I just finished my board game Chicken Challengers and I just wanted to share some of the artwork I made of my favorite chickens here since my pet chickens were my personal inspirations for creating this game <3
They have a product called Blue Kote that will cover up the red + help keep it safe from germs. Here's the link to it on Amazon. It works really well, we've used it quite a few times with our flock to prevent cannibalism and heal wounds/skin issues.
Yangbaga Metal Cat Litter Scoop with Deep Shovel and Long Handle, Detachable Stainless Steel Non-Stick Cat Litter Sifter with Foam Padded Grip Handle, No Bending Back Heavy Duty Cat Litter Scooper https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RHSJ3FP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_PDH1BNTSJD5B8WB36PF9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here’s the link for you!
We had a rescue chicken with them. We gave him a shower with this Tea Tree Oil Soap:
We got him wet, turned off the water, soaped him up, let it sit for 5 minutes, rinsed him. Thousands of dead lice fell off while rinsing. Then we put paper towels under him while we left him in there to dry. We changed the paper towels 10 times total if I recall. The dead lice just kept falling off. It was nuts. (Check my post history for a picture of it, it’s my first post ever).
It didn’t touch his mites but it totally cleared the lice. I gave him a second shower 4 days later just to be sure. We used DE in his pen, coop, & on him (once he was dry). Sent him off to his forever home with a clean bill of health.
A decent coop will be the most expensive part of the whole endeavor. Don't cheap out on the coop and get a cute but ineffective one like this. Unless you put that coop inside a compound with 8-foot concrete walls, something will try and succeed in killing your chickens. Get a coop built with 2x4's and hardware cloth, or build it yourself. Hungry dogs are remarkably strong and relentless.
>First question is what sort of chicken can live in my garden; how much space do they need?
I have red and work on 4sq ft per bird in the coop, 10sq ft per bird in the run.
>Second, wouldn't they poop everywhere when left outside?
>Third, we have a lawnmowing robot and a cat roaming outside, potential for trouble?
Once they are about three times the size of a pigeon a cat won't take them on. They will avoid your robot.
>Fourth: What to feed them? I reckon it's Rice and/or bugs, but I'm not sure
No. Get actual chicken feed. It contains everything they need, there are several different feeds for different stages. Chick crumb for chicks, grower pellets for adolescents and fattening for the pot. Layer pellets when they start laying eggs.
They will eat cooked rice, raw dry rice will kill any bird that fills it's crop with it in an unimaginable gruesome way, it literally bursts them from the inside.
>Fifth: Where do I buy chicken safely?
Depends where you live.
Serious note, these questions suggest that you really need to get a well reviewed book on backyard chickens. I can recommend my go to book by the chicken chick. Really serious, read whatever book you get before pulling the trigger. Your question about feeding them rice really concerned me.
We use this one. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XHG472H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Works very well. I set the delay function to the full 1.5 hours. I have a light in the coop on an Alexa smart plug that turns on at sunrise and turns off at sunset. The net effect is in the morning the light triggers the light sensor on the door and it opens up. At night the chickens head inside shortly before sunset and the light inside helps them get situated. Once the smart light goes off then 1.5 hours later (plenty of time for any stragglers to get in) the door will automatically close.
We also have a coop fan and heater setup on smart switches. At a certain temp the fan kicks on or goes off accordingly. Same with the heater.
Overall we have more tech in our chicken coop than some people have in their whole house.
DOWN UNDER OUTDOORS Premium Chicken Saddle with Adjustable Straps to Suit Small, Medium and Large Hens, Poultry Saver, Protector, Apron, Supplies, Care Accessories, Products and Equipment (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089GJZL2G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YFHF1EVP2XP7XE3X9JQF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Oof. Lice are evil. Sorry you’re dealing with that. Mites & bedbugs are worse though. Let me explain why they are evil...they suck the blood out of your girls. That causes Anemia (lack of Iron in the blood). Iron is needed to carry oxygen to the cells. Without proper amounts of Iron, cell death, internal organ damage, & cardiac arrest are all possible outcomes. In fact, a human girl (like 12 years old) just died from cardiac arrest due to a lice infestation in Tennessee or Kentucky.
