I used vegan butter and cooked it with pecans to add the nutty flavor that comes with browning butter. In place of eggs I used aquafaba. For the toffee I used the brand Taza Chocolate. They don’t have a strong toffee flavor but are still delicious!
Check out amazon
I’ve been using the “Veganomicon” - good recipes, not many overly exotic ingredients, and the writers don’t take themselves too seriously. I’ve been having good results and I’ve never baked before at all
Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook https://smile.amazon.com/dp/156924264X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_3H044TFSBJHDKQ6YTPFF
I found one on amazon
Was it too thin and wouldn't set? I had that happen trying to use condensed coconut milk for a pumpkin pie. I found This and it worked perfectly.
I swear by “The Vegan Baking Bible.” I can dm you a recipe out of there if you want. https://www.amazon.com/Vegan-Baking-Bible-recipes-Treats/dp/1911682490/ref=asc_df_1911682490/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=564755881603&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18355784161325649439&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvd...
You can buy liquid lactic acid on Amazon or in brewing supply stores. I use it all the time in making vegan butter.
The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau has some pastries. Everything I’ve made from her book has been fantastic.
I just find vegan box cake then any soda/carbonated beverage I want to adjust the flavor. I recommend cream soda with white or yellow cakes if you don’t want to adjust the flavor too much, and coke/Pepsi for chocolate.
I always used these (apparently no longer available), but a quick amazon search shows way more options for vegan white chocolate these days.
It’s a specific Bundt pan! Bundt
I use King David Kosher non dairy white chocolate. It's hugely sweet and contains what appear to be some sort of palm oil palm oil, so I only use it on special occasions, but it's the best I've found so far.
I found this online! There is a link to a freezer tub that you use to make it, but that's the only additional thing you need, aside from a food processor or blender.
Edit: here's the freezer container I ordered, https://www.amazon.com/SUMO-Ice-Cream-Containers-Dishwasher/dp/B075M4LVT4
Tovolo Gingerbread Boys Templates Reverse, Dishwasher Safe, Set of 6 Cookie Stamps with Cutter https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JU49ZE4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PMbbEbYJY4BPC
There are six stamps total and EVERY YEAR I’m like “I’ll make equal amounts of every one”...until I find myself going back to the grumpies and the monocle because I love them too much and who doesn’t want that kind of joy in their life when they’re rolling out and stamping dough for an entire month straight?