They already have this feature, though it's only available in their 64-bit Canary build.
Congrats, you can now mute each individual tab by clicking the little speaker icon. Enjoy!
EDIT: For normal Chrome 32-bit users, use /u/Phyisis's solution below.
Central Africa. In Cameroon, locals hunt and eat 'em thinking their flesh will improve their fertility (source). Not sure about churches, but other things get hot n' steamy when these frogs are involved... !
It's not even true that you can't find the article 'anywhere', here it is:
As several people have pointed out he's talking about populations being reduced as a side-effect of lower infant mortality, causing people to have less children.
The only conspiracy here is the conspiracy to spread false information through social media.
Drauf geschissen, ich hau es jetzt raus obwohl ich womöglich nur in gewissen Grenzen publizieren dürfte. Zum Glück habe ich meine künstlerischen Fähigkeiten zur Kreation eines Kunstwerks genutzt und dieses historische Dokument lediglich als Leinwand so gerade mal zur Hand gehabt:
>Sehr geehrter Herr Dölölölölö,
>bei der Prüfung einer Akte aus der Überlieferung des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes (Signatur: R 58/2004), die während der Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage im Juli für eine andere Benutzung benötigt wurde, konnte nunmehr ein Tagesbericht der Staatspolizeistelle Berlin vom 27.10.1934, in dem der von Ihnen gesuchte Sachverhalt betr. der Äußerungen von Wilhelm Blumberg aufgezeichnet wurde.
>Eine Kopie der ersten beiden Seiten des Tagesberichts habe ich angefügt (siehe: dödödödöScan, unter Nr 7).
>Ich darf Sie bitten, den angefügten Benutzungsantrag ausgefüllt und unterschrieben an mich zurückzureichen. Zu den Modalitäten der Benutzung beachten Sie die ebenfalls angefügten Informationsmaterialien.
>Mit freundlichen Grüßen
>Im Auftrag
Es handelt sich um den Tagesbericht Nr. 129 aus Berlin vom 27. Oktober 1934. Staastpolizeistelle für den Landespolizeibezirk Berlin. Für die Zeit vom 26. Oktober 1934, 12 Uhr bis zum 27. Oktober 1934, 12 Uhr.
Unter Punkt 7 kommt unser Freund Blumberg mit seinem Votzenlappen. Kollege Fritz Rosinski hat übrigens am selben Tag mal jüst verlauten lassen, den Führer demnächst mal Messern zu wollen.
Hat wohl nicht sollen sein :<
Vorheriger Thread:
Und jetzt stellt Euch auch mal vor, Ihr tippt den ganzen Scheiß da ab, nur um dann am Ende zu bemerken, dass Ihr das "bis zum" ganz am Anfang zusammen geschrieben habt. "Tja, das bleibt jetzt so." Menschliches im Unmenschlichen.
i link this book every time i see a post like this
OP please please read this and never EVER let a man treat you this way ever again
Mentions Clinton and young girls, no ages, and that sexual orgies were a regular occurrence.
Sounds like the island was an absolute cesspool.
The unsealed files are here:
Some of the juicier sections:
>Democracy is still a radical idea in a world where we often confuse images with realities, words with actions. Alinsky's belief in self interested democracy unifies his views on the use of the power/conflict model in organizing and the position of morality and welfare in the philosophy underlying his methodology
>Conflict is the route to power. Those desiring a change in the power balance generally lack the established criteria of money or status and so must mobilize numbers. Mobilized groups representing opposed interests will naturally be in conflict which Alinsky considers a healthful and necessary aspect of a community organizing activity
This is absolute madness, make sure to download the file for when this mirror inevitably gets yanked.
If you mean 'come back gnome2' then mate 1.4 was released yesterday
You can get packages
Personally I have always preferred KDE (with the exception of 4.0 -> 4.2)
I can't comment too much on the veracity of what you're saying here; I'm not much of a philosopher so I'm a bit out of my depth in that regard. Regarding the typesetting: There might be a reason for this (perhaps the style is mandated for you?), but the legibility could be greatly improved by reducing the line width and adjusting the spacing.
I've run your text without any real modifications through latex, and got this result: This keeps the original paragraphs in tact. I think a further improvement could be made by avoiding short paragraphs, but I can't really comment on if or how to do this here as it's highly content dependent.
(Hopefully you won't have a problem with this, I put a notice in there linking back to here; If you do have a problem just say the word and I'll take it down again).
I also noticed that you're using citations keys like "Sartre 102", but without a list of references those aren't very useful. Perhaps you have a standard list of references that you are using, but in that case it'd still be useful to explicitly spell that out in the article.
