It isn't quite as convenient as autocomplete will be, but at least now linking to other attachments/notes/tags should be faster and less error-prone. Also those context menus are now shown in the quick open panel too.
PS. a couple minor bugs to fix, the dark theme to ultimate, and I'll release v1.5, stay tuned 馃憤
Upgrade to v1.9.0-beta.1:
There the app should remember your settings (and actually have a settings editor), among many other things.
Switch to the alphas and set "telemetry.enabled": false
and "updater.interval": -1
in your settings:
"Phoning home" is done to more reliably detect if you have an internet connection, disabling it entirely I think will break other things as well, like plantUML rendering, but I guess maybe you'd want them to break.
The "home" on the other side of that call is this stupid nginx server block btw, nothing fancier:
server {
listen ${NGINX_PORT};
server_name ${IP_DOMAIN};
location / {
default_type text/plain;
return 200 "$http_x_real_ip";
Good news! You can actually get most of that today by switching to the insiders releases:
Addressing your suggestions individually:
> Sync Scroll:
Available in 1.9beta1, but only when split-mode is active and it only works in the Editor -> Preview direction for now.
> 2) On relaunch, app should remember and keep Split View Mode. If on exit it had split view mode on.
The beta should remember that and a lot more.
> 3) Split View Mode icon should be permanent in top Toolbar, and not disappear after exiting Split View Mode. It should toggle it in and off.
That's how it works in the betas.
> 4) Ability to disable exit confirmation popup.
We got rid of it in the betas.
> 5) Have a Settings popup that toggles on various options. Auto_save, etcThis can be built upon later.
There's a settings thing in the beta, but it's somewhat barebones and autosave can't be disabled completely, I don't think it would be good to have a setting that disables that completely actually.
> 6) Tree structure of Working directory and it's files (and subfolders) in the left sidebar column. There are probably plugins for this but don't know which myself. To make closing easier.
We don't have that yet, but it should basically come by v1.9 final I think.
We don't really have plugins either yet, but in the betas you can inject some custom CSS and JS into the app.
> This will become popular as more use it. I've been using it about two years. I think a basic version on MS Store and future updates on GitHub will help Spread the word. I was going to post on GitHub, then saw the reddit sub. It's a great app.
Yeah, I'm waiting for v1.9 to be ready before kind of relaunching the app.
> Can I do bidirectional links in Notable now?
Not yet, however in some sense you can by using links to search queries but that's super not ergonomic.
> If not, are there any special features of Notable compare to Obsidian or Zettr?
It depends on what you mean by special, and I'm not as familar with those other apps as I am familiar with Notable. I'd say try the alphas of v1.9 as see for yourself:
The feature you are describing is currently not implemented, there's an issue tracking it here:
I think it will take a while to get implemented as it's a bit tricky to implement, and there are more pressing features to implement first (like tags autocompletion), but sooner or later we'll get there.
Hey! Yeah I kind of use them both but for different things. I use Todo+'s *.todo
files for issue tracking/task management on small existing projects, but since I'm currently mostly working on Notable, which uses GitHub for issue tracking, I'm not using those very often nowadays. I use Todo+ for finding my //TODO
comments quite regularly though. I use Notable instead for general note-taking. For day-to-day task management I use Noty.
I don't think Todo+ and Notable will be integrated in any meaningful way, but once support for a narrow mode gets implemented I'll replace Noty with Notable, and I also plan to add some task management features to Notable, so in some measure I'll probably also use Notable instead of *.todo
files in the future.
Hi, that's already the case :-)
Have a look at the tutorial for more info
> How do I search my note?
The app doesn't support that yet, amazingly, it will be implemented in the next insiders release ( For now the best option is to have like a third-party text editor like vscode and click the button at the top-right in the toolbar that will open the current note in an external text editor, then you search using that. Obviously there should be just a search bar inside the app for each note, that's coming in the next insiders build.
> Also, there isn't an 'About Notable' entry in the Help menu, this is unacceptable
> /s I know it's in the 'Notable' menu.
