Here is a link to where I purchased this one on amazon: This is my first time purchasing a wig from amazon, I usually go to or but wanted to try a different source! I had bangs for the longest time and then started with lace front wigs about 2 years ago. They can defiently be pricey especially with human hair, but I have found that sythetic wigs have really improved over the years so I think they are a great alternative now.
I haven't tried many things so there could be better stuff out there but this is what I use:
I was also worried about it affecting regrowth but the one spot that I did use it on ended up growing back.
Sorry im replying to multiple comments misread yours 😂
I get this brand called gowik, I love how they stay in place no matter what and they've got a bunch of eyelash choices for different moods. here is the Amazon link
I wear my nice wig to weddings. There are some cheap but sturdy ones on Amazon. Otherwise, I wear these everywhere I go.
I just gave up and shaved my head a few months ago. It really helps with wigs. I usually only wear wigs if I’m going to a special event, like holidays or big family gatherings. Otherwise I wear these cool turban things. I went to a specialty wig shop. They’re more expensive, but I got a private consultation where they helped me pick which was best for me. I won’t lie, it was really hard to see my bald head. And still kind of is. But it’s also liberating and just makes more sense. Good luck!
DANMY Womens Turban,Skull-Caps,Women Beanie Thin,Beanie Hats for Women,India's Hat Turban Headwear
I have some very simple ones from amazon. They look smart and still feminine and you can wear some small earrings if you still feel a bit weird
This is what I have been using- lots of colours but maybe black would be nice with a suit? Good luck with the interview.
Deresina W Front Bamboo Cap Beanie for Chemo, Cancer, Hair Loss
My wife got the one below. It’s lasted me a good while. The key is to use something lighter than remaining eyebrow hairs. And just sort of gradually make a shadow in the gaps.
I think if you have no eyebrow at all, and you’re a straight chap, it’s may be best not painted on. I guesa it all depends how you identify. The ladies and the more fabulous gentlemen can get away with it. I think a fat old bloke like me wouldn’t these days.
Hi everyone. I've received dozens of messages asking for the book I read to help jump-start my fight against alopecia so here it is:\_1\_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1500049558&sr=8-1&keywords=regrowing+hair+naturally
... and an update if anyone is interested: I still have a few spots that pop up on my chest/legs whenever I notice my stomach acting up over a period of days/weeks (I've gone back to eating fast food a few times a week and believe it to be the main culprit on top of the boozing I use to do - I seldom drink these days and when I do it's a glass of wine or scotch once or twice a week).
I believe there is a definite correlation between stomach, gut, and colon health and alopecia. Treat your body as you would a garden and I believe you will start seeing positive results. But it doesn't happen overnight. You must stay disciplined. It might take up to 6 months to a year before your body resets and starts respecting itself again. There is light at the end of the tunnel guys... you just have to focus up and put in the work. My $0.02! All the best.
Here are the 2 products I've been using
How can you tell the yeast content?
i saw someone on youtube recommend following the AIP diet and she used this book to guide her through it. definitely more of a natural approach but it's a very strict diet. i tried it for a while but i've been on and off. hope this helps!
Some of the books I read had suggestions for what order to reintroduce things in. I'm pretty sure The Paleo Approach was one of the books that had a pretty comprehensive list for how to do reintroductions.
But I mostly was just like, "okay, I really want this back in my diet so I'm going to try it." So I only lasted a few weeks without eggs because they're my favorite food, I was feeling pretty good, and I just really didn't think they were a problem for me.
Then I think some of the next stuff I did were various nuts because I'm pretty active outdoors (climbing, trail running, hiking and so on), so I really wanted more options for food to bring on adventures that I wouldn't have to worry about spoiling.
I had originally wanted to try tomatoes pretty early on, but I kept reading things that made it seem like they could be a big trigger for a lot of people, so I held off on eating those for probably about a year.
So yeah, it was kind of a combination of what those lists suggested and what I really wanted to eat again.
I don't plan to ever try dairy or gluten containing grains; things I've read have suggested those things are probably no-nos forever, and it's just not worth it for me. Life's been just fine without legumes and other grains, too, but I think if I was planing on doing any traveling where some of those foods might be staples of the place I'm visiting, I would maybe try some of those things before the trip, just so I would know for sure if I can handle it.