Get yourself a nice code editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, Brackets -- Google for "good code editor" for reviews and options for your OS. Then you can start making HTML/CSS files on your computer.
You can also use the Codebits feature -- have you found that yet?
If you haven't done it yet, try
Hi - sorry you had that experience. Our PHP code submission system is getting old, and it still gets a lot of traffic from learners. Those circumstances combined can sometimes make it unresponsive for people.
My advice is to try again, or better yet learn Ruby on Rails. It's a newer course that teaches more relevant skills to today's market! And you still get to make websites.
I also wanted to point out Zach, our CEO's response to a similar question back in 2012 "We definitely would. We look first and foremost for people who have built awesome projects in the past. Where you went to college (or the fact that you didn't) is often not relevant."
Looks like it's 2.7.3.
All I did was put this in the first lesson:
import sys print(sys.version)
2.7.3 (default, Dec 18 2014, 19:10:20) [GCC 4.6.3]
Printed out.
Just to make things a bit easier for anyone who wants to help with this, the exercise is here:
The instructions say: "Assign True or False as appropriate", so it sounds like they would like the learners to work out the result. It does seem to work though if you do include the whole expression.
That course is old. We're building a new system that actually does use 2.0. You can see a first glimpse of that in our new Ruby on Rails course.
hey enim, great question.
In the simplest of terms, you (or any other codecademy user, learning on that course) are getting a computer that is only accessible via the browser + codecademy website. It is yours, you can do most things on it you can on your normal computer (but you can only access the command line). We obviously prohibit a lot of things and try to secure it as much as possible. Under the hood everything runs on a physical machine but that machine is separated into logical different parts, each user gets a part, each parts acts as a computer (from the user's perspective). So as a side note, if you DO screw anything up it will only break the lesson (the lessons depend on the state of the machine) and only you will be affected. Eventually you will get a new machine and the lesson will work again.
Here are some technologies to explore if you are interested further: LXC - Docker - OpenVZ Vagrant Xen
If you do not have a pipe key on your keyboard, you have to configure keyboard layout in your operating system.
This problem was discussed here ->!topic/learn-the-command-line/eHfEW0-c-mE
We teach UNIX commands, which are available on Mac and Linux. Windows is different. Another person asked this question, and it was answered here for reference.
I've been using the site now for about 4 months. Basically finished all the courses in about a month & have been practicing with Codebits ever since. (check out my 1st finished project at: ).
During this time, I have yet to see any problems fixed, only 1 new features added (tracks) & only 3 new courses (including the tiny Command Line Beta).
There seems to be more content, (glossaries, older courses) that there seems to be no way to access unless you know their addresses.
When I have brought up these and similar issues, I have been told that there are updates on the way (forums especially), but have seen no progress.
Even this subreddit has been completely ignored on the site. I found out about it on twitter. There is a similar setup on Google Groups which is linked to from the newer courses Q&A link.
Older courses still link to the defunct Codecademy forums, which were pretty good. Better than this or Goggle, anyway.
I guess you get what you pay for...
It's this one. I'm currently on Unit 2, but I feel like I won't be competent enough by the end of Unit 5 to make my own website.
And in my math, science, and engineering courses, I just practice problems or go over course content aloud. In terms of programming, if I do it once or twice, I have the concept memorized. I'm hoping this is the case, but I feel like I'm going to mess up on the syntax on my own.
Also, I'm unsure as to what you use to build a website with HTML and CSS.
Hello :)
Probably the problem is an infinite loop... Please note that code like this: $($) creates an infinite loop, auto-run feature is sometimes annoying.
To solve this problem, please navigate to lesson just preceding the one you are having trouble with. Set screen zoom (ctrl + +) to 200% or more, enough to make the preview window disappear. Submit and proceed to next lesson. Click Reset Code and restore normal zoom (ctrl + 0).
EDIT If you want to disable auto-run you can make a simple syntax error at the top of your script file and delete it when your code looks good. Example of line with syntax error:
You can link to other Codebits in your menu but it isn't going to work quite the way you'd hoped. You can do this:
<a href="">Especificações</a>
but since Codebits are for showing off your code the user is not going to see just your web view, they are also going to see your code.
If you want hosting, there are a lot of different solutions. Personally, I prefer to have my own box. I love Digital Ocean. But you will need experience with a Linux terminal. But that's the case with a lot of VPN's and hosting solutions unless they have special software. But forgot to answer the part about hosting :).
