Ozone generator.. you can get one at Amazon
Enerzen O-777 - 11,000 mg/h Industrial Ozone Gene... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JAP7388/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_QKJWZE90VMQATCR6YH4F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you’re driving around at a fairly constant weight and no constantly loading and unloading I would bypass all that stuff and run a line with a schrader on it to each bag and then land the schrader somewhere easily accessible.
That’s how I run the bags on all my rigs(heavy heavy 1 ton rigs). I check the pressure with a gauge the same time I check my tire reassure. I have a compressor on my truck to air up if needed. A little 12v tire inflation compressor will work just fine. But you can air up at a service stations also. I drive a LOT of brutal rough roads and don’t have any issues with leaks. It’s simple and reliable
Run the lines directly to your bags and don’t T them together. One line for each bag.
Here is one for $130. There are a number on the market. We use to use a Havahart system it seemed to work fine, but that was about 6 years ago.
+1 for the milliard folding. we have this in the back of the truck and i sleep better on it than on the home mattress.
Not sure how your gauges are set up in the cab as far as including them in the lines so can't speak to that.
I'd get a kit like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DK7VRM6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_8QPXV3R09BGCNRMH85XN
You can just run the lines out to an easily accessible point and fill them at a gas station or from a small 12v compressor. The fitting you linked is made for permanent fixture and airing up would be difficult to control. I also don't have first hand experience with it but I've heard not to connect the two bags together with a tee. Reason being that if you take a corner and the inside bag compresses, the air just goes out to the outer bag and makes the distribution uneven.
Edit: also, depending on the compressor that went out I'd consider replacing it if the rest of the system is in good shape. I love having on board air for airing down tires, filling up toys, etc.
I backed into a support on my carport and banged up the corner on my pop up palomino, I just straightened out as best I could and ran a couple strips of RV sealant tape to seal it up. It looks bad but hasn't leaked a bit (about 18 months)
Linear actuators not gas struts
WindyNation (2pcs) 12 Volt, 225 lbs Linear Actuators + AC to 12V Power Supply + Wireless Remote Control DPDT Switch + Actuator Mounting Brackets + Wiring & Connectors. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYWYP9J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AFTVVD4PSPXGJ3RR84YB
When you are making cuts do you ever clamp a straight edge to act as a fence? Makes ripping sheet goods without a tablesaw a lot easier.
There's also products like this
That one is really expensive but depending on what saw you have they might make a fence for narrower rips. Kreg makes a jig for most things, definitely worth checking out. There's a lot of ways to make building less reliant on a steady hand.
Good to hear.
There are inflatable window seals that go between the cab and canopy window. One of those would keep the rain out and block some cold air from getting in.
Like this one:
I wish my vents lined up!
I bought them both on amazon. Here’s the awning: Smittybilt Awning 6.5' https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00S9G7MQC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_Bzp6gomycGPnl
Here’s the rack: AA-Racks Model ADX32 Minivan... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NBNPEQG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
The awning is small and not not made with the most durable materials but they’re both not bad at all for the price. Eventually I would like to move my solar panel to the top of my cab so it can clear space for the rack for possibly storage. Let me know if you have any other questions
Product display panels cut down to size and installed on both cap side windows, and also on the passenger side back window of my truck. I wanted to keep windows open for fresh air, but also keep my dog in and other things out.
Looks good but since you asked.
I would recommend a battery disconnect switch, it's always handy to be able to shut off the current when not required or when I'm charging from shore power.
I went on the safe side with a 150amp fuse for my setup which is similar to what you're installing and haven't blown it yet but 250amp in my opinion is a little high seeing how your inverter is 2000watts.
I also went with a cable entry box for routing the cables into the camper. https://www.amazon.com/BougeRV-Waterproof-Weatherproof-Project-Trailer/dp/B07GDH2TTV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=Solar+Double+Cable+Entry&qid=1596482193&sr=8-3
I just rewired mine and used this from Amazon. Made it super simple. I just crimped on eye connectors on the end and tightened them down to the appropriate color terminal. Really easy option to add on 12 volt accessory trickle charging from your truck to the camper batteries too.
