SublimeText should have syntax highlighting...
Atom is also pretty popular.
I'm a vim guy myself but that's probably overkill for you right now...
Good luck and have fun!
Rails is hardly becoming obsolete. At 10 years old, it's a mature framework now, so there's less buzz. If you want something new/exciting, look at React or Ember, but if you're really comparing Rails vs. Django, there are significantly more Rails' jobs than Django.,+django.html
IMHO, Django has failed to evolve as quickly as Rails. Both are 10 years old, Rails is nearing 5.0, Django is "nearing" 2.0 (and that's not version trickery).
Rails defined, or at least incorporated, the most important components of modern web development over the last decade. Things like routing, ORM, RESTful design, multi-environment support, migrations. Even if Rails were to be hit by a bus today, it's learnings will live on in future frameworks.
My recommendation is to follow The Odin Project, from the very beginning, without skipping anything.
You are going to complete Hartl's tutorial and much, much more.
To enable or disable a feature per environment I'd use environmental variables, for example:
# Your .env file (Use the gem foreman
or dotenv
to get access to these in your code base
# Controller File if ENV["PORTAL_EMAIL_ENABLED"].present? # Do logic here else # Fallback end
However for mailers in different environments, I'd recommend using:
I would advise you look into Foreman for managing application processes. It simplifies this tremendously. There is a useful guide over a DigitalOcean for setting things up.
All really exciting news! I definitely feel Rails is always making steps to make things more consistent between projects.
I'm most excited about:
Active Storage - Really awesome to have a standardised way to handle uploads (and direct uploads). Though if you're working with images, you should probably stick with Cloudinary.
Bootsnap - I've been using this in a few big rails projects I do, it's good this should help give newbies a better first impression of rails.
Webpacker - Personally I've not embraced much of ES6, anything that introduces it to me in a familiar way is awesome.
I don't have a guide no, but you could follow the react app readme If you need the routes to be server rendered you'd need to use something like next.js.
Once you've created that you'd deploy it to a domain like and put the API at
They'd be two totally different git repos as well.
WebForms is a huge fails for www (although it is very suitable for intranet).
Well, when .Net MVC arrives? RoR is here since 2004 year.
Masterpage? How much it differs from app/views/layout/application.html.erb
:) and take a look to cells
Layout for pages, huge usage of clientside javascript, active record pattern for database access, database migrations, REST, HAML style templates, compilers for CSS (LESS and SASS/SCSS) - this patterns become main stream in web development because of RoR (and I believe, even more, but I'm not the expert)
About .Net size: with ruby you have thousands of gems, which solves > 95% of web application creator's needs. (but to search for them, you'd better use Google: 'rails authorization', 'rails authentication', 'activemerchant' and others) . So that, I can clearly say: Rails have really huge ecosystem.
So after doing some digging I found the solution to my problem. I'm assuming it's related to, or possibly the same problem you are having. I'm running rails 4.0.5 on ubuntu 13.10, NGiNX 1.4.6, and Unicorn 4.8.3. The issue I was having was with the application.css file generated when I compiled the assets locally would generate a fingerprint like it was supposed to, then when I synced it to the production server it would transfer over just fine. Then the rails link_to helpers would generate a different fingerprint for that file when requesting the page from the browser. The resulting fingerprint would point to a file that did not exist as opposed to the precompiled file that I uploaded. If I manually edited the html from within the browser to point to the fingerprinted css file that I uploaded, it would work, but the generated index.html from the rails app would always point to a file that didn't exist. I found this post on a stack exchange site that gave a solution to what looked like a similar problem.
The poster suggests running the unicorn server using the -N option as he found unicorn was for some reason affixing a new fingerprint on the asset when serving the html. I tried the solution and it fixed my problem. I honestly don't know how it's happening or why, but running unicorn with the -N option fixed the problem completely.
You will find that it is VERY popular to serve jquery and other common libraries not only from CDN but from a CDN out of an organizations control like: .
What you gain here is that even the first call to the script from your first load is many times cached and a no-op.
What I dislike about this are:
Then yes, RoR is a good tool to achieve that. I say go ahead with your idea.
I see you're folloring Upskills tutorial for it.
This is another resource that might help
Never. Postgres now supports json and jsonb column types. Plus its fast.
ActiveRecord doesn't have good support for querying this data type so you'll be writing the queries yourself. If you struggle with writing your own queries you might use mongoid/mongodb. Though I would argue you should work on not being reliant on an ORM.
Having schemaless data living along side your relational models is a huge win. You can easily tack on a more free form column for settings or something and join it to another model with real foreign keys.
I use SublimeText 3 (and bought a license). I'm a huge fan of it and use it for almost all my coding (except when I have to use Xcode), while not technically an IDE, I find it fast and powerful.
I've heard good things about The Odin Project's full stack Rails course, which includes extensive Ruby and Rails lessons. They've also got a thriving Discord community supporting the project that you might find helpful as a newer software developer.
My apologies, please try it now. There were some exit (disqualification) questions on the first page that have since been removed. No need to change your original answers, it should work.
Make sure to leave your e-mail address on the last page to enter the drawing for the drone, and thanks for participating - it's a huge help!
I have actually started building an app to fix this problem. Basically you can create a Rich Preview Link by uploading an image and a title. It'll create a link to my site (subdomains coming soon maybe?) which will display the correct rich preview material and will then redirect you to wherever destination you have preprogrammed (in this video for instance, the link would go to Would love to hear people's thoughts!
I second this, Rails would be overkill unless you want e.g. sign-in functionality as well. would be an easy way. You could host your icons there in a public repo and it has a cdn as well.
You need to include stripeJS using the full URL and not using //require. Use <%= javascript_include_tag "" %>
If you do not load it from the domain the script will be unable to talk to stripe servers because of cors. Just finished a big project which is using Rails, AWS and Stripe, feel free to ask any questions.
