This app was mentioned in 10 comments, with an average of 18.10 upvotes
I overshot...I always thought it took 20 people to dominate marketer here you might remember when we got pinsof interview trending on twitter for one thing I actually can talk about...its quite easy for anyone fairly organized to game these systems whether it be reddit, twitter, google plus, facebook.
whats really depressing is I was in youth marketing so imagine taking all of this and applying it to a less skeptical audience places far less sophisticated than reddit. "Hey fellow kids everyone loves the new skylanders/one direction album/flintstones chewable vicotin nag your parents for it like we do! by the way here's a totes legit endorsement from that person you like"(thankfully the ftc got on top of that.)
I'm usually as libertarian as they come but we are in for a BAD future if internet advertisers are allowed to do whatever they want when it comes to astroturfing black hat marketing and influencers...people don't really realize how fucking fragile the net is. Thats part of the reason I took interest in GG because really a group of moderators filtering conversation and creating narratives is just as bad as advertisers filtering conversation and establishing narratives. Hell it seems better to at least have it be profit motivated than some idiots incredibly perverted excuse for "social justice"
I love advertising and think it's great when it can connect people with things that actually enrich and improve their lives(like my mixtape and app ) but ya know its like what google used to say "dont be evil"
um...personally, I'm releasing an EP, then a fiction series, just finished an app, then finishing another app before working on a proper fucking visual novel with a friend(not officially announcing anything yet or who the collaboration is with, not confirming but the clues are really obvious. Also very ironic considering what I've heard about the Chuck Tingle project. Will be interesting to see who finishes first. The rising superstars or the pro victim brigade.)..oh and hitting every con this summer except comicon because of that stupid confirmed fan thing.
So I don't put a lot of time in babysitting people that couldn't even get a skype group working right, spent more time on that bullshit than actually delivering content to the people that support them(that's a criticism for all sides I think a lot of content creators forgot they were content creators and not activists) and honestly there's a sucker born every minute and ghazi is committed to being that sucker. A wise man doesn't argue with fools. Quite frankly I alone outclass that entire set of losers put together. And I just do this for fun.
If anyone thinks GG was well organized I'd fucking hate to see the conditions they work in...I was in a lot of those chats holy shit...there's more organized rooster farms...actually that's a goddamned insult to farmers and roosters, shit dude. Hell I WANTED to help organize shit but just gave up.
I don't think I'm going to do any vids or streams for the 2 year anniversary, like I said on my last vid, these people just aren't even worth my time and all that seems to be in good hands when I could actually be showing off & streaming cool games or working on my own shit which I'm going to shill and be petty about too because if you were betting your patreon dollars on who would develop something that actually helps people in two years and you saw the random guy that basically made cup and ball the game vs "THE MOST INFLUENTIAL WOMAN IN GAMING"[actual quote] and bet on zoe you kind of just lost.
Even I don't get how that happened, I feel like I have to say "I'm not a dev" like the "I'm not a rapper" guy because as a DJ I would be flabbergasted if someone casually humiliated my if I saw a new kid, with his first gear, barely able to keep his set from trainwrecking(basically the DJ equivalent of writing code that barely compiles), and 2 years later he's doing better sets than me, executing better ideas with more scalability and saying he's not a DJ...god I'd be mortified. But then again I have pride and dignity. That's why I can't really fuck with these people like that anymore it's just a bad look...for me. Let them wallow in shit, try to keep stacking their shit only for it to fall down and keep getting closed down and adults will try to make this world better.
Remastered from a bootleg playstation game to a bootleg n64 game. Like I've been saying at these peoples rate of work I'm certain I'll complete a game project that exists purely as a text message I'm waiting on an email to start a design doc around before this game comes out.
Not trying to toot my own horn here or anything but like I just wonder, because they've been "organized" for like 2 years now...I came up with an idea for an anti harassment/health/self defense tool in like May, developed it, finished it, got it out, handled press for it, got fair reviews, wrote a landing page and that's one more "anti-harassment tool" than I've seen from the other side in TWO YEARS. Hell my NEXT app is going to put me over some of these people entire careers and it's not a light one using a LOT of rideshare & GPS API's.
Like my funding is NOTHING, hell like the guy from IDtech said you don't need a lot, he made fucking doom living off pizza and these people have yearly salaries they apparently spend playing pretend illuminati in irc chat rooms fucking with people that could actually be working themselves to cost them their jobs(present company included)
I gotta go full Dr Breen on this what do they do except destroy?! Try to play gatekeeper so we can hear 9 million more "zoe had a bad day" articles instead of for example "hey some dude from fucking brightmoore detroit with zero experience put his head down, grafted and made an actual tool that could save lives/games(even though they weren't great) it seems like literally everyone could do this if they did the same, try it, there's communities that will help you! "
It's like when I saw Terry Crews putting his PC together nobody wanted to admit the "super racist horrible gamers" were helping him and this is a scene that helps people. Unless you can bullshit a reason black men are suddenly more popular than white women...I mean I don't even consider myself a dev and the shit annoys me I'd be pissed as shit if I was a female or minority dev with more time invested than "I'm bored" and "I'm sick". It would at least be something if any of these people had a product to show for it but it's all false promises.
It's like your crackhead cousin that just needs another $60 for his "last" fix then he's gonna "get clean and go to college". Sure he's got his excuses for being a fuckup but they were thin after YEARS. How long do they think they can blame GamerGate for a total lack of progress while EVERYONE in GG can show marked improvement vs where they were two years ago?
there's hope I'm already planning my counter campaign. It's gonna be lit AF & the obvious choice.
Now the one question I have is how is Wu gonna be in the "house of representin' " when she can't even represent herself?
What hood you from? Everyone knows I rep Brightmoore and BK!
"Brianna Wu" can't even represent "herself" "John fucking flynt" I come out here every day real name no gimmicks speak my mind and I'm GOOD! that's strike 2
Strike 3 is on they business... we're using the term "game developer" real loosely nowadays there's NOBODY that says "yeah this person reps me, they own camp don't show them love!" That's what half a million of your peoples money WASTED. I came into the game with nothing but my balls (since I had the good sense god gave me not to chop them off) and built up from ZERO and I mean I'm not in the game thing right now(both me and my partner actually work and finish our projects), but I actually have apps people use. on multiple platforms unlike someone that just can't crack android for whatever reason..and this isn't even my job...with my next few releases it will be plain as day I'm better at a motherfucker at her "job"...I feel embarrassed for her college because she sure as hell isn't representing them well
Strike four is telling motherfuckers you "fought the alt right and won"
nobody fought you. People laugh at you you get roasted that's all the life any of you SJW's have and really...does it look like you're winning right now.
You can't represent reality while I keep it 100 all day.
Point is Wu only represents a downward spiral while I only uplift myself and others and I'd uplift this country myself before I see the likes of Wu drag it down to their fuckass garbage level. So 2k18 I'm your only option when it comes to representing you. Peace out.
There's something I've been thinking about in regards to the journalists and it's cliques.
idk this might seem kind of vain or paranoid but how come if one of THEIR people even have a pitch for an idea they will never deliver they get 90 articles on it. But if someone else and I'm only putting my name out here but there's better people I can think of I just don't want to drag into it, send out press releases, kits for a finished product, already in the app store or on Steam I GUARANTEE you will never hear about it from these journos. Even if it's doing moderately well, even if it SHOULD hit the "beats" they like where it's a minority or female made product from someone trying to enter the market with their own original idea and hard work. They aren't a part of the clique and probably require more effort than being on that persons quickdial list or going to the same san fran pub to contact so it aint gonna happen.
There's something else I've noticed and it seems to be a group of authors that operate the same way with press. Some of whom have NEVER ranked about 100k even or top 100 in their category and I can find 100 articles on shit no one buys and will never have any interest in buying. I'm not sure why their names are mentioned at all from their stats.
I mean some of these people are far below my WORST. idk it might be paranoia or me comparing my chapter one to someone else's chapter 20 but I don't believe in coincidences and it seems like if a dark horse came out in ANY field, and on opening weekend started battling for top 10 ranks with the best out there some of which have been out there since he was a kid THEN following up that week with more hotness you might want to cover him and ask what he's doing right rather than the space raptor butt airplane man or whoever is just writing weird shit like 2 ppl actually read for the 200th time.
Point is I think it's in all of our interests to have each others backs as content creators.
if you appreciate feel free to check out my other books (mostly erotica) and my music:
as well as twitter for general shitposting: @J_millerworks
If youre interested in seeing what a person could have done in 3 years as a self taught dev starting from the beginning of gg check out distress alarm or my other apps!
One thing I'll say is I've NEVER recieved an offer to sponsor anything whether it was off brand gaming bundle, to an app where they didn't outright say you can't disclose it's an ad, or more recently insinuated you shouldn't. At best they don't say one way or the other.
So a youtuber(or anyone I've seen the problem on every social network especially with young people) might not be aware of the FTC guidelines about this along with the fact it's unethical.
In fact the only company I've EVER seen disclose was the WWE...they seem to like to keep their noses as clean as possible the past few years.
I can't really think of a way to police or enforce this. The sad thing is for every youtuber that would keep it honest there are THOUSANDS that will sell out their audience for pathetic deals...Me and the few people I have and will collab with don't need the sponsor money, frankly that and youtube ads are pathetic vs what I'd make with a strong audience supporting my music, apps, and books, and what another person makes modelling it would be pure ignorance to...let's say sell out our communities for ya know low end is $100-$250 high end can be up to 10k(ok I have to take an aside for this just to show how spammy they are, the 10k offer is to launch my own cosmetic brand. Because that's what all the ladies wanted my opinion on their foundation) but I don't know what any of this shit is.
So if let's say one of these apps steals your data, energy drinks kills people, kickstarters don't deliver after I endorsed them that's gonna be on me and my reputation going forward. I realize that but I don't think or expect a lot of these newer people to this world to.
The only thing I can say is really put the screws to people and hold their feet to the fire on what they endorse so they will want to do their due dilligence.
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Distress Alarm
It will be on IOS eventually as well soon