This is a shampoo we use on rescue chickens that have lice: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012UDNONE/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_v7r1FUifhiHpq
We get them soaked, turn the water off, soap them up, wait 5-10 minutes, rinse. Then do that again 3 days later. Only works on lice though.
Make sure every inch of that coop is scrubbed clean. Make sure your girls are eating/have a heathy diet. Recovery time depends on 1. How long they were being eaten 2. Age/breed/weight/general health 3. Diet 4. How fast & through you are with getting rid of the lice.
Get a copy of The Chicken Health Handbook. There’s an entire chapter dedicated to things that bite your chickens & how to kill them.
Sure do! “Chicken water cups” they normally come in packs of 6 or 12 I think, but we had an extra one from the farm I work on. They work verrrry well though. Chickens figured them out immediately.
I dont know how to share a picture but here is a link to some on amazon
I have this one in my coop, works pretty well and I can move it around to see anything else in the coop. It's about 100 yards from the wifi router in the house, and is about at the limit of the signal. Going beyond that probably would require additional effort no matter what camera you buy (you can make a biquad antenna for decent range on a budget).
Yes! I bought these cups to replace those because I hated them. These just fill automatically to a specific point and then stop.
Here’s the link to where I bought them. Two of them cost $10 which is a bit much. But they’re easy to clean with a toothbrush or hose. Work really well with the bucket from TSC. And since I have a bunch of breeding coops I just bought the big pack and have a bucket in each coop.
This one is for rooster rash too, it’s a thicker canvas DOWN UNDER OUTDOORS Premium Chicken Saddle with Adjustable Straps to Suit Small, Medium and Large Hens, Poultry Saver, Protector, Apron, Supplies, Care Accessories, Products and Equipment (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089GJZL2G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_YFHF1EVP2XP7XE3X9JQF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Yes, you definitely might have a problem with predators (including hawks), but also with your own dog. You'd feel awful if the dog ended up killing one of your chickens.
Why don't you build the chickens a nice, large chicken run? Or buy some chicken fencing that you could move around your property? Chicken fencing isn't predator proof, but it would keep your dog away from the birds and then your dog could chase away any cats (or other daytime predators). Yes, cats and foxes could easily jump over the chicken fencing. Hopefully the dog wouldn't be tempted to dig under it.
You could also use metal garden stakes and netting to make your own fence, but the Omlet fence is a nice, pre-made package. You can buy plain poultry fence netting on Amazon.
Note that trees and bushes are useful for the chickens to hide under, in order to hide from hawks.
First, get the book: The Chicken Health Handbook by Gail Damerow. It has an entire chapter on things like this.
Second, mites & lice require different solutions because they are different bugs. If they are insanely small & fast, sounds like mites.
We knocked lice out with this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012UDNONE/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_v7r1FUifhiHpq
We gave the chickens a shower. Got him wet, turned the water off, soaped him up, waited 5 minutes, rinsed him off. Repeated 3 days later. It got rid of all lice but didn’t touch the mites.
We used DE in his pen & cedar chips in his coop. It took a few weeks & repeated DE applications (moisture negates it).
Oooh i see. Yea— we will see what happens when it gets cold! I already have this chicken warmer in my amazon shopping list
Here ya go. Here is the shirt on Amazon. wife got one for me and our daughter . You can also find them by searching “I raise tiny dinosaurs”
We have a heater wall. I like it because they can move toward it when they are cold and away when they are hot. Also it doesn’t turn on until it’s below 32 F which is nice.
Here’s a heated waterer which you can use even after moving the birds to their final coop:
My advice is to avoid Farm Innovators products altogether, regardless of the type of water heating system you use - unless you like spending $ on products which burn out in short order.
If you don’t want to spend that kind of $ on a fully-integrated system, K&H makes an excellent 80W immersion heater. I’ve been using them for years without failure.
Thiamine deficiencies can also cause neurological problems, so I'd suggest you give her a more well-rounded supplement like this:
Many vitamin supplements won't include thiamine for some reason, but this one has a very inclusive list :)
This is for cats but it will work. The ones for chickens are all electric.
It would be a quick fix until you can figure something else out.
