I got it off amazon, its the Kenneth Cole New York. It was my really big and only treat to myself after working my butt off full time this summer.
Ahh right, they looked similar to https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Meias-femininas-Masculinas-Fashion-Painting-Art-Socks-Mona-Lisa-The-Scream-Starry-Night-Short-Socks-Vintage/32532261017.html from a distance
I'm gonna dickride this jacket till the day I die
check out nike club/small swoosh hoodies or uniqlo hoodies. uniqlo is nice for affordable basics. for jeans, maybe 514 could work well? check out amazon for better deals on levis: https://www.amazon.com/Levis-Mens-Straight-Shoestring-34Wx32L/dp/B0018OQ6DC/ref=sr_1_1?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1480795921&sr=1-1&nodeID=1040658&keywords=levis%2B514&th=1
thrift is nice, just make sure stuff fits and don't compromise. it takes time to find quality stuff. i recommend going to cities or more metropolitan/wealthier areas for better items.
and congrats on the weight loss my friend! :) that's awesome.
They were $27.99 in size 7 kids, the price on Amazon depends on your size. Link if you're interested
they look better with wear, and FYI the sole of the shoe will turn black no matter what you do
Edit: here's the bushacres as well. They look about the same, except the sole is rubber instead of crepe, and I hear that the leather isn't as good as the other ones but that may not be true
This anorak is the fuckin shit
I copped in the sand color way. I get so many fuckin compliments on it, shits beautiful
this boot fits my military utility fetish
it's this or docks