Read this: This is written by a guy who has the #1 best selling book on Amazon about SJWs: SJWs Always Lie. The biggest and most important advice I can give is: NEVER APOLOGIZE
There's a backup of the video here:
It's about a wave of sexual assaults caused by migrants across Europe, including the rape of a 10-year old boy described by the attacker as a "sexual emergency". The video was removed for violating community guidelines for "hate speech". The removal counts as a strike, and two more strikes means the account is nuked.
> I've used them since 1999, were you even alive then?
Wow cool, he was a customer 3 years before it was founded in 2002. What a loyal customer.
He was also getting flak from #fullmcintosh saying Avengers is toxic hegemonic sexism
* - archive, 4 tweets in total
Or is failing to finish the product your fans helped fund a feminist idea? Because there sure is a shitload of that in SJW land. Archive, but the question is in the comments loaded further down.
His ARD TV video has just been memoryholed! Here's the Bitchute link, please seed if you can!
Addendum: just so we're crystal clear on this, there's absolutely no "hate speech" in that video, whatever the fuck it means. It's literally his smartphone pointed at him while he's being interviewed by ARD, and there are no hot takes, no edgy stuff. Just plain, cold, brutal statistics mixed with his opinions and several rebuttals on the journalist's statements.
Not only that, near the end at 27:30, the journalist asks Tommy Robinson if he's really interested in the victims, and Tommy goes even further as inviting him to interview them through the Sikh Awareness Society.
But you watch the whole thing and tell me where the "hate speech" is.
yup, I'm sure someone is already making a deepweb reddit as we speak.
everyone interested in finding a place in the deep web for uncensored chat, please download Tor.
remember Tor is not a fix all, you must change browsing habits if you want to use it for anonymity, use lesser known search engines and such with it.
The link is down so here is the mirror for anyone that is interested. I'm posting it at the top of the thread for others to see.
But I am going to do one step better than just simply provide a mirror, I'm going to teach you how I found this image without actually knowing what the original image was.
I came late to this thread while browsing r/all. The imgur link was down and I had no idea what it was but I wanted to see what was so interesting. I didn't have a thumbnail preview on this link here in /r/KotakuInAction where I might be able to make out what was posted from the cached image but I did notice that the "other discussion" tab had the number "2" in it. So I went there and into the other threads to see if someone else might have posted a mirror. No luck, but I did have a lucky break. The other discussions did have a cached thumbnail images. I hit "Ctrl" + "+" in my browser till I maxed it out. It was still a very blurry thumbnail image where no real details are clearly visible but the image looked unique enough that I might be able to work with it. I then used my screen capture tool and captured that thumbnail. I then put that thumbnail into an image search at Wouldn't you know it, Google managed to identify the thumbnail to other matching images that were larger.
It is one thing to get a mirror link, it is another thing to learn how to think creatively and laterally to improvise a way of obtaining it. Hope this helps in the future if the link is ever down again.
No, the BBC had a guest on the This Week show and this bit of video was used as an advert for the show to let people know what the whackjob would be talking about in her section and also as an intro to her slot.
For those in the UK the show itself is here:
Between the 2 other guests, Ed Balls and Michael Portillo and the host himself, Andrew Neil, they were quite sympathetic in their approach to it, but they took the time to point out time after time that denying facts and denying statistics were all quite pointless. Bergdorf got some airtime, but only came out of it looking quite foolish.
If any mod initiated a popup, I'd uninstall and never look back.
Edit: Does anyone else remember the mod situation in world of warcraft? I believe it was around the BC days. There were some mods you had to pay money for and blizzard stamped down hard on them. I think it was questhelper or a similar addon
edit2: it was carbonite I was thinking of. Here's a thread discussing the changes when they happened.
Antis already laughed at TB's cancer because it wasn't the worst kind of cancer so I feel like we're halfway there already.
And if this is your first time viewing this tweet, check out who favorited it. ;-)
Rotten tomatoes has become a safe space for uncomfortable themes and questionable dialogue.
I noticed over the past several months movies that had "PoC" antagonists had rotten ratings due to how racist and problematic they were.
IE: London has fallen & no escape .
