It depends on what you define as a ton of bass. Where will you put it? I have a Kicker 6.75" 300w CompRT that I replaced the stock subwoofer with, which provides a ton more bass than stock, but it definitely can't compete with the 12" 250w I had in my ranger because wattage isn't everything. I thought about putting the 12" in my tj, but it would take up half the storage in the back and also when the top is down and youre rolling down the road you can't hear it enough to care.
A link to the kicker if you're interested:
Kicker CompRT Single 6.75 Inch 300 Watt Max 1 Ohm Shallow Slim Car Subwoofer
You're looking for Jeep like this one?
Check out this Jeep Wrangler 1993 - Original, 5 speed manual, 4.0/ 6 CYL, 4X4 for $11995 on OfferUp
Honestly if you see one on the street here I would leave a note for the owner and mention your interested in buying their Jeep. Your looking for a Jeep that is too specific.
Yes, that’s exactly what you can do! I added 2 to mine that are wired to various pods and it’s sweet.
Here is what I bought:
Fits The Jeep TJ/XJ Rocker Switch- SPOTTERS Logo
The linkage is garbage and won’t work on lifts, I use this on my Jeep so 4WD works.
Have a buddy pull the lever while you look underneath, you will see that it won’t reach or engage the transfer case. Good luck 👍
I guess the prices have changed :(
I used penetrating oil and once I stripped the torx out I used this screw extractor. $20 on Amazon then another $6 or so to replace the bolt. Came out in about 20 seconds.
PCV Valve. Front and back are different. They probably have them at your local auto parts store or you can get them on Amazon.
My kids are 11,8,4. The 11yr old is just moving up to the front so I’ve been using these, which let me adjust the size of the harness and head support.
I also had build me new belts with the “kisse” locking retractor you see in modern car seats. I even got to crash test it…no kids were in the car and everyone walked away but the car seat didn’t move an inch. crash test
I just replaced my linkage with a cable. Highly recommend you do the same.
​ Noico RED 315 mil 20 sqft Car Sound Insulation, Heat and Cool Liner, Self-Adhesive Closed Cell Deadening Material (PE Foam Sound Deadener)
Pull up the carpet and stick this down. You will have to pull the center console too and insulate around the tunnel. Leave the plugs accessible in case you have to drain after a rain. Night and day difference for me. In the summer I couldn’t sit in the Jeep at a red light for the heat coming up.
I have the same ones, it's these:
Paramount Automotive 17192 Black...
And you'll have to contact them directly for replacement, they're non standard sized and burn out frequently I'm told.
Took less then 10 minutes to install and got here in two days off amazon. Six velco straps attach to the roll cage. Sounds kinda sketchy but it seemed pretty sturdy after I put it on and sat in it. Here’s the link of you want more details. Might not use it every week but for the $25 it was, i’d say it’s worth it when I do.
I put these on my 05 that I was also trying to keep somewhat budget friendly (after blowing a ton on lift, lockers, tires)
If you watch them they will fluctuate in price a ton. I think I got mine for $160.
I recommend these: Thunderer Trac Grip All-Season Radial Tire-31/10.50R15 127Q
A buddy of mine has been running them on his daily for 2 years and they've held up well. I just put them on mine about 3 weeks ago, and they've worked well for me too.
Yeah, I thought about buying something like that, but they seem a little too easy to lose which it why I liked the idea of a set built into the stems.
I bought one of the ones that unscrews the core inside of an airtight chamber with a valve and gauge attached. I am pretty impressed with the speed.
Jeep TJ 1997-2006: How to Build & Modify
This book has been the single most thorough source of information I've been able to find. Based on what your current gear ratios are and what transmission you have you may not need to re-gear, the necessary lift components will depend on your overall height increase and whether or not you want to do a transfer case drop.
Chrysler paint touch up pen in bright silver metallic, it is cheaper at autozone or oriley but you can get it on amazon. The auto parts stores usually sell spray cans of the same thing too if you want to do a bigger area. The silver doesn't really fade much either.
