Any proof that the SAME people who are advocating for more integrity in games journalism approve of or participate in harassment of women? It's unfortunate that Zoe was targeted because of the article, but the fact that that raised questions about journalistic integrity and led to this movement is hardly discredited by the fact that she was a target for internet trolls.
I've seen plenty of harassment, and it's either by trolls and lacks credibility (par for the course on the internet), or it's by the anti-GG crowd attacking people attempting to approach the issue neutrally.
Not to mention GG polices itself for doxxing, frequently supports verification of information before taking any action, and actively condemns harassment.
The "harassment" being claimed by SJWs now is being defined as any retweet or unsolicited comment/message, and yet attacks on developers and bloggers who even take a neutral stance on GG, by anti-GGers, are completely acceptable to them. The "misogyny" that they routinely claim exists in games, is nonexistant, claims that it exists are routinely pointed out to be inaccurate. Anita's piece on Hitman was a pretty good example of this.
This isn't about harassment, it's about ethics in gaming journalism, harassment is a convenient smokescreen topic.
SJW lala land: where getting someone fired from their job by lying to their employer is ok if they disagree with your worldview, but asking someone to support their claims is harassment.
For the people here who are curious what GