I've seen this linked a few times and bought it myself. You can set a limit to your humidity, have a hose going to the drain in your zink and control it via an app.
We’ve got one that we love, it tracks how many kW it’s using and you can add your rate in so you can see how much your grow is costing you too. Smart Plug
Nah man everything is sweet.
Oh wait. . . The only thing I had to do was shave literally a mm or two off the casing so my oscillating fans US plug would fit, but I just took to the powerboard with a stanley knife and its now a better fit.
(AC Infinity CLOUDRAY S6, Grow...
Everything is working sweet as pie. I think that having WIFI capabilities is definitely worth investing a little more in though that may be because the rest of my equipment is WIFI controlled.
Happy growing
Thanks! I'll put the link for the hose for the t7 at the end, it comes with these fittings that one is the perfect fit in the pipe, just use one of the supplied silicone orings to get a complete seal. The lights are Progrow 320s by grow light science. I love them, especially bc they were way cheaper($300), now($449) you can't even find them.
10 Foot Long Dust Collection...
10 Foot Long Dust Collection...
I run this hose dude, I have it for over a month with no issues. I used the supplied oring to get a good seal on the pipe and one of the fittings that came with the hose to couple it. Hope it helps!
A person on here that bought a hose so he can do what you are speaking of posted a link for a hose to do it with. Here is the link that he posted for me. Hope that helps. I'm probably going to buy the same hose as i got the t7 also.
As is the other comment above, I found this product great to use. They aren't smart in the sense that they have wifi compatibility, but once set to the target RH I found this particular one perfect.
Humidifier for Bedroom, 4L...
I set it at 5% below my target RH and it hit on point when measured by my UIS system.
Search Amazom for 'reptile humidifier'. They are made for reptile tanks but work the same way. There is a humidistat and a hose so the device can be outside the tent.
Here is one that would work the same way
Search Amazon for 'reptile humidifier'. They are made for reptile tanks but work the same way. There is a humidistat and a hose so the device can be outside the tent.
Here are a couple that work the same way as a T3
Check this shroud out.
I used them in a space tote that I use for males (now that I bought a tent).
In the summer, have it venting outside your lung room to the outside. Reverse the setup in the winter to suck cold air from outside.
Another possible option:
In the summer, have it venting outside your lung room to the outside. Reverse the setup in the winter to suck cold air from outside.
Humidity controller with reptile fogger. Reptile fogger is top fill, so it's exponentially easier to refill than a traditional humidifier that's a bottom fill.
Inkbird Humidity Controller...
Coospider Top Fill Reptile Fogger...
Straight to my door. It'll ship from an Amazon US location to your local Amazon distribution and then deliver as usual.
I order all my AC Infinity stuff from Amazon Canada from their official storefront. The price you pay is the final price. Amazon handles everything for you. No surprise fees at the door. Just make sure you order stuff "fulfilled by Amazon" when you're importing.
Just an FYI, if you ever order from Amazon US it'll go from Amazon US to your door and completely bypass Amazon CA. The CA site is usually cheaper but the US site has stuff you might not find in CA.
Anyway, here's the link for the Ionboard S22:
And their storefront page:
This will be the best bang for your buck mine is going on 3 years calibrated every year and it’s dead on point!
This is the one I ended up getting:
It's working pretty well. The humidistat on the humidifier and the AC 69 Controller do show about a 10% RH difference. It easily keeps up with the RH of the tent. Only downside is you do have to fill it with distilled water.