Nilight Heavy Duty 7 Way Inline Trailer Plug with 7 Gang Junction Box - 8 Feet, Trailer Connector Cable Wiring Harness with Weatherproof Junction Box Suitable for RV Automotives Cars,2 Years Warranty https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PT5Y29V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_R-4BFbESEZD64
The top hatch on mine is my favorite way to gain roof access for maintenance etc. As an aging disabled, ladders are not my friends. On mine the panels are close enough to clean without even getting out, just kneeling on the bed (if I get more panels I'll just need a squeegee).
As for "escape", well...I'm not making prejudgments about the merits of burning vs. the merits of falling from that height. Falling is probably better. Trying to not find out, fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are cheap.
Ours has a small under-sink compartment where the TP is mounted on the inside of the door, so we just close the door to shower. But you could get something like this as a workaround, or install a tp holder that's a vertical bar so you can just pull the roll off and set it outside the room when you shower.
Mine has a cubby under the sink, but we use those suction cup holders for everything else. There are lots of different ones for tp as well.
Never hung a heater, but I hang stuff off these cleats and a bungee net. Just gotta find screws that will go into the cap but not all the way through.
I'm not sure how you'd do it without any drilling at all, maybe heavy duty velcro.
On build I installed a set of 6" diameter casters with cast iron wheels, which allows me to easily move the camper on an asphalt driveway.
Agreed, but carry a spare bottle jack. My failed and I needed help to get the bike up the last inch or so. Luckily I was around other campers that lent a hand. If I were alone, as I usually am, I would have been screwed. And naturally, very few bottle jacks fit the UMXH. So I had to order one off AMZN. I tried one from WalMart and one from Advance. Neither fit.
This is the one I carry as a spare: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000H4G256?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder-t1\_ypp\_rep\_k7\_1\_6&amp&crid=2WQXGEGKMI73X&amp&sprefix=bottle
T bar tire cranks can be bought new. If the T isn't quite right just put a threaded rod through a drill hole in the end and fix it with nuts on each side. Alternatively, see a metal fabricator shop to have a basic version made to your personal specs, because one bent and welded from solid bar will last forever. You could even make it one that separates into pieces for easy storage.
We bought the big Clam pavilion because we have just a tiny camper. If your looking for any easy to set up screen shelter that you can add walls to Clam is a good choice.
There are plenty of magnetic base rechargeable LED lights. That way it would be easy to take down and recharge. Pretty sure I have seen some lights that are intended to go under the rails to light the bed. You could adapt one of them.
As others have suggested you might want a warmer color. You can also look at cob leds that give an even glow instead of seeing each led.
Ya, one of the biggest things I noticed while living in my set up for a while is that, when it rains and you can’t really have your windows open for air flow and a normal desk fan doesn’t really help, especially on warmer days. So, having a way to ventilate the air inside the camper is rather important imo. Something like a small pop up fan like the Maxxair vent dome (MAXXAIR Vent Maxxfan Dome, 6" Fan, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TVQF5QD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_GDFM2WS5EVZVJY7NSXSP) or even a larger version with the rain shield.
Also, the mattress underlay that I use is: DEN-DRY Mattress Underlay https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BHJRDDG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_M842D91XDRV278PZQQ74
I’ll be starting my second build here in a few weeks so I’ll have to post it up with the changes I make.
This is the unit. It’s also very small. Midea 5,000 BTU EasyCool Window Air Conditioner and Fan - Cool up to 150 Sq. Ft. with Easy to Use Mechanical Control and Reusable Filter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085797ZFF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_YY8EG78H4TAE8897G913
Pretty much. I have very bad knees and don't enjoy getting on and off the ground repeatedly.
Was looking to see if anyone had tried something like the link below.
Have a gap almost identical to this on my truck. Used D shaped adhesive weather stripping. One strip on the glass of the canopy worked for me.
Something like this but a bit thicker
Amazon has them on sale for $473 right now
They were just more cost effective and had good reviews at the time. There are different sizes
There's lots of options, but I think a 500Wh power station and a 100W solar blanket would be a good choice. I'm real happy with my RockPals solar blanket.
I got this a few years ago and it works really well. Goes on pretty quick and has survived multiple years up in Tahoe with the high UV and winds.