I hadn’t heard this yet- if I’m in a place that regularly dips below freezing, should I not be using something like this?
Here's the link, looks like the price has gone up! You might be able to find it somewhere else, I saw some listings on other sites for $50.
Rural King has one for about $50
This one on Amazon is $88
One thing I do is save the grain bags from the feed we purchase and reuse them as garbage bags. You could use those, but with only two birds you probably are not going through much food. In your situation, just go to a feed store and purchase a muck bucket (20 gallon capacity, I think) for storage. Use a piece of plywood and a cement block to cover it to keep Fido out. An easier solution is to purchase a larger plastic garbage can with latching lid. Don’t use metal, as chicken poo is caustic and can react to the metal (especially galvanized).
Keep in mind that chicken poo as a fertilizer is “hot” if it isn’t composted. You can burn and kill your plants if you take it directly from the coop and apply it. If you don’t have room to do a compost pile, you can purchase a drum style compost bin, which makes turning the material over such a breeze. For example:
I found that by adding a light in coop that turns off a couple hours after sunset they were able to find their ways onto the roost on their own. They have terrible eye sight and may not feel comfortable trying to hop up into the roost in the dark.
I have this one that's solar charged but can also recharge it with a USB.
Afoskce Solar Light Bulb Outdoor... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NW48VL4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Amazon... at least thats where mine/ours came from:
Ours is only up for ~6-8+ weeks (OK, its often up for a couple more weeks than that, till we get around to taking the damned stuff down, but you get the idea...) every spring, but it's now 5 yrs old and will surely last at least through next year too. We tie it to a handful of random trees and posts.
I had this problem, get some saddles plus put chicken goggles on the aggressive hens.
It's normal for crops to be big at the end of the day.
You should be feeding them # 3 grit, like this:
Hi there. Stumbled in here and thought you might want to have a rational discussion with me, I think I'm never really rude (check my history)
So disclaimer: I'm vegan as well and I'm from Germany so I looked up a definition of the word "humane"
"showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering"
So from how I understand this the only way you could argue to humanely kill someone is to relieve them of suffering (illness etc.).
Someone who doesn't want to die (which is an assumption I'm making about animals I can't communicate with so not a fact, just a guess) can't be killed in a humane way since it disregards the wish to not die / be killed which isn't kind, caring and is the opposite of showing sympathy.
Where is the flaw in this logic?
This is the one I have, but it’s probably more expensive than you need. I bet you could even find a used one on Craigslist or Ebay. I like them because they’re much safer than a heat lamp. It doesn’t get super cold where I live in Seattle but I still put mine out in the hen house as a little space heater when the temps get real low here.
I had a young chicken years ago with a head injury like this. I treated her with a poultry safe wound gel like this reapplied as needed. Gave her a box with food, water, and a heat lamp. She survived and healed fully!
Freeze them. Use silicone ice cube trays with LARGE places for the ice cubes. I'm meaning something similar to these which have six cubes per tray.
Crack one egg per "cube" and lightly scramble it with a toothpick or fork. Put them in the freezer for a few hours, then put them in a baggy with the date written on them. The frozen eggs need to thaw in the fridge for a day before using them. They're good for making scrambled eggs and baking. If (for example) you normally scramble a dozen eggs at a time, put a dozen frozen egg cubes in the bag so it's already the correct portion size.
I got one of these amazing feeders last year:
It holds about 40# of crumbles, and I store the remainder of the 50# bag in a lidded 5 gallon bucket, topping off the feeder when it gets low.
So much easier and convenient to have chickens with free access to feed when they need it instead of fighting over it when feeding them 1-2x a day too!
I have mine mounted inside the coop so water/rain isn’t an issue.
These are mosquito dunks. They kill of mosquito larvae naturally. Safe for birdbaths and such
This may help if you can't break them if it. Slanted Nesting Box They lay the egg, it rolls forward or back depending on brand of box where they can't reach it. There are instructions if you are crafty for building your own or modding existing ones. Good luck.
There isn't too much actual coding going on with it, it's in Python, but basically you install the operating system on it, buy a relay hat for the board and install the programming for that.
Then I just installed RaspController and wire the relays in a h bridge and put what channel matches up with what RPIO pins you are using for your wiring. I absolutely love it, especially in the winter.
