You can use plastic urinals to measure their bladder emptying percentages. Like you go as much as you can via urethra and measure, then use the cath for the rest and measure that. But could probably use any container that’s pretty uniform and mark the sides with a marker as an easier way
Good luck! Are you going to the Austin TX center?
I had RFF surgery with Santucci, but did one of my follow-ups with crane, and recovered at Brookdale nursing center with a few guys who got the same surgery with Crane.
Don't push yourself. You're going to be pretty incapacitated for while after surgery, it's going to suck but it's totally normal. Make peace with blood and (if getting UL) pee, they're going to be an unavoidable fact of life for a while. You'll probably want to get some adult diapers, because otherwise you'll ruin any underwear you try to wear with blood stains in the first couple weeks.
A guy who was a few weeks farther in recovery than me suggested [separatec underwear(] for when I was ready for underwear again, and they were a big help. Get them in black, blood stains are still a problem, but I found these were much more comfortable than anything else for months after surgery. They have a pouch that keeps your dick and balls separate, which provides extra support and also reduces moisture which reduces risk of fungal infections.
These scar strips have been working the best out of all the other things I’ve used on my scars, and I’ve tried a lot of different things. Maybe check it out
I bought one on Amazon! I gotta buy a new one cuz I lost mine
I didn't experience much incision tension after the implants. I was really surprised, after the long and difficult recovery from phalloplasty the implant surgery recovery was pretty easy.
Though I do super highly recommend <strong>underwear like this</strong>. There are other similar brands too but this is the cheapest I know of. It keeps everything well supported and separate, so it moves around less and also keeps everything dry. This was a lot more comfortable, and helps reduce risk of fungal infections while healing.
Not to be repetitive, but having your own water bottle in the hospital is great. I have a hydro flask with the flip straw thing, easy to drink lying down and keeps the water cool.
Clean t shirts and socks are nice if you’ll be in the area for a while, but for both my stages and travel I’ve packed too many pairs of underwear and shorts/pants. I’d only bring like two pairs that are super baggy in the front. You can test the stretch by pointing your phone out perpendicular from your body underneath the garment.
Long phone charger is a must. Bite the bullet and get a good one.
Phone stand for the hospital is nice, and a laptop cushion while you’re in bed is great (not ideal to pack if you’re flying).
Cough drops and hard candies for sore throat and dry mouth.
WET WIPES. Wet wipes are saving my life. I used them with bowel prep before surgery and with every bowel movement after, especially with the vnectomy. I really like this brand, no residue, snap seal is nice:
As far as sage advice, give it time. Wounds, swelling, movement restriction, pesky bandages, shitting in a bedpan, catheters, you name it. Be patient and let your body do the incredible and sometimes seemingly invisible work of healing.
Good luck to you, best wishes to you in recovery and to your wife and your animals as they take care of you!
The elator is a great option if you want to drop a lot of $$ on something that doesn't work. Kidding, sorta, I guess it works for some people. But I hated it and I found it to be super overpriced for what you get. I hated the sensation of hard wire against my obviously still flaccid dick. It just felt super unnatural to me.
I really like this sleeve. It actually makes me feel like I have an erection, the material is really nice. It doesn't make you rock-hard though so it's not great for anal, but I imagine it's easier with PIV. I really like that it's pretty neutral in shape, size, and color. It's more like a thick condom instead of a sex toy, imo.
At the time I started by buying a bunch of different style sleeves of aliexpress to get an idea of what works for me, and what doesn't. This way, you don't spend a lot of money on something that might not be to your liking.
I personally found I prefer TPR material sleeves for anal, since they're firmer. Most sleeves are intended to be used with an erection, so you can imagine why that doesn't always work for us. TPR does give less sensation than the other sleeve I listed, but I don't really mind because otherwise I just get overstimulated lol.
I've never tried the coban method myself but it doesn't really sound appealing to me. What I like about sleeves is that you can just put them on as easily as you would a condom.
Plication is just another term for shortening of the phallus.
It’s upsetting to have this life changing surgery and then feel disappointed and frustrated by the very thing you’ve always wanted. It took a while for me to get used to wearing more than just loose shorts, as swelling takes several months to go down. Nearing a year post op, for the past few months I’m now able to wear pants and shorts that weren’t comfortable before—it just takes time.
This is what I started with for underwear, they are pretty soft and comfortable
Things get better, it just takes a moment to get there
I have the stays-hard device, which is basically a cheaper version of the elator. It was such a waste of money, I'm glad I at least didn't but something more expensive. I mean I guess it works but but I didn't like it at all. To me it felt very weird to have like a hard wire right against my obviously flaccid penis. The wire allows you to mash your flaccid dick in there, but I just could not get over how wrong it felt to me. And don't even get me started on the fumbling to get the damn thing on.