What OS are you under? Assuming you are under Windows or Linux and you are using v1.8 then if you switch to the insiders builds ( there the app menu got tweaked a little bit to follow platform conventions more closely, and the about menu item should be in the right spot. If it isn't let me know.
This is actually basically already supported, first of all you need to be on the betas, then you need to inject some custom CSS insto the app via the built-in "Custom CSS/JS Editor", then you need to write something like this:
html[data-export="pdf"] .preview {
font-size: 1.25rem !important;
Basically you can leverage the "data-export" attribute to write some CSS that's only active when exporting to a specific mode.
App went closed source since v1.5.1. Source for that and older versions are still on GitHub, but otherwise the repository only contains readme and changelogs now.
Thanks for the feedback 馃憤 I think we are tracking all that on github already. The custom CSS editor has already been implemented, you can find it in the alphas of v1.9: The shortcuts stuff should be simple enough to implement, I'll work on that after v1.9 is released. Notebooks management should definitely be improved somewhat.
I'll add an option for this probably in v1.10:
Right now you can't really do that, unless you replace all the forward slashes in your tags with an hyphen (-) or something, but then tags won't really be nested.
Spell checking isn't implemented just yet:
As a workaround you'll have to basically perform the spell-checking with another tool, you could set-up spell-checking for your standalone text editor and open notes with it when you need to perform spell-checking. This is a bit of a terrible workaround though as if you need spell-checking you kinda always need it I think :/
This is one of the most requested features, it'll be implemented sooner rather than later.
Let's track this here: and
Those kind of self-referencing links are pretty easy to implement, and we kind of support them already actually, the tricky bit is finding all references to the current now, an approximation is pretty easy to implement but accounting for all possible ways a note could link to another is tricky.
By "more up front" you mean by announcing this earlier than 8 months ago and taking it closed-source ~4 months later?
> and credit the people that contributed to the project
How much of the app do you think has been built via external PRs as a percentage? I'd be happy to give them credit, and I mean their contributions are on the commits history it's not like I've erased them from history or something, what do you think I should do?
There's no quick way to fix the situation unfortunately, it will be fixed properly by implementing custom scrollbars and a custom titlebar, which is what VSCode does.
In v1.6 though I've added a shortcut for toggling the menu bar, that should get rid of some of the white at least.
Have you tried the last beta?
Many things are work in progress, many things should be working pretty well. Beta10 should be able to print directly, though I haven't really tried that myself as I don't own a printer, but it should export pretty reliably to a variety of formats.
When you want to generate a shareable link for a note the app renders that note and sends it to the server, then the server gives it to the client if it knows the right URL.
This only happens when you explicitly request the link, and these links are by default set to expire in 24h.
If you are on the betas ( you can change the url where notes are send to (perhaps to a dummy one), you can also delete the sharing button via css.
> I don't understand your placeholder @attachment. This placeholder tries to simplify ../attachments path prefix
It's not just a placeholder for ../attachments
, sometimes you may need ../../attachment
or something else, @attachment
abstracts that difference away.
> Do you have some good practice to solve problem with images?
Since we don't have a mobile app yet I think you'd have to manually write the relative path yourself for compatibility. I'll expose a setting for making this automatic.
> Second question is about code highlighting.
Are you on the last beta?
The same engine and grammars used by vscode are now used basically, though the theme need tweaking, if something doesn't look right with that please send me some snippet of code for me to try.
I found an existing issue for this now, and made a comment here:
:-) Would be amazing if this could be implemented. It's super convenient!
You can open a github issue about this, I don't remember if we have one already:
This is something that could either get implemented by the app itself (although it's a little tricky, if you have 10 dark themes and 10 light themes what should happen?) or by some extension in the future.
Is this issue happening with beta5? (
If it is could you send me some files that I can use to reproduce the problem at ?
Amazing release! Notable keeps getting better and better!
I noticed a few color issues but didn't know how or where to report them so I posted issues to the regular GitHub repository.
The minimap has a red background in dark theme
Custom colors aren't properly applied during startup
Awesome, clean looking website!
>I want to make the app look pretty for everyone, so I'd like to hear some feedback from our Windows and Linux users, do you like how the app looks? What would you change?
