This is the best I could find:
She speaks way faster, more natural and laughs a lot. So way more human-like than the interviews 10 years later.
"mythmaking" 46 min. - from last night is the first one.
There will be 6 total, one very late wednesday
I am in a similar boat, I haven't read Bad Blood yet but I did watch the Inventor. I just cannot decide her ethical standing honestly. I think it was interesting the one guy who said that it wasn't the same kind of fraud and deception because she did have the intent to make this. Her goal, and separating her from Madoff, is that she had kinetic energy toward her goal and a an end product.
I dont know, like I said I am in the same boat you are. I was listening to a new podcast I think called the hive ...
is it okay to link to outside sites here?
Well OP, oops I mean "sadandexchausted" maybe just pay attention to your conclusion, oops I mean OP's conclusion. Good points don't entail a conclusion. That's not how basic logic works. You're missing the forest for the trees. And I recommend a book in basic logic, perhaps this one: Informal Logic Fallacies
He was interviewed on one of the podcasts after the trial verdict, I think the Bad Blood one?
Tyler also did his own audiobook Thicker than Water
I first heard about her from this NPR Now episode of BioTech Nation, broadcast in early 2005. In this early interview, her voice does get somewhat normal in a few places, then it seems like she remembers and it gets low again. She claims the arm has thicker skin than fingers - so not true! She also talks about using different chips /cartridges, which she never did, but other companies did before this.
At 10:00 she also claimed here in April 2005 that her microfluidic device was already "going into the production phase" for actual monitoring of acute painkillers on a chip with to be released to a pharmaceutical partner by mid to late this year", i.e. 2005!!
So, she began LYING VERY VERY EARLY, because we know she was never close to getting the microfluidics to work, ever. The Edison was never in mass production. Pants on Fire.
Ooohh this one is good, looks smaller! Looks like if you search centrifuge tubes or microcentrifuge tubes you’ll get some good results.
Bigger than the actual nanotainer (I think), but it would work!
Maybe paint the cork part black? Your local craft/hobby store may sell them in smaller quantities.
Not sure why the article insinuates that she wrote the note because she thought she was "becoming Steve Jobs". The book Becoming Steve Jobs: The Evolution of a Reckless Upstart into a Visionary Leader by Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli came out in 2015, and is widely considered the best biography of Jobs. The simple explanation is that she wrote down the title so she could read it later.
The book you need to read to understand what happened here is Behave
In a nutshell, people believe what they want to believe... Elizabeth surrounded herself by powerful, old men who knew nothing of science... She impressed them, made then feel like a million dollars and promised them money and power... They wanted this to happen so they believe her even when others saw through Elizabeth and warn them
In their minds (EH and SB) they believed they were smarter than anyone around them and that all that was needed to produce the next revolutionary tech was to whip it out of people... The concept that very smart people had tried to accomplish this for decades was completely alien to them