Trailer light plug-in for trailer without electric brakes. It plugs into this on the trailer: Reese Towpower 74124 12" 4-Way Flat Trailer End Connector
Trailer light plug-in for trailer without electric brakes. It plugs into this on the trailer: Reese Towpower 74124 12" 4-Way Flat Trailer End Connector
They are pretty easy to install. Cut hole, bolt in, wire it in.
I spliced in new waterproof disconnects and used the small led bar as my reverse light.
It’s not too bad if you have a small sledge and protect the surface of your doors. The bolt press fits into the upper door hinge. I snapped my bolts and had to replace them last year.
Dorman 38447 Front Door Hinge Pin And Bushing Kit - 2 Pins And 2 Nuts Compatible with Select Jeep Models
Get these for the front speakers it sounds so much better with 5.25 inch speakers
Even cheap LED headlights made a huge difference in visibility, I will upgrade mine later. Top down and doors off is always fun, so better sound isn't essential but upgrading the stereo and speakers made the experience driving 5x better. Change the gear oil in the transfer case, transmission, and the differentials to make sure that everything is as it should be and your seals are good. Get the frame as clean as possible and if you can do a fluid film treatment inside the rails to prevent rust before it happens, it is worth every penny. Hunting down soft and worn rubber bushings and mounts and changing them to polyurethane is inexpensive and really helps with giving the Jeep a solid feel and getting rid of a lot of vibrations that cause other issues.
A 2-inch body lift is pretty steep and likely makes shifting and using four-wheel drive more difficult than it ought to, you may want to consider going down to a 1-in body lift or eliminating it completely, otherwise consider changing to a cable shifter for your transfer case instead of the mechanical linkage.
Lift and tires and a winch and lockers and a whole bunch of other upgrades are possible, but it's good to do some research and have a plan and save up for the high quality stuff instead of the bare minimum.
Check out the book by Hanssen on how to build and modify here as well.
Jeep TJ 1997-2006: How to Build & Modify
If it’s just the hinge pin, you can hammer out the broken pin and replace it.
Dorman 38447 Front Door Hinge Pin and Bushing Kit for Select Jeep Models , Black
I tried using that on a weathered black hard top and was unable to get a consistent color and shine. I ended up cleaning it off and using a ceramic coating product which was very easy to apply and worked very well. The test will be to see how long the sheen lasts in the elements.
Check out this offer on OfferUp Check out this Jeep Wrangler 1992 Jurassic Park wrapped. for $7500 on OfferUp
Check out this offer on OfferUp Check out this 1992 Jeep Wrangler for $15000 on OfferUp
Just put these in my 05 Spicer 5-1310X U-Joint Kit
Also need this: Alloy USA 2-70-18X U-Joint Strap Kit, 1710/1760/1810 Series
Some off brand off Amazon, seem to be holding up well, here is the link. Body Armor 4x4 TJ-4121 Black - Steel RockCrawler Side Guards for Jeep TJ (Pair)
Ok, first thing I would do is try to read your short term and long term fuel trim. Your emissions system is reading an exhaust mixture that is way out of spec. You’re either running too rich or too lean.
Let’s say my coil/wire theory is true - a bunch of fuel is getting injected and not burned because of the lack of spark. Meanwhile you get the same amount of air. Now the mixture is too lean, triggering the type of codes you have.
You can read your fuel trim easily with a Bluetooth OBD2 reader, it pairs to your phone and you use an app to see live data. Invaluable tool.
I use this one:
Hey man, nice color :)
I upgraded all of my lights to led, interior and exterior. For the side marker lights, I bought a small kit that altered the wiring so the led would function as a marker and indicator. If you don't already know, the side marker functions with a floating ground design, which does not work with an led. This kit required small changes to the wiring, a couple butt splices and I think I added a ground wire. I picked this as I could always go back to incandescent bulbs if desired.
