High heat for steak. You want the pan as hot as it can get. Invest in a probe thermometer and start cooking your food to temperature instead of by time, your food will come out perfect every time.
For example:
Insert your probe into the center of the steak coming from one of the sides, and place it into a ripping hot pan. Always lay the food down gently away from you so that no hot oil splatters in your direction.
Cook the first side to 100 degrees f (37 c)
Flip and cook the second side to 125 f (54 c)
Take the steak out of the pan, put it on a plate, cover with foil, and let rest for 5-10 minutes. This should give you a perfect medium rare of 130-135f (54-57 c). The resting period allows the steak to finish coming up to temperature and reabsorb its juices making it nice and juicy and tender and not dried out.
If you want the steak more done, cook the second side for longer. For medium, cook to 135 f (57 c). For well done (not recommended) cook to 145 f (62 c)
Always cook the first side to 100 f (37 c) this side needs to be left down longer to give you a good sear, as once you flip it over it will now be the top and have a nice crispy crust on it.
This is a very very basic method to cook steak. Get this down and you can really start to go crazy with it.