Google.com 1st result..... B&B Moulders RecPro 4 RV Rain Gutter Spout Long Version Left and Right White | Made in America https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017MPAH5S/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_JQZ03V2V62DC4235HG2F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Wool goes a long way. Wool blanket over my 0º bag has kept me warm sleeping in my car on -10ºF nights in Canada and Wyoming. This is the blanket I use and the highest percent wool blend I found that's still at an affordable price (pure wool blankets can easily be a couple hundred bucks).
I also adapted this tutorial to make insulating inserts for my windows--more heat is leeched from your windows than from anywhere else in the vehicle. Just make sure to trim them as you go to allow for use with a heater that requires window(s) cracked.
I also plan to strip/apply insulation to my entire sleeping area (in my case, the removed backseat/trunk of a car) and put a layer of reflectix/insulating material under the mattress for good measure.
Good luck finding solutions--would love an update on what you end up going with and how works out.
This probably won't work with the dogs but I bought this hitch step and I love it.
Thats the way to go. With that you can do an actual capacity test and see if you're getting the amp hours you think you should. For OP, here is a pretty cheap shunt that has real world good reviews from poeple in the van and solar community: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FGFFHC6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have a set of these (mine are the 'cot' size, but you could use the 'single' size which are a bit wider),
They are a few inches too long, but I don't really see that being a problem.
They are super comfy. Having two pieces means you can take one out and have more room for boxes if you are traveling solo.
Absolute C15BK 15-Feet Long/4-Feet Wide Black Carpet for Speaker Sub Box Carpet rv Truck Car Trunk Laner https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0058OKSMS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_1Q342N7E011AMTX1YC08?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This worked for me when I lived in my truck for an entire year lol
Amazon has a selection of panel and 2 wire connectors. https://www.amazon.com/DGZZI-Extension-Disconnect-Automotive-Motorcycle/dp/B07SQVLM54/ref=sr_1_36?crid=2QPR0A1A1ICHG&keywords=12v+connectors&qid=1646793368&sprefix=12v+connector%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-36
This is what I used on the rebuild. I just use a cotter pin to secure them now.
Class A Customs | Four (4) Pack of Ivory White Locking Fold Down Camper Latch and Catch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RZCV8SG/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_NQT0D51355F4K8ZVHN27
If your truck has a stock backup camera, you can get a nice one at camera source that integrates with the truck's screen so you don't need a separate monitor going on. They're pricey but for us it was totally worth it, I hate having tons of crap on the center console. I attached heavy duty magnets to the camera housing so I can easily move the camera between the camper and the truck when the camper's off. If you plan to put the tailgate back on, you might want to find a way to rig up a quick disconnect instead, so you can plug the tailgate cam back in.
Other things we have that we get great use out of -
You use a iOS or Android app to watch it. The listing I bought from on Amazon is no longer there, but this listing looks to be the same thing.
Basically, I just cut the cable on the back of it and exposed the two wires inside and then fed them through the lens of my middle back marker light and spliced it in. The camera only gets power when the marker lights are on and I can do that by turning my truck's marker lights on or the headlights.
I did a 7 week, 10K mile trip in TC last summer.
Best "gadget" was a battery monitor, no more guessing the charge and was great for peace of mind. Highly recommend!
Get a cheap camping rug to use outside the door. This is a must if your camping in sand (all the states you mention LOL). They are pretty porous so most fo the sand will fall thorugh I also kept a rag on a string connected to the door to wipe off feet.
I filled a cheap 6 gallon water container anytime I was going to be more than 3 days away from a campground (Lots of REALLY cool boondocking in UTAH, and even the state parks don't always have water). After a while you will figure out how long 30 gallons will last but in the mean time better safe than sorry.
I don't like to cook in camper (we tend to use a lot of spices), so a tall camping table and propane stove is what we used most nights.
One gadget that failed me was a propane tank monitor, it would stop working intermittently so I eventually had to purchase a spare tank.
As for the fan, mine used too much electricity to use all night so it was only used to air things out in evening before bed. But we have a pop-up so we had LOTS of cross airflow.
There are some great comments so far! + 1 to /u/mzspd and /u/Granite1010.
I installed a couple of these to put cell phones/misc items in.
I also picked up one these grills. It would take quit the extension for your rig, but it's super handy as I don't have to pull a grill in and out of my TC anymore.
