I'm not sure what kind of doctor. Sorry.
My general practitioner is an internal medicine specialist. During all this, he admitted me to the ICU because my fever hit 105, I passed out, and they had a lot of difficultly keeping the fever down. It was during that 21 day stay at the hospital that they identified the gallbladder issue (among other things).
They wheeled me down to the nuclear medicine wing of the hospital, injected me with some radionucleotides and used some machine to watch how my gallbladder was working. I don't remember much other than the technician telling me that I needed to remain very still during the entire procedure so that they could time the rate at which it was emptying/working.
For reference: https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/hida-scan/about/pac-20384701
This is the only thing I could find that gave me comfort. Hope this helps.
I have 8 year PHN on my shoulder and it radiates down my arm to my hand and knuckles. I’ve tried CBD, acupuncture, TENS, Quell, capsaicin, gabapentin, lidocaine...very little relief. I recently started using these arm compression sleeves and they seem to help a bit. Only $5 including delivery if you have prime. Worth a try.
I was told I should repost this comment with a different url. It’s actually a slightly different product than I posted the first time, but same idea: coverage without medication.
yeah its insane how many young people are getting it! A lot of people say its due to being possibly immunocompromised or high stress, but *thankfully* I dont have either of those, I think generally average stress but nothing new.
This might be a little spendy for cream, but this helped me so much with my symptoms and itchyness/pain
Good luck! It will pass its just frustrating, mine are already almost fully gone and I posted this about 2 weeks ago
Also, L-Lysiene daily. I take 500mg, and I have seen a definite improvement over when I get Shingles at all. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013OQLIW/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
A study of adults over 60 found that the chances of getting shingles again within three years is only about 1%. In adults aged 22 and up, the chances of getting shingles again after seven years is about 6% (my source was webmd, specifically this article https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/shingles/shingles-come-back#1).
So while it definitely does happen, it may not happen to you! You might try taking elderberry syrup too. Its supposed to boost the immune system and have anti-viral capabilities.
Oh my goodness !!!! I am so sorry you are suffering with nerve pain !!! PLEASE GET ON THIS ASAP !!!!!! I will post ! It’s called lions mane !!!! It’s a mushroom and I was litterally in so much pain felt like I was fucking dying from the nerve pain shingles brought. In one week it was GONE. I’m talking gone . I had shingles on my scalp in my ear in my throat on my face. When I healed I thought it was over but no the nerve pain lingered and I was like what the fucking fuck !!!!! All of this healing for nothing and then it hit me ........... I needed to target the nerve pain with mushrooms like I do everything else . I am in school for mycology the study of mushrooms and there is nothing better than lions mane for regrowing damaged nerves !!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you're on the antivirals!
A cool compress can help some of the discomfort. I used something similar to this https://www.amazon.ca/Reusable-Compress-Beads-Cooling-Migraines/dp/B07BQ2DSRY/ref=sr\_1\_1\_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=cooling+eye+mask&qid=1629004141&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFCWkpZM1BFWFFBMlEmZW5jcnlwdGVk...
At one point with my pain, I literally felt like my face was on fire, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move or call out. It only lasted for a few minutes but I thought I was going to die right there. After it passed it was about 20min or more before I could get out of bed.
I have a cooling mask that I put over my eyes and found it more helpful than just a cold cloth.
I just put it in the fridge not the freezer.
I got it about 6 or 7 times over the course of 4 years, always in the summer. I get it on my face and upper chest. I have some suspicions that excess UV rays are triggering my immune system just enough to have shingles erupt. This summer, I avoided going outside during the middle of the day and I also wore long sleeves and a UV hat when I was outside - and I avoided shingles all summer! It sounds like your body's immune system may react the same way.
I had shingles around my waist in June, and it's now turned into PHN. I've been basically living in these dresses: https://www.amazon.com/HUHOT-Sleeve-Summer-Casual-Flared/dp/B01JOCAN4C/ref=sr_1_5?crid=15ZSTOR7GDQ2N&dchild=1&keywords=huhot+dress+for+women&qid=1599484674&sprefix=huhot%2Caps%2C198&sr=8-5
I sized way up (I'm usually a S or M, and I got several of these in XXL), and they're so comfortable! The solid colors are soft cotton, and the extra-big size means it hangs off my shoulders and doesn't really touch my waist.
Oh man that s terrible! I know that ear pain well, I had them on my cheek, a little on my neck, and in my ear. I hope it doesn't happen to you but I did get vertigo and ear ringing luckily it didn't last long and my hearing was not impacted.
For the areas on my face and neck cool compresses and calamine lotion helped. I also got this and liked it https://www.amazon.com/B%C3%A1lsamo-Acting-Natural-Antis%C3%A9ptico-Salve/dp/B00WD4ZBIW/ref=mp_s_a_1_17?dchild=1&keywords=lemon+balm&qid=1596154692&sr=8-17 I avoided pain meds and stuck to 4 Advil a Max of 4x a day. Unfortunately nothing you can really do for the ones in your ear. Bendryll helped me sleep those first few nights. The antiviral s do work, but day 3 or 4 I started to notice a turn for the better. The first week was hard but it does get better. Hope you can rest up and feel better soon!