As a Windows user you read my mind. I primarily use dark mode so the bright titlebar and scrollbar is a huge distraction.
I think it'd be a great idea to have custom titlebar and scrollbar. Even Microsoft's own VS Code (which is also electron-based) use a custom title bar, not a standard Windows one. The menu bar is merged into the title bar so there is less wasted space too.
In fact I actually hacked together a custom menubar/scrollbar for Notable and it looks much much better IMO.
It is closed source but at least the data is stored in an open format that can be easily opened by other apps.
The last (beta) release is from January of this year:
You might want to join the chat ( there's more of an active discussion there than here in the subreddit.
Monetization wise I've said many times that the app will mainly sell a subscription for using the mobile app and related future services (version control, some collaborative editing features etc.)
It's possible, but with third-party programs.
I'm currently using Phoenix for this:
There are most probably more user-friendly tools for this, I just don't know anyone.
Regarding the snap packages being slow point. I did find a blog post from snap team that talks about time performance improvements but you can still see that even after the improvements snap packages do take a bit more time on load
If you're on macOS: nvUltra (when it eventually comes out), will support multiple folders
At the moment I use The Archive
If you switch to the betas I think all of those got resolved already (unless some of those got address in the current development build, which I haven't released yet):
There's a command for that in the latest beta ( The next beta will have some powerful new commands that allow you to write shortcuts that insert in the editor whatever you want, where "whatever you want" is the result of an arbitrary JS expression.
There have been some showcase examples of this in the chat (
There's a global graph implemented in v1.9 beta1:
It will receive some important updates in the next beta though, you might find it buggy right now.
The local graph is probably coming 1 or 2 more betas down the line.
(There's a 3D graph implemented too which is kinda cool)
Hello there 馃憢 You might want to start with v1.9 beta directly if you are a new user (
Answering your questions:
Switch to v1.9 beta (
Thanks for sharing this, it's useful for me to hear what people like and don't like about the app. Maybe you could write a complementary "10 Things I Hate About Notable!" down the line, that would be interesting too.
I would guess that you are on v1.8.4, if you have a lot of time to spare today you could switch o v1.9 beta 0 (, there's a whole lot more in there, at this point it has received about double the amount of development time compared to v1.8.4.
> the picture won't load
How is that picture linked to?
> the tags will lost
This is more of Joplin's problem really, Notable stores tags as an array of strings as the value of the "tags" property in the frontmatter section, I don't think you can get any more portable than this. Joplin I think keeps this sort of metadata in an internal database, you can't ask Notable to output that kind of database that Joplin can read, Joplin has to do the processing.
> and there is a text on top of it
That's the frontmatter section, e.g. an open way to store metadata about your notes.
> How do I export it properly?
It depends on what you mean by "properly" really, ideally you would have Notable rewriting Notable-specific things and Joplin just making sense of the output.
Switching to v1.9 alpha 19 might fix this for you:
The colon in the filename is replaced with something that looks like a colon precisely in order to avoid the OS complain about it.
There's no set date, essentially what's left to do is fixing a handful of bugs, writing the updated documentation and reimplementing search.
In the meantime experimental builds for v1.9 are released here:
> There's a mention in the readme, in the comparison table, there's no "LICENSE" file in the repo, there's a "" file that explain this and the old open-source version of the app has been pushed down the git history.
I was talking about the yeah but It's a bit at the bottom and hard to see, tbh there is not much you can do:
> I could perhaps change the icon that links to github with one more related to issue tracking maybe
I think that this would solve 95% of the complaints. We always assume software to be closed source by default but when people see the github icon they might go "oh this is open source".
> I could perhaps mention somewhere explicitly in the website also that the app is not open source (currently there isn't really a section where to put this I think, I should probably add a footer to the landing page or something), anything else? Thoughts?
This is really optional If you changed the github icon, but as a bonus you can put it in an "about" section, "license" or at the footer page.
> I only see one set of tabs/groups here. How do you have more sets of tabs/folders like in onenote?
I'm not sure what that means.
> There's also a confirmation on exit, how to disable that?