Edit: DotEnv doesn‘t play an active role there. StripeJS will notice you if the credentials/tokens are missing iirc. Your main problem is that you do not load stripeJS from directly.
There’s 2 ways I can think to do it.
Yup, I am using Webpacker (v5.0). I have done the yarn command above, but mine looks like this:
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack');
environment.plugins.append('Provide', new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: 'jquery',
jQuery: 'jquery',
Popper: ['popper.js', 'default']
module.exports = environment
I have used your version as well, but seeing the same issue with the dropdown.
I dislike the disable-Turbolinks-completely solution because I like what Turbolinks has to offer in terms of performance; it's unfortunate it does not play nice with the bootstrap dropdown (first code snippet on Navbar · Bootstrap ( )
I learned Ruby and Ruby on Rails concurrently when I began, and it worked out fine. Don't listen to anyone who tells you to just go learn Rails first without paying special attention to Ruby. This will make the whole process take more time in the long run because many errors you encounter will stem from either Ruby syntax or misuse of standard ruby classes/modules that Rails leverages. Rails is driven by conventions for how to name files, classes, modules, and where to put things in the projects, but never forget that it is Ruby syntax you are looking at. By understanding Ruby you will be able to look at all the generated code within a Rails project and actually understand what it is doing. This will liberate you.
Personally, as far as editors go, I found that using a simple editor gave me a lot less to focus on when trying to learn. I began using Sublime Text when I made the transition away from the .NET stack and now I use it for everything. When you want to get into customizing and extending your editor, sublime has many, many packages and a very nice package manager, and I have found that I greatly prefer being able to install small bundles of features as I need them rather than having a fully fledged IDE with all the bells and whistles, 90% of it I will never use.
Most of the time I stick with Locomotive(
Sometimes I prefer ActiveAdmin because the user interface looks nice. Our customers are always satisfied with the backends we build with activeadmin. (Http://
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to read and give me some feedback! Just as an update, the article went live today! :) Thanks again!
I use both a macbook and a Linux desktop, and for most of my development needs, there's not much meaningful difference between the two (I spend most of my time with command line + text editor + web browser), since OS X is also built on the Unix kernel.
Incidentially, Thoughtbot has as Rails + iOS course (currently in beta). Haven't gone through it yet, but it looks promising.
Are you trying to run postgres in development mode? Or are you having problems with running postgres on Heroku?
If in development, then the database: value should be the name of the development database, generally <app_name>_development
Did you install a postgres db locally? I use the ( - very easy to install get get running. I use postico as the GUI if I need to examine the database.
My database.yml file looks like:
default: &default adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode # For details on connection pooling, see rails configuration guide # pool: 5
development: <<: *default database: myapp_development
If you're having problems in production (heroku), do you actually have a postgres db addon installed?
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql
As mentioned elsewhere, you don't have to run postgres locally - you can just sqlite in dev/test and just use pg for production.
ALMOST!!....I can almost taste the victory.
Here's my still looks kinda funky, but it does give me 2 columns by author
<h2> Make your selection:</h2> <br/>
<% @products.each do |product| %>
<%= %> <div class="tiles"> <div class="tile-group"> <div class="tile"> <% if @products_by_author[:author] %>
<% @products_by_author[:author].each do |product| %> <%= link_to image_tag("products/" +, product_path(product) %>
<% end %>
<% end %> <h2><%= link_to product.title, product_path(product) %></h2> </div> </div> </div> <% end %>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
I didnt mention, but I am using METRO-UI css@ maybe this css has a lot to with it ?
Are you sure you ran rails g foundation:install
According to the docs application.scss
should have @import "foundation_and_overrides";
instead of *= require foundation_and_overrides
If you're preparing for the standard 4 hour whiteboard SDE interview, try out some the problems on They have most questions companies will ask in whiteboard algorithms interviews, and it's good coding practice in general.
I am also using and have 20-30 apps running for experimental reasons on a 15$ server. You need to know Docker, and it has a few quirks on how to configure it. No production app experience. There is also a huge and growing list of 1-click-app installs to get started.
Try - it's like Dokku but you actually have an interface to work with. It took me a 2 days (without much Docker knowledge before) to migrate around 5 tools from Heroku to Caprover.
Drawbacks: I had to figure out a backup system (did that, works great now) And you need to create Docker images, which was a bit tricky. But now it runs great. I am using a 20 USD machine from digital ocean.
Pretty sure they have some different steps.
Here's a link, it shows a free heroku site which is ok if only a couple people visit, then a 'hobby' site for $7 and a 'standard' site for $25-$50
If you already have a computer then you have a Linux computer. Don't go spending money when you have something that's already likely workable. Doing Rails dev doesn't require anything like the horsepower one would really want to see when doing MSFT or Java development. Checkout Vagrant as a quick way to get up and running and ease into using Linux. Toes in the water versus diving headfirst without checking the depth. :)
If you want a Mac, that's great. I have one and I love it (look at my post history). But don't just think that buying one will make Ruby development automatically amazing and awesome and easy. It'll be easier than Windows once you work out the learning curve for developing software on OS X and the changes that will entail.
The simplest, fastest, and most cost-effective way to start today is to use Vagrant and VirtualBox then set up a local Ubuntu environment and work through that. I assure you that using that set up can help you, I've done it and I've helped dozens of people get set up in that kind of environment. You'll start to get the experience working with a *nix toolchain without having to drop $$$ on a new setup.
A foreign key constraint is used to enforce referential integrity in the database. It is used to say that the ID listed in this column actually points to a record in another table. You would use the same integer column.
My book Learn Ruby on Rails will be free on Amazon from Dec 21 to Dec 25.
Check out the five star reviews :-)