In terms of content, I did notice that you have a lot of "I believe" and "undoubtedly" and similar words in there to lay out some concept, but then don't really seem to follow those up with an explanation for why you believe these things; As such, to me they seemed like dangling assertions whereas the rest of the article read like a straightforward summary of other peoples works. If you're trying to come to a specific conclusion, I'd recommend separating the summary and your own thoughts better and elaborating further on the latter. If the summary is the goal I'd recommend not interjecting your own beliefs too much in there.
Again, I'm not a philosopher so this may be completely acceptable writing style in your field; I apologise if I pointed out something unnecessary.
This is awesome. Love the season and episode numbering. lol
Edit: Here's the posts in plain text as a PDF
All errors in spelling/grammar/punctuation are his. I swear I lost more than a few brain cells doing this...
Darker liveries do take in more heat from the sun, but with the amount of airflow going over these cars and the huge amounts of heat produced inside of the car the radiant energy intake through the bodywork should be absolutely negligible.
EDIT: If nobody else does it I'll do some back of the napkin math after dinner.
TLDR: I fucked up the "calculations", heat flow is somehow always more complicated than I anticipate, it doesn't help that I'm 100% self taught on everything I know about it.
Zooming in, it seems things got a little warm (apart from the darkening, you can see the edges of the pinholes are damaged), but also that's around VDDCR_CPU (cpu vcore power...) - so you've probably been drawing more than 140w power for a period.
...EXCEPT, there's no GOD, just believers claiming there is.
You know you've created god in your own image when god hates all the same people you do.
I actually have a 12 page .docx I was working on in 2016 with corrections to fake news headlines.
If anyone would like to read it, it's there. These were the talking points back then.
Edit: the very last one is a doozy. Completely forgot about that story.
I don't understand how this happened. I just tried the same thing, and the "ad" link takes you directly to
It doesn't take you to some sketchy 3rd party site to download Chrome. Sounds like OP already had soemthing funky in his brower that caused the redirect.
I just tested it, and it does it two ways:
1.) If you search Google Chrome, that ad link takes you to (which is where we want to go).
2.) If you search "Download Chrome" that ad (even though it's highlighted that you've been there before if you've visited the page via the first way) takes you to
This is more than likely an Ad page hijacked and honestly has little to do with Microsoft Edge and more with Bing and/or its ad services. It's ad page is hijacked, and it redirects you to a fake page that looks awfully legit.
This isn't on Microsoft Edge (though I still strongly advise my people to not use it), even though they use Bing as its default search engine. This is all on Bing.
Hopefully this doesn't get buried, because it really helps. If you download the Google chrome beta here, it is 64 bit and uses a lot less ram. For example, I have 2 YouTube tabs and this reddit tab open and Chrome is using under 80 mb of ram.
Use FoxIt Reader and be free of all that shit!
edit: apparently some people have bad experiences with/irrationally hate this program? I've been using it for at least a decade and it's always been good for me.
Check this link out:
> When a device reaches End of Life (EOL), it means that the product model is considered obsolete and automatic software updates from Google are no longer guaranteed.
There's a chapter about Joan of Arc in Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg
But basically, while the terminology wasn't necessarily there for them to describe themselves as anything other than woman told to dress as a man by God, Joan of Arc continued to dress like a man even after they were caught, and tried, and this was seen as heretical by the church. While academics suggest that they were doing it for entirely practical reasons, Feinberg argues theres more to it than that. It's the standard erasure of queer people from history, back in my day there weren't people like you, etc
The point is, there are countless examples of trans people throughout history. I like pointing to Joan of Arc because the first time I did it really pissed some traditional types off, lol
The Blade Runner 2049 script really captures the feel of the cinematography to me -- or inspired it. Either way.
Yeah. Foxit's mediocre. PDF X-Change is where it's at. (link to my original?)
Please don't go to counseling. Abusive partners only use it as a weapon.
I highly recommend reading Why Does He Do That?. I linked a free PDF for that book. It's by a man who counseled abusive men and I think it'll help you.
Have you heard of the term compulsory heterosexuality? I have a few friends who have felt maybe they were always a lesbian, but didn't realize it until later in life. They said this document really helped them think about things. Leaving it here for you in case it is helpful. I also think there is a subreddit for late bloomer lesbians or something like that where you may be able to find support or similar stories.
It's an outline. They've probably changed some parts.
Like in episode 5 around page 75 (link here), there are things like Jon calling her Dany and him offering to show her his scars. Obviously we now know that they chose to go a different route in the final version
I wouldn't be surprised if they were planning on making Tyrion jealous, but have gone another way. Which is why him seeming jealous seems really out place.
Here's the complaint:
Edit: It seems like their Title IX complaint against UNC is the strongest part.
This is UNC's statement on the mess:
>“We are still digesting, studying and trying to understand the law,” said Buffie Stephens, a spokeswoman for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “I think everybody is.”
>“We do not have an official bathroom policy,” she said. “When someone goes into the bathroom, we’re not monitoring what gender goes into the bathroom. We monitor behavior -- if there’s inappropriate behavior we would deal with that no matter what gender in any bathroom.”
