sure always happy to help!
get something like this one for $10, it's just velcro but it works on me (IDK how much your flare is, I was able to squeeze out over 2 inches in over 1 month, so anything less than 2 inches should be game)
unlike your normal binder, you may have to wear it 24/7 to force the lower ribs back into place
It's not real, but there's products like this
Lots of people who try to diy medicine turn to all sorts of holistic woo and quackery so I wanted to know what exactly OP was talking about
Books like that are hard to find. I paid about $100 for Benjamin's The Transsexual Phenomenon.
I found Musings of Maria on Amazon.
There used to be an e-book as well, but it looks like that's gone now... I found and read it through one night when in absolute despair. The words of the author comforted me.
It's a term that has been proposed by a small number of activists who would like it to be applied to people who fit Harry Benjamin's Type 6 category. (Amazon link, but you can read the beginning of the book for free)