Here is the relay board I am using since I want to automate more things in the coop: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07JF4D814/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I bought these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CAVMIK2?ref=nb_sb_ss_w_as-reorder-t1_ypp_rep_k0_1_12&amp&crid=1YQLMVLFGCGIR&amp&sprefix=nesting+pads. Not reusable, but I got them in April and haven't had to replace any yet, so seems like the 10 pack will last years. I felt silly buying them, when it seemed like I should just be able to use dried grass/hay from the local fields, or pine shavings... but at the time I was worried about bird flu, and the pine shavings were a mess and had to be changed all the time and were sticking to the eggs. I was really dubious spending money on this, but don't regret it at all.
We got one of these for our hen that our rooster constantly pecked. Helped immensely, and it was kind of funny watching her get used to wearing it.
Yes, fans, and you can zip-tie mesh sunshade fabric over your run, and maybe shade your coop. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002UON1UK/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1
(My review is there)
Oh okay. We use ice packs from Amazon that our girls like and it will cool the space down. People say frozen water bottles when it’s hot so it’s the same idea but these are flat so the girls can stand on them or lay on them. I put them in nesting boxes on real hot days. Amazon Basics Reusable Hard Sided... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YX7TCJP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Rolled gauze is extremely cheap. If you're keeping the ace bandage clean it's fine, but juices soak up in there and you need to make sure you keep washing the bandage. Buy a big box of rolled gauze once you can and it will save you a lot of hassle and isn't a bad thing to have around regardless.
I use Theracyn spray on chicken wounds to keep the wounds clean and moist. I'm always wary of antibiotics unless a vet tells me to use them because chickens aren't mammals and they can react to things differently than mammals do. I'm not a vet, I don't tell people when/when not to use antibiotics.
Glad you’re prepared to take care of them. Message me any questions if you need. They need heat ASAP if they don’t have it already. A brooder heating plateis some thing that I would recommend. Heating lamps can cause fires.
Try this stuff: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E9RKPD2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
I had the same problem with my Zeus hurting one of his ladies. Made her half bald too! This stuff works miracles. Tastes nasty to them and before she was isolating herself, avoiding him, staying inside, and now she’s acting like one of the group again!
It’s called ‘amoxicillin’ if you need to find an antibacterial with that in it. https://www.chewy.com/midland-vet-services-aqua-mox/dp/344724?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=16653480434&utm_content=Midland%20Vet%20Services&utm_term=&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V2WcYwOyUwtYhZpWQaynVzuc&gclid=... This should work, it’s for fish, but can be used for poultry too.
I hope he ends up alright! I’m so glad he made it through the night. If you plan on caring for him for awhile (or keeping him) you’ll need some rooster booster and some chicken feed (anything made for chickens and not grower should work to start). You can also give him other foods such as berries, carrots, lettuce, cracked corn, stale bread, cauliflower, pumpkins and cooked oatmeal. Before you feed him anything though, look it up and see if it is chicken safe.
Make sure you fully asses his injuries so that you can help him as much as possible. A strong rooster shouldn’t be taken down by a cat. Could he have broken bones from a fox? Scratches from a raccoon?
Are there any chicken owners near you? Once he is on the road to recovery you could ask around and see if anyone lost a rooster. Just be cautious about giving him away because someone might put down an injured rooster
Oh yeah! One more thing!
When daughter had those poor and sickly hens here - I nursed the weakest ones back to health with the following:
Plain yogurt, raw egg, chopped apple, chopped carrot, a sprinkle of medicated chick feed, dab of water to thin it down, and most importantly: A little shot of Nutri-Cal we happened to have around for our senior dog!
Blend it all up, use a syringe and offer it to them. I'd keep some in the fridge and set out a little bit so it would warm up a little before I fed it to them. Some of ours were too weak and confused to know what to do, so I'd force feed a little at first. Didn't take long for them to gain strength and mental clarity - they would mug me for the Chicken Smoothy after they figured it out. I think I'd have three or four old hens, standing on puppy pads and a make shift perch, in front of our fireplace (it was winter) for a couple of weeks. I missed them when they went outside.
