We make a lot of booklets for clients and quite a lot requested an online version. Rather than recreate the entire thing in HTML we found FlowPaper that converts PDF's to flip books. It's pretty versatile (though heavy on data), but it actually converts PDF's very well, which is surprising. It might not be what you're after though!
Ghee and butter is cool and all but the harmful implications of oxidised cholesterol remain, though in a far lesser degree than with polyunsaturated RBD oils. This is why i look to extra virgin low polyunsaturated vegetable oils like coconut oil and olive oil.
RBD is a huge issue with all oils but especially so with unstable polyunsaturated ones.
I remember reading an EVOO study that (unfairly) pinned EVOO against refined coconut oil and even then coconut oil kicked its ass (but more notably pretty much all of the RBD seed oils got destroyed, chemically and statistically). Here's the study, it's an interesting read and really puts the effects of RBD refinement into content.
RBD = Refined, deodorised (heated to 300f+ for hours on end), bleached (often chemically but sometimes with activated clay).
Have a look at using FlowPaper for this (https://flowpaper.com). Flowpaper splits the publication in chunks and compresses the output. A 1000- page publication will load just as fast as a 10 page publication after it's been processed
I would recommend using something like FlowPaper instead of supplying the PDF https://flowpaper.com/
It compresses the output and optimizes the publication so that a 10000 page document loads as fast as a 10 page document no matter which page you want your visitors to start on
As u/ziggyTsarBustsaid, smoke point is not correlated to lipid degradation markers.
This study comparing EVOO, CO, and various seed oils demonstrates this very clearly in both before and after cooking.
You could start with things like https://flowpaper.com And https://pspdfkit.com/pdf-sdk/web/landing/jquery-pdf-viewer/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw6cHoBRDdARIsADiTTzYjJlADIBCBGOKIP5giRzsX1MKCJ3wCnu95AyzdwO3Pn404BzLHwUQaAmqDEALw_wcB
And later look for other similar tools that better suit your needs.