I use this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009SD35IO
Put noodles in, fill water up to the line, where the bowl transitions to the more vertical walls. Nuke for 3 minutes. Dump small amount of water out (depending on how strong/concentrated I want things to taste). Put in an ice cube (to cool it off faster) and mix it up while melting the ice cube. Dump in the sachets, stir it up good. Put the lid on but leave the vent open, let it sit for 3 minutes or so. Eat delicious noods.
The size of bowl you need depends on how much water you add. I use those Ikea bowls and it works fine, but if I'm really hungry and add kimchee then I use one of my Pyrex Tupperware bowls.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0157G34AY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_-T2jFbVSP4WZ7 the blue lid size
Can you just add boiling water? There is a boiling water tap from the coffee maker where I work. Just adding boiling water works nicely for the Nongshim Soon Cup Noodle.
ah, interesting! seems like it could .. assuming there'd be no depth issues
i brainstormed this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003EV7D1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabt1_tETQFbNNCJWNJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 🤔
You can get full prepper meals with 10 year shelf life for way less per calorie.
For example this comes to around $1.90 per 500 calories
I made this post in an effort to help this company realize why their sales haven't got nearly as high as Soylent or Jimmy Joy. People who are willing to buy these kinds of meals will choose a goopy shake over Viteramen because it's cheaper. That is good information to pay attention to.
that’s what she said.
I use this bowl.
Tableware East Extra Large 64 oz Ramen,Udon Donburi Bowl, Serving-Bowl Made in Japan https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005EJ5OGM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BknlFbTZ583AM
Easiest shoyu broth that I do(makes about 1 cup of liquid-- Measurements are off the top of my head, adjust to taste):
1 tsp Hondashi
1 TBSP Soy Sauce
1 tsp Mirin
1 tsp MSG
1 tsp Sake
Optional: Kombu and bonito flakes to make a good dashi, but honestly hondashi works well in a pinch
Combine in 1 cup hot water, boil for a minute or two or until it doesn't smell too alcoholic and you have a quick and dirty shoyu broth.
Add some aroma oil like fried garlic oil or something to elevate it(simply fry garlic in oil on low-medium heat until the garlic is brown).
Hope that helps! This basically kind of combines the soup/tare into one easy recipe.
Update:. The hot water from the kettle just didn't cook the noodles to my liking. I bit the bullet and spent 20 bucks on a noodle hot pot with stainless interior. I actually really enjoy all three kinds of ramen, I find them really good and filling. I ordered 27 ( 3 boxes) on this first round and will probably eat it for lunch 4 days a week. Guess having a hot pot and kettle in my office isn't too bad. Now I just have to figure some recipes I like to spice it up. I'm debating slicing some steak and throwing it in my fridge to cook it pho style. Here is the hot pot I bought, it's actually really useful. Since it's stainless I can wipe it out with some soap and it's easy to clean, even with the starch off the noodles. The pot is not removable so that's a bummer. Again thanks for the help everyone, I have a feeling this will help me a lot in my workout/weight loss goals.