Heat lamps are fire hazards and it sounds like you have a bad lamp. I wouldn’t take the chance. Purchase a heat warmer asap. K&H PET PRODUCTS 100213615 Thermo-Poultry Brooder for Newly Hatched Chicks and Ducklings, Small 8 X 13.5 X 8 Inches, Gray/Orange https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GD2XXWV/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_SA8FNV223N4FZ4GVNSET
Short term solution: get hand warmers in there. Get icy hot patches and stick them to the side of the brooder and they will generate heat.
Pinless peepers. When I have a chicken who attacks claws first (starts off as pecking and gets worse over time), I put pinless peepers on them. Imagine solid sunglasses. They stop them from attacking because as so as they go to run at them, they can’t see. It doesn’t hurt them as long as they are applied correctly, just uncomfortable at first. They can still eat and drink. Here’s a link to see what they are.
The anti-infectant I keep around for all my animals is called Vetericyn and it has been very helpful in all sorts of emergencies with my animals.
someone else on this sub made a temporary enclosed run with a plant tunnel
it would keep them contained but would be easy move around the yard
and most are fairly cheap
The incubator: https://www.amazon.com/Sailnovo-Egg-Incubator/dp/B09TB89K8L (it's sold under a bunch of different names...)
The temp and humidity were verified with a touchless thermometer and a spare electronic hygrometer I used for my cigars. The hygrometer disagreed with the incubator by two points but its a crapshoot which one is "wrong".
5 gallon bucket with water nipples and a heater. Below are links to the parts I've used and not had a problem with. We have 10 hens in our flock and 2 of these set up w/o any fighting over the water. You realistically can get away with 1 water nipple per 2-3 birds but they might fight over them, so more doesn't hurt anything.
Use a dremel to cut a hole in the lid that is big enough for the plug in on the de-icer to fit through, then use enough duct tape to fill in around the hole so the water stays cleaner.
We use 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar added to the water when we fully refill it. When it gets bad inside, just dump it out (not in the run), scrub and rinse the bucket, then refill it again.
KEBONNIXS Automatic Chicken Cup... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08DFBPKG4?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I bought this and I really like it, although in the waterer the little plastic wing nuts they gave broke off on one of the sides so I went to Home Depot and replaced it with a steel wing nut
I’ve been able to break both of my broody girls. One was multiple times last summer. We have a medium sized cage, flip it upside down (wire on the bottom) and put two blocks underneath to allow airflow under. We had one diagonal piece of wood for a perch, only 2 inches wide so she couldn’t lay down. We keep her in the garage and we did let her socialize with the others if we got them out that day (usually we did in the summer), but we’d close the door to the coop so she couldn’t get to her boxes (and yes she did try sometimes). Usually took 3 or 4 nights. You can tell by posture, body language, and the sounds they make when they are back to normal. Some people it’s not an issue, but last summer we did have a rooster so potential fertile eggs that we didn’t watch hatching, and we have a Brahma and Cochin, and they are very fluffy and get very hot in the summer in their nesting boxes. Last summer they both went broody 2 or 3 times each (sometimes one right after the other), and we ended up getting those screw on bowls because they kept pooping in and dumping their food and water.
LITTLE GIANT Galvanized Double Wall Founts https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000OL89S0/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_CJEQ3JC9XP18WW20VFV1
Dreyoo Poultry Water Heater Warmer Base, Model HDB-118 Chicken Water Heated Base 125 Watts for Metal Poultry Founts, Automatic Pet Water Heater with 6.4 Feet Extension Cord https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GB1SQ1F/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_X4VAV0V33DQCRDFDZJT7?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Nor the exact ones we use, but same concept. We bought ours at Rural King.
( I earn nothing from these links)
It's a site that is used by spambots to sell stolen artwork.
At the bottom, it says "Powered by GearLaunch". GearLaunch is known for failing to deliver items and keeping the customer's money.
I used this but prior to them starting to lay. I'm not sure if it would be safe to consume eggs laid after applying it. It for pigeons and I used it as a preventative.
Harkers 4 In 1 Spot On Treatment https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07N1KRZ2W/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_ZGHBT7VXEQR2CXSWB4S3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Poor baby… I don’t have any tips on taking her pills, but maybe get her a little xylophone to play with while she’s inside!
