Hey there! The name of the app that you want is called Professional Pocket Prep. Here's the iOS link and the Android link. It has prep for CAPM as well as a handful of other professional-related exams. It has the most up-to-date content as our older app - called CAPM Pocket Prep - has been discontinued as we made the switch over to new apps. Sorry for the confusion! 😃
not free, but certainly affordable:
Joe Philips Udemy course ($12.99) https://www.udemy.com/course/capm-pmbok6/
Peter Landin's Practice Tests ($9.99) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
a lot of the free stuff you might find is questionable, outdated, or worse, or at best incomplete (a taste to get you to purchase the full package).
Get P. Landini's practice tests on amazon and do the Quick Quizzes for each Knowledge Area as you make your way through the coursework.
Then, when you are done, start taking the 50 question practice tests that span the full range of questions. Refer back to PMBOK sections to better understand incorrect answers.
Finally, take the 150 Question CAPM simulation at least once to guage your readiness. Do again if you score below 80%.
Your scores on these practice tests will accurately guage your readiness to pass the actual CAPM.
very best wishes...
First off, becoming a member of PMI is totally optional and your choice. Some find value, others do not. Membership has absolutely no bearing on your credential.
Next, as far as Agile is concerned relative to CAPM, you can expect a dozen or so questions in the exam, but they do not go deep. So understanding the short sections in your PMBOK called Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments in each knowledge area should provide you with all the info you need.
If it doesn't tie together for you, allow me to suggest the Agile Quick Start Guide https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1502393468 as an easy to read introduction.
To actually prepare for the exam, you'll want to test yourself on practice questions, and this https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Certification/dp/1692528459 is probably the best one out there, and contains a section dedicated to Agile and the right percentage of Agile questions in the simulation exams, and at the proper depth for the CAPM.
All Agile questions on the current CAPM are sourced from the PMBOK 6th Ed. 90% of them are in the "Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments" sections of each Knowkedge Area, the other 10% may be found spread out through the chapters.
You can expect about 15-20 Agile-related questions, give or take, on your exam. This is roughly 10-12% of your score.
Landini Practice Questions and Simulation tests include Agile in appropriate proportion and level of difficulty. It also has a separate Quiz that is useful in focusing on Agile. Each answer will point you back to the exact chapter and section in the PMBOK from which it is sourced.
A good introduction to Agile concepts and frameworks can be found in this book:
but it seems the Quick Start Guide is no longer offered in kindle format.
The book contains a key to access content online and you can do the questions interactively. many peopls seem to buy the kindle version as it is 1/2 the price of the paperback just to get the online menu. It is $9.99 on Amazon:
best wishes...
as others have recommended, pick up the Landin practice questions on Amazon:
and, there is not really much difference between Joe Phillips and Andrew Ramdayal courses. Both cover the same dry material as best as can be expected. Just use the landini questions to guage your understanding and readiness for the exam...
Read PMBOK sections Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments in each knowledge area and test yourself using Landini's question sets:
That will cover all agile material on CAPM
Is this test from Peter Landini’s Project Management: Practice Questions For CAPM and PMP Certification Exams? If so, this will help you give a good sense of how the questions are structured for the exam. They’re a lot closer than what PocketPrep offers.
if you are answering Agile using Landini's Quick Quizzes and Simulation test, you will do fine.
If you want to stoke your confidence, do Landini's PMP Agile question set. More difficult, so don't let it shake your confidence.
A good intro book, Agile Project Nanagement Quick Start Guide, is available through Clyde Bank Media: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1502393468/
The Peter Landini practice tests are most similar in content, style, and format to the actual exam.
Hint: all the practice tests are accessible online using a link provided when you purchase the book.
Pocket prep scores are NOT an indicator of your readiness to pass CAPM.
Why? The pocket prep questions are actually more difficult than the actual exam and it is shaking your confidence. They are phrased in a tricky and confusing way that is not at all like the CAPM.
Instead, use the Peter Landini tests, which are most similar in content, style, and format to the actual exam.
Do the 50 question sets, and the full 150 question simulation. If you score 70% you can consider that barely passing, 75-79% is a little better, and over 80% means you are all set to succeed.
You can do it!
hope this helps
Phillips Udemy is good, probably the best CAPM prep value for the money (he has PMP too). But, sorely lacking as it comes to Agile.
Rita materials are uninspired and pretty much useless, if you already have PMBOK-6 may as well just stick with that as a reference guide.
Peter Landini Practice Tests are the real deal! Just like the actual exam, including Agile (which several other prep tests seem to miss) And, its only $10 and comes with a link to online simulation tests (full 150 question)
If you need to read up on Agile, this Quick Start ($13.99) guide is good in covering the basics
Agile will account for about 10-15% of the exam, and spans across all Knowledge Areas and Process Groups, so be sure to be comfortable with the basics and key terms...
Start doing practice tests to see what you have retained, what you understand, and what you need to go back to study.
Peter Landini's questions are most similar to the exam so you will get a realistic indicator of what you need to know, and in the format and style of the actual CAPM. you can purchase on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Certification/dp/1692528459
Start with the Quick Quizzes that are arranged by Knowledge Area, so you can progress chapter by chapter, then move on to the 50 question tests after you've completed the course. Finally, be sure to do the 150 question simulation exam to get a true reading on your readiness to pass.
If you are having trouble with the Udemy and PMBOK material, the "Head First" book by Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman is very good : https://www.amazon.com/Head-First-PMP-Management-Professional/dp/1492029645/
hope this helps...
Pick up Peter Landini Practice Tests : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
Do the Quick Quizzes for each knowledge area as you complete them in your course work. Go back to read sections you get wrong or don't understand.
When you complete your course work, do the 50 question practice tests, and the 150 question simulation test. This will give you an indication of your overall readiness.
7/24 is a month away, seems like enough time, but not enough to lose focus! stay on top of your study schedule.
*** And, since your primary language is Spanish, look into the Language Aids option when registering for the exam. The exam is given in English, however the Language Aids will translate key words to your language of choice - However, to my understanding you have to select this option in advance)
Hope this helps...
Having already completed the master of project course, there is no need Udemy. All you should need now is a good set of practice tests and your PMBOK 6th edition for reference.
The best practice tests are these: https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Certification/dp/1692528459
Hi there! A couple things - the exam isn’t changing in October anymore, it’s been moved out a bit further.
I just passed mine yesterday so it’s all still fresh here!
Pete Landini questions buy the kindle version and go to the page with the link, and go through all the questions. These were the most helpful questions for me. Won’t go into too much detail in fear of sharing too much but I recommend these from the start.
Pocket Prep app - do the one month pack for $20, and go through as many as possible. These were harder than the exam imo once you start getting good at these, you know you’re getting the points
Ricardo Vagas processes video - I watched this a total of 4 times - first, watch all the way through. Second, take notes of everything he’s saying. Third, make notecards with descriptions of each process. 4th, watch through again without notes, really absorb it.
This is very important! PMI has been increasing its emphasis on Agile concepts, with CAPM devoting 10-15% of its questions and PMP up to 50% Agile-related questions.
For CAPM, the PMBOK 6th edition is still the source for the remainder of 2022, so be sure the review and re-read the Considerations for Adaptive/Agile Environments in each Knowledge Area.
Peter Landini's Practice Tests probably do the best job in simulating what you can expect on the actual exam, and has a separate section devoted to Agile question for extra emphasis.
If you need to read up on Agile, this Quick Start guide is good in covering the basics at an introductory level: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Project-Management-QuickStart-Guide/dp/1502393468
there is no such thing as 'sub project' in PMi terms, so my advice for the OP is to refer to such experience as 'leading and directing project activities',
I would go for the CAPM as a first step towards PMP only if the project experience was so specialized that it does not translate well to PMBOK standards. In this case, using the CAPM as a stepping stone will offer the opportunity to learn and associate the text book terms and processes with prior job experiences. CAPM will be an easier exam to pass, get a credential, learn the PMBOK formalities, and springboard quickly to PMP.
If OP is already up to speed on PMI's methodology and has the experience, I'd look to bypassing the CAPM as perhaps an unnecessary step (read: time & money).
Here's a suggestion that can build confidence into this decision:
- Pick up Landini's practice questions on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Certification/dp/1692528459
- This book contains both CAPM and PMP practice tests.
- Without studying, take one of the PMP tests and see how you do... if you get somewhere close to a passing grade (say, 60% or better) stay the course directly to PMP. You will have to study hard for about 4-6 weeks and you can guage your progress using the set of practice tests.
- If you are not in tune with the material and fail the practice test miserably, drop back to CAPM is the first step. Get the methodology and terminology down cold and you will pass that easily, then move on to PMP.
Hope this helps....
PMI's ethics and code of professional conduct are not targeted on the current CAPM exam, but IS included in the Exam Content Outline for the UPCOMING CAPM exam based on the 7th Ed PMBOK that will be introduced later this year.