Switch to the alphas of v1.9 or wait for v1.9 to be released:
> Is also any to keep rich formatting when copying onto it?
> has tabs/folders
v1.9 has tabs. Folders in the filesystem have kind of always been supported.
> has subtabs within main tabs/folders
I've never heard of subtabs.
> prefer main tabs/folders on left side
The current layout of the app can't really be changed in that way.
That's not implemented yet, we are tracking that here:
Linking to sections that are not identifiable by headings is trickier to do given how Markdown works, but eventually if that's a feature people want I'll try to implement that too.
> It'd be nice to have a shortcut to paste text as a fenced code section immediately
I think that you can have already as a custom, somewhat complicated, shortcut configured in the alphas of v1.9
> maybe even with highlighting recognition
That sounds difficult to do, but maybe we can detect when code is copied from apps like VS Code, which should write somewhere some metadata about that snippet of code, and read that.
> Also an option to maybe reformat the content with e.g. Prettier would be nice.
That will be implementable a custom command registered via a plugin.
> Web hosted version of the tool, i.e. accessible from anywhere with a browser?
That's probably the most important thing to implement in the near future. I would say potentially after v1.9 is out I could get a rough version of the app running in the browser in a couple of weeks, maybe less, it's probably going to take 2~4 months to get something polished that actually works though.
> I understand you're working on an Android synced version - presumably that would use the same hosting as above and working through a subscription model?
Yes, at least as a start, right now I don't have the manpower to maintain a separate codebase for Android and iOS.
> What's the expected monthly cost for both?
Maybe around 5$/month for the subscription, I haven't run the numbers on this yet.
> For the online model, will there be a possibility to ensure encrypted data (i.e. all data gets decoded and encoded client side)?
I think we'll have end-to-end encryption from the get go, yeah.
> Will there ever be a way to structure things in a folder-like architecture, or will it always be tags? (i dislike tags)
I'd say there will always be tags, but also in the future the notebooks structure will be synchronized with the filesystem too, so I guess we'll have both at some point. In the second half of this comment there's outlined how this would work:
Potentially in the far future somebody should be able to make a vscode-like filesystem tree as a plugin and you would be able to switch to that if you like. I'm not too keen on switching to that myself because tags and notebooks makes more sense to me, plus there wouldn't really be a filesystem on mobile/web.
> Minimize to tray when clicking X button (now it displays 'are you sure?' popup)
Let's track this here:
> Remember display settings. I don't usually use the sidebar, so it's really frustrating to close it every time I open Notable.
Implemented already, among many other things that are now remembered, including the undo/redo histories for the last recently used editors, in the alphas of v1.9:
Quite a few, some are listed in the comparison table:
The main ones IMHO are that you can't really edit many notes at once with an external tool with Joplin, the interface in Joplin is was less polished, and if you try the v1.9 alphas of Notable ( I'd say probably quite a few things are more advanced (settings, theming, command palette etc.)
> My guess is that when the app scanned my notes for unreferenced attachments, it thought these were unreferenced because the smart sync'ed notes themselves showed up as empty.
I don't think so, because the app doesn't just check for unreferenced attachments, and it doesn't care how much data is inside them.
You should switch to v1.9 alpha which should be more reliable:
It's possible that the app deleted those attachments if you removed them from all notes that had them, but the app should have asked you for a confirmation before doing that, I suppose there wasn't any confirmation in your case, right?
It may have something to do with Dropbox' Smart Sync, however attachments aren't actually read by the app so I'm not sure about that 馃
You'd probably want to switch to one of the alphas of v1.9 as there attachments are never deleted and nothing is really deleted but rather moved to the OS' trash:
> is there a way to format image links so they can be resized?
In v1.9 you can append something like this to fix the rendered size: =300x250)
(with a space before the equals sign), other discussions regarding different interpretations of this question:
> does anyone know if notable supports formatting to where a mouseover would display an image?
Not possible yet.
This is already implemented, it will be available in v1.9, in the meantime you can play with one of the alphas here:
> Also, is there a way to view the tags for a note inline with the text without having to click the little tag button or using the keyboard shortcut?
Not yet.
