo to similar to destiny's one. I had to reupload Vault Helper as new app so now it's
Vault Helper - Google Play
Ishtar Academy - Google Play, But it has "weird" login credentials
Tower Ghost - Google Play (my go to app)
Edit: Updated link, thanks /u/dswistowski! If you have android phone. Do not require laptop near your console If you have android phone. Do not require laptop near your console
@legitxhelios @theXald on android, you can try Vault helper, all you need is select character, and tap the gun to transfer it: