Katina at SeaWorld Orlando does this when she's asked to perform a jump sometimes, just for shits and giggles. Shouka at SeaWorld San Diego does it as well.
It's a science fiction book from the seventies where humanity has provided the Earth's cetaceans with a entire water-planet as reparations for the whaling days - only now the floating cities of the planet 'Cachalot' are being destroyed, and the protagonists team up with a pod of orcas to determine if the big whales are taking revenge.
Definitely a fun read - Foster was one of my favorite sci-fi writers back in the day - he wrote a slew of Star Trek novels, all the Alien movie novelizations, as well as the first Star Wars sequel, Splinter of the Mind's Eye.
Here it is on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Cachalot-Alan-Dean-Foster/dp/0345280660/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=cachalot&qid=1601414553&s=books&sr=1-1
Huh. I just started reading Susan Casey's "The Devil's Teeth" which starts off talking about the white sharks of the Farallones.
She also wrote Voices in the Ocean about dolphins, which just came out in August. Great author.