I had much better luck using sleeves such as this one. It's as easy as putting on a condom, and the stretchy material makes your dick actually feel harder, so to me it just feels like I have an erection. I especially like the ball strap. I like how it looks, I don't like sleeves that look like strap-on dildos with the veins and all that. It's a bit small though, which I love for handjobs, but for penetration a bit more length would have been convenient because of thrusting.
I haven't found the perfect sleeve yet, ideally I'd want something made out of silicone and a bit firmer. But I am totally satisfied using sleeves. I have never been interested in pursuing ED, but now I'm even more confident in my decision to forego it!
I've never used tape and tbh I don't think I will. I just started out using cheap sleeves to get a general idea of what works for me and what doesn't, before I'd invest in more expensive options.
I have one sleeve that's pretty much my own size, and while I love how it feels I did find it a bit on the short size for penetration. Like I needed a bit more length to even get past the cheecks lol, which is why the tape option doesn't really appeal to me. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my size, but for topping anally it does help to have a sleeve that's a tad longer.
I have this one that's my absolute fav for solo/handjobs, and my bf liked this one for anal. My only complaint with both is that I would have liked them a bit firmer.
As for how it might go - I fumbled a lot more than I expected but once I got the hang of it, it was fine. It really helps if your partner is open-minded and relaxed about it.
The most surprising thing to me was actually how normal it felt lol. I guess I expected topping to feel like this great new thing, but it pretty much felt like I had been doing it like this for all my life!
I’m not post phallo but I do wear boxer briefs with a pouch for packing. Here’s a link to the brand/style:
FITEXTREME 3 to 5 Pack Mens Separate Pouch Breathable Performance Boxer Briefs
This one is currently my favorite, it's super easy to put on and I like the way it feels. But, it is definitely more suitable for handjobs/solo. For penetration I have used this one and my bf really liked the way it felt. For me it felt good too, but it's pretty thick and heavy which is why I prefer the first one. But still, I don't feel like I have found ''The One'' yet, so I'm still looking for good options!
I have a buddy that uses these
He puts on aquaphor first to keep the scar moisturized and the sleeve prevents it from soaking into your pants. If there’s any leakage you could always throw a layer of gauze underneath the sleeve.
There are also sleeves that cover just the knee and above, but anecdotally these tend to shift and move around throughout the day so full length will probably be your best bet.
If you want to get really fancy, they also make similar ones with built in underwear do you don’t need to have 3 layers on.
I've actually tried some cockrings! Not really for sex purposes, just for fun/out of curiosity. I don't really see it working for penetration, obviously it doesn't alter the firmness. But who knows maybe it works for you!
I did try a cockring similar to this one and I liked it. It looked hot and it pulled my balls more to the front, which both looks and feels pretty good! But maybe it's not you thing at all lol, just putting it out there.
Yeah there's so many sleeves out there! I haven't tried a lot yet, but for handjobs/masturbation, I love the Sono No.33. I like how it's neutral in shape. The material feels great and I found that I strongly prefer products with a ballstrap. For penetration it's a bit on the short and soft side. Still works, but it tends to slip out. For hj/masturbating it's absolutely perfect though. They offer different shapes and sizes as well (I'm in the average flaccid range so ymmv).
For penetration, my bf liked the Perfect Fit Fat Boy. It felt good to me as well, but I did have a bit less sensation since it's so thick. It feels kinda heavy and tight too, compared to the other one. It did work better for penetration, but it would have worked better if it was a little firmer.
I feel like I haven't found the right sleeve yet, but I'm definitely getting closer to figuring out what works for me. Something like the sono but a tad bigger and a tad firmer would be perfect!
So after almost 1 year of being sex deprived with my wife, we finally found a penile device (almost like a thick condom) that worked for me being 7 inches girth (diameter). I had tried one an RFF guy posted that did not work for me as it was too small and not flexible enough even if I wanted to fit inside it. After extensive research I found this one on Amazon which comes in 3 sizes..I used the biggest one for the obvious reasons but man oh man. I’m in absolute euphoria see my body part doing what I always envisioned doing is an indescribable feeling of bliss. My wife loved it so much so she didn’t even want me doing oral on her..which is her absolute favorite. She was so satisfied she didn’t want anything else.
I could understand it since most of my dysphoria comes from what I don’t have rather than what I actually do, but I’m willing to give it up for UL no hesitation.
Yeah only luck I’ve had with packers is the small Mr.Limpy, none of those stp combos have ever worked for me. I’ll link the stp I use below, I brought it with me when I lived on the road for a few months and it really was a life saver. Really easy to piss in bottles or whatever you have to with it.
Okay so thankfully it’s actually not possible to lose the ability to orgasm, though it can take time to actually adjust and achieve orgasm once getting your new member!
