> I card won't even show up on my computer now when I plug it in.
Because it's been formatted by iTunes. Go to Computer Management > Disk Management, find your card there, delete all partitions manually and create new FAT32 partition. Or you can use free program called Rufus. It can easily format a card from iPod, just choose Non bootable in Boot selection dropdown list.
That is a valid point. I personally don't use any of those to be honest.
Every spot I play music has an 1/8" cable to plug into and if not, I have a Bluetooth Transmitter that connects to the headphone jack for wireless headphones, cars, etc.
They do make these though: https://www.amazon.com/30-Pin-Adapter-Computers-Components-Accessories/dp/B08C59RS9P/ref=sr\_1\_3?dchild=1&keywords=30+pin+to+usb+c&qid=1628082465&sr=8-3
I'd look for a polishing wheel for a hand drill, one of the ones that's layers of cloth stacked together, and some jewellers rouge. Something like this kit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08SBDYBTY?ref\_=cm\_sw\_r\_cp\_ud\_dp\_NVHD4PKQ20HM63BMCAZP
Here you go! Bluetooth transmitter I saw this a while back in a YouTube video where someone used this to pair AirPods with a 1st gen Classic!