If it makes you feel better, /u/mtndewcodered1, I recently spent 2 days rewriting all my code to solve Problem 2 in Project Euler, only to realize that I was attempting to solve for 400 million instead of 4 million. Dem zeros.
I'm still learning Python myself so hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong anywhere.
As far as I know, you should only ever use return or print, not both. In this case I'd use print since return is used for variables or things that can change. Here, there's nothing that's going to change in those print statements, only s is changing depending on the user input.
All I had to do to make your code work was remove the return statements and put brackets around the string being printed like so: print ("Shutting down...")
I'd also suggest making the first line: s = raw_input("Shutdown? (Y/N) ")
to tell the user what they should be inputting and then modify your condition statements to allow for both "yes" and "no" or just "y" and "n" but that's just to make it easier for a hypothetical end-user.
As a side note, you can see a really basic example of when to use return in some code I did here. Here, I can't predict the output so I have to return the value of the variable count instead of printing it.
Hope that helps!
To master js I would need more time and more material than that provided by Codecademy, which is more an introduction to js. To be honest, I prefer JQuery to js. I found something on JQuery at the following link, quite a simple tooltip, not the kind I would need:
The tooltips at the above page do not contain links or buttons and above all they do vanish if you hover the mouse over them.
Honestly? I do not know any interactive courses about algorithms. I know that khan academy has few great articles with quizes and challenges ->, this is a pretty good introduction.
But I can recommend a great book! This is a masterpiece. Thomas H. Cormen (coauthor of khan academy articles), Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein - "Introduction to Algorithms". Do not be fooled by "introduction", this is a great base of knowledge about data structures and algorithms.
THANK YOU!! That works! It's really confusing because it says "Type Ctrl + O" so I've been actually typing that into the command line - could CodeAcademy perhaps change the instructions to the ones you just gave me? I'm not the only one experiencing this problem:!msg/learn-the-command-line/Kt7WNzrJb_I/XNTCPSTuJwAJ
Looking at this discussion and number of the bugs in the exercises I am curious about the way codecademy tests new courses before publishing :) But I am celebrating my 100 karma points on this subreddit, so I will leave this topic, at least for now :)
<off topic, completely off topic> I do not know if you saw this ->!topic/learn-the-command-line/fL1AtRZ5p-8 I really wanted to answer this question, but everything I wrote was so mean. Someone should create post with banned questions :) </>
I've found the Google Groups page. Ton of info there!!category-topic/codecademy-projects-help-forum/broadway/
I don't understand why making the items in the list links makes them appear. Why wouldn't they just appear as text?
Check out our Python Glossary and the Python docs. That should give you a ton of info about concepts. Good luck and have fun coding!
As for what program to use, i would suggest Codebits (found at the bottom of your profile page). It is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is very similar to Lesson environment.
There you would use html & css to lay out your project; & JavaScript (or jQuery) to handle the effects. How you would do what you describe, I don't know.
But I did make a fairly artsy project of my own. Check it out here:
Maybe it will give you some ideas...
Codebits (located at the bottom of your profile page) is a great way to practice your skills. It is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that is very similar to Lesson environment.
You can create individual files for html, css & JS, & see your results instantly with the built in browser. You can also fork off from an existing Codebit to get a head start.
Here is one that I made, I hope it helps:
A great place to start making JavaScript apps are the Codebits. Its basically a built-in IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that's very similar one used in the lessons. Here's one I made:
Otherwise get a text editor, save your files to a directory on your hard-drive & open them with your favorite web browser.
I use a slider in my Codebit:
The sider is created with the html <input> tag. It should look something like:
<input type=range min=-1 max=1 value=0 step=.1>
This will create a slider with 21 possible settings (-1,-.9,-.8,...,.8,.9,1) with the slider's starting position in the middle of the range (at the zero position).
Step can be omitted, will have a default value of 1, the others are required.
min should be the lowest possible value, max the highest. value, which must be between min & max, will set the default.
You have some options:
If your code is correct then this will help:
If it isn't/doesn't, post your code in that forum and someone will help find the problem.
In the Q&A forums you can only access one page of threads, there is no way to navigate to page 2.
Try using Google to find your question. Search for your Codecademy user name. If it is uncommon that will probably find it for you. You can narrow results by including in your search.