Great work! Tabs in particular will be a great improvement to my workflow.
I may be in the minority, but I really do prefer the more compact view (mentioned around 1:05) and being able to see more items in the sidebars. I don't find the current view cluttered at all.
The command palette doesn't work for me (Ubuntu). Instead, CTRL+P pulls up the same menu as CTRL+O -- the option to switch to a new note/attachment. I have similar issues with some of the other shortcuts, like in 751, which suggested using the command palette as a solution. However, I am unable to access the command palette at all.
> A custom title bar would be OK, but it would probably look horrible to anyone who doesn't have the one specific theme you designed it for.
Probably true, that's also why it will be optional on Linux. All colors are customizable though, so with a bit of fiddling around one could make it look nice under any theme I think.
> I was thinking more of a "normal" title bar with integrated buttons that most applications use like these that would still look good if you switch themes like in here.
We can't use those nice native titlebars as the app is based on Electron.
> (speaking of, the menu bar reappears every time I re-open Notable. Can you make it's hidden state persistent in the next version? It's kind of infuriating)
Yes, that's easily doable now, let's track that here:
> Also, I'm jealous of the Mac OS app, looks even better than the one on Linux.
It's all about the kind of missing titlebar and menubar ;) We'll manage to reimplement an (optional) custom titlebar and menubar on Linux too at some point that should look nicer than the default one, possibly
> Just one question: Will uncategorized notes be somewhere obvious (like an 'untagged' tag)? If not, you should probably have a visual indicator (the 'Notes' button highlighted in red or something) to remind us that the note isn't categorized).
The "Untagged" section is still present, would that suffice?
You can download the app from here too:
The website is loading just fine for me, can you tell me which OS and browser you are using and roughly where you are located?
> The PDF export added extra spaces in some places that I wasn't expecting (not a huge issue).
If you can find how to reproduce this issue reliably could you open an issue on github about this so that we can keep track of it?
> Yes, just one or two lines. Like an email client.
We are tracking that here:
> So long as it ensures privacy, I'd be fine with that.
It's in my interest too to make a service people can trust.
> Thanks for Notable too. It's close to perfect in terms of my use case. I'd like to be able to contribute through a subscription - so long as it allows me to compose and sync from mobile.
Thanks! We don't have quite an offering yet, but you can start sponsoring me today on GitHub if you'd like, and gain access to our real-time chat
We are tracking this here:
I actually have most of the code needed for this written already, I just even integrated it with the app yet.
I have one question about this feature though, should the source code of those rows get sorted too when sorting a table? 馃 I would guess no, but maybe in some cases you'd want that.
> If there is a lot of data in the table, you can think about a filter.
Stay tuned 馃槈
Cross product
could have the tag Notebooks/General knowledge/Math/Linear algebra
. I want to keep each note short and self-contained, so I often split parts of a long complicated note into separate notes (for example, I might have a note called Feedback control
under the tag .../Control Systems
. Then I create several notes tagged .../Control Systems/Feedback control
with content that is not important enough to put in the main note). The way Notable works currently, navigating this hierarchy is very cumbersome, mainly because selecting a tag shows all notes with that tag or children of that tag.That's provided by the desktop environment/OS and we can't style that, however we have an issue on GitHub tracking reimplementing the menubar entirely, so that it can styled:
Are you on Windows?
We are tracking that here:
Issue related to plugins:
Regarding the fork usually if you can fork v1.5.1 and submit a PR I would most likely be able to port that over to my branch.
> Since this project went closed source we can't build on different architecture right
Not the newer versions no.
> I was wondering if we could get a build for ARM processors? I'm thinking of the SOC market (RPi, Pine, etc.)
Maybe, I'm not sure if the tools I'm using for bundling the app support making ARM builds, let's track this here:
You can also use the multi-note editor for this:
For a much simpler way of doing this keep an eye on:
> Havent found a search function to find text in a note yet
Not implemented yet:
> Buggy rendering.
How so? Can you provide some specific examples?
> Unsafe storing of files.
I've replied to this in your other post.
> With a subscription, that doesn't seem to work for me.
