I am unable to post anything in either this sub or dwac. Pissing me off. But here is a great video on Truth Social. https://rumble.com/vo3g8i-anna-perez-why-truth-social-has-the-power-to-reunite-america-over-free-spee.html
This was a fantastic video with an overall summary of the Russia Russia Russia hoax and the ongoing Durham investigation, and ties right into "The Plot Against the President" documentary that I suggest all Patriots watch. It can be found on your smart TV app or free online.
Absolutely - it's not just about Twitter-type service, Youtube blocks conservative, comments in the comments section, news and voices all the time. Remember this song - https://rumble.com/vnzufx-lets-go-brandon-bryson-gray-music-video-ft.-tyson-james-and-chandler-crump.html
Just an example. Rumble is a no-brainer.
Here’s a link to info from Robin Hood about trading stocks out. There’s a $100 fee. You could also sell, transfer the money and rebuy on another brokerage account but that takes time and also might be a bad decision for tax purposes.
northstar pointed out that on your phone go to and site settings to put an icon on your homescreen I run ExpressVPN and had to disable it for my S21 Ultra, but fumbled with it and had an "add to homescreen" option to push
Thank you. Challenging at first because my ExpressVPN LA1 connection appears to be from out of the country for some things I do. Went bare long enough to tap add icon ot my homesreen and got back out of the country
I'm also in CR and just created an account. I used a VPN (TunnelBear) set to the US and provided my US phone number (I use VoIP) to receive the text message with the activation code. A couple of hoops, but I jumped through them ok without catching fire 😂
I’m in. Downloaded a free Vpn (trail). Name: Avira Phantom VPN @ Wifi Proxy on AppStore. After downloading scroll 3 times to left to find the free version. I entered Miami as my city. It works from Norway. Have 2000 Dwacw and 500 Dwac. Love Trump & freedom of speak. Find me at @langard
You can search the play store till hell freezes over and you can't find this app without a direct link! I've been Android my whole life but looks like it may be time to move to Apple since they seem to be free speech all of a sudden!
They have two -- same developer -- Literally uses the screenshots from Truth
But TMTG needs to enforce its own trademark claims..
Interesting fact; in June Trump, rejects joining GETTR but instead joins Rumble first video on Trump's official Rumble channel was posted on June 26, 2021. CEO of Rumble also confirmed Trump channel is verified.
Could it be possible that Rumble was one of the companies to pitch the big idea?
I hate to break the bad news to you but this is a fake app. It does not look like the one on the video https://rumble.com/vnzzot-truth-social.html The screenshots that you are showing of the same fake app that I downloaded a week ago and than deleted it
I am banned from posting in this forum with no notice or reason given. The following video explains why. Share it everywhere because this sub will be shut down completely soon. https://rumble.com/vhlrmz-revealed-dr.-shiva-shows-how-u.s.-government-uses-twitter-to-target-politic.html
We've been identified as "influencers" by the DS and are shut down just like every other gov run platform. Check out Dr Shiva's lawsuit. https://rumble.com/vhlrmz-revealed-dr.-shiva-shows-how-u.s.-government-uses-twitter-to-target-politic.html
> Does Biden shitting his pants in public really help anyone?
It helps Depends 😂😂😂😂😂.
Out of stock President Trump new book. Enthusiasm is bigger https://www.amazon.com/Our-Journey-Together-Donald-Trump/dp/173550372X/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=IXQ6KHCIB1JJ&keywords=our+journey+trump&qid=1637621548&sprefix=our+journey+trump%2Caps%2C245&sr=8-3