Use the notification bell to see if you've had any responses.
Codecademy has teaching resources at Currently there are many teachers in UK that using it to teach programming in elementary + secondary schools.
I'd be happy to tell you more about it if you want to PM me.
Thanks, Codecademy Engineer .
You may be interested in this course on Web Application Architecture that will be available on March 17th on If you aren't familiar with the website it essentially offers free online courses that are normally 6-8 weeks long from schools around the world. This course uses Ruby, which is available on Codecademy if you want to run through it prior to the course, to develop the app. It looks like something you may find useful although I don't know if it will seem a bit tedious since it looks like you've already done quite a bit of research & coding. This particular course looks like it has a fairly heavy and involved workload so it looks like you can get some good information out of it.
Great advice. Check out these free programming books on Github. You can use sandboxes such as cssdeck to help visualize your code. I'm personally very fond of Sublime Text for writing.
Add space after "likes"
. This is not a bug, this is error in your code.
Quote from specification (
> Attributes must be separated from each other by one or more space characters.
Just to clarify a bit.
is not a self-closing tag. It is a void
element (should not contain anything). According to w3c documentation ( end tag in link
element should be ommitted.
Codecademy uses code style compatible with XHTML. In HTML5 it is completely fine to write:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
is only a syntactic sugar, this is completely optional.
To summarize, DrugDilla is right, you have too add /
to finish this exercise, but your code is completely correct.
There are many cli (command line interface) tools helpful for front-end devs.
In make a website projects codecademy uses Bootstrap. I am not a big fan of Bootstrap, I prefer to use Foundation. I love this framework, because with one, simple command I can instantly create new project with all the necessary files:
foundation nameOfProject --libsass
without any clicking, copying and writing boilerplate code.
As a front-end dev you will notice that in big projects it's just hard to keep an eye on all external resources you use. During development process, at the end of every day you will have to run repeatedly many tasks, you will probably want to run tests, beautify your code, run linters and push project files to your repository. Every day, same tasks, it's just boring. Fortunately we have some powerful cli tools to resolve these problems. For example:
And I don't know any developer who doesn't use any version control system. You probably heard about GitHub, GitHub is built around git, awesome vcs. You can of course use web interface to manage your GitHub repositories, but full power of git is hidden inside your terminal.
I don't know how ssh connections are useful for front-end developers, so I just will say - you have to use terminal :)
It is a SASS file, CSS
on steroids :)
But you can use normal CSS
syntax inside .scss
files, so something must be wrong with your code.
Post here your CSS
code and we will inspect this :)
I think so too! :)
Well, you can use Bootstrap to create non-responsive sites, but base of this framework - grid system is a fully responsive solution. You can read more about Bootstrap grid system here ->
In codecademy courses you learn only about Bootstrap, but it's good to know that there are other frameworks. My favourite is Zurb Foundation -> I just want you to know that there are alternatives and in the future you should find something that suits you best :)
Hi! Can you please tell me what is the best option to place img to the right in the Explore section (second Iphone)? All of them are in a <div class="col-md-6">. Here is my code:
and the img position should be like that:
Got the rest sorted out, thanks a bunch :) just one thing left, I'm trying to make <li> color white. I already assigned it to: .nav li { color: white; } but it's still not changing.,css,output
I changed the name of the button and looks ok now. But i still have no transition effect on the button.
Here is the updated css (just changed the name of the btn). I don't understand if I'm doing something wrong or if there's a bug.
Thanks a lot!
1) Visually. If your page looks exactly like the original one (or looks differentially, but difference is intentional) and it's responsive (adapts to smaller and larger browser window) -> everything is ok. If you want to ask about opinion feel free to create discussion here and post your code (you can copy your code, paste at gist or jsfiddle and post here only link) and we will be happy to share our thoughts.
2) You only have to open .html
file in your browser. All external files, like .css
should be imported in your html
code. Take a look at your index.html
file in codecademy, there is a line:
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'/>
The purpose of this line is to import external css
file, you have to specify absolute or relative path to this file and... done :)
Każdy kiedyś zaczynał :)
You can always use code sharing sites like gist, but do not worry, I got this.
Please notice that your .jumbotron
css is placed under directive @media (max-width: 500px)
. This means that your style will be assigned to .jumbotron
only if width of device (browser window) is less or equal 500px
Solution? Move your .jumbotron
style above @media