I'm sympathetic to this feeling, but we can't host arbitrary amounts of content for arbitrarily long on with just a one-time payment, it's just not going to happen.
If you won't need that though you can keep using the desktop app for free forever.
I see two issues here:
The writing operation on disk ultimately failed, and the app kind of ignores it, which is big issue, even though it happens on pretty rare edge cases I'd say.
The files got deleted. I'm not sure how this can happen 馃 We are writing files atomically for this exact reason. Could you provide some more insight on the nature of the edits you made that cause the note to be deleted? For instance did you edit its title? If so was the new title already being used by any other note?
If you could provide me a sample AsciiDoc note with tables and related slides I should be more able to understand your use case better. Possibly what you want to achieve if it's not doable today it will be doable at some point in the future once plugins are implemented
> By "pdf extract" I mean an exact content of my note in a pdf. Today I export as html and then print to pdf the html export.
Why don't you just export to PDF directly?
This should be made smoother once we add printing support right from within the app, so that you can export a single PDF without having the wrapping folder, print it without having leftover files, and preview the generated PDF without generating any files.
> I would like inline pdfs like inline images
> inline images via dragndrop
I suppose I could implement it so that if you press Shift the image is embedded and rendered, otherwise it's just linked to 馃
I think none of those links should really be used as they suffer from the same issue: if the linked note gets renamed then they break. Once we switch to UUIDs I'll add support for much more resilient kind of links based on them.
Links 1 and 2 are also problematic on their own as they can be ambiguous, say I have a note named "", now once I write that, is the link supposed to point to the note or to the website?
That being said links 1 and 2 work now in my development branch and will work in v1.8.3, but given how they are ambiguous they may work unreliably if the problem isn't able to understand if they are supposed to point to files or websites.
For now I'd say if you're looking for maximum compatibility use link 2, but explicitly write the relative path starting with a dot (this should work in v1.8.2 too):
2. [link to 07 - Shortcuts](./]
Good questions. I'd like to try to reproduce this issue, are there any particular steps I should follow?
I was just about trying to reproduce this other issue (, that sounds related to OP's, and I can actually reproduce it, so perhaps once I solve that I'll solve OP's issue as well.
It's not possible right now, this issue will be resolved shortly after we adopt the new configuration library, which we'll adopt in the next 1.x release. We are tracking this here:
This isn't quite possible here, we are tracking custom fonts here:
But you could open up the devtools from the Help menu and insert your custom CSS that way, as long as you don't close the app changes will be preserved.
> but is there a way to fix this issue quickly, just by ignoring any existing front_matter for instance ?
You could run a search and replace across your notes and replace the ---
characters delimiting your existing front matter with something else, so that you are sure the app isn't deleting content. Let's track preserving existing additional properties here. I'll see if I can get at least this done in one of the upcoming patch releases.
I'm not really familiar with CJK languages, I think currently the app is using the system's default font, what you want is basically just use a different font, right? If so we are tracking that here. Perhaps a customly developed font for Notable itself may be developed in the (far) future 馃.
We don't have one yet. But the TL;DR is: your data is stored locally, there are no accounts, the only bits of telemetry implemented right now are described here:
There could be some advantages but right now I'd argue these advantages are outweighed by the disadvantages of being open source, I don't know if you've read or followed the recent discussion here in this subreddit about taking the app closed source.
Anyway this decision isn't set in stone, I'll reconsider it once the app becomes sustainable.
> closed code
You should read this, and this was recently discussed at length in the subreddit in another thread.
> telemetry
You gotta need to know how people use your product right? You can't optimize what you can't measure. Like I could go blindly about it, but I will make mistakes without data.
> not being able to manually remove shared/uploaded note
It's still an experimental feature, the final version would allow you to do that.
> not keeping clean a config file
Settings will be rewritten in v1.9 as I mentioned and they will become more like VSCode settings, which I think is a great approach.
> That's the example note which worked until now.
Could you post an actual note file that reproduces the problem? You can also email me at .
> And there's a lot of them (and I've got a long list, like literally).
Could you list them? I want to fix them as much as you do, ultimately Notable will succeed if it's a better product than what's available now, not if it's just another buggy note-taking app.