I am not familiar with the PM Training material referenced in the OP, but it's inclusion in CURRENT CAPM prep materials and practice questions would lead me to believe that they've either jumped the gun on the new material (less likely), or have taken short cuts to reuse their PMP prep material (which SHOULD include ethics, etc) in building their pool of CAPM practice questions (more likely).
That would have me question the validity of the overall CAPM material from PM Training and look to another source for practice questions, such as the Peter Landini question sets available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Project-Management-Practice-Questions-Certification-ebook-dp-B07XV1N9VJ/dp/B07XV1N9VJ/
Peter Landini's practice tests are MUCH better than current RMC Learning materials (Rita died in 2010 but they still use her good name).
These are closer to the actual CAPM exam in content, style, and format, and is only $10.
Landini actually covers all bases on the types of Agile questions to expect on CAPM. If you are finding them to be easy, you've got it under control.
The 10-15 question on the exam will be sourced from the PMBOK sections in each Knowledge Area called Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments. Read through those thoroughly.
If you want some additional reading, PMI's Agile Practice Guide is a little dry and doesn't give the reader an idea of how to actually manage an agile project, but does cover everything you can expect to see on CAPM AND MORE...
I kinda like this Quick Start Guide as an intro to Agile, and find it to be more useful: https://www.amazon.com/Agile-Project-Management-QuickStart-Guide/dp/1502393468
Hopefully, with PMBOK-7 based CAPM coming later this year, with its increased emphasis on Agile, Joe Phillips will update his Udemy to include Agile.
Don't waste you money with Rita products, they are no more than recycled PMBOK. Instead, get the actual PMBOK 6th Ed. and use it as a reference when doing practice tests.
On that note, Landinis practice tests are MUCH better than pocket prep, and closer to the actual CAPM, and its only $10.
If you want something to read as you make your way through Udemy, try this :
It is very understandable, logical, and you will actually learn the concepts through the examples.
Best Wishes...
so april give you about 3 months to complete the course and prepare for the exam. that should be suffice, as long as there are no major distractions. keep an eye on the pmi.org site for an announcement as to when CAPM exam cuts over to 7th Edition PMBOK, as you'll want to avoid dealing with new exam content.
definitely plan to go to a testing center. many have discussed tech problems, glitches, and other issues with the online proctored test. Unless you live a thousand miles from a test site, or we have another Covid lockdown, take the path of least resistance...
as far as additional study materials, i recommend Peter Landinis Practice Tests https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
Use the quick quizzes as you move through your 23 hour coursework, then spend about 2 weeks taking the 50 question practice tests and 150 question simulation exams before writing the actual exam. Consistent scores of 80% or better will tell you that you are ready to go.
best wishes...
You may have ADHD like me. Most effective aid for studying have been ear muffs.
Complete deprivation of sound helps with focus.
Peter Landini's online version of the practice questions from his book are by far the closest to the actual exam that I found. He also has an agile quiz.
Link to the book: Project Management: Practice Questions For CAPM and PMP Certification Exams
Joe Philips Udemy course (currently 'on sale' for $9.99) https://www.udemy.com/course/capm-pmbok6/
Peter Landin's Practice Tests (always priced at $9.99) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
Pocketprep is not a good indication of readiness to pass CAPM. The questions are more difficult, and sometime a little obscured from what you will encounter on the actual exam. And, it doesn't cover Agile which will account for about 10-15 questions on CAPM. I consider this a big miss.
Go with the Landini book of practice questions instead of Pocketprep. It is the closest in content, format, and style to the actual CAPM exam, and only $10. - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
It covers Agile, in fact has a separate practice test devoted to Agile as well as being included in the simulation tests. And the questions overall are at the apprpropriate level of difficulty for you to assess your readiness to pass.
Use the Joe Phillips Udemy as your driver, and ditch Rita* - read/reference the actual PMBOK 6th Ed. to reinforce, supplement, and fill in the gaps with each chapter as you learn.
Use the Landini book of Practice Questions instead of PocketPrep for chapter/knowledge area review as you proceed through the material, then later for practice tests and full 150 question simulation tests as self assessment of your readiness to pass, and your strengths and weaknesses. It is closest in content, format, and style to the actual exam. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
I struggled with the ITTOs the most too. I posted this already but these flash cards really helped: CAPM Exam Prep Flashcards (PMBOK... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997598387?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
I’d say in general, there’s big ones that repeat throughout the entire cycle, and to focus on those. There are some unique to each knowledge areas like risk and quality. What helped me the most was getting the general idea of what was needed at each point in time. So for example, instead of memorizing that quality metrics are an ITTO “here”, I tried to think “what output makes sense here when you’re managing quality”? I got AT in all areas a month ago and I’m not sure if what I just said was the right output.