I have 200 W of solar now and it seems to not be enough. You'll get sun juice when you hit Cali, AZ, Utah (Southern, UT is amazing), and you'll charge a little when driving. I turn my fridge to electric when driving and switch back to propane when I boondock. I also picked up an Anker battery station so I can charge my laptop if needed.
I always carry an extra 5 Gallon water jug in addition to my onboard water.
Awesome build! Glad you posted pictures! What did you do your heater set up? I can't wait to get out once it's a bit less snowy in the great white north.
Just in case you find it handy I have one of these for my paper towel roll and love it. I mounted mine in my drawer but it won't unroll on its own so you can mount it anywhere.
Happybuy 2KW Diesel Heater 12V 2KW Diesel Air Heater Muffler 2KW Diesel Air Heater with Knob Switch for RV Motorhome Trailer Trucks Boats https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07LFXMNMD/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_05DKY8HYGR1PTT00Z3FX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You have to look at the dimensions. The true 2kw ones are the 11.4" long. The bigger ones are just derated 5kw units, which I read are not as good.
Does not look like the picture at all but a smile Amazon search gave me this
WISE MOOSE Truck Tent - 6.3x6.6 ft Truck Bed Tent for Camping, Waterproof & Windproof Pickup Truck Tent, Easy to Assemble, Sturdy Truck Bed Camper - Carry Bag Included https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0972P8JB4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_3PNFX4P907NGZMTSTDT6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
These are what I got they’re actually really affordable and seem like they have good a construction to them. lights
I bought a 2kw, I believe the brand was rimdoc. I rarely need to run it above 1.5hz but sometimes, especially if I know the weather is rapidly changing, run in thermostat mode. A couple times a week I run it at full blast to get rid of any soot.
I paid 135 and installed it in a couple hours in the home depot's parking lot. 2 things to look for in the kits is you want nylon fuel line and for the fuel tank to have the opening on the corner.
I normally avoid Amazon but this is my exact one.
This is the frame that was used Minus the personal edits that were made with a welder and a couple of cutting tools. (Referred to previous posts about camper build) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071JGBZYW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PQ8Z1SMNM11N74ZVVASQ
This is the frame that was used Minus the personal edits that were made with a welder and a couple of cutting tools. (Referred to previous posts about camper build) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071JGBZYW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PQ8Z1SMNM11N74ZVVASQ
I gotta say it was a lot of work to figure out. But worth it.
My biggest hurdle was welding the thinner 20gauge metal as my welder burnt through quickly on lowest settings it if there were any gaps on the connecting surfaces. I only have hand tools like a angle grinder and sawzall so it was tough to get perfect cuts. You could probably get away with booger welds and even simple tack welds instead of long beads as all but the shortening are for reinforcement only since this won’t be sitting still in a room.
A queen bed fit perfect width wise in my 04 sliverado 6.5’ bed but had to be shortened lengthwise by about 4 niches.
The important part of the Platform Bed is that one side has to be smaller than the other at the end and the crossbeams need to lay over the center beam so they can slide instead of terminate there like many platform beds. Here’s the bed frame I used, it was $130 when I bought it.
Looks great. Have fun on your adventures! Adjustable drawer (or built in) dividers are fantastic for keeping things organized and not sliding around. Something like this.
I have a small 500 watt amazon basics space heater hooked up to a thermostatic controlled outlet on my 8.5' Lance. That and a roof vent that is rain protected cracked open is all the freeze protection and moisture control I have any need for in the PNW west of the Cascades.
Factory furnace. I want to say it’s dometic but not sure. Has a digital wall thermostat I upgraded to. ICM Controls FS1500VL Frost Sentry Garage Thermostat for Single-Stage Heating System, Multicolor https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004051LFY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_uSmzkWzuKqi2w
Extendable tow mirrors:SCITOO Towing Mirrors fit for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYSZFQZ?
These are the ones I have for my f250. Greatly improves visibility with the larger convex mirror. They also extend further out and have leds
WOLFBOX G840H 12" 2.5K Mirror... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DRLY2R1?
I hardwired this as my rear view mirror. Displays the rear at all times. Back up lines when in reverse. Also records footage onto SD of both front and rear cam.
Amazon, my old truck didn't have the motorized adjustment there are ton of options for fairly cheap. This was actually my second set, I ran into a tree backing into a camping spot with the first ones!
