I also ordered this band from Amazon to go above my knee Pro-Tec Athletics Iliotibial Band... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000G34VV0?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share.
Good luck! I hope you heal quickly and crush your first marathon!
You should use a pair of these hand warmers if they have them:
During the later parts of the marathon your hands tend to get cold because most the blood goes to the working muscles.
I absolutely recommend this book. I had done a couple half marathons and decided I would do a full after losing all of my fitness. It has a solid running plan and it goes through the mentality of finishing a marathon. (on mobile so not sure if the link is right.) Most of the free plans out there are just do x number or x minutes and miss out on the psychological aspects of doing one for the first time.
The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer https://www.amazon.com/dp/1570281823/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_BNXE7RTWS66Z0AVXAAW0
I will also say that you have a long time to get ready so it might be good to start with a couch to 5k kind of thing.
Find a running shoe store near you and get a couple good pairs to rotate through. Lots of brands and styles out there that will be good for me but bad for you. Heck between years of the "same" shoe have not worked for me.
I’m sorry, I sweat wayyy to much for Bodyglide to work on me. After 6 miles it rubs off and I either have to apply more every couple miles or just give up and let the chafe take place. I don’t like running with extra weight in my water pack. So I use 2Toms Sportshield. It’s the only thing that’s gotten me through 14+ miles without chafing. It’s super waterproof and sweat proof. And it doesn’t leave any weird film/rubbery feeling on you like TriSlide does. I do my research. Yes, I’ve tried 3 brands. But use what works for you. I suggest 2Toms for all over your body. 2Toms Amazon link