Hello! The university met with the AIGC (Alumni InterGreek Council) on Saturday, June 9th and announced that sanctions would be brought against the Greek community that include suspending fall recruitment, suspending all social events for a year, and potentially suspending the entire Greek system.
The Interfraternal Council responded with the following letter:
It is currently unclear as to why they are going forward with trying to suspend the Greek system. They state it is due to increases in alcohol and drug violations, but according to the university's official statistics those metrics have declined significantly over the past year, regardless of increased enrollment.
If you would like to support the Save Greek Life movement on campus, please contact the university and let them know that their actions are not acceptable and can lead to lost donations.
Have you read Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft?
This guy worked with abusers for years.
Hope that link works, if not, there's a free pdf online. Page 315 goes into warning signs that aren't flat out hitting, like getting in your space and controlling you. My ex did that.
You are referencing the Neidig study, but that's not even what it says. It actually says 25-28%. The number is more likely between 12-28% based on more recent studies. Here is the study. These statistics include things like ~~shouting~~, shoving, and throwing things even once in a 6 month period.
To be clear, all studies show a higher prevalence in police families than the general population, but we should at least get the numbers right.
One interesting takeaway is that the spouses of male police officers commit domestic violence at a higher rate than the male police officers themselves do.
The statistics in question are in Table 2.
Edit: I incorrectly state shouting counts as domestic violence. I confused the definition with another study. I'm sorry
He is abusive. I suggest reading "Why does he do that". Here's the PDF:
Lie. Lie like your life depends on it.
Lie about how much money you make. Don't put it anywhere he can get to.
If you find yourself being able to buy a car, do not tell him, do not show him, do not give him the keys. Lie.
Get your documents together. Passport, birth certificate, social security card, any other important documents you might need. Put them somewhere safe - a safety deposit box would be a good choice.
If he asks about it, pretend that you don't know what he's talking about. What documents?
Slowly remove emotionally important things from his reach. Again, lie. Tell him you gave them away or broke them.
Try and find a job that is somewhere reachable on a bus route or you can walk to.
If that isn't possible, try and catch a ride with a coworker. Maybe a combination of those two will work.
If it's completely impossible for you to get a job, maybe applying for a credit card and buying a cheap junker with that would work. Getting out is more important than having no debt right this moment.
Speaking of credit cards, out a freeze on your credit. You can learn how to by going to /r/personalfinance, it's in the wiki on the sidebar.
She got SLAMMED hard.
Here is the filing:
> Plaintiffs argue that Jill Stein has a right to a recount under the federal Constitution. As is being litigated extensively in state courts, Stein is not entitled to a recount under state law. And that law is constitutional. The Sixth Circuit has permitted the Attorney General to intervene when the constitutionality of a state statue is at issue.
> Should this court hold that Stein is constitutionally entitled to a recount, Michigan taxpayers and voters will be irreparably harmed.
Anyone have the pdf for this one? I have this SOMEWHERE in my closet but I'd prefer to have it digitally.
EDIT: Found them. Red & Blue, Yellow
Correct the Record. They are/were a group funded by members of the DNC with the intent to try and force online dialogue to be more favorable towards their party/politics/candidates. The entire reason the Reddit frontpage of r/politics switched from Bernie to Hilary overnight, and why you mainly only see left leaning viewpoints highly upvoted on posts in those subreddits.
People accuse them of astroturfing many social media sites with the intent of swaying the opinions of young people who use them regularly to be more in line with the DNC. I would recommend doing some research into the group, as well as other online astroturfing because the DNC is not the only ones guilty here, just they were one of the main ones active on Reddit. If I can find the CtR playbook I will send you a link, it essentially boils down their strategies and plan to make sure their goal is reached.
Edit: I found the document I was looking for. I believe that David Brock changed the name of the group to Media Matters and now to Democracy Matters. Either way, you can read it for yourself and decide how you feel about it.
Performance improvements are noted here:
From the author's reply further down on the page it looks like these changes are currently available in chrome canary (version of chrome that is always in beta with the latest features, typically auto updated nightly). Download here:
Thanks for sharing. I was reminded of a lot of Jia Tolentino’s work, she’s written a lot about the pressures of female “optimization” — from her essay “always be optimizing”:
“…women attribute implicit moral value to the day-to-day efforts of improving their looks, and failing to meet the beauty standard is framed as ‘not a local or partial failure, but a failure of the self.’” Essay starts on page 65 here:
And this line from her new yorker piece about “Instagram Face”:
“(I thought about a line from the book ‘Perfect Me,’ by the philosopher Heather Widdows: ‘Choice cannot make an unjust or exploitative practice or act somehow, magically, just or non-exploitative.’)”
