Teenagers are assholes. They don’t always mean to be but they have limited life experience. If he’s being this much of a jerk then maybe he’s not a friend you want to have around. Verbal / emotional abuse is real and can cause major depressive and anxiety.
Is he usually a good supportive friend or is this typical behavior for him?
Well I like both the rings and just ordered an aro ring. However, it is white, grey and gold. Perhaps this colour scheme, or a similar one, would work as it combines the white and black in a way
Thank you for sharing your experience. Regarding your search for the black and white silicone bands, I found a brand called ThunderFit that sells a four pack of black, white and two grays, it's actually cheaper than buying two separate rings: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06W594BGV/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_6KQXT8JX7FBD0VN4XB5S?psc=1
I got them on amazon. The design seems to be 'open source' so there are a lot of different companies making them (including individuals on etsy). If you want to shop around the different brands/storefronts that make them, searching 'Celtic Dragon Tungsten Ring' works well.
As for the specific rings I got, This is the Metalic/Purple ring, and This is the Black/Green ring.
I bought mine on Amazon for $10.99. It's a black ring by Egnaro.
If you look at the colour options, you can also get a white one for your right hand (aromantic ring). I have both.
It's silicone, so it bends with my fingers and I find them very comfortable.
Tip for silicone rings, order a half or full size down, because they stretch over time (it's supposed to). I ordered the wrong size and Egnaro sent me new ones for free! https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08HQB2VR8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_JF09V9REK8A05X0HG6KM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1