This book is actually different.
Where as Ultimate Star Wars and most visual dictionaries have spreads on specific characters or things and go into detail on them, this book has spreads on general topics and has a bunch of prop photos of them. It's even got spreads on things as trivial as food, luggage, furniture, and interior design.
Its amazon page has some preview pages to give you some idea.
EDIT: as far as interesting info goes I think the only treat we'll be getting is the re-canonizing of some of the trivial details found in the original visual dictionaries. But if I find anything juicy I'll be sure to post.
You should check out Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith. They're graphic novels and they take place directly after EP 3 and they're fan-goddamn-tastic. Here's Vol. 1 and there's 4 volumes. These are definitely worth reading.
And if you want some Fallen Order backstory, there's Jedi Fallen Order: Dark Temple. Also a fun read, for sure.
This comes from a preview image released today of the special Barnes & and Noble edition of <em>Aftermath: Life Debt</em>.
You could try posting over in /r/audible, but contacting support directly either via Twitter, or via their website would most likley be ideal.
Reddit and/or Twitter will just make it more public so if it creates enough of an uproar they can't ignore it.
This may be an actual possibility, and a soon one at that. Next year a collection of Insider short stories (link) is releasing which will collect many of the Legends stories from the magazine. If this sells well I can see them carrying on with it and after they finish publishing all of the old Legends stories I see that it is highly likely that a collection of the Canon insider stories might come. When it comes to the foreign Rebels magazine they are much more unknown, however there is a possibility. At the end of December IDW will publish the first issue of the Smuggler’s Run adaptation. This is a comic that was only ever published in a German magazine, much like the Weapon of a Jedi comic adaptation, and the Rebels magazine comics. If this means that IDW now own the rights to all of the magazine comics, I see that it is likely that we will receive eastern releases of all of these. (Especially with them not actually needing to be translated as they were originally written in English)
No, they’re just tiny books with quotes and pictures of Jedi/Sith. Amazon has some pics:
Star Wars: The Tiny Book of Jedi (Tiny Book): Wisdom from the Light Side of the Force
Star Wars: The Tiny Book of Sith (Tiny Book): Knowledge from the Dark Side of the Force
It has its own ISBN, so not a placeholder for other books
On The Front Lines details the battles from the films like they were real campaigns. You can see a few screenshots in the images to see if that's your style.
Here you go. I suggest you read the English version tho!
Also: here is the digital listing for Rebels Volume 2. Paperback edition is not available yet but should be dropping soon I would imagine.
Star Wars Rebels Vol. 2
Here's the US Amazon link:
I have a small version that I got from Target in the US that was billed as the Galaxy's Edge exclusive version, but I think it even still had the pictures. I ha ent heard of an edition that doesn't.
No. You could purchase an e-book version, such as the Kindle edition. Sharing of PDFs, epubs, etc. is piracy.
Yeah, so companies will periodically put out a printed edition of a comic series that includes several individual issues. This is usually called a trade paperback (TPB). That print version is available in comic shops or other bookstores but are also available on Amazon. Earlier collections are often available at libraries too.
These same collections are usually available in digital form, and usually cheaper that way (especially when on sale) so it's just a question of whether you prefer a physical copy of a comic series to own on your bookshelf or a digital version you can read anywhere.
As an example, here's the paperback version of Volume 1 of the main Star Wars series, which collects issues 1-6. Buying it this way is much cheaper than buying all the individual issues - you just have to wait a few months longer for the collections to be released.
Does that answer your question?
Actually this seems like a good time to ask this. I just went onto Amazon to see how much, and yeah, $150. But I noticed that for the original one there's a 40th Anniversary Edition that's only $25.
Does anyone know if all of the content is the same between the two? I can't see myself dropping over $100 on this but $25 definitely reasonable. Just wondering if it's a truncated version though.
I also kind of wonder if my library would have a book that's worth that much... I should check.
I have to note that ~the German version of~ AmazonAmazon is the only place that I have seen it listed for sale.
Happy New Year as well!
>Age Range: 8 - 12 years
>Grade Level: 5 - 9
>Age Range: 12 - 17 years
>Grade Level: 7 - 12
I dont think its a re-release of of the legends Novel, its a re-release of the newer junior novel from 2004, which was 138 pages. Since its the same author for both.