I am moving to Mass in a few weeks and eager to go mushroom hunting!
I got this field guide on Amazon (along with a few others) but I liked it the most: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1591935911/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
It's got tons of pictures. My favorite thing is that it starts with listing 'Top Edibles' and 'Top Toxics'. Also, it lists common lookalikes for all the mushrooms and tips for telling them apart.
Only eat the ones you're super confident in identifying, but the field guide is a fun guess + check when you're still learning
DM if you'd want a novice mushroom hunting buddy. I'll be in the south shore area
There are some region specific suggestions on r/mushrooms and r/Mycology about/sidebar resource lists.
I like to suggest this one:
Mushroom ID can be very tricky. And how you interpret those sources may even lead you astray as well - since we can’t know what we don’t know.
If keen to learn this book is a decent starting point:
I make unique recipes all the time, from all kinds of mushrooms that I forage, but there is a REALLY good, newly published community cookbook called Fantastic Fungi Community Cookbook available through Amazon. I pre-ordered my copy, received it on Dec. 7, and have already tried a couple of the recipes, and I can honestly give a 5 star review! 😋😍
Those Chanterelles at 12 & 13 are probably the only thing worth eating. Clean em up and fry em up.
3 & 7 look to be Lobsters (edible but those look past their prime). 8 & 9 look like jelly fungi.
This book is great if you live out west in the US:
Im not 100% sure but I’ve got a full set of leggings made out of fairly thin material. Not all of them are thick padding based. Not what I have but here’s an example of Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/U-S-Solid-Protection-Rattlesnakes-Poisonous/dp/B074H9F3H2
Edit: Here’s a pair similar to OP’s: https://www.amazon.com/Outdoor-Hunting-Waterproof-Legging-Gaiters/dp/B07GTRTNVK
Could just be regular boot/leg gaiters as well.