Hello there, I have an update for you guys today.
First of all this update unfortunately doesn't include all the most exciting features I've been working on recently, like customizable settings and shortcuts, as properly integrating those into the app will take me some more time.
There are still some interesting features in v1.8 though, most notably:
I'd invite you to read the full changelog to learn more about this release.
There might be a patch release coming, as there have been a few bugs reported over the past few weeks which I'd like to address.
v1.9 will be mostly centered about customizable settings and shortcuts.
Last but not least thanks to all the nice people sponsoring me on GitHub.
I hope you like the update, see you soon 馃憢.
/u/fabiospampinato Best of luck for the YC stuff. For the patched release any chance you can release a Windows 32bit version? Based on your comment here it shouldn't be too complicated. Thanks in advance and keep up the great dev work!
> First you must install some emoji font. I installed this one.
I think we should probably detect if the current OS doesn't have an emoji font and provide one ourselves 馃
> Now, for add emojis on notebook name I found a bug that I'll report to GitHub repo.
I see you open the issue:
And there were 2 issues about this:
Help -> View Emojis
)> IMO the one you shared is pretty solid and it'll do it.
It looks good, but it doesn't handle the case where the window is so narrow that the entire menu/submenu doesn't fit.
> About acrylic - pretty please? 馃槄
We'll see, right now that's not a priority. And I don't think there's a switch for enabling acrylic/vibrancy under Windows in Electron yet, but I might be wrong about that.
> Also probably a bug, every time app is launched I have to manually adjust sidebars cuz my previous adjustments aren't saved. :c
Not a bug in theory, we just haven't implemented that yet:
> For most Notable users either is probably fine. For me, I need a hierarchy.
I'm not sure if you knew about this but tags are indefinitely nestable in Notable, so "finance/budgets/marketing" (1 tag) is not the same thing as "finance, budgets, marketing" (3 tags).
Wouldn't that solve your issue? Or you need notes separated at the filesystem level other than the app level? There's been some discussion about this actually, I'm still skeptical about its real long-term usefulness in practice, but I see a path that could lead us towards implementing that.
Notable does not now (and may never) support managing folder structures on disk. Instead, it strongly recommends using hierarchical tags over a flat folder structure. There's been a lot of discussion about this on Github:
From the developer:
> If you'd rather organize your notes by properly structuring your notes directory instead of using tags I recommend you using Typora, I've tried the macOS version and it's pretty good.
This looks nice! You should make a PR for it, because I'd like to see something like that in Notable myself. I love how VSCode handles the titlebar.
Personally, I'm also waiting for more of [url=]issue #339[/url] (Preserve more state across restarts) to make it into a release.
You can edit the CSS via the devtools (Help -> Toggle Developer Tools).
Support for some persistent custom CSS isn't implemented yet. I think though if you really wanted to achieve this you could unpack the app.asar
archive from the app (as you seem to be doing already?), editing the related files, re-creating app.asar
and putting it into place. I'm not exactly sure though if that works with signed apps and I haven't actually tried doing this myself.
This is explained at the bottom of the readme:, read also the linked pages to learn more about this.
The TL;DR is that the open-sourced version is an oldish version of the app, and the current version uses markdown-it.
> but how will these appear in the app? Something like "Subscribe to access this feature? :)
I don't know I haven't figured the UI/UX out yet, I guess the features could appear available to everyone, but for non-paying users a popup could be shown telling the user that the feature is actually available only for paying users or something.
If you're worried about me adding crappy "upgrade to pro" buttons if it can make you feel any better I dislike them too, and more importantly whatever button I add you can remove via the devtools today, and via a persistent custom JS file in the future.
> In theory, is it possible to keep using the current version without updating it?
Once I add proper settings to the app I'll add a setting for disabling automatic updates. Today if the app updates itself you could always downgrade it though, or you could firewall the app off the internet.
You can sort notes ascendingly or descendingly by title, modification date and creation date, other than that there isn't really any other way to sort notes.
Somebody proposed adding support for sorting notes manually, here, that's pretty tricky to implement but it sounds pretty useful.