Igual son datos antiguos, la cadem de junio dio estos resultados:
>En efecto, en el sondeo el 74% se mostró a favor del matrimonio igualitario; 24 puntos porcentuales más que la primera medición en 2014; mientras que la adopción homoparental se empinó al 65%, 28 puntos porcentuales más que hace siete años.
Y de la Global Advisor Ipsos tmb da un resultado parecido
>Con este resultado, Chile se instala como el segundo país latinoamericano con el porcentaje más alto, solamente superado por Argentina (73%) y sobrepasando el promedio mundial (54%).
La ipsos tiene varios datos interesantes jaja.
It's amazing how much the Neidig study gets contorted and misconstrued.
I can't comment on other contradictory studies, but the claims about Neidig are just plain wrong.
Claim*: The statement doesn't indicate who the aggressor is; the officer or the spouse.*
The 40% statistic describes the rate of violence in the relationship, regardless of the aggressor. The rate of violence stemming from officers themselves is 25-28%
Claim*: This same study reports that the victims reported a 10% rate of physical domestic violence from their partner.*
No. This study cites the preceding Johnson study, explaining why the methodology was flawed.
Claim: The study includes as 'violent incidents' a one time push, shove, shout, loss of temper, or an incidents where a spouse acted out in anger.
The Neidig study carefully defined its questions in terms of minor and severe violence.
>Minor Violence consists of throwing something at spouse; pushed, grabbed or shoved spouse; slapped; and kicked, bit or hit with a fist. Severe Violence includes choked or strangled spouse; beat up spouse; threatened with a knife or gun; and used a knife or gun on spouse. (p. 4)
This study shows minority and female officers were more likely to commit the DV, and white males were least likely.
How is this a flaw?
See my other comment for an overview of the study.
Here's a PDF of the First edition Mormon Doctrine
Calibre is basically the standard at the moment. I personally find it very frustrating and a perfect example of giving the user too much control. There are so many tweaks that it is nearly impossible to set up the same way twice. And some settings are super buried. I count at least three settings panes that are completely separate.
I am all for power-users, etc but there is a line where it is just too much!
What's worse is that the developer is quite opinionated on how things should work. The best example in my mind is that the default is to store your last read position in the epub. While I see the benefit, it means that any syncing program now has to sync the entire file every time it is viewed. That is problematic for things like cookbooks which are (a) big and (b) usually read non-sequentially. You can, of course, change it but that settings is buried in the settings for the reader.
With that said, I use the app since it has features I just haven't found elsewhere. And it is super powerful!
Calibre-web is also really nice and polished but lacks a feature I really want! When you open an epub in the web-viewer, it downloads the entire epub into your browser. Again, this is miserable for large books like a cookbook. See #1647. (epubs are zip-based but there are ample server-side tools that can read into the file).
Just a suggestion not forcing or judging. Why don't you use Google Chrome? It works really well on Lion.(I am using it) Have you had bad experience with it?
As for your question i found these instructions here.
Safari Menu/Preferences...
Click on the extensions tab.
Choose the extension you want to uninstall.
Click the Uninstall button
Yeah. It was because the EULA was mostly copy-pasted from another Google product.
In fact it specifically says now:
> 10. Content license from you > > 10.1 You retain copyright and any other rights you already hold in Content which you submit, post or display on or through, the Services.
Chrome describes every bit of information it sends to the Google server in detail, which ones are opt-in and which ones are opt-out, and how you can disable all of them. You can disable everything and run the Developer's console to make sure that nothing is sent to their servers anytime.
I hope you find the strength to leave sooner than later
OP, this relationship is not healthy for you. Please read Why Does He Do That? By Lundy Bancroft. It's am amazing book that will bring you a lot of healing and clarity.
here's a PDF .
I just got an A on my term paper where I wrote a scathing account of globalization and while working in praise for Trump. Now mind you I handed this paper into a liberal professor.
How did I do it? I used the lefts own arguments and quotes from 1970-2000.
Prof wrote those sources are tough to argue.
edit - This is the term paper. I am studying for my masters of finance and accounting. The class was International Business and the term paper topic was, what to expect from the Trump effect on globalization and trade.
The Spartacus letter - good summary of this shitshow bollocks and medical fascism. Here
If posted previously, apologies.
Covers most of what we know. However, the author is wrong - he says the earth is overpopulated (absolute bullshit) and we do consume too many resources (absolute horse shit, there is 400 years of coal sitting in Yorkshire, tonnes of resources unused, undiscovered).
Cleaning up a river has nothing to do with fucking plant food emissions or using 'carbon' energy. The world was much dirtier, more polluted without our modern technology. Try dodging horseshit vs the combustion energy emissions.
OP is incorrect. Crytek claimed that CIG admitted it didn't make the switch based on a misinterpretation of one of their earlier court documents:
Crytek took this as admittance of CIG not making the switch. But this is not admitting to anything. It's simply saying the code bases are similar.
