I think Appium is the way to go... It's basically Selenium for mobile apps. You'll probably want to look into the Page Object Model design pattern if you've never worked with Selenium before, it'll help you keep things nice and organized.
We use Appium to test iOS, Android, and web apps. There are several client libraries in various languages. We use ruby but there's bindings for java, python, and JavaScript I think. Currently we just use emulators but it supports real devices as well.
Tinder doesn't have an API as far as I know (probably for the better since it would be really easy to abuse) -- so you'll have to automate the app itself.
People have already posted about services you can use for facial recognition and chat.
As for actually controlling the tinder app via code, you'll have to use a framework that let's you automate the app like Appium or Robotium and run the Tinder app on a spare physical device, or the Android simulator, or even rent out a device in the cloud on something like AWS Device Farm or BrowserStack's App Automate.
Good luck!
All depends on the type of mobile app (iOS/Android) really. There are several options.
>when comparing two images you can hover scroll over the images and see the differences on the actual image
I plan to support this via test runner reporters. For instance, running mocha --reporter mugshot
would produce an index.html
with some sexy visualizations.
>do you have any plan to support react native?
Since everything in Mugshot is pluggable, it should be fairly easy to provide an adapter that talks to some native API, for instance appium. I would love to provide this out of the box.
What you're looking to do likely isn't possible. To my knowledge, Selenium cannot interact with the browser UI itself. It can only automate actions within web pages.
EDIT: Another tool called Appium may be able to help, check here: http://appium.io/docs/en/writing-running-appium/web/mobile-web/ Appium is very similar to Selenium, but it automates mobile devices, so you'll need either a real device, or an emulator.
EDIT 2: Apparently Chromedriver may support running Chrome in mobile emulation mode, but as far as I can tell it doesn't allow switching between mobile and desktop on the fly. http://chromedriver.chromium.org/mobile-emulation
Add it to the Desired Capabilities.
I added it on the script level, but the documentation also shows doing it on the server level.
Hopefully this is helpful.
Well, i mean the projects are located on line so you dont need to be at the meetup to find them :P Ive only contributed to one (one that i used at my job, found a bug, fixed it, submitted PR, so nothing extraordinary) but you can even just work with someone on creating an open source project. For example, as an aside, some people in my company made a little circle icon project for ruby where it generated some cute images and shortened names/initials. Then they made it open source. Not all open source contributions have to be to big gigantic projects (although this helps a lot on your resume because its like "look at me, im so skilled i can actually contribute to something billions of senior developers use all the time") but you can even just find a little open project you like and try to contribute, or a tool you use often. For example, my company recently contributed to appium because we use it all the time.
looks interesting, but it looks like 'black box' testing, and indeed a main part of the philosophy is "Test the same app you submit to the marketplace". while that's all well and good, what i'm struggling with now is setting up proper unit testing (testing individual components outside of the app lifecycle).
Hmm, all depends on platform, but I'll assume since you mentioned REST we're talking about web.
The most common form on automation is Selenium Webdriver usually used in conjunction with Java, though I prefer python or a myriad of other languages over Java.
An easy get started method for webdriver automation is to use the selenium IDE extension for firefox, but automation engineers can be snobs and see it as a bit of a training wheels type tool.
For test case management I mostly just use Jira with the atlassian add-on. Jira usually has a handful of extensions that allow you to link automated script locations to Jenkins so you can schedule automation to run on deployment.
Resources: http://seleniumsimplified.com/get-started/ http://www.codecademy.com/ http://appium.io/
Check out this article:
Here's some Appium documentation behind it:
Ah the old buzzword soup, where companies have a dozen different terms for the same exact thing.
In Appium we set the geo location for our devices/sims and then test if certain features in the app are functional. If I had to guess it'd be something like that:
Yea aha I realized after, should've probably edited my comment lol.
I actually made a thing which just interfaces with depop a while back. It used a virtual android device to run commands from python using adbutils (python module) and http://appium.io/ to select specific parts of the screen by id which actually worked reasonably well and could list items automatically which was quite cool. If you are looking for something still, perhaps this would work.
I think you should try Appium(http://appium.io). It Works for automating interactions with Android and Ios apps. It is composed of rest server that comunicates with the devices and has clients for more than one language, including python. Beyond that has a good community.
Selenium has a language binding for dart, but it is not officially developed by seleniumhq.org,
PFB the link to dart client for Selenium WebDriver https://github.com/google/webdriver.dart (Check selenium downloads page for all language bindings)
However I assume the output of flutter will not be a Web App but a build for mobiles in APK/IPA Format which Appium will be able to recognise. And it does not have a language binding with dart yet. http://appium.io/docs/en/about-appium/appium-clients/
Do let us know about it if it works for you.
Just to add to this Appium works similarly to Selenium. You can find good info on their website about getting started.
There is also some examples from AWS on github in python. Which can be used to guide your framework.
Good luck!
installnya bukannya gampang itu. install nodejs dulu. coba cek udah bener ga nodejs di kamu ke install. ketik
node -v
pastikan versi terakhir 9 yg ke install
kalau udah bener, install dah appiumnya pakai npm. ketik
npm install -g appium
step lengkap dr web resminya sprt ini
> npm install -g appium # get appium
> npm install wd # get appium client
> appium & # start appium
> node your-appium-test.js
You'll need to set up ruby, python or java etc. Appium has a pretty good tutorial that is a little out of date. As stated there are quite a few tutorials and answered questions out there.
The Cucumber Book is a free download. Have a look and see if this style of writing tests is for you.
Have a look at some of the videos for Appium here: http://appium.io
Appium's support community is very good, very helpful. I always have an answer in less than 24 hours. Not bad for free! :-)
If you're looking to automate or make your testing easier, I'd recommend Selenium: http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/
Specifically, appium for mobile website testing: http://appium.io/
Source: I'm an automation engineer for mobile websites. I like using Selenium.