It's available for free on Project Gutenberg too! Highly recommend buying the book though, especially if it has an introduction and notes like OP's, but if you are broke check it out!
Also, here are the answers
Q1: A decentralized protocol that unites the world's financial infrastructure.
Q2: Facilitating low-cost, universal payments.
Q3: Transactions are fast, inexpensive, and global.
Q4: To issue, exchange, and transfer tokens quickly and efficiently.
Q5: It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes to confirm transactions.
As I expected, no Mitochondrial DNA. Messianic expectation is Nilotic
Why do you think white people(indigenous to nowhere) never taught Nile Valley civilization and the Hollywood Jews whitewash all of Egypt's history. The Upper Nile(Sub Sahara Africa) is the origin of the features of religion associated with Moses like animal sacrifice, the burning of incense, circumcision, ruler-priests, the Holy Name YHWH and the solar imagery of the ancient Hebrew.
Circumcision originated among the ancient Nilo-Saharans before 3200 BC. This is over 5200 years ago when no such people named Jews existed. How in the fuck do you not know the origins of whatever you think you believe? This is why you will always be imposters, liars, colonizers, and theives. Black people inherited the entire continent and never received religion from outsiders.
Herodotus (BC 485-425) wrote concerning the origins of circumcision:
"Egyptians and the Ethiopians have practiced circumcision since time immemorial. The Phoenicians and the Syrians of Palestine themselves admit that they learnt the practice from the Egyptians, while the Syrians in the river Thermodon and the Pathenoise region and their neighbours the Macrons say they learnt it recently from the Colchidians. These are the only races which practice circumcision, and it is observable that they do it in the same way with the Egyptians."
lol that's not even close to what i said. assuming you are an adult person, your decision to pretend that the inherent politics affecting our times do not exist is quite frankly pathetic.
in the meantime, i'd recommend you purchased this ASAP and transition into someone who can read
While they don't have it on Vinyl yet, the Candace Owens episode along with LL's Check is out now on CD. Here's the link on Amazon:\_1\_1?crid=78UCMWEGGVIE&dchild=1&keywords=midnight+miracle+dave+chappelle&qid=1633930992&rnid=2941120011&s=music&sprefix=midnight+miracle%2...
Amazon is (usually) always good for physical media.
I have it all in the archive (sans for Buddies and a couple randumb movies) because I hate the concept of premium streaming; Why pay repeat monthly fees for content you never truly own & that they can remove at any given time without warning?
The complete boxset of Chappelle Show is currently $11.99.
The DVD's are $11.99 on Amazon right now.