From here:
World of Warcraft (2004) - Team Lead
Diablo II (2000) - Producer
Diablo II (Collector's Edition) (2000) - Producer
StarCraft 64 (2000) - Producer
StarCraft (1998) - Associate Producer
Creative Services
World of Warcraft (2004) - Manual Development and Editing
Diablo II (2000) - Manual Design & Layout
Diablo II (Collector's Edition) (2000) - Manual Design & Layout
Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003) - Bubble Boy Dunsel
Diablo II (2000) - Technical Strike Team
Diablo II (Collector's Edition) (2000) - Strike Team
StarCraft 64 (2000) - Starcraft 64 Strike Team
StarCraft: Brood War (1998) - Campaign Commandos
Mark Kern definitely has a nice resume there, but I've learned to not just judge a book by its cover (e.g. Raph Koster).
Here is the Huffington Post with the headline:
> Protein World Adverts Will Be Removed From London Transport, Confirms TFL
Turns out the 3 weeks they paid for are up and will be replaced by other paying customers, yet SJW's are holding protests on Saturday. I got a bit of a kick out of it.
As a developer, I would like to thank GamerGate for supporting a return of rationality to the tech industry. We were nowhere without this movement. Think about it, GitHub is backing down due to protests that were reinforced on the back of GamerGate.
I've been here for a while and I've been in the tech industry for a long while. It's no joke, we did this. Bravo people.
I would still not support GitHub. I don't trust them one bit. This is a victory for us, but they're still run by the enemy. Self host your own GitLab or Gogs repos.
With you mentioning all this I think it's important we all remember something very important.
"When the dust settles, remember who it was that fed their own readership to the wolves. I will." - TotalBiscuit
People like Schafer will come crawling back eventually. I'm all for forgiving people and giving a second chance but after what is it now 9+ months? Forget it.
She goes on to say:
> I was almost joking about @nytimes not thinking I was a person. They fucking made a video saying so.
> I look this way for me. I've looked this way long before I had a YouTube channel. I've been absolutely clear it's gender expression & criticizing people for that is not your job.
> Quick to freeload and make a buck of my appearance- while simultaneously sneering at it, but actually reply to an issue with thousands of likes and RTs and treat me like a person? Fuck no. The level of hypocrisy is off the charts...
> Look, if some soft butch sister wants short hair and overalls she is not imposing any sort of standard on other women. If I want to look high-femme, that's my business, I'm not harming anyone else with my chosen gender expression. I did my fucking time- I get skirts and tits now.
Here's the video btw
Understanding the Zoe Affidavit is a very in-depth look at the court order against Eron Gonji, specifically detailing the section where she attempted to justify the gag order. If you read through it, I think a lot of people will come to the conclusion that LW hardly justified anything in her statements.
That being said, I've never seen OP's image before. I laughed at the "They also provided Internet addresses that link to web sites that contain nude photographs of the victim" statement because there's a MegaUpload of her nude images from when she was a softcore pornographic model, but the statement by itself would lead a lot of people to believing that it's revenge porn.
For context: they did the mobile ports of a PC fantasy strategy-sim called Majesty, which didn't take itself too seriously at all. The "feminist harpies" bit is from an in-game scenario dealing with actual creature harpies.
My OP was from the paid version of the game, not the free and more p2w version.
Christina Love is only threatening not to judge because she pays Mattie Brice via Patreon.
Would you look at that.
Also her page is now private so she tried to hide this nice little fact from people.
I wonder how they feel about judge collusion or financial connections between judges ?
Haha, BBC linked to our very own John Galt:
> In the past, Whedon has used his Twitter account to voice his support for activist Anita Sarkeesian, who has done work to highlight the misogyny and sexism in many video games.
We need to complain to the BBC about this. This is not objective at all. It just takes it for granted that there is "misogyny and sexism" in video games. Absolutely pathetic.
This is a fun game. Let's play. Everyone make your own!
On the one side, a man was sent death threats, then mailed dirty syringes and corpses. On the other side, a poem about a man sleeping with another man. I suspect the truth is not in the middle.
On the one side, a forum of suicidal, depressed virgins was the subject of a media harassment campaign built on lies. On the other side, a man wearing a puppet on his hand on stage was ridiculed. I suspect the truth is not in the middle.
On the one hand, a man was sent harassment, death threats and was the victim of a deceptive smear campaign for months on end. On the other hand, he wrote a post condemning the filing of false DMCAs, had they actually occured. I suspect the truth is not in the middle.
A++ tweeting, Worf.
Edit: 14 upvotes on comment, 2 upvotes on post. Hi Ghazi. =)
Speaking of books of interest:
Destroy a Man Now, a Feminist's guide on using false MeToo allegations to ruin the lives of men who upset them. The PDF version of it is available someplace. Looks like Amazon pulled the kindle edition after complaints.