Is this it? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CHLVS16/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_BP2SJBGVQAS4TXTWENGF
It's surprising there's no smell! I am thinking of getting one for my SUV winter camping since pooping in the winter aint fun. This seems to be the smallest one but let me know if it's not. You mentioned you only dumped at rest stop once. Wondering where else you dump them?
I got this fire pit and have used it on my ski trip. Worked well and packs away easy.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08JYPH2WT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0JFSTSXX1SDESTWGGSXW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 - I hear these are pretty cool.
As far as a tarp, do you want to mount it? You can get an ARB style awning. I have a regular tarp that I store with paracord and bungee to be able to attach it to my roof.
I've started using these hand warmers in my sleeping bag at night. They work really well! I either charge them while driving or off the jackery, but you easily get a couple nights before needing to charge.
I'm just curious, do you think lining a shell with reflectix or something like this and then adding the carpet would make much difference?
These are great, battery lasts a long time, just heat up some water in a bucket. The flow is almost as strong as a real shower and has a lower setting for longer battery life. It was a huge addition to my life having this thing. This is the one i have but there are tons of different ones ona amazon.
American Furniture Alliance Hide A' Mat 3.5 x 30 x 75 inch Jr Twin TriFold Mattress, Chocolate https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CL98ZZK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AZZY5QXS9H9EA4VQSDC6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
BalanceFrom 2" Thick Tri-Fold Folding Exercise Mat with Carrying Handles for MMA, Gymnastics and Home Gym Protective Flooring https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D3NZHV4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5GR1HSYNEDRAFNDEKCN9
We use these. They're not for the outdoors but they're folding, water resistant, and very easy to clean. Not the softest but we don't sink to the floor in the night. m My partner and I have done multiple nights in a row without back pain or discomfort. May add a cheap mattress topper on top.
Thank you! They are LEDs! Found them on Amazon. They take 3 AAA batteries & have a little toggle switch on the battery pack that turns them on and off. We got 2 and mounted the switches on the camper near our heads.
I bought a big square mosquito net and drape it over the open back window and tailgate - it keeps out all the bugs and is much simpler than a truck bed tent setup. Coghlan's Rectangular Mosquito Net https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000ECUFI6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D59WPFDFSN7SJVXDYE0S?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Mine uses a 2x4 frame and a 4x8 sheet of plywood, with these casters (currently out of stock). It just fits through my 8' garage door. It's such a pain to use I actually built a pole barn to store it under most of the time that I can just back it into when I think I'll use it anytime soon.
I cut off a similar amount on my rhino track. Like the other said, mitre saw will make the cleanest cut, but you can just hacksaw if need to. The caps come off and are secured on with the last bolts so those just need to be measured from the end. the rest of the bolts just slide on, so you can use as many as you want spaced out evenly. I did not actually use all the bolts that came with it. I also didn't use their plastic nut covers, but popped the nuts out and used with large washers with the nuts. I then cut the bolts down a little, and capped them off with these eye nuts. The 6M rings fit perfectly for some mounting points.
the solar panel kit that I have had everything set up with mc4 connectors and a ~10ft set of wires with jumper cable style clamps, which are a little tight to fit inside my battery box. Also the 10ft length is a little limiting, so got have swapped that for 20ft of 10 gauge wire. The ring terminal harness I use has a built in fuse(the clamps did as well). I used this one. since I already had it. I mispoke on calling it an anderson connector, its actually an SAE connector. I just bought a premade adapter to connect the solar controller to the battery ring terminals. The SAE adapter makes for easy setup and teardown but not the most secure connection.
I'm still getting a feel for output I'd say. Most of my trips since I got it have been either single nighters or more driving oriented since I got the panel earlier this year. Both of those tend to have me driving during peak solar times and I do see that costing me output. The very first trip I went on was fairly deep forest on a logging road and it poured rain the whole time. I think the panels peaked at about 1-1.5 amps from when I checked the display on the controller. Usually if with sun its ~5.5 amps.
Slick - yes! Very similar to mine.
Check out photos (and power center manual) here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gbcqnkxm70flu43/AAB5EN5I1EtdWQeP2B2OUwKma?dl=0
Looks like you have the same C and D lugs (right side of front photo) that I do. On the back of my panel, they connect to the far-left (in back photo) black cable, which is just a red and black lead inside a weatherproof shroud.