I have had much success with these - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BPAVCG/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_G67ES3K50P91XZ8784QK Set the trap at night. Sprinkle a little bit of chicken treats (seeds/corn) on the tray and under the trap and out the trap door.
I have it posted on Scratch! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/325445843/ (Note: it’s very short, and very weird. Some day I want to remake it using Unity, and make it a bit longer.)
I’m also working on a sequel, which is much bigger and better
Since it sounds like farm animals are a new for thing for you, so before you do anything, please read-read-read from reputable sources, and network with knowledgeable people. It’s good that you’re asking questions, but many answers are too long to explain on this type of thread. Caring humanely for animals is a big responsibility. Biosecurity (preventing illnesses) is one of the most important things. Chickens are susceptible to a large amount of illnesses, and many can affect the whole flock. Precautions like wearing “chicken shoes” and clothes, disinfecting, etc. are a must. Buy a Chicken Health book to read and have when there’s an emergency and have an emergency kit ready. I am not trying to dissuade you. Your land looks like a wonderful opportunity! You can prevent a nightmare situation by learning all you can. Chicken Health Handbook
I’m not suggesting this brand or that you buy it from Amazon, but this is an example of a motion sensor water blaster. This is my plan if something like this happens.
Use this. Get it at your local feed store.
This is what I use on my never ending fight against lice/mites. Kills then almost instantly. Just shake on and rub down to the skin level around the affected areas, also, you can fluff get out after a few minutes to remove the dead insects.
Prozap (3 Pack Garden & Poultry 2-Pounds Each Poultry Dust https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071XQDDXZ/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_HE9T0RYRPWESJEJY30WS
Brooder heat plate. Something like this.
Titan Incubators Chick Brooder Hen 30 - Heat Lamp Replacement - Up to 25 Chicks - 30x30cm https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00LIDPM4W/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_TV2FDTBQQYD46HA1J6Y4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is what I use to hold shell and grit, works great. Fits right on the hardware cloth around the enclosure. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B088D31H6M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BZGW2RN4121GXJXGGXCC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
We use those little coloured leg rings, like these:
Every hen gets a different colour ring. I've seen people with larger flocks put a coloured ring on each leg.
Anyway, we thought with our first three hens we'd never be able to tell one from the other, and yet, several months on you start to notice the differences in combs, wattles, beak size and shape, feather colours, feet, voice and definitely no two chickens have the same temperament. The differences get to be so obvious that you can easily tell them apart at a glance.
Pretty Girl is indeed a pretty girl.
I have power that runs to my coop and I installed three of these (link below) on the wooden walls where they roost. Keep in mind I know they don't need it but I use it once it goes below freezing.
I also have a hanging water heater in there too.
I also keep the coop insulated, draft free, and do not deep litter method.
BTW I have sensors and everything is Smart tech. So I can control with my phone or tell Google Home.
You can put some Vaseline or coconut oil on their comb and wattles to help moisturize. Bag Balm is what we use for our chickens and it works well.
pick your source, but there come highly recommended. SWEETER HEATER Safe Heater for Chicks, Coops, & Animals, OH11x40, 150 Watt https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CYUZSQ4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_FE5EWHR6AD1SWW5D57JF
I thought that too.. until I had the one at bottom of pecking order separated while she healed from their attacks where they would pick her head bald.
Tilda Swinton loved being an only house chicken. We gave her separate yard space eventually and a rabbit hutch, but she'd jump up at the window, pecking and trying to get in. She learned to like people and hated her sisters.
Give her not just a cage, but This enclosed single 'coop'.. Fluff up A nesting pad, so she feels it's a safe space and you'll have a few eggs a week that are easy to find. You could even keep her in the yard in this set-up so she can free-range and get yummy bugs with her feed.
If she seems happy now, she's probably OK being a loner and it's a lot easier to manage than more chickens. I ended up giving Tilda to a neighbor.. who can't stop buying more now.
Automatic Treadle Feeder - For Chickens And This is what I have...it’s been great and chickens soon get used to stepping on it so they can get to the food.