Google actually use Oxford's dictionary, So google didn't alter the meaning, Oxford did. Oxford is more pro-sjw and Webster is more anti-sjw.
Don't kid yourself, they know damn well what's going on. They know they'll get reactions by their behavior, in fact they're banking on it. Anyone who's been on the internet for more than a day knows what will happen if, for instance I go into a chat. I tell others I will kill myself if someone says the word purple. How long before someone says it? Not because that person wants me to die, because I was asking for it.
They're also aware death threats aren't anything new or unique, they just use every day unfortunate behavior to try and paint GG as villains.
except it doesn't. A college student wrote an article for the school paper making fun of social justice trigger warnings and privilege. They got him fired from the paper. Not only that, one of the leaders of an equality group on campus vandalized his room even writing "Everyone hates you, you violent prick" on his door. It was caught on video so naturally they were arrested and charged. No, wait. The other thing. Absolutely no repercussions.
You guys think adding Kotaku trying to buy reddit mods a couple years ago on r/wow/ is worth adding? To show more shit on Gawker?
> Streever: Woman who denies sexism and priveldge exist: Goodbye
This whole thing over the past few weeks has taught me one thing. Irregardless of whether you are male, female, feminist, egalitarian, or whatever, one thing shines through. There are two types of people: assholes with a power trip, and everyone else.
Look at how quick he turns on her once he realizes he can't convince her of his beliefs. It goes from 'women are oppresed' to 'you hate all other women' to 'you're sexist' to 'you're having a psychotic episode'. He's an asshole at heart who's weaponizing nice to tell others how they're wrong.
Also, how long until people realize twitter isn't the place to have discussions like this. He averages 4 tweets per point he makes. It's annoying to read everything broken up.
Edit: the dictionary definition of the word that pissed everyone off since I was downvoted for posting it below.
Mm, that's good libel. Thank you, Anna Anthropy, for proving what a waste of a human being you are yet again.
If you're wondering if this whale of a person is relevant, yes, yes they are.
Is it any wonder this charming individual is friends with Leigh Alexander and was Patricia Hernandez's roommate?
Further info here: The original website seems to be down, though.
And it started long before the Cold War, the highest priority operation against the US after gaining diplomatic recognition, but of course Stalin randomly executed enough of the people running it so it apparently wasn't active for a while centered around WWII. But the seed had already been planted and was bearing a lot of fruit by then.
Gabe Newell got massively downvoted on his AMA because of him defending this move. And although I respect Gabe Newell for what he has done for PC gaming, monetizing mods is one of the dumbest, if not the dumbest move ever in gaming history. A kind of move I previously would have associated with the likes such as EA and Ubisoft.
Archive of article for the curious
Also this guide on Steam is fantastic
A rundown of the people featured on the movie and all the shady shit they're involved in, currently 268 ratings averaging 5 stars and 4 pages of comments
I'm sure we can all agree that the dark army attempting to enforce this CoC would prefer we all watch this video on YouTube, while the valiant defenders of Linux would ask that we seek greener pastures on BitChute.
Do what you know is right...
No, she hasn't, and she doesn't belong anywhere NEAR an actual school curriculum.
This is the problem. Sarkeesian presents her work as academic, but it fails miserably to meet those standards, and yet because she's on the "right" side and knows the "right" people, she's regarded as an expert and given inroads to places where she has absolutely no business being.
I fear for the future if people like Anita Sarkeesian are allowed to inform the educations of young people.
>For the avoidance of doubt, anyone who posts on RPS anything about the private lives of anyone will be instantly banned.
>Max Temkin, co-creator of the game, has been accused of rape. Temkin has addressed the accusation and asserted his innocence. It’s all really heavy and serious and it concerns one of the most successful card games ever released. I mean, that game is massive. So it’s weird not to talk about it, right? Why is no-one talking about it?
Just a heads up, peeps! In case Youtube memoryholes this video too, like they did with the previous ARD interview, you can watch the mirror on Tommy's Bitchute account. As always, if you know how WebTorrent works, please seed.
This is worth mentioning to Patreon as well. If she can call a "friend at Patreon" to allow her to violate the TOS, it's a serious issue that they need to be made aware of.
PewDiePie has 56 MILLION followers. isn't even in the top 4000 websites, and they're dropping.
Keep it up dipshits! It's going to blow up in your stupid faces.
Very unverified at the moment, there are other mods with links to outside of steam and mentioning donations that have not been altered so it could be anything at the moment
IF Valve were to do this it would be a pretty fucked up thing.
Homer, I have no idea where you're going with this. The last article posted from this site was in September. And according to SimilarWeb they got less than 5,000 views a month. This isn't low hanging you posted here. The fruit fell on the ground and is rotting.
Tommy has a channel on BitChute, the uncensored version of YouTube. Follow him there if you want to see unfiltered and uncensored content by him...
He added literally 0 content.
He uploaded that video to youtube with the title "SJW reaction" or something and claimed it was satire. H3H3 actually adds commentary to their videos, Sargon did nothing but shorten it to 2 min and changed the title.
Even McIntosh isn't happy with the new Avengers film
I'm not normally one for this type of drama, but I have to say that seeing this play out is interesting. Considering we are all like, hey create whatever you want and in return we get called KKK and misogynists.
Yes, but have you watched Sargon's this week in stupid?
Children, as young as 3 years old, I shit you not, are being asked to sign contracts saying they won't use transphobic language.
We've long gone past the point of common sense, friend.
>City Paper: "Drunk woman tries to steal protester's bag!!!!!!"
>Community: She wasn't drunk, and he's trying to steal her bag, you lying sack of shit.
>City Paper: W-we-well... that's just, like, your opinion, man ! :("
That entire video was just a cringe-worthy example of middle class Bobos being absolutely appalled at the behavior of lower class minorities.
In related news, a UVA Dean is suing Rolling Stone. Read the lawsuit here. The tl;dr on that is that both Erdely and Rolling Stone repeatedly evaded questioning and actively LIED trying to maintain the credibility of the story (even the credibility of the accusations made about UVA's handling of Jackie's case). Even Jackie was uncomfortable with how Dean Eramo was portrayed (page 46).
Mattress Girl's alleged rapist (who has been cleared by more than one campus investigation, and the police) is suing Columbia. Read the lawsuit filed by Paul Nussenger here to get a great rundown of wtf happened. I promise it's worth every page (except for maybe the last several). Your jaw will hit the floor.
Edit: Since not everyone has the time to read a whole legal document, here are some pages you should read.
Eramo lawsuit Highlights
Pg 27 Rubina evasion during Slate interviews pg 52
Pg 31/32 RS refuses apology
Pg 40 Jackie's sketchy behavior
Pg 42 no FERPA waiver
Pg 44 Randall never spoke to
Pg 45 Jackie never requested Erdely refrain from contacting her friends
Pg 46 Jackie uncomfortable with eramo portrayal. Pg 49/pg 40
Pg 54 Editor woods lies
>"I check every profile and their other tweets of people before I mute/report them and every one has been from this group, sadly." - Anne Wheaton
She's either trying to stir up shit, or has a martyr complex. The "navy seal" straight up tells her that his primary motivation is shitposting yet that still doesn't stop her from labeling GG as the cause.
Alexa says rank 6000 USA and rank 20000 worldwide. Big one.
Good summary and timeline in the article. Pro-GamerGate stance throughout. Closing words:
> Gamers, and Gamergate supporters, come in all makes and models. Both sexes and all colors and creeds are well represented, as the #NotYourShield hashtag revealed, and practically every notch on the political spectrum is covered. But the overwhelming message of Gamergate is a purely libertarian one: “Leave us alone to make the games we want to make and play the games we want to play.”
Sargon's main channel is mirrored there:
The Thinkery is mirrored here:
The problem with BitChute as it is, though, is the same problem with voat, gab, etc... They have the refugees from the mainstream sites, and nothing else, so investors and normies won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Fortunately, being decentralized and torrent based, it needs seeders more than investors.
>If you're not into that and you choose to be personally threatened by even the word 'misogyny' then we don't want to hear what you think about it.
I wonder if this intern speaks for all of PCGamer like he claims?
>PC Gamer
>June 2015 – Present (4 months)
One thing you guys. If you want good Journalism like TechRaptor is doing, that shit ain't free. Turn off your Adblock, talk about them, fund them
These are exactly the stories the normal games press won't touch. They are being touched. They said get new sites with good content, and this is that.
For six months Techraptor has withstood DDoSes and bullshit to report these stories. Please boost and support that.