Here's the original excerpt OP didn't want you to see:
Now check Dkt. 74, 8 again, quoted above.
50/50 chance old men from SLC and TSCC don't know what the rainbow stands for in the modern world. But who knows? Maybe he's gay in the closet!
Good for you for wearing the tie to his talk!
Have a present: Download PDF
Chrome desktop seems like most of the privacy issues can be mitigated.
Android, you can't turn off the location data which sounds nearby router, and cell towers.
"If you do choose to share your location with a web site, Chrome will
send local network information to Google (also used by other browsers
such as Mozilla Firefox) in order to estimate your location. This local
network information can include data about nearby Wi-Fi access points or
cellular signal sites/towers (even if you’re not using them), and your
computer’s IP address. The requests are logged, and aggregated and
anonymized before being used to operate, support, and improve the
overall quality of Google Chrome and Google Location Services. "
> Sunset Shimmer has been officially deprecated in favor of Starlight Glimmer. Sunset was created to serve a needed function in our companion product Equestria Girls, and mainline MLP4 was never intended to support her. Please use Starlight for all Twilight protégé needs. Sunset support will be sunsetted in the next release.
[](/sunsethammertime)Did our letter of thanks mean nothing to you?
I was running Star Trek Adventures for a while with my group, but we found the rules were getting in the way of the game after a while so one of my players and I made our own hack, combining L&F with some elements of inspiration from STA.
The Result: Phasers & Feelings
I actually managed to track down this paper, and it's just as insane as you think.
Has articles by Paul Joseph Watson on why Osama Bin Laden isn't real, why the NWO is coming for you, foreign bankers are controlling the world, globalists, anti-vax bullshit, eugenics being linked to Darwin, chemtrails, Hitler = Socialist, 9/11 being a hoax, etc.
Honestly, was pretty much a "Greatest Hits of 2011 conspiracy theories", and is essentially Irish Infowars.
Here's the PDF for those interested in losing some brain cells
I believe that book is "Vampires Are" by Stephen Kaplan. It seems to be darn near impossible to find the book anymore. I heard the story on an old episode of Mysterious Universe, and I did find a PDF of the chapter on Elizabeth, the 400+ year-old vampire. I think this is what you are talking about, but maybe not. Anyway, it's pretty interesting:
If you want to melt your mind, here is a pdf copy of that issue of the Sovereign Independent. It's fucking Looney Tunes. I take that back. At least Looney Tunes makes fucking sense.
Here's a masterdoc a lot of people have found helpful to figure out if they're experiencing comphet (compulsory heterosexuality), i.e. feeling a false attraction to men because they think that's what they should feel. It's aimed at lesbians, but it helped me figure out I wasn't attracted to most men because I'm on the ace spectrum, so it can be helpful for anyone questioning!
I googled it and the closest I found was this Anti-Mage class. It's super OP tho -- use rxn to give ADV on a save for allies or DISADV for an enemy attack AT FIRST LEVEL! I would not allow it in my game without serious rebalancing.
BoM comparison machine with changes to the original 1830 version side by side.
28 page summary of BoM cheat sheet
You can actually do this with a beta version of Google Chrome called Google Canary. It can be really buggy though.
Here are steps to enable tab muting after you download it.
Hope this helps
I can't agree on this matter. Even windows alternatives for PDF viewing are much better then Adobe Reader. For example if something doesn't work i use Wine + PDF-XChange Viewer which is much better then Adobe and works with wine (Adobe products tender to not work fine with Wine).
Okay. Noted. The Biblical Jesus said a lot of good, positive things. But "belief" is not a firm foundation. It's devoid of demonstrable evidence. Somebody here posted this link yesterday. I'm reading it, slowly. You might find it of interest as well. Just saying...
War zwar Sarkasmus, aber es gab mal hier auf /r/de ein Interview aus der SZ mit den Psychologieprofessor, der den Alogrithmus an Parship lizensiert und schon seit Lochkarten-Zeiten daran arbeitet. Klang alles sehr plausibel und detailliert, aber ich kann es jetzt gerade nicht mehr finden, weil ein paar hyperkorrekte, spießige Arschlöcher von Blockwarten mit kirschkerngroßem Gehirn sich daran störten, dass hier das Urheberrecht verletzt wird, weil die SZ mit den paar vorgefertigten Fragen und der bereitwilligen Übernahme der Parship-Werbeoffensive ja eigentlich pro Leser einen Abo-Abschluss verdient hätte, und diese Vorstadt-Jusos von Moderatoren höchst bereitwillig auf den Löschen-Knopf mausgerutscht sind. (Am meisten ärger ich mich aber darüber, dass der Link nur nicht mehr in der Suche auftaucht und ich mir keine Details merken konnte, um doch noch über Umwege darauf linken zu können. Hier aber das PDF dazu.)