Other Poultry (2-3 Hens - 11 Pounds of Feed) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01EOXEUJK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XH8PM9MTNJM41Y8EMVW9
Mine love corn and sardines more than just about anything. You should keep her and get 2 more and then it's a party. By the way, you can t Rex arms or hats for them off Amazon. I ordered these for my flock for the Christmas cards
Vehomy 8Pcs Christmas Chicken Hats Scarves and Bowties for Hens Xmas Chicken Santa Claus Hat Woolen Hat with Adjustable Chin Strap Chicken Bow tie Scarf for Poultry Hen Rooster Duck Parrot https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JVSQ9WL/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ZHVJ7B28PZ4JETAXY500?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I painted it with exterior paint and stain and added a wire mesh to the bottom to keep out predators. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, and it's surviving the fall acorn onslaught pretty well so far.
Large Metal Chicken Coop Run Duck House Outdoor Walk-in Poultry Cage Rabbits Habitat Cage with Waterproof and Anti-Ultraviolet Cover for Backyard Farm Use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094DJW2PM/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_NYSH3734VQ78GS7DKVS2
This worked for my coop. I removed all bedding, food, water, and birds. Then sprayed everything. Gave the birds a misting as I could get at em.
Davis Pure Planet Poultry Spray, 22 oz, Model Number: 011-41000 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ET9ZL6K/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_kMjjug7jDbLS7
These will do the trick. If they peck them one time they'll never do it again lol
We found that insulating our coop helped a lot, since it's in direct sun. Lots of ventilation. Misters outside on the hot days. We run a fan too that was designed for dusty construction sites.
Get your little buddy some chicken diapers to solve the poop problem..
Other than that and possible aggression, you may have city or county ordinance against keeping a roster in a residential area. There’s “no-crow” collars that may help with that, or you could find a veterinarian to do a surgical castration- a Google search is telling me there’s two different types of surgery that could be performed.
Even ornery roosters are cool to have around imho.
I used drops for pigeons that you put on the skin under the feathers between the shoulders.
Petlife Harkers Harka-Mectin Spot on Drops for Pigeon, 5 ml https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FX0JEUE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_C45RXE57TG07ZNWEVR7T?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I also add diatomaceous earth to their food and add apple cider vinegar and a crushed garlic clove to their water.
Rural king! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BH71KRC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_6KPBSW7B8507TD3R95VP Here is a similar one. Little giant is the brand. They make a similar feeder and offer different sizes in both!
It's inexpensive (I think I paid like 14-15 for it). It holds about a cup of food and you just pulse it a couple times to get a little of the chunkiness out of it. I don't want it powdery, just a little less "big" for the smaller babies! It works wonders.
I have a large plastic dunkin donuts coffee container and I will grind enough to fill that up. It last a few days for little babies and once they are eating enough where I have to fill it daily, then they graduate to the normal crumbles!!
Yes, there is a device called a poultry nipple or gravity waterer. You can find them on Amazon as well as the outlets themselves to fix to your own bucket. https://www.amazon.ca/Harris-Water-Poultry-Drinker-gallon/dp/B01FHUGZK6/ref=mp_s_a_1_14?dchild=1&keywords=poultry+waterer&qid=1620500746&sr=8-14
Maybe you can buy a bulk of plastic Easter eggs. I don’t know how the chickens will react to the bright colors. I would paint them white or brown. 👍
Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, 4th Edition: Breed Selection, Facilities, Feeding, Health Care, Managing Layers & Meat Birds https://www.amazon.ca/dp/161212934X/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_VJ7AVADQF9WPBJ2S2PMH?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If you are referring to using diatomaceous earth, I have had zero luck with it for lice and mites, not saying it doesn't work for some, but didn't for me and I lost chickens before I found what did.
I would recommend to deep clean the whole coop. If you aren't against it, I would use permethrin dust for poultry. When we had a bad outbreak, we deep cleaned then lightly dusted the entire coop, especially in the corners, nesting boxes, roosts, etc. Then I took the dust, flipped the chickens on their backs, then powdered under their wings, their tushes, and carefully around their heads. You dont want powder going every where, it is a pesticide. I would wear protective eyewear and a mask, but just try not to puff it excessively around where it can be inhaled by yourself or the chickens. Its the only thing that completely got rid of it for our flock.
