Get something like this for recovery
Cold Therapy Machine — Cryotherapy Freeze Kit System — for Post-Surgery Care, ACL, MCL, Swelling, Sprains, and Other Injuries — Wearable, Adjustable Knee Pad — Cooler Pump with Digital Timer
First of all, I want to assure you that you aren't alone. I still feel sick and panicky when I flash back to lying on the ice.
Second, talk you your doctor about this. Tell them that this has happened enough times that the fear of experiencing the pain again is interfering with your daily activities. Get a referral to a therapist or counsellor. Trust me, I know dealing with doctors can be a nightmare, especially when you have a chronic illness. But the way you're feeling is totally valid and you deserve to be able to talk about with someone.
In the meantime, white noise or soundscape generators (I like, a weighted blindfold, progressive muscle relaxation, and a set bedtime routine have all helped me deal with anxiety-induced insomnia.
Best of luck to you, friend.
I went to the doctor and they said it was something called Osgood-Schlatter disease. I don't know if this is the same thing as Jumper's Knee, though. Sounds really similar in symptoms and treatment.
I have a meniscus tear on my left knee from a fall. Ortho didn't recommend surgery. I've been working to strength the muscles around the knee and like the run that you did, any serious work and I pay for it later. It actually feels like it's the cyst that formed this is giving me all the trouble.
Anyway, I picked up a compression brace on Amazon. First day, it felt miraculous. Weeks later, no longer miraculous but the fact that it's keeping the inflammation down has made a huge difference.
I know, it's not a permanent fix, but at this point, it's better than nothing.
They gave me a soft brace with metal hinges before the surgery and then when you leave the hospital you’re in a giant hard brace.
If you are looking for a simple knee brace that gives some nice compression and a little support I've had luck with this one on amazon. it's pretty affordable. But if you need something a little heavier duty i'd look elsewhere
Good luck! I have a quad MPFL reconstruction, tibia realignment, and some cartilage repair on the 26th! I'm nervous as hell. I've had knee problems for years now. I'll suggest some amazon purchases that will make your time in bed way way:
My butt gets so numb being bed ridden and sometimes it is hard to sleep through back pain when you can't lay on your side. The option to sleep upright is very relieving. Also, just have lots of pillows to tweak your positioning is extremely helpful.
Don't get non fleece ones because they are slippery
The folding chair will fit over the edge of the tub so someone can help you wash your hair when getting in the bath is too much. Then the stool will make it easier and more enjoyable to actually bathe when you can.
A really long charging cable so you can charge your phone easily without having to move.
I recommend a nice large water bottle so you don't have to torture yourself or a family member when you need a drink!
A basket of sorts to store all your stuff next to the bed so it's easier to reach.
Also, don't be embarrassed to have to do things in really ridiculous ways. The last time I dislocated my knee I had a lot of pain and I couldn't be upright for a couple days without basically having a mental breakdown. I brushed my teeth in bed and would just spit water into a large Tupperware. Also, I kept a container of sanitary wipes when it was too much to get up and wash my hands for something like handling a cat treat or such. Sometimes instead of washing my face I would just use a toner and cotton pads I kept next to me. Lastly, the best advise is probably don't be afraid to ask for help!
The Coldest Knee Ice Pack Wrap, Hot and Cold Therapy - Reusable Compression Best for Meniscus Tear, Injury Recovery, Bursitis Pain Recovery, Sprains, Swelling and Rheumatoid Arthritis (Knee Ice Pack)
Thanks, I’ll take look.
I’ve had an ACL repair and an osteotomy, about 14 years ago. Mainly because my meniscus is half gone and the surgeon said I’d need a total knee replacement in about 10 years. So, I’m trying to avoid that.
I originally thought your post was about collagen injections. I do take collagen supplements and it does feel like my general joint health is better. The benefits do seem to disappear when I stop taking it.
Marine Collagen Peptides. Hydrolyzed Protein Powder for Joints, Skin, Hair, Nails & Digestion - Made in Canada
Hey there,
I posted a few days ago about my recovery from a meniscus repair. Devastating is the right word--especially for your injury. It sounds really brutal, and I'm so sorry it happened. Screws!!!!! In your knee!!!!! And I entirely understand about the trauma of getting there. Not to mention the realization that you're suddenly stuck in this reality--that makes me pretty claustrophobic. The pain, the muscle loss, the dependence on others, it's all so much to deal with, all at once. But there really is no way to go but forward.
I don't really have advice to give. I'm in the same boat. It's been so calming for me to hear from others who have been in this situation or are currently in it. Because yes, I too was really autonomous. I'm athletic and I miss exercise so much. I'm zeroed in on PT. It freaks me out so much (I can't bend my knee at all right now, by the time I go to PT, it'll be three weeks with it kept locked straight) but it's also a chance to reclaim some control over my own body, my own recovery.
How are you icing it? Did they give you an ice machine? That didn't work too well with me, so I'm using one of those old fashioned looking ice bags and I really like it.
I'd suggest a real ice wrap. The gel kind that can be used over and over. I have this one: Elasto Gel, Hot/Cold Wrap, 9 X 24, you have to use it a few times before it works 100%, but it's what my last physical therapy office uses.
If heat is her thing, nothing beats a decent heating pad. Get a really good one with several settings.
Don't shirk on PT. It suuuccckkssss.... but if you get a good PTist who works with you, it makes all the difference in the world. I had no idea when I was younger that I could request someone different if they didn't fit my style (I got a "drill sergeant", and I don't need to be pushed), so I ended up doing more harm than good by overtaxing myself, and being in pain all the time during recovery. I never really got better, and ultimately ended up doing more damage.
Best of luck to your mom. She's lucky to have you helping her.