You should try using Chrome as your browser. It has a slider on the side that allows you to scroll right past things you have seen before.
Here, it is Try it out, you will like it.
I didn't know that existed. Thank you!!!
For those that don't know where to get it, go here:
And then instead of doing what every other human being does, seeing that Windows is already there, click for a different platform and select the 64-bit version:
From this page. Note that only one Chromebook has an official EoL; for the rest it is an unofficial date and so might be later (but will not be earlier).
Things happen. I would argue this is a good indicator - they were forthright and transparent. That's also a tiny number of units relative to the total volume they do. This one you linked has nothing to do with their product quality.
Pales in comparison to the recent ABH Pharma debacle. To my knowledge, NOW and Jarrow weren't on the list.
As far as the church is concerned there may be a couple things that could happen. First of all, they don't excommunicate minors, so don't even worry about that. Second, there is something that many refer to as "bishop roulette". Essentially that means that your eclessiastical punishment could be a couple different things. I also want to note how ridiculous it is that there is a punishment for something that is perfectly normal and natural for humans to do, but I'll get to that in a second. Section 6.7.2 of Handbook 1 (the book that bishops are trained from) states that there may need to be a punishment. The punishment could range from literally nothing, to just telling you not to again, to reading some passage of scriptures, to not taking sacrament for a while, to not going and doing baptisms for the dead, to not being able to pray at church, to not having ministers (home/visiting teachers) assigned to you.
That being said, having sex and masturbating at your age is very common and normal. Its when humans naturally start becoming sexually mature. Sexual urges and experiences are nothing to be ashamed of, because they are built into who we are. We all have the urges, we all act on them, and we should just drop the stigma around sex so that we can all enjoy it more fully. The way I see it is you should be proud of and love who you are instead of being ashamed. This may be what you need to pray for and work towards instead of forgiveness.
Wow. Definite violation of your privacy.
Glad you decided to get out of the cult! The nerve of this Utah hillbilly mafia, disguised as a church!
Have a departure present And the best to you!
It depends on the service you're using. Authelia can be set up to provide a header to your proxy that includes the logged in username. If your service supports it, you can then request that header to track your user.
If it's supported, your service (for instance calibre-web, which supports it), will ignore the need for a password, assuming the username header is provided.
Just make sure that you are only allowing users to access the page through your reverse proxy, and when authenticated, since otherwise they could conceivably just forge those request headers.
SumatraPDF. Including a font it's about 10 MB, open source and it's available portable. Can also open most ebook formats. It's also lightning fast compared to Adobe.
Only cons are: slows down on massive embedded images (artbooks) and doesn't handle printing as good in some edge cases.
Fact Check False.
Japanese study investigating and tracing the whereabouts of the spike protein within the test subjects.
We've been told by the manufacturers of the vaccines that the inactivated spike protein was to be administered into the muscle. Where it was expected to remain like other vaccines administered via muscle.
The study describes that is simply not the case. They were able to demonstrate that the Spike protein infects/inhabits the entire blood stream/system/organs.
> Once I started doubting god had influence over evolution, his only role became the trigger puller of the Big Bang. Then I realized a god isn't necessary for any of this.
THAT is an insight!
Have a present
Read this book "Why does he do that" by Lundy Bancroft. It really explains the abusive dynamic, and educates people on the tools and tactics abusers use. But please don't let him know you're reading it, don't call him an abuser to his face because it's dangerous, it might put you in danger. I'm sorry he's treating you like this, you deserve peace, kindness, safety, and the freedom to sleep. You deserve your life back. Dream a better life tonight, work towards it tommorow. You can get out, you can go to sleep every night safe and respected, just not with him. You deserve better. You can contact the national abuse hotline talk to them and make a safety plan, and get some local resources, shelters, outreach programs, advocacy organizations, and support groups. You don't have to live like this, it's so much better once you get out, I promise. I wake up every day beside a man who loves me now, who respects me, who would never hurt me even if I tried to piss him off. If I can get out, heal, rebuild my life, and find real love, you definitely can too. You are worth real love. You are worth kindness.
You did the math, I did the graph.
Edit: Feel free to edit or comment my code. I am new to time series analysis with python. Love it. Thought, this could be a quick exercise.
Use Google Chrome with uBlock Origin extension. I find the internet to be close to unusable with any other combination. Edge is not ready yet.
This is the correct answer.
For those that are interested, the official End of Life Policy is a minimum of 5 years. The CR-48 will receive updates until December, 2015.
PDF Xchange. Has lots of features (the highlighter and annotation features I use a lot with the PDFs that my professors like to assign for homework). Starts quickly. Printing works well. Better than Chrome's handling of PDFs.
