Here you go!
Best Friends by Sheri The Original Calming Donut Cat and Dog Bed in Shag Fur, Machine Washable
Our girl has grown up in Chicago and actually loves the cold, but the only other suggestion I have for easy warmth is a neck warmer. Something like Amazon Neck Warmer . They're cheap and offer good warmth coverage for our long necked friends.
My whippet is 1.5 years and I fully trust him off leash. He will sit in front of rabbits and squirrels if I ask. I used a whistle in the beginning based on the strategies in this book and he can recall when playing with other dogs at any point.
TBH if he isn't recalling, you shouldn't let him play with other dogs yet (never try to recall if he is) because you're just ingraining he doesn't need to listen.
To train recall and heeling from other dogs, it's kind of essential that you find a neighbor or friend with a dog who you can train with to create the setups you need.
For example, my neighbor has a dog, so in the start, I taught him to heel indoors and then moved out in my backyard and use treats and the fence as a barrier to keep him heeling while my neighbors dog ran back and forth past him. Eventually he didn't engage with the other dog unless I "freed" him
We would take both our dogs on a leash and walk past each other and keep practicing until they wouldn't react, then you can start from a further distances without a leash.
I would recommend reading that book and trying to think about the setups you can use.
Quick edit: He was okay, but I fully retrained him at about 10 months of age over the last 8 months and took it on like a job. I also just liked watching him run when he was young...
I've said it before in here, because I struggled in the beginning. I would read this book (no affiliation with the book) but I read so many bad books and this is the most practical.
You should also train a good heel / leave it command. Off-leash walks you be on a heel command with a "free" word to use when he is behaving. This way if you come up to another dog he is still in "heel" mode and not "free mode", so make sure he knows the difference.
Avoidance to high fail probability scenarios is key. If I haven't done enough fetch with my whippet to attempt to tire him out, I'm not going to take him off-leash very close to other off-leash dogs.
As you’re new to whippets I’d check out this book or something similar. Only providing the Amazon link as an
I'm using this camera. I got it on eBay, second hand, for £32.5. I suggest you check eBay first. The iOS/Android app is pretty decent.
To be honest, it's more than enough and it has infrared night vision. I use the camera to keep an eye on her at night or during her morning/afternoon naps in case I need to go out for a bit.
When our pup was small we just got one of those cheap soft harness like this from the pet store:
We bought a few sizes since we knew she'd outgrow it quickly. It worked just fine. When she turned around 7 months we got her a ruffwear flagline which is pretty adjustable, shes 9 months now and it still fits.
have a martingale for my greyhound, but this leather collar has worked really well on my whippet.
My whippet is now 8 months old. At around 5 months she developed horrific diarrhea and her vet put her on this. She loves it and it worked like a charm. Still on it. I sometimes give her a little of the (adult) canned version just to keep things interesting.
I used this one when he was a puppy halti but in grey. It was really good having the handle and as he grew I could ajust the straps. Very pleased with it so when he finally out grew that we got the next size up.
Don't forget their favorite toys and treats, and be sure to investigate the possibility of good dog parks at your locations. You might get lucky and find some that are big enough to let your pup stretch his legs. As with all dog parks though, be prepared to leave if unruly dogs or inattentive owners are causing an unpleasant situation. Regarding your travel crate situation, if you're planning to do a lot of traveling, you might consider investing in a canvas crate. If you pup is not a chewer, the Fiat might thank you. Here's an example:
XSY&G Dog Boots,Waterproof Dog Shoes,Dog Booties with Reflective Rugged Anti-Slip Sole and Skid-Proof,Outdoor Dog Shoes for Medium Dogs 4Pcs
Amazon! It’s super cheap too. Only problem is the lining on the stomach side seems to come up on every single one. I’ve been sewing it back together but it’s worth it for the price compared to the usual coat costs.
Dogs about that age many times have a regressive period, when they can be more timid. It usually goes away on it's own. So maybe it's just an age thing if there hasn't been any bad experiences? I'd suggest trying to keep more space between her and bigger dogs to keep your puppy more comfortable with them, until it can muster a bit more confidence.
If you're in to reading, I really recommend this book:
It had pretty simple training techniques to teach out leash reactivity.
We found puppy pads helpful, we got the ones from pets at home. I also have bells on the back door handle to ring when he wants go out, it doesn't take them long to learn what they're for. Definitely get a coat and jumper, I wouldn't bother with anything too expensive as they grow so fast. A soft bed it a must and nice blanket. Mine likes a cave bed but they're not cheap for a good one. Lots of toys! Chew toys are important, I had nylabone, benebone, deer antler, yak chew. If you're using a crate you can bowls which attach on the side so they can't knock them over.
I got a soft harness for in the car, but I walk mine on his collar. I like the wide leather collars. I think these are good and not too expensive, might be a bit big till he's 3-4 months old.
BBD Pet Products Whippet Collar, One Size, 3/4 x 10 to 12-Inch, Red
As others have try and socialise him with lots of dogs and people, if you can puppy training classes are really useful for this.
