To piggy-back off of this comment, if you have a 130° degree basking spot in an all glass 36" tank, the cool side will never get cool enough to give your lizard a good temperature radiant. Side ventilation helps to keep a good temp differential and is easy to accomplish if you build your own wooden cage. Amazon sells [sliding tracks]( ) and you can get custom glass doors cut at any local glass shop. Also look into retes stacks.
I bought a t5 fixture on amazon, I believe I got this one but I would recommend this one if you can get it while it’s in stock, they sell out quickly. However the one I got off amazon hasn’t caused me any issues and I was able to mount it on top of my 4x2x2 PVC enclosure for my geyri. For the basking bulbs I use the ceramic fixture that came with my enclosure that I ordered off of, I believe they sell the fixtures separately but they are meant to be mounted to the top of a PVC or wooden enclosure so if you are using glass that fixture would not work, but the t5 still could be set on the screen.
I will definitely check that site out. I my 40 gallon is an Exo Terra so it has ventillation, is this one good? Thanks for the feedback it sounds like you have alot of fun with yours!!