Here’s the Amazon link, check it out:
Blinker Genie 2 -
As far as the led, it’s a 194. Here’s what I used -
u-Box Wrangler TJ Factory Door Mirror Mounting Brackets in Matte Black for Jeep Wrangler TJ 97-06
Here you go:
I have these on my jeep. There is 4" in the front with some odler pro comp springs and then I have 4-4.5" in the rear with currie HD springs.
Absolutely true. Cleaning and prep is the most important step. I used some cheap brass brushes, razor blades, and a 3M Roloc bristle to clean things up. Then I just used Permatex Ultra-Black when putting it all back together along with proper toque. Many people say to use The Right Stuff, but I tried it on my oil pan and it was extremely difficult the next time I had to remove the pan.
Not a fan of the halo, but these are very highly rated for Jeeps on amazon, and 1/2 the price: there's a 20% coupon right too.
I got one at o'reilly's...but in full disclosure it was to replace another one the previous owner purchased there fairly recently so I'm not sure it the first on was defective.
You'll also want a radiator funnel kit:
The job is pretty straight forward. One word of warning: Do not leave for a few minutes while your car is running and you are bleeding air out of the radiator may get radiator fluid all over the place. Don't ask me how I know :(
Its called ibolt roadvise with the ball mount and its on a ram ball mounting plate and arm. I had to drill the ram plate out to fit the cable clamp that i used to mount it on the windshield bar (hope the link works)
If you notice puddles under the Jeep you can try to determine where it might be dripping down from. Check the water pump, thermostat housing, all your hoses. If you have no luck with that get a bottle of uv dye and a black light flashlight from Walmart. I had a leak coming from a tiny pinhole on a freeze plug I never would’ve found without this stuff. (InterDynamics Certified AC Pro Radiator Leak Detector Dye for Cars & Trucks & More, 1 Oz, 375CS, Engine Cooling Systems UV Dye, Universal
amazon link above. They are just cheap headlights but the quality seems not bad so far. Not sure if they dazzle on coming drivers but I don't drive my jeep much at night.
Could be 2 faults as with mine (i've only fixed one so far);
Fault 1, blower motor relay (controls fan speed), purchased from amazon and replaced and fan works on all speeds now.
Fault 2, vacuum line fault on the blower position switch or the switch itself. I haven't got round to fixing this part of my problem as it could cost a little more.
actually i think the h4 conversion was rough country or something similar.
the LEDs i currently have are by LX-light.
DOT Approved 7'' Black LED Headlights + 4 ''Cree LED Fog Lights for Jeep Wrangler 97-2017 JK TJ LJ
note i'm not sponsored or paid by them. just sharing incase other jeepers needed a suggestion.
i think my only regret is.. my jeep has the oem style fog lights, And i bought the set thinking i'd replace them as well. i realize now, i want pencil beams low and a light bar for floods up front, instead of the fogs. i think i'll buy a small set of pencils, and move the fogs/driving lights low and to the back.
I like the sliders. I had sliders on my 98 TJ.
I like 6500. Check the heat switch, those go bad. Its the slider lever style.
If you can wait I would try to get an 03-06. There are some updates that you will appreciate.
One other thing, when I lived in SoCal it would get so hot that I cursed for not getting AC. I know it’s a jeep but the dry heat of Cali deserts will make you wish you had the AC.
Otherwise on my 98, I replaced the mirrors with the 03-06 mirrors. The older mirrors rust funny and sag after a while.
You may want to load CPlusforcfaigslist on your phone. It will check multiple cities. You may find something in NorCal or SoCal or Arizona.
I'm thinking about getting two of these
TOTALFLOW TF-U600 Natural Finish 6" 304 Stainless Steel Saddle U-Bolt Exhaust Muffler Clamp 6"
(the size I'll need)
Then drilling a hole through the base and putting a bolt through the hole, with a washer and a wing nut to clamp the lift down
And mounting it my roll bar, tucked as high as the hard top will allow, thoughts on that?