EDIT: Also Allistair you're awesome for speaking out, and Georgie thank God Zoe didn't manage to run you off. You're gamergate's
They should promote it. Alex Jones has a channel there now. I think its good news. When all conspiracy people migrate to bitchute, it means that the site will get momentum. Just like Youtube in the early days got momentum by independents and conspiracy videos. As times goes by, more people will go there and you will get a snowball effect.
Youtube will become a sanitized Mainstream Media platform (which is what people ran away from in the first place when they stopped watching cable TV) is gaining 700k users a day... not a lot but it is keeping them busy building new servers and it will add up over time.
Problem is Parler and CloutHub that the President just got on require that you expose your real identity.
If I gave Twitter my real identity by giving them my phone number back in 2010 ... and now I say something they don't like... Yeah man you are screwed if you do that... Some how it will end up in you losing your job and being hunted down by idiots.
Sorry.. not sorry... you haven't earned my trust for you to know exactly who I am, my phone number which can be tracked back to my address.... ho yell no
Do you see the problem with conflating that definition with dictionary definitions?
For example oxford
> Intense dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people
disagreeing with the notion that aggressive hormone therapy and invasive surgery is the best or right course of action is not transphobia
>Before yesterday, when you opened the console to check which keys the nvidia code gave us, it was ID 56900 which was the same code given to all pre-orders. This code was registered to my account as well as I checked a couple of weeks ago. Now, the code registered to my account is 71669 which is an id that does not include the Harley quinn pre-order bonus. I did not screenshot my account back then but the thread that I posted below has some people who posted screenshots of their consoles confirming that they had the 56900 id.
>I don't see why they changed this last minute....Maybe I'm misunderstanding the steam IDs. I would like to hear from someone who bought and pre-ordered the game and see what id they have.
>Here is a thread a while back that talked about it in early June.
More ethics in game publishing than games journalism, but hey, call a dick move in anything gaming related as it is.
maybe it's the other way around in this case.
some powerful interest groups want to fundamentally change the internet (making it more profitable, e.g. by removing online anonymity altogether). And the "disagreeing online is physical violence" narrative is their newest attempt to push these changes through.
from the wikileaks article:
> Google Ideas is bigger, but it follows the same game plan. Glance down the speaker lists of its annual invite-only get-togethers, such as “Crisis in a Connected World” in October 2013. Social network theorists and activists give the event a veneer of authenticity, but in truth it boasts a toxic piñata of attendees: US officials, telecom magnates, security consultants, finance capitalists, and foreign-policy tech vultures like Alec Ross (Cohen’s twin at the State Department).33 At the hard core are the arms contractors and career military: active US Cyber Command chieftains, and even the admiral responsible for all US military operations in Latin America from 2006 to 2009. Tying up the package are Jared Cohen and the chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt.34
Posted on twitter (Credit goes to PalaverousM on twitter)
The difference between them reporting Anita's bomb threat and this 1 is truly disgusting.
Someone posted a Daily Mail article about Alexandra Mezher, a Swedish social worker who was stabbed to death, to 4chan. They couldn't access it so they asked other people from Sweden to try.
Whoever made the screen grab (presumably not from Sweden) could assess the article simply by copy and pasting the link to their browser.
They then use ShadeYou client, with the location set to Sweden. They then try to access the article again and couldn't.
If you think Breitbart might be biased (and it might be), here's what Elizabeth Spiers (founder of, had to say about her -
> The last time I heard directly from Shanley Kane, it was by email.
> “Leave me the fuck alone and don’t ever contact me again,” she wrote, before launching into a two-day Twitter barrage demanding that I stop harassing her, her friends, and her family, and calling me a stalker. It might have been fair, or at least accurate, if I were doing any of the above.
Dear diary...
Today I learned that 4chan, an obscure image board, has more power and influence than 79,000 other websites with more traffic.*
* Numbers according to Alexa
P.S. I'm aware that Alexa is far from accurate, yet I don't doubt there are thousands of websites more trafficked than the halfchan.
Don't worry guys, the bomb threat didn't happen, it is imaginary (no really, he said that):
His timeline is full of insults at GG:
Which is in really bad taste after a bomb threat I'd say. He seems to have a complete lack of empathy.
Sure, there isn't evidence that a bomb threat did happen right now, but has lack of evidence ever stopped the media from reporting on anti-GG receiving threats and saying how terrible it is? And there is evidence that something did happen, even if it should turn out it wasn't a bomb threat. That the police was there and evacuated the building was proven by photos people took.