If you don’t have that cable, likely you can just test the back leads to figure out which is which (resistance meter with all power unplugged, or voltmeter with the three-prong plugged in — careful!!), then run your own.
Also, one of these is great for hooking up to house (shore) power: https://www.amazon.com/Westinghouse-Outdoor-Power-Equipment-301156A/dp/B08R7TH441/
I have used one of the super cheap wireless adapters to connect a cheap camera to a monitor on the dash of a 36" motor home for a number of years and it has was pretty reliable. The image was low def and not always perfect, but, good enough to back into a camp site. One failed after a couple of years but, they are easy enough to replace. Of course, its a low budget option and a no name part so YMMV. I used something like this but not this exact unit. I think I paid under 10 bucks for the transmitter and receiver.
I have had it for about 6 months. It is the same Thing made by DAC. The only thing soft topper manufacturers is a frame to support the extension in place of the toppers door.
Mid-Size Truck Camper Tent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BYA10F4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_W4BNJY0ZCWXSXHBP13P4
This is the one I bought, it's ball bearing and has a switch with 3 positions for different speeds. I leave it on high.
Here is the temperature switch I'm using. It is 50C (122F) and not 130F like I said above. I wanted 130F but found this and went with it.
uxcell KSD9700 Thermostat, 50℃ Normally Open Temperature Switch Thermal Switch, N.O 5A Metal Bimetal Temperature Controller 2pcs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PFVJ6QK/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_7xG4FnmJZi3c6
It is my opinion that the fan being on top or bottom won't be a huge difference but I have measured heat transfer coefficients near fans before and the turbulent air flow does increase it. I'm a retired thermal engineer.
Since I have a refrigerator, microwave oven and AC, I went with a 2200W inverter. This one:
Pure Sine Wave Power Inverter 2200Watt DC 12volt to AC 120volt with Dual AC Outlets and 2.4A USB Port & LED Display Remote Controller for RV Trucks Boats and Emergency【3 Years Warranty】 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZNTXN7P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZHAFMPN3E5C44812FWAF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks. I'm thinking to get this one, mainly because it has a diagram to connect just wires I already have ran, & not the ones with the 5 pin connectors. Idk what they are, or if you can connect the meter's that use them, with just wires instead. Another question is what's with the external power supply this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07W7XXKVF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_QZYZED6FVGN3GAG8A0GK one needs?
You can find small inexpensive devices that regulate the power to a specific voltage - the battery charger in my truck camper puts out around 13.5 most of the time on shore power and can go higher 14.1 depending on the discharge state of the batteries so for sensitive electronics I use the converters to make sure they don’t see over 12v. You can get different wattage/amperage depending on what you are feeding. I put one on my tv and DVD player because they listed a specific voltage other things like led lights listed a range for input voltage so I don’t regulate them.
Try stronger Velcro? I use this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00006RSP1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JJFK02MG13WHDYKBK14G which sticks on much better than the previous Velcro I used. The hooks are huge and it really takes effort to remove it from the carpet.
Get a tailgate gasket kit
ESI Ultimate Tailgate Seal with Taper Seal 10ft for use with Truck Caps and Tonneau Covers https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IPQWXZQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CJA6FHPNQ0ECVP3J8Q7Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Same here - I like to do a fan blowing in one window and out another. Not sure if that helps any more than anything else, but seems to work.
I also have a couple little gel "dehumidifier" things that you put in the microwave to "recharge" (dry out). (e.g. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5QFPUH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1) Don't expect miracles with those, but I think they help.
I use an RV TV mount. IT swivels out too!
This is my first camper and I was pretty surprised about the condensation. I got this dehumidifier which doesn't seem to do much. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C7555BG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_4J4XS7CCDAWWXRF7HZ72?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I also got one of those maxxair fans but haven't used it yet. Working on getting a wave 6 catalytic heater in there right now.
Like you said, wall thickness is pretty limiting. I wanted to diy a camper before I got this one but it seemed too daunting. I wouldn't mind pulling the siding off and cladding it in those foam panels everyone uses but I guess you'd be better off just starting a new camper from scratch at that point.
There's a bunch on hatches that can be insulated so maybe I'll start on that. Thanks.
