Hmmm well you can try Amazon for syrups/flavors (they have a variety there). I am a bit basic when it comes to flavors because I normally order mocha cold brews or blueberry mocha cold brews.
To make it at home, I use: -cold brew filters ($3 for a 25 pack) -Dunkin med roast ground coffee ($5) -this chocolate sauce from Amazon. Note: It is pricey up front, but cheaper in the long run bc use it often....buying small bottles of syrup from the grocery store adds up LOL. Plus, it lasts forever & it has a pump included! (In comparison, I’ve seen people buy dunkin’s syrup online for $60, which to each their own, but I can’t spend $60 on syrup lol, anyway this is literally identical and dissolves JUST like dunkin’s — unlike some of the other chocolate syrups I’ve tried that tend to not dissolve.)
I have also bought blueberry flavored coffee ($3.50 at my local stop and shop this week) because iced blueberry mochas cold brews are one of my favorite drinks at Dunkin.
I am too devastated it was taken from the menu I have lucked out found a very similar drink in Boba tea shops, and while on vacation in Florida a hotel i stayed at had a drink that tasted almost identical! And they lady let me take a picture of the can and I bought a can for my house it's called "Big Train Vanilla Chai" I ordered it off Amazon with a frother it's not the same but it definitely does the job lol
It depends on the franchise.
I’ve worked at a handful of dunks franchises that didn’t give a damn about tattoos. However, the last franchise I worked at was very big on an anti-tattoo policy and enforced covering up any visible tattoos (whether you layered your shirt or bought one of these sleeves.)
That being said, I’d assume if your tattoos were visible during your interview & your manager didn’t mention any policies with tattoos then you should be fine. The particular franchise I worked for that had that policy told me at my interview off the bat.
Where else but Amazon!! It's exactly the same as the DD kind. I mixed a glug with a bottle of Arizona iced green tea and ice. Worth it!!!
How many are in a case? Regular consumers can get a 12 count single-serve box for $12.99 on Amazon.