Honestly, the chef prob has their own recipe or lifted one from the NOMA guide to Fermentation.
Chefs know how to make good pickles, but often will go a little out of the box to make them unique and distinct from store bought. In places I’ve eaten/worked, pickle plates are a combination of different items that have been picked in different ways - meaning you’re getting multiple flavor profiles if you just eat them all together.
Whenever I order a house pickle plate (I.e. whenever I see one on a menu) I eat each item separately to see how they have been pickled. Keeps the flavors bright and doesn’t allow other pickled items to bully the flavor of others.
$14.84 & free shipping. They arrived in like 2-4 days. They are heaven on earth. Like with other Best Maid products, I just have to stop myself and remember to include other foods in my diet.
Sorry hit send before I meant to... You can find all the recipes for preserved lemons online. I love the recipe from A Boat A Whale and A Walrus.
For pasta it does great as a an add-on when you add in garlic. For salad just minced and added (or in the vinaigrette). When you toast it, it takes high heat amazing. Great with chicken or Brussels.
Anyways, I'm happy your interested. Have fun!
The orange buckets in home depot are NOT food grade. The white buckets have the food grade stamp on them, they are 8 bucks... if you feel that will be comfortable to mash the kraut def try it, only 8 bucks... for large batches of kraut I bought a very large mixing bowl 22 quart on Amazon 22 quart Amazon
This is the closet I’ve had to what you’re describing. Best Maid’s are a staple here in the South.
Best Maid Sour Pickles 1 Gal 18-22 count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007RZM9V4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_qNr-FbQ80BCCT
Van Holten's - Pickle-In-A-Pouch Jumbo Sour Pickles - Individually Pouched 12 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FKG9R0M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_kOr-Fb86A1C0N
Adding grape leaves or black will make your pickles crunchy, or you can add Pickle Crisp.