One thing to be careful about - some (many?) of them are not designed to operate above 12v. As in, 13 or 14v may damage them. Depends on whether they are regulated or not. Most just have resistors to lower the voltage, so an increase in power supply voltage will just get passed along to the LEDs.
I’ve ordered a 12v regulator to power the strip lights I’m planning on installing in my RV. Check the power usage you need, but these aren’t that expensive:
SEEU. AGAIN DC Automatic Voltage Stabilizer Buck Boost Converter DC 8V-40V to 12V 3A 36W Regulator Power Converter 24V 36V to 12V (Accept DC8-40V Input, DC12V 3A Output) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08P2X52DR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3K6V6TAQEKA7JFS9W3Q3
Skip the shitty USB rechargeable fans or ones that plug into your cigarette lighter. Get this one from DeWalt or similar. Runs off power tool batteries, goes for hours at max speed and much longer at lower speeds. It's as powerful as a Vornado or other similar high end plug in fan. I typically aim mine at the ceiling and let the air hit me indirectly.
Solar panel big enough to provide shade to the top of the cap. Fantastic fan venting between the cap & solar panel. Vent hole pulling cool air from under truck (not running, of course). Fan cools you and the panel, while insulating you from solar gain. Also paint the cap white, or you're going to melt.
Rubber-Cal "Diamond Plate Rubber Flooring Rolls, 3mm x 4ft Wide Rolls https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DCR5FI4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BFS30M4PGK5T4WEP0HGS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Something like this, just make sure you’ve got the length to do it.
I have this controller and it works great for me, it might work great for you too
HQST Solar Charge Controller 30Amp 12V/24V PWM Positive Ground with LCD Screen,Compatible with Gel, Flooded and Sealed Lead Acid/AGM Batteries https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08397DJQB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_xPccGbZSHWQRR?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I also endorse this. I am in love with my JetBoil stuff. The flux ring makes heat transfer so efficient it takes seconds rather than minutes to boil water. I find I use the pot more than than the cup but this cup is quite convenient as you don't have to move the water around after making it.
I got it off Amazon. It's called Dri-Deck, and it comes in 1'x1' interlocking squares. Id gotten it to solve a moisture problem i had with a RV queen bed over an uninsured cargo area. Figured it'd work great for this application. Extra benefit is that nothing slides around on it either.
I don't remember paying this much for it either. A queen is roughly 5'x6', so 30 tiles.
I'm going to recommend the same propane or butane stoves that everybody else is as being by far your best option(and the jetboil would be an excellent and efficient option). I do however see some 12v electric kettles on Amazon so they do exist, but for example this one advertises a 25 min boil time. I'm skeptical of it for a variety of reasons but it would be a simple option to try. I would probably replace the cigarette lighter adapter with some clips like these and connect it directly to the battery.
It’s a rhino rack ladder - I store it on top of the platform.
It is not fixed, I just anchor points to the sides so it’s not wobbly when deployed
I’ve been thinking about just getting one or two of these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0842WYNYV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_RQZUFbQM2NN8N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They are solar powered and passive so you don’t even need to wire up 12v.
Sure, this was the first thing on Amazon that popped up. https://www.amazon.com/Red-Hound-Auto-Compatible-Replacement/dp/B01MQJKXZW
And this, quite different design, is from etrailer, which is a pretty cool company. https://www.etrailer.com/Trailer-Door-Parts/Redline/D3-96.html
Tempted to snag the Amazon cheapos to see if they’re any good and go from there.
Amazon got them about a year ago and doing good. The adhesive is not the best but it is getting the job done
I don’t think this is the exact one I bought because the connector looks a little different but everything else looks the same
Yep, as other folks said, they're leveling blocks. A must have IMO, I don't sleep very well on a tilt. The ones I linked are great because they're super easy to use and store pretty small. In this photo, I have two blocks under my front left tire, four under my front right tire, and three under the rear right.
Thanks! Yeah no problem. Mind Reader BAMAT-BRN Luxury Roll Up Shower Bath Mat, Anti-Slip Mat, Environment Friendly Bamboo, Brown https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F92T98T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2mm6CbVHDC88T
There’s some other more robust ones on amazon that don’t roll up but I wanted something that was more compact I don’t use it a whole lot but it works for me.