> In this model, the only thing that can create strong people is suffering.
What model? I read this article four times, I don't see any "model" being offered, just a bunch of one dude's opinion. Which is fine but...meh, dude (not you OP, the author).
Somewhat relatedly:
I just finished a book about this from one of my favorite podcasters, Dan Carlin: The End Is Always Near: Apocalyptic Moments, from the Bronze Age Collapse to Nuclear Near Misses
The entire premise of the book hinges around a topic that comes up in the very first chapter "Do tough times make tough people".
My takeaway was that Dan's answer to this is "not really, tough times just breed a different kind of people in relation to different (assumed to be later) times".
Good book. Worth reading if you're into that kinda discussion analyzed through the lens of examined history.