Good luck and remember to be patient! He's a puppy and they can be naughty but if you put in the effort you'll have a fantastic dog.
Yeah ours couldn’t go further than 15-20 minutes until about 9-10mo. We started using these: which definitely seemed to help. Now he’s ok even without them though.
Followed the process in this book with our first whippet:
TLDR; Slowly desensitize them to longer and longer periods of time alone. I had to start by walking out of them room and then coming back immediately.
Also doggy day care and another pup helped her.
These are the ones we use on walks, they stay on pretty good as long as he’s just walking.
Maybe this from Amazon? We have a similar one for our whippet.
I was also in this situation but opted to buy some cheaper sweaters/ coats knowing they would be quickly outgrown. We have very cold winters where I live so I really needed to get my puppy something so she could tolerate being outside long enough to poop.
This in a medium fit her at 16 lbs. She is now a large in their sizes at 22 lbs.
This coat while not the warmest, is at least made for their body type. The XS fit her at about 16 lbs, but we could still use it when she was smaller.
Geyecete Greyhound Cosy Fleece...
When your pup is at a more stable size, I highly recommend the winter coats from Skinny Angles on Etsy. The quality / fit is amazing.
Our Teera’s new favorite toy is a frisbee with a rope edge. Here’s the Amazon link for the Zippy Paws one. Clothes are tricky for a whippet because they have different proportions than other dogs.
ZippyPaws - Rope Gliderz Durable Outdoor Dog Toy Flying ...
The harness is perfect for running. this is the one I bought and really liked. We tried putting underwear on him after the cone failed but they didn't stay on.
Our 6 month old whippet loves to chew on things, but he doesn't destroy things, unless there's a tag or velcro. When we first got him, and he started to chew on something he wasn't supposed to, we would tell him no and give him one of his toys to chew on. He also loves water bottles with the cap and ring removed, he will chase that and run around the house for an hour. We also use these.
FYI: This is an Aerobie Pro frisbee. Used to hold the guiness record for longest frisbee throw, up until 2016.
It was also used for practice by the dog (ALSO A WHIPPET) that holds the guineas record for catching the longest throw, caught by a dog (although the one used for the actual throw was a different frisbee).
Aerobies are really great firsbees, with a soft outter, and a hard fiber core that you actually can bend, to fine tune its flight.
Google 'portable water bottles for dogs' . There are a number of flip trough type, where the drinking container fits around the bottle.
Agree Etsy is a great place to find whippet clothing. If you are in a hurry, I've had good luck with this particular coat/seller on Amazon.
I tried to buy a similar coat in a different color from a different seller on Amazon, but the sizing was all wrong.
I have a Whippet / JRT mix and she has to have a harness. This is what I have. It fits pretty good (a little big in the neck but not bad).
what i have heard from a bunch of friends is either a backseat hammock or crating them while in the car.
you are NEVER going to find a restraint system that will be as effective as a 3 point seatbelt is for humans.
My boy didn't care for them at first, but now he loves them and it's perfect for recall, all I have to do is call his name, show him I ha e a frisbee, and he comes sprinting no matter what. He'll chase any frisbee and run around with it like mad (not so good about bringing it back tho, gotta have 2). If it's plastic he won't even try to catch it, but he will leap to snatch soft ones out of the air (the Chuckit! ones are great... Chuckit Paraflight large (pack of 2)
Is this the same harness? Did you get a medium size for your whippet? What is better about the three strap one? sorry for the questions! Thank you.
I thought my girl would never learn to walk properly! Don't worry, it will come in time. I essentially trained her to walk beside me with a steady stream of small 1-calorie treats... sorry I can't remember what they were called.
As for the collar, I see that one is for 12-18" necks. Definitely too big for a baby or maybe even a grown up. And sorry, you're right, the Etsy collars for grown up whippys are probably still too big right now. I know your pain. You should see the giant martingale a not-so-great pet store sold me when I went there to get a collar prior to getting my puppy! My girl was (and still is) really tiny, but a 9-14" collar like this still fit her. If you think that might still be too big, you can even get a 7-9" collar like this. (I live in Canada and these RC products are very common here. Good quality.)
Get out some measuring tape or a piece of string (my dog prefers that to the measuring tape) and see how big the circumference of the neck is. Good luck!
Yes, I did use a harness... I probably invested over $100 trying several harnesses in fact! Because I, like you, worried about injuring my crazy, pulling baby whippet. I swear once she ran to the end of the rope, and I thought that little head was going to pop right off.
I didn't really find there was a 'transition period' though. My dog was happy in either scenario, but she pulled a lot in the harness and did learn to walk without pulling with a collar. Switching between the two didn't seem to bother her.
The training... well maybe a couple of months of really hard work, but she was probably getting close to a year, maybe 10 months or so, before I felt she was really walking nicely the majority of the time.
I recommend this book: The Power of Positive Dog Training by Pat Miller. You don't have to do the clicker method she recommends (I didn't), but it's full of great training exercises and activities, as well as a great introduction on why you should "train with your brain, not pain".