The game's "protagonist" proclaims that Sun Tzu's The Art of War is "problematic". loooool She even picks up the book to remove it... can't have people thinking dangerous thoughts. Basically it's just a game meany to proselytize and propagandize, projecting the creator's bigoted and extremist worldview to the player.
>Having been brought up immersed in the doctrine of the ultra-conservative Christian Right, as I gained some inkling of the atrocities and injustice being carried out in my name across the globe, I was shocked. I felt betrayed by not just my government but by the media, my education and my family. I had been systematically misinformed, deceived and lied to all my life. So as someone born and raised in the United States of America I decided to make some changes. Today, two years later, I am an activist, a jammer, a vegetarian, a dissident detective, an info warrior, and a guerrilla artist. I ride a bicycle everywhere. I shut off my TV. I no longer buy things I don't need and I built this web site.
This site is pure gold.
Hold on a second:
Re: Mark, et al. v. Gawker Media LLC, et al., No. 13 Civ. 04347 (AJN) (SN)
> As with their proposed #fairpay and #livingwage hashtags, Plaintiffs’ plan with respect to Reddit is calculated less to reach potential collective members than to connect this lawsuit with unrelated controversies and political causes. For example, the topic “KotakuInAction,” where Plaintiffs propose to post, centers around criticism of commentary that a Gawker editor made in October 2014 related to a controversy known as GamerGate, which had nothing to do with interns or any remotely related subject.
Um, what? This statement is vague, and possibly flat-out false. KiA "centers around criticism of commentary that a Gawker editor made in October 2014" ...?
What the hell does "centers around" mean? What Gawker editor are they referring to here?
>“2) Evergreen’s Day of Absence was not ‘reverse racism.’”
I like how he uses quotation marks, even though nobody uses that term but SJWs.
>“4) The Tucker Carlson interview unleashed a flood of hate toward Evergreen.”
Yes, that's what happens when the public learns about people acting like horrible people.
>“6) Racist hate mail and threats targeted free speech at Evergreen.”
>“9) Liberal arts and intersectionality are both about increasing available viewpoints.”
I watched an interesting video on bitchute yesterday. The guy describes SJWs in terms of personality disorders. Right at the end he said something interesting: That disorders are teachable, that is to say they can be socially learned.
So, your friends were taught to behave that way.
It's so retarded because almost everything in the nomenclature will sound offensive out of context. Parent-child is especially fun:
Make a parent kill its children
Send a signal to hang child up
Dispose of children
EDIT: Found a real example of this while working on my project:
I don't think you can ever fix journalism. This is not a problem in gaming specifically, but in the tech industry as a whole.
The best we can do is making the average reader aware of this, so hopefully they're going to switch to better sources
I had temporarily put to the back of my mind what a piece of shit this guy is. Now I looked at his Twitter and found "Exactly. As @jimpjorps notes, it feeds into feeling entitled that every conversation about you should involve you."
Translation: "I just want to be able to talk about people in public without them being able to respond, is that so much to ask?"
Seeing as they all released articles around the same time based on a 'petition' that no one has even heard of until they wrote articles on it. I am pretty sure they made the petition themselves and coordinated the articles release.
It's like the 'gamers are dead' articles all over again.
"Just watched the first episode of Firefly and I wasn't impressed... it felt like another typical machofest... 8:39 PM Feb 25th from web"
"it'd be interesting to see a critic of the television show 'Angel' as homophobic... especially compared to its counterpart Buffy. 10:37 AM Feb 22nd from web"
Good thing Joss went to bat for her, HUH? :D
I would say that is a pretty accurate list of reasons why the community has taken this so poorly. Valve has so many issues it could have improved on, like greenlight, customer service and billing policies. Instead we were delivered this disaster of a program that only exists to further nickel and dime us for content that often should have been included in the original game. We're told to wait and see what happens, but we were told that about horse DLC, we were told that about kickstarter, and then early access. After so many times getting burnt, it's just hard to understand any explanation other than, "We want more money." And that sucks.
> I wouldn't mind one of those without it being covered in weeb.
Here you go.
They are sold under the name "Body Pillow" & contain not even a trace of weeb.
A more fundamental question would be, why are people less rational today as compared to 50 yeas ago? My answer would be because knowledge of philosophy is no longer considered a prerequisite of being educated.
The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.
~ Thomas Sowell
My advice would be to tell them to go read 'A History of Western Philosophy' by Bertrand Russell
Peet was the petulant little manlet that went on CBC claiming that JBP's refusal to use synthetic pronouns was 'hate speech'. He's not exactly an unbiased commentator on his issue.