This is a link where it could be downloaded as a PDF:
when you're married to this man with children he also abuses and crying yourself silently to sleep to not bother him, you'll remember this point in your lives and wish you'd made it out then. do it for that future version of you. save her.
"why does he do that?" pdf for help & reference
>There's another huge issue at play; political economy.
>TL;DR the idea that Mozart was a "musical genius" is not necessarily true, as that concept was defined by the elitist norms of patronage that canonized specific musicians and artists of that time. In other terms, Mozart represented the valued aesthetics of the time and was paid heavily for it; his genius was culturally manufactured. Mozart is no more of an "objective" "musical genius" than any musical artist you could name today. The difference is constructed value and canonization.
Yaaaas kween
>>While it would be misleading to claim—especially for Germany—that industrialization was the cause of the transformation of musical life that followed (and was indeed already under way as Burney wrote), the unchallenged centrality of the courts in musical life was coming to an end.
>>Musicians, however, were by no means certain what, if anything, could replace the patronage of those courts. Already in 1787 a Viennese commentator noted that, because of declining support for music at courts, “one can scarcely expect the likes of Handel, Gluck, Gasmann, Paisello, Sarti, Naumann, Salieri, Haydn, Dittersdorf, or Mozart in the future”. (David Gramit, "Music Scholarship, Musical Practice, and the Act of Listening" in Music and Marx: Ideas, Practice, Politics, 13)
Wrong – you just paint them like other anti-Iran people do to the SAA or the Houthis as artificial Iranian cut-outs when in fact they are real and organic popular organizations.
I'm going to link a book I'd like you to read, "Why Does He Do That" by Lundy Bancroft it's pretty much THE word on abusive relationships and includes a chapter dedicated to your question. The best thing you can do is love her, and understand that leaving is the single most dangerous time in an abusive relationship, she's probably terrified. Don't tell her to leave, she's gotta come to that on her own. Make sure she knows that you support her, that she can come to you for help. Make sure your home is open to the kids, they need a place to go away from the abuse and drug use. She's being controlled with drugs, too. She's guaranteed to be ashamed and afraid of that, it happened to me. I know getting clean is vital, but one thing at a time, working on one helps with the other. I'm sorry this is happening, I've been in her position. I had 2 abusive relationships, back to back over a decade of my life, the second one got me addicted to meth and heroin. I'm out and clean now, in a wonderful relationship. The difference? Therapy, DV support groups, and sobriety. I didn't do any of those after the first one, and jumped into another abusive relationship almost immediately. It's possible to heal, she's just gotta work for it, and she may not feel like she's worth saving, I didn't. Read the book, point out his abnormal behavior, keep your heart and home open to her and the kids. Help her realize she deserves real love, and real love doesn't have to manipulate, hurt, or control.
An einem Schaltnetzteil kann man die ausgangsseitige Entstörung weglassen, ohne dass die Funktion groß eingeschränkt wird. Also machen das alle Hersteller die ein paar Cent sparen wollen. Die Gefahr "erwischt" zu werden ist extrem gering.
Hier ist exemplarisch so ein Fall geschildert:
Das ganze ist ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen, die Chinesen ändern, wenn ein Produkt vom Markt genommen wird gar nix, sondern verkaufen es halt unter den acht anderen Namen weiter. Dazu kommen dann noch "legale" Produkte wie der ganze PowerLAN-Scheiß. Im Labor passt das alles irgendwie, an echten Hausinstallationen strahlt das dann aber ab wie ein Weihnachtsbaum.
Die Kunden wissen da nichts von, kaufen das billige Zeug in gutem Glauben und damit ist vielerorts Kurzwellenbetrieb nicht mehr möglich. Je höherfrequent die Taktungen der Netzteile und damit die Störungen werden, desto eher sind allerdings auch mal Dienste betroffen, die "normale" Leute interessieren, wie UKW-Radio.
tl;dr: Alles kaputt, wird auch nicht mehr heile.
Step 1: Install Chrome.
Step 2: Install uBlock Origin.
Step 3: Grab a towel.
What does it matter how Sweden defines rape when 95.6 percent of rapes are committed by immigrants?
The most 'crucial' function of the police to most people are the protection of their private property and 'justice' for those who wrong them.
Of course, they only really protect the property of the wealthy. Everybody I know who has had a bicycle stolen or something short of a car where they won't get paid for an arrest has been basically told to fuck off and that 'if it falls from the sky into the police station we might return it.' Luckily you usually won't get punished for stealing your shit back but I guess that just reiterates how random cops behave and basically just do whatever hits the quotas.
The first part of this book has some really fascinating if a bit disgusting insight into cops behavior.
Also take a look at PDF Sam for all of your sorting and rearranging needs.
Both have portable apps too that you can load on a Flash Drive and just use on any ole computer.