Just note, this stuff is lethal for cats. I dont know why, but its what is says on the label. So I always wear something I can bag up and wash, even though i dont have outdoor cats. Never wanted to test with just walking in the house.
I use this:
DOWN UNDER OUTDOORS Premium Chicken Saddle with Adjustable Straps to Suit Small, Medium and Large Hens, Poultry Saver, Protector, Apron, Supplies, Care Accessories, Products and Equipment (Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089GJZL2G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_6DPCKFW8AG781BQNV1FH
Ok first thats not what my question was. Ive already got something for it.
Second, i asked and they recommended this, instead of blukote. They said it was better for applying to chickens.
My question is if i need to keep applying it daily or if he is ok for the time being. The instructions just say how to apply it, not how often.
Thank you for searching. I checked and it doesn't seem like they deliver to denmark and it says its unavailable. But that you again for checking
I found this one on Amazon?
Also...I've incubated eggs up to 3 weeks after being laid. I wouldnt go much longer than that though.
Also...a simple google search yields tons of links and videos of hatching without an incubator. 🤷🏼♀️
Legit chicken wire is thin metal and would be somewhat sturdier, but it's not predator-proof; it's very easy for a racoon or other critter to rip it and climb right through. If you're planning to keep your chickens enclosed in the run and safe from predators, you'll need "hardware cloth" (which is oddly not cloth at all, but thick wire mesh, probably what you're thinking of). But it's not cheap, and it's not easy to work with, especially if you're trying to attach it to metal pipes like you'd be doing here. Actually, my husband and I never did figure out a truly workable solution - we tried wrapping it around the tubes of the run and then using rabbit hutch clamps to attach it to itself, we tried "sewing" it on with wire metal, etc, etc. The hardware cloth itself is just too thick and rigid to stay flush and straight unless you can nail or screw it into something very sturdy itself that can handle the tension, like a 2x4 or fence post.
Here's a link to hardware cloth so you'll know what to look for: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C89QJU0/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_yDc3FbMTP2SSE
It's one of those gravity-fed ones and it's inside a coop, so the sun won't be hitting it. We've got a heated chicken mat that we're not even sure works, but we thought that was maybe one possibility if we put it under the tray. I see there is a waterer warmer on Amazon, but I'm not sure if A) it works and/or B) using the mat would achieve the same results, not to mention the fact that no matter what I do I'm likely going to have to drill a hole through the coop to be able to run a cord out of it.
We do have the hardware cloth running top to bottom of the run and then overlapping the ground about 2 feet away from the run. I thought I read somewhere that digging animals will try to go right up beside the structure to dig in and don't know to move away and then dig under the hardware cloth and then in. We do have a LED motion light on the front of the run over the door but was thinking about these lights I found on Amazon. Not sure if they would be effective or not?
Edit: the reviews aren't great.
We had a rescue chicken with lice. We did the following:
Gave him a shower with this Tea Tree Oil shampoo: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B012UDNONE/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_apip_v7r1FUifhiHpq
Get him wet, turned off the water, soaped him up really good, waited 5 minutes, rinsed him off. Let him dry off in the shower before returning him to his pen. Thousands of dead lice fell off of him (my very first post was about him & his shower). We did that again a few days later. We put DE all over his run & coop. The shampoo killed all the lice but didn’t touch his mites. Thankfully, DE took care of the mites.
This isn't a great situation. You should have got a lamp or pad prior to getting them. That being said, you can use hot water pads wrapped in a towel or two. If you can put it on a small wire cooling rack and elevate the rack and water bottle, so the chicks can get under it, like they would with a mother hen. Keep in mind you will need to frequently refill the hot water bottle. Like multiple times a day/as soon as the water cools. If you hear the chicks chirping really loudly, they're likely cold, hungry or thirsty. That being said, australorps are a chatty bird. I would try to keep the chicks in your house for the first few weeks. That way they're less likely to get chilled. Keep in mind this should be a temporary situation until you get you lamp or brooder plate.
LED lights are an incredibly bad choice as they don't provide any heat. However you can use them as lighting in a coop or enclosure.