I’d say the exam is more about measuring your general grasp of the “if-then”, rather than hard memorization. I 100% believe that I’ll be reusing and relying on all of my prep content (and the PMBOK guide) in my work until a million years from now when it’s deeply internalized.
Hope that helps!
EVERYTHING you can expect to find on the CAPM exam will come from PMBOK-6th Edition - including Agile. Be sure to read and Re-read the sections in each knowledge area 'Considerations for Agile/Adaptive Environments'
A good assessment for testing this knowledge is in Landin's Quick Quizzes and Practice tests. it can be found here:
Use Peter Landini's practice tests to get a more accurate assessment of your readiness to pass. His questions are most like the real exam in content and style, and include Agile questions you can expect to see on CAPM. There are 50 question practice sets, 150 Question exam simulations, and 10 question Quick Quizzes by knowledge are, including one specifically for Agile. here is the link to purchase on amazon:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ Get the kindle version, only $10, immediate access, and all the practice tests can be taken interactively!
Best Wishes!
Joe Phillips Udemy course is good, but his review questions are seriously lacking and do not provide an accurate indicator of your readiness to pass the CAPM exam.
The best practice tests for CAPM, hands-down is Landin's on Amazon.com. 50 question practice tests, Full 150 question simulation, and 10 Question 'Quick Quizzes' by Knowledge Area. Similar in content, style, and format as actual CAPM exam. here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
Go with:
Joe Philips Udemy course (currently 'on sale' for $9.99) https://www.udemy.com/course/capm-pmbok6/
Peter Landin's Practice Tests (always priced at $9.99) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
All the CAPM prep you'll need for under $20...
Use Peter Landini's practice tests to get a more accurate assessment of your readiness to pass. His questions are most like the real exam in content and style, and include Agile questions you can expect to see on CAPM. here is the link to purchase on amazon:
Get the kindle version, only $10, immediate access, and all the practice tests can be taken interactively!
Best Wishes!
for the exercise, you will have to get down to the deepest level of detail in order to trace through the flow of processes, and speak in the language of the PMBOK and the specific names of the artifacts, plans, documents, and registers.
but, once you get there you won't have to worry about memorization too much. remember that the CAPM is for the most part a multiple choice test (with some matching and muli-select questions thrown in) - so, basically you have to be able to identify the correct one out of a lineup. so, think recognize vs memorize!
best way to ready yourself for what to expect on the exam is practice exams. I recommend Peter Landini's as the closest to the actual CAPM test :
There are some ITTO study tools included with the practice questions, and a full 150 Question simulation where you can accurately guage your readiness to pass based on your practice test results.
hope this helps...
in reference to practice exams, this is what you should be using:
The questions here are very close to what you can expect on the actual CAPM, and you can accurately guage your readiness to pass based on your practice test results.
Get P. Landini's practice tests on amazon and do the Quick Quizzes for each Knowledge Area as you make your way through the coursework.
Then, when you are done, start taking the 50 question practice tests that span the full range of questions.
Finally, take the 150 Question CAPM simulation at least once to guage your readiness. Do again if you score below 80%.
very best wishes...
I used pocketprep pro and did all available questions averaging at 80%. In addition to this, I did Peter Landini's Practice Exams , which you can get for 10 bucks on amazon. On these tests, I consistently got mid 80s. There is a link to his online versions once bought within the book.
After 2 weeks of studying consistently (at least an hour and a half a day w/ flash cards), on top of a one month course, I was able to pass above target.
Truthfully, some of the materials and mock tests you mention here do not provide a good representation if the actual CAPM, they are actually more difficult in the way the questions are phrased - almost PMP-like.
The good side is that they can push you to better understand the material, but may affect the confidence factor as it relates to your exam readiness.
Landini's Practice Questions for CAPM & PMP exams is closer to the real thing in terms of content, style, and format. If you score 70-80% you are likely to pass the CAPM, but as others suggest - use 80% scores as your baseline for exam readiness.
Here's the link to purchase on AMZ: - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
The PMBOK Guide is key, but a bear to read cover to cover. You may want to start by first knowing what you don't know...
Get Landins book of practice questions, and use the links to go to tbe Quik Quiz Menu. Take each of the Quick Quizzes (11) based on each of the ten knowledge area + one for Agile.
Read & study the sections you score poorly in, each answer will provide a reference to PMBOK, then redo the quizes. The questions change slightly every time to prevent rote memorization.
Then, move on to the larger 50 question practice tests, and finally the 150 Question simulation test.
