You might not know, but this books exists. It's useless, a giant suck up to Elon Musk and his genius:
Musk Mania: Elon Musk’s Five Insane Principles Of Success
So - I’m not saying I’m a fucking Genius - however by reading the product manual it seems the device requires semi frequent descaling - a warning light actually appears to tell you this.
The company (Breville) also actually sells the descaler and actually has a picture of that espresso machine on the box. here.
So let’s piece together what really happened. Mr “FinOps” bought a man espresso machine, failed to read its instructions which clearly specify that some kind of regular cleaning is required. He then ignored the warning light telling him that a clean should be performed, and continued to not clean his device.
After ignoring all the warning signs and not actually being interested in how the device should be operated, The device finally stops working. To him this is exciting enough to spend 4+ hours opening the thing up to trying to figure out what has gone wrong and for him to then implement some kind of plan and perform an action to remedy the situation.
Yep, it’s not “FinOps” that’s exciting or whatever you cunt, you’re just fkn lazy as fuck and reactive.
The true loonies are the 120, 000+ folks who bothered to cast a vote in this inane poll.
Just kidding. No one can compete with Brigette when it comes to LI lunacy. For a good laugh, check out this copy from her latest book, which she's shilling in the space where normal people (i.e., non-lunatics) put their job descriptions:
>Leading the Workforce of the Future mandates new levels of self-awareness. As the workplace evolves in the direction of innovation, digitalization, and rapid change, leaders must follow suit in order to remain relevant and engaging to this multigenerational workforce.
Imagine trying to get through more than a paragraph of this idiocy. Yet the book has the most syncophantic reviews I've ever seen on Amazon, as folks fall over themselves to praise the author as the second coming of Warren Buffet. Some even take photos of themselves holding the book, as if it were a holy talisman. Brigette isn't going to see that and give you a job, aspiring loonies. Namely because she has no jobs to give.
But perhaps the funniest thing about it all is that this phoney best-seller was published by a company founded by Brigette, herself (MBA Caribbean Organisation). In other words, even with all of her lunatic followers, she couldn't interest a traditional publisher in her work. And let me tell you, they will publish pretty much anything that might make them a buck. (In fact, it looks like all of her books are published by this same outfit. What a fraud.)
I follow Adam Shostack. He wrote the book on threat modeling:
IIRC the other person's post about filtering spam was his justification for this.
Similar to this, one guy connected Indian Epic Ramayana with Cyber security -
You can see hundreds, if not thousands, of similar low quality LinkedIn posts from Indians connecting some Indian shit with their industry and claiming Indian gurus knew this millions of years before.
When i was in Switzerland for my internship i took a shit. I learnt that there is great joy in letting go. Then i took a salsa class (i am a well rounded personality you know) i took a shit and learnt that dancing with diarrhea is a bad idea. Then i wrote a book which people bought during the pandemic when stores ran out of toilet paper.
Link to the description of my book is here. As you will appreciate, its less of a book and more a 200 page quora humble brag post about my story. Did i mention i went to Switzerland for my internship. Or that i know salsa? No? Ive mentioned that in my book many times. Please upvote, uh-oh i meant buy my book.
Your view of software dev severely clashes with modern conventional best practices. Human readability might be THE most important consideration while writing maintainable software. Maintainability is key to efficient teamwork, feature additions and bug fixing. Good code documents itself. Code that relies on documentation to explain it runs a heavy risk that the documentation will eventually fall behind and sink into irrelevancy and become technical debt. Here's a book for ya.