This is a link to the stroker / packer “Jack” that I use. I haven’t used it for packing since it comes out to much, but feels nice to stroke with and just used it for piv last night with my girl
Sure no problem, I definitely understand the anxiety. Using these really have been a nice transition for me to envision somewhat of how phallo could be, hope it helps ease the anxiety.
I just bought this stroker not too long ago so I’m still trying it out, but so far it’s been amazing. Used it for PIV last night with my gf, few slip ups, but totally euphoric
[Link to Jack the stroker](
Hello! This one by far Is the best one yet. It's also an amazing price and you get 2. I'll be ordering more because it's always good to have many on hand and re wash and use them. It becomes like something you'd wash on occasion I wash mine both once a week !
Compression Arm Sleeve, 1 Pair...
I've been having issues with drainage from my dick, sweat mostly because I haven't been able to pee to flush out the crud. So I've been using these and my wife and I call them my dick diapers.
I'd like lower-hanging balls, spent some time browsing the r/ballstretching sub for ideas. Because mine are so tight to my body (as I assume most of ours are), commercially available stretchers probably won't work for me currently. One of the best ideas I came across there was to use those soft little girl's hair scrunchies (the small ones - ex., stacking them until you're ready for something bigger. I got a pack for like $3 from my local drugstore - maybe worth a try. They're pretty comfy.
Problem for me with that method is that one of my nuts rides really high and slips right out of the scrunchie. I guess I'll have to stick to just pulling for now, but if I can get a little more separation from my body that's the next step.
For the SP I would recommend something like this. It works best if you don’t just tape it over the tube, but actually tape it around the tube a bit so it can’t move as much.
One piece of tape lasts me a couple days. The glue might get irritating at some point. I’ve been taping in the same spot for 7 weeks now but my (usually sensitive) skin is still doing fine. I tape it at the front of my hip bone.
Limited-time deal: UV Sun Protection Compression Arm Sleeves - Tattoo Cover Up - Cooling Athletic Sports Sleeve for Football, Golf & Volleyball
These are on sale on Amazon right now. I was just looking at them.
These are what I used that my hand therapist recommended - Smith & Nephew CICA Care Silicone Gel Sheeting 5 x 6 Inch, Sterile
Hopefully that link works ok, just in case it doesn’t, it’s Cica Care silicone gel sheets, the one I linked to is the biggest size I could find, which is 5”x6”. You can also get Cica Med scar liquid gel, which helps the sheets adhere to your arm, and can also be used for scars that wouldn’t really work to have a gel sheet on, so any in the groin area. You don’t need a ton of the liquid gel, but a thin layer of that massaged in gently, then the sheet over that, then a compression sleeve (sleeve-glove combo is best) over that, and that worked really well for me. You can reuse the sheets for a while, just wash them with soap and water. Eventually they get funky and the edges start getting ratty, but they last for a while (which is good since they’re not cheap).
For moisturizer, early on I used Aquaphor esp on my leg, multiple times a day. That stuff is a bit greasy, but while my leg was drying out real fast the Aquaphor worked good. These days (I’m about 10 months post-op) I use Lubriderm lotion, there’s different ones and I usually try to get whichever one is meant for the most dry damaged skin. I also like Udderly Smooth body cream, very non-greasy. Oh, I also used actual Vitamin E oil early on, so not as an ingredient in lotion but just the straight up oil. It’s a bit sticky, but I think that might have helped just in terms of scar mobility.
The silipos sleeve helps keep the graft soft and provides some compression. (Some people wear it by itself, but my Dr recommend wearing a UV sleeve over it if I’m outside).
It comes pretty long and you can cut it down to size. It’s pretty cheap and can be ordered on Amazon.
Here’s the link:
I would absolutely recommend a silicone sheet with a sleeve over it. I also had a silipos sleeve that a lot of people recommend but I honestly hated it. Sweaty, hard to put on, hard to wash, etc. Just didn't like it. I used a single cicacare silicone sheet (link) and it fit over my entire graft pretty much perfectly. I have a couple sleeves but the tat2x is by far my favorite and very high quality. I have a petite 9 inch that also fits my arm perfectly.
If he's having RFF then video games will be out of the question for at least a couple of weeks depending on his surgeon and physical therapist.
Board/card games could be fun. I remember missing interaction with friends while I was down.
Something I found really useful was a phone stand. I got this one specifically but there are plenty on amazon.
When I was recovering from surgery, another guy recovering at the same facility suggested <strong>these underwear</strong>, and they're great. Much more comfortable than even regular briefs while I was still recovering, and by keeping the dick and balls separate they reduce moisture which reduces risk of fungal infections.
Whatever underwear you get, get it in black, because blood stains are just going to be a fact of life for quite a while after surgery.