You reminded me of someone, so I'll ask, have you seen the "Am I a Lesbian?" masterdoc? Sometimes lesbians find compulsive heterosexuality ("comphet") difficult to distinguish from real attraction. If you find the idea of marrying a man unsatisfying, it might be worth exploring why:
This is a really good book. Read it. It is written about abusive men. It also has testimonies from abusive men. It is a PDF. You don’t have to buy it.
You are brave. You are strong. You are worthy. Keep fighting.
Do not for any reason go and see him alone. He doesn’t have anything to lose at this point. His behaviour can escalate. Call the cops. Demand your space. Do not see him.
Do not blame yourself for the abuse suffered in your home. Who you are truly as a person would have never allowed any of it to happen. He broke you down and tore you apart. The person left was someone just in survival mode. Find your way back to yourself.
You can do this. It will get better.
Post to r/legaladvice or r/relationships if you need some advice. Or some strong support as to why you need to continue to follow through.
There is also good points that hint towards red flags to watch out for in future partners. You are at risk for finding someone that might appear better but is just as dangerous. Find yourself. Don’t find a partner. Please. You can do this alone. You have been alone fighting a predator. You haven’t had a partner.
We can talk about the charges to come! Here's 155 pages
You just pretending gerrymandering hasn't been a thing? Did you not know that because of specific rules republicans have set in place they don't need the majority to rule? You haven't even tried to dig into what you are charging us with proving have you lol.
You are aware that Donald Trump Jr testified to meeting with the Russians and they all come out now about the fact that it was indeed for the information, right?
You are aware that the timestamp for the single largest push into US servers was quite literally at Donald Trumps command during a speech? 'Russia are you listening'
There's just so much.
They're very very common. I pulled a report from the DC district and there are over 600 from this year alone that are STILL unsealed.
scroll down to page 31
First thing I thought of was this from the official Serial website. The problem is this falsely gives the impression that Adnan has had only one story. For instance at various times Adnan claimed he was supposed to get a ride from Hae but she got tired of waiting and left, that he didn't ask for a ride because he had his own car, and that he wouldn't have asked for a ride because Hae was too busy. Another example would be that Adnan has variously claimed that after school he was at the adult video store with Jay (to Nisha), hanging out with Dion by the gym, or in the library with Asia.
Cheers to JWI for the Dion document.
>The truth is unknowable and may not even exist. I would rather believe in nothing at all rather than believe in something false and chances are whatever replaces mormonism is just as false as mormonism is.
Okay. Here we go: a) The truth is not unknowable, it's knowable. "Science" means knowledge of the way things really are (like in nature--from how plants photosynthesize to how galaxies work accreting matter) You can't get the truth about this from ancient religious scripts, which is why religious types fight science as an anti-god "ism." You need scientists to find out the truth about things...and a source for their latest findings. Wikipedia works okay. So does the for the lay person. b) No "belief system" replaces your former religion/world view/political ideology. Critical thinking makes you a skeptic, a pragmatist and (dare I say this with the agnostic mod on my case) a NON-THEIST. Read Unweaving the Rainbow and God Is Not Great or just read this free one for the depth of where we exist. Worked for me. Best wishes friend.
I got the chart from this report. The data source is from the paywalled CMIE database.
There seems to be quite a bit of a slowdown in wages compared to 10 or even 5 years ago. Do you feel that in your life?
I had a bit of time to spare, so I recreated it. Here's a large image, and the vector file in a pdf. It's worth emailing them to yourself so you don't lose them again, and I'd recommend the vector file for printing really big.
(the font I used is Gadugi, and it's pretty similar to the original but not exactly the same, if you have windows 8 or above, you should already have it on your machine, if you wanted to use it for anything else.)
Just started training with the system wall at my gym. Came across this video which has helped me develop a routine.
edit: just realized I linked to the end of the video. my bad
edit 2: word, it is a little longwinded. I actually took a bunch of screenshots. Along with some more information from a different site, I created an evernote doc for quick reference while training. I put together a PDF to share.
note: this isn't my video, I just found it and thought it was useful. Within a week of beginning my training on the system wall I noticed some really specific improvements so I wanted to do a bit of research.
The MCAT is computer based, so I suggest buying the actual CBTs that are sold by AAMC/TBR. Or if you have the PDF versions (as part of a Kaplan course, of course), use this free PDF reader to actually circle and highlight passages.
(from a fellow MCAT studier)
Okular does have tabs (release on 0.19), you might need to enable them:
> Navigate to Settings > Configure Okular. In General, under Program Features, check the 'Open new files in tabs' option. Click Apply. Click OK.
This is a story I've heard before (Alayna Joy might be relatable). I think, to some extent, you already know what you want and what you have to do to have that (namely, to date women and to break up with your fiancé). Sometimes people are just not compatible, through no fault of their own. It's going to hurt, but it's going to be okay. I promise.
For your doubts, the famous lesbian masterdoc might help.
I wis you all the best! <3