Here's the link to purchase on Amazon: - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
I suggest this for practice questions and simulation tests: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
The questions are just like the real CAPM exam, and if you don't understand something, the author has a 'contact me' form on his online menu, and will get back to you right away.
Not a fan of the stuff they are attaching poor Rita's name to these days... better of with Head First (https://www.amazon.com/Head-First-PMP-Management-Professional/dp/1449364918) as a study guide and Landinis Practice Questions (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ) to evaluate your readinessto pass the exam.
Study guides vs. Practice Tests.
Yes, a PMP study guide will cover the same material as one specifically for CAPM. If you are unfamiliar with a lot of the terms and concepts, i suggest Head First by Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stillman: https://www.amazon.com/Head-First-PMP-Management-Professional/dp/1449364918 as it is well written, easy to understand, and actually a little fun.
For Practice Tests, you want to go with specific CAPM material, as the test is very different from PMP. While tge material is the same, and there is a certain amount of crossover, PMP is not only more difficult, but the questions are not as technically specific as the CAPM.
For this I suggest Practice Questions for CAPM & PMP by Peter Landini: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ
The book has seperate question sets for CAPM vs PMP that are real close to what is on the actual exams, and a link to all practice tests and full online simulation exams.
For CAPM, reviewing the "Considerations" sections for each knowledge area in the PMBOK will suffice. The Agile Practice Guide is required reading for PMP.
Peter Landin's Practice Questions For CAPM and PMP Certification Exams has a 50 question practice test devoted to Agile, and several Agile questions throughout each of the CAPM simulation tests. If you can get through these, you'll be fine on the actual exam...
Peter Landin's Practice Questions For CAPM and PMP Certification Exams has a 50 question practice test devoted to Agile, and several Agile questions throughout the CAPM simulation tests. All refer back to Consideration sections in PMBOK knowledge areas, or the Agile Practice Guide.
This is best and most reasonably priced for CAPM practice tests. The questions are in same style and format as the actual exam, including matching & multiple select questions. The answers include direct references to PMBOK 6 making it easy to review incorrect answers, and there is a whole section dedicated to Agile project management: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
Joe Phillips Udemy is a good product, it's easy to understand, and explains concepts and methodology thoroughly.
His review questions, however are not enough to prepare for th CAPM exam. You should supplement with Peter Landin's book on Amazon for practice tests in same style and format as the actual exam:
This is best for CAPM practice tests, questions are in same style and format as the actual exam, including matching & multiple select questions. The answers include direct references to PMBOK 6 making it easy to review incorrect answers, and there is a whole section dedicated to Agile project management: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
This is best for CAPM practice tests, questions are in same style and format as the actual exam, answers include references to PMBOK 6, and there is a whole section dedicated to Agile project management: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
given your experience, you do not yet qualify to be a PMP candidate. PMP requires 4,500 to 7,500 hours of project management experience (depending on whether you have a 4 year degree). that translates to 3-5 years minimum.
therefore, CAPM is your only option now.
So go for CAPM now, and PMP in a year or two. Studying for CAPM will immerse you into the PMBOK - same basis for the PMP. Only the CAPM is more direct questions and is somewhat easier to pass. So a victory, confidence boost, and a valuable credential while you prepare longer term for PMP.
Be sure to use both the PMBOK (6th Ed.) and PMI's Agile Practice Guide. And this book of Practice Questions will prepare you for the CAPM now and PMP next year since it is the only one that is updated for 2021 PMP changes.
PMBOK is the only text you'll need, but if you are not taking an instructor-led class, you'll want to invest $12 in Joe Phillips Udemy course. And, of course some good practice tests, like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1692528459
CAPM now, and PMP next year.
Why? Studying for CAPM will immerse you into the PMBOK - same basis for the PMP. Only the CAPM is more direct questions and is somewhat easier to pass. So a victory, confidence boost, and a valuable credential while you prepare longer term for PMP.
Be sure to use both the PMBOK (6th Ed.) and PMI's Agile Practice Guide. And this book of Practice Questions will prepare you for the CAPM now and PMP next year since it is the only one that is updated for 2021 PMP changes.
no need to pay for an overpriced prepcast to prepare for CAPM... check this out instead: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XV1N9VJ and, hold on to it for your future PMP, it is already updated for the 2021 exam content!
I just took and passed my CAPM as well. Regarding pocket prep I did the exact same thing. During 3 day free trial, I did all 800 questions and it those helped me a lot during exam. I found the Jason Phillips Udemy questions to be extremely wordy and NOT a good depiction of what the exam is like. I also bought Peter Landini questions on Amazon and those questions were really good and it’s just $9.99. They also prepare you for the matching questions on the exam