In the future there might be also plugins that provide a custom sorting order, I think that could be interesting to have.
I see 2 possible feature requests here:
Being able to set a custom icon for tags, choosing between a set of pre-bundled icons, which is being tracked here.
Being able to set a totally custom icon also. I don't see this getting implemented in the near future, if ever. BUT, we'll add support for loading a custom JS file at startup, with that you'd be able to interact with the DOM and modify things however you like, and while we don't have this feature yet, you can already access the devtools (help -> toggle developer tools
) and write a script that replaces the default icons with your totally custom ones.
> I would like to hide "All Notes" and "Notebooks" (So that i see just my structure)
If you don't want to see the "Notebooks" section just don't tag your notes with "Notebooks/*" tags. Regarding hiding the "All Notes" section this seems overly specific, I suppose a setting could be added for hiding it, but I'm not sure if it should 馃
> remember state of the tree structure
> and remember last open note or a "landing" note
These are tracked here. I think they should get implemented in either v1.8 or v1.9.
This has been discussed at length here. The TL;DR is that isn't not currently possible, it may be implemented in the future ma I'm skeptical as there are some issues with it.
> Same difference. I'd rather drag a file than click>Copy>Click on app>Click>paste 'tho.
It's a matter of personal preference, some people prefer to ctrl+c/ctrl+v stuff around then to use the mouse.
Anyway I don't think we are on the same page on this, drag & drop is tracked here and has not been implemented yet.
I've tried Vnote and it crashes in my VM so I can't test this, if anybody else would like to confirm that copy/paste works the the same way in Notable as it does in Vnote it'd be appreciated.
Thank you :) There's an issue tracking that here. I haven't implemented this yet as it seems it will be tricky to implement, but many people have requested this so I'll try to work on it sooner rather than later.
> what notable should do
Yep, some of those alternatives are suggested in the issue mentioned:
Please debate there so its considered when the solution comes!
You make a very good point, and I see how you find useful your view, but there are instances in which my view is the useful one. In fact, in your example, there will be a moment in which (unless you have a miraculous memory) in which you will not be able to know which tags are for the "United States" in general and dont belong to a specific state. In your example its OK but for examples in which you would like to have some generic tags belonging to the main category (such as explanations, something that belongs to every subtag, etc) and want to find them regularly, basically you just cant. Nonetheless this is not a problem because will be configurable per every user. I encourage you to post your very useful example in the discussion:
Lets keep talking about it over github, just created a pull request which allows for single tag filtering in searches:
Feel free to open a new issue about that here.
This sounds like a way to edit tags faster, but IMHO that seems too specific, I don't think many people would want that. Also the more syntax we add the worse managing it all becomes. For instance you can already link to a tag via @tag/foo
, now, with your proposed syntax should that be be interpreted as a link or should we auto-add that tag? Also @Hans
sounds like a very natural way to tag other people, should we use that instead of automatically adding a tag? Probably not.
Not yet, but this sounds like a great application for plugins. It would be awesome if plugins could contribute custom actions to the footer of the table perhaps.
> PS: Is there progress on the Mobile App? (just curious)
I've been documenting myself more on what the best tool for implementing a mobile-optimized progressive web-app (which will be our initial form of mobile app), synchronization, version control etc. might be and I think I may have found a good candidate, I haven't written any code about this yet though.
The current plan is to spend a couple more iterations on improving the Electron app, as there are still many important features missing, like autocomplete. After that I want to kind of re-organize the app massively and write some core structures/libraries we need from scratch with the plugins architecture and the web-app in mind, I think this will take 2 or 3 months to get done, maybe more, as I'm personally also in the process of planning a relocation to another country so that's keeping me quite busy too.
There's no backed-in feature for this yet, let's track this here.
Currently I suppose there's probably a way to export those notes to HTML, or convert them to HTML, if you can do that then you'll "only" have to convert them again to Markdown. This might be a bit tricky as all these note-taking apps save notes slightly differently, but here there's the code I'm using for converting Evernote's notes to Markdown, perhaps most of that could be reused for OneNote too.