Well said, but I fear you are trying to appeal to Manicheans who believe in rewarding friends and punishing enemies; and you are the enemy. This is why I advocate:
Don't get me wrong, I don't support any "hate crime" or "hate speech" legislation, hence why I said it would almost be worth it. I just think it would be hilarious to see people like Jessica Valenti and Jess Philips and The Guardian charged with hate crimes. Trolls in the UK could have a field day (actually they already could, given current hate speech statutes; what are they waiting for?).
Ironically the epidemic of "misogyny" is mostly imaginary (at least in mainstream British culture), while the epidemic of misandry is mostly real. So who are the real trolls? You can read explicit anti-male "hate speech" on any given day in mainstream news publications, but feminists have to search far and wide (cat-calling, fat-shaming, attractive women in video games etc.) to find their misogyny boogeyman. Indeed according to some academics in Canada, misandry has now become institutionalized in the western world.
There is an argument to be made that making misandry illegal could force feminists to realize their own stupidity/solipsism/irrationality, and therefore put an end to hate think laws, but unfortunately I wouldn't bet on that. Due to aforementioned stupidity/solipsism/irrationality.
We talk about tumblr as if it's all socjus crazies but really they're only a small part of the site. Mostly it's fandoms, fashion and makeup blogs, music, and porn. Typical stuff teenagers like.
See their most popular tags or the most popular blogs.
And I am outraged, OUTRAGED I tell you! ...... That you would watch this video on YouTube rather than BitChute...
Higly engineered floating vesa stands for professional and even medical environments don't even cost that much.
I've been using that one for over a decade now.
People who shit on The Art of War usually are people who never read the book; they literally judge it by it's cover. The Art of War, much like Machiavelli's The Prince was sort of like a manual for temperance and how to be a good leader. To be a servant to the people you are supposed to be superior to. If any one tries to take a position of power even if it is only power of influence and not of administration/executive RUN AWAY! Holy shit these people are that scary they wish to view themselves as a superior to the people they want to educate; they have to actual try to be superior. Those who don't might as well be the definition of pretentious.
Don't worry, "it was just a joke"
>Chris Totten: Derek, thank you for your harsh, but fair criticisms. You are right, many of our comments were made in jest.
Here are both the links to the articles.
The Salon actually called the Baltimore riots a protest against white privilege.... and in the GamerGate article, they compared GamerGate to the Norway Bomber (and white terrorism).
Jezuz, I used to think of Salon as a main stream publication. So wrong.
You folks might wanna look at Twister. This is a peer to peer platform that uses blockchain for indexing. No you don't have to interact with crypto in any way, it's just a way to get a realtime peered database.
Each user account only uses a few bytes so it's not like it's a lot to download or anything.
Ongoing project, but it's impossible to censor and impossible to shut down, and it's open source.
I have to keep reminding people again: "Corruption" is a more attractive topic than "Ethics".
I already collected plenty of dirt on Kotaku in my letter, including an incident that's very sparsely talked about: the blacklisting of David Prassel at Kotaku.
They've been very bad since at least the 1970s, running one ludicrous political article in every issue, the first of the "real" articles. I watched over several years as the Kosta Tsipis group, I think it was, steadily decreased their claims of what was beyond the foreseeable future state of the art. They were so bad, they effectively said the Mount Palomar Hale Telescope's 1948 mirror was ... beyond the foreseeable future state of the art. Someone pointed out that you and I could in an afternoon, using car batteries in a small alley or the like, construct a power system they said that was ... beyond the foreseeable future state of the art (of course, that wouldn't be space rated). Really, utterly sloppy, no wonder he doesn't have a Wikipedia entry.
Someone who I consider to be reliable, Petr Beckmann, perhaps best widely known as the author of <em>A History of pi</em>, was a refugee from Soviet occupied Czechoslovakia (and Nazi occupied, he related getting out from a first run showing of Fantasia to learn that the British and French had sold out his country in Munich). He said in his Access to Energy newsletter that you could predict the topic of this political Scientific American article roughly 6 months in advance based on what another anti-West and science and technology Communist Czech journal published. Can't read the language, but it's a very falsifiable claim, and he didn't make up bullshit.
You know, I was going to refute that by saying Twitter is more or less a giant of a company, but its marketwatch seems to show a massive nearly 66% decrease in stock prices over the last year.
TheQuartering has a good list, but Vox Day literally wrote the books on this. SJWs Always Lie, and SJWs Always Double Down. The latter has a chapter expressly on corporate infiltration.
The key way you stop infiltration is ruthless kick/ban/fire anyone who shows SJW tendencies. It must be rule #1 for any organization. No appeal, no warning, just boom, you're banned/fired.
Hey guys, someone sent this to me. I have the card they left me located here, they asked for security reasons not to mention their names or show any info about them. I really wish i had setup my camera on the floor and recorded the entire conversation.
They literally are clueless when it comes to online trolls, I had to explain to them the videos I make and how i've had impersonators in the past and have been doxxed myself. One of the agents didn't know what "doxxing" meant, I kid you not and I had to explain it to him.
It seems that these fbi agents are not really familiar with the ways of social media.
For you younguns who might not know, Rhys-Davies played a character in the old hit classic Wing Commander III.
>And at a time when a presidential candidate ran against political correctness and won — with half of white female voters supporting him — is this the time to tone down talk about race or to double down?
The next quote
>“If your short-term goal is to get as many people as possible at the march, maybe you don’t want to alienate people,” said Anne Valk, the author of “Radical Sisters,” a book about racial and class differences in the women’s movement. “But if your longer-term goal is to use the march as a catalyst for progressive social and political change, then that has to include thinking about race and class privilege.”
Looks like a double down, nice!
As a cringy BitChute shill bot, I recommend that you enjoy this serving of Marvel cringe over at BitChute! Home of shitlords too cringy for the likes of YouTube.
All you need do is follow the link and enjoy.
That game had $400k budget??? What?!?!?
Holy shit!
> Revolution 60 was made by a core team of 4 people for a budget of about $400,000. None of us had shipped a game before. Starting the project, I had no idea of the massive amount of work it would take. It’s a miracle we shipped at all because the game was way, way too ambitious. To be blunt, there were 1000 times the GSX starship should have exploded.
What the fuck did they spend that money on?
>The biggest limitation we faced in developing Revolution 60 was RAM. We supported the iPhone 4S and up, which meant supporting devices with 512 RAM, most of which is eaten up by Unreal and the system. When iOS 7 came out, we found ourselves short 132 megs of ram, which required completely rebuilding the game! We lost 4 months rejiggering the game to work with mere vapors of RAM.
>I had hundreds of heated discussions with my lead engineer about texture budget. I often had 4 1k maps to texture entire sections on N313. I could write a book about extremely efficient methods of stacking/recycling textures. Are the game textures good? Given our extreme memory limitations, yeah - they’re damned good. It takes drastically more skill to do textures with these kind of limitations than to make something pretty with ample texture memory at your disposal.
This is a 1 texture environment:
It uses 2 256x512 textures, which makes 1 512x512 texture. You used 4 1024x1024 textures and produced that? Seriously?
Edit 2: Holy shit, the incompetence is so much, just wow!
Yep. Name is retarded. It's never gonna attract any sizable audience.
OP also isn't doing the website any favors by not having a link and not capitalizing the name correctly (BitChute)
Why not link to the actual Indian movie sites? Not all of us get our news from attention whoring youtubers.
BTW, If you liked this comment don't forget to smash that like button and hit subscribe. This comment was sponsored by NordVPN, for all your privacy needs.
>Press and Investors : As the leading, unbiased experts...
You can email CNET to report him. I see the email:
> Manara, however, was definitely hurt by it.
With a career in Marvel? Yes.
As a career as a whole? Dude has his European Erotic Comics to fall back on. He's gonna be alright.
> Marvel had been using him on covers for a little while (he did a total of 18 over a span of 6 years, from my research),
He also did illustrate a story back in 2013....called X-Women.
a quick search dredged up this little gem of higher education.
a quick taste of the relevant SJW insanity within:
>In several different classrooms, students of color vocalized experiences and arguments that seemed developed in response to what our White students were saying, even though these particular students had not yet been brought into conversation. Indeed, before the breach and the actual dialogue, these student voices were communal and dialectic.
That is correct, the information that ties the .bit domain you register is only modifiable through your keys.
Much like you can't "take" Bitcoin away from anyone if their keys are kept, in, for example, a "cold storage". Or you could even make a brain wallet in order to have no paper or electronic data laying around with the info on it.
Third parties even have options for you to be able to do it without having to have any actual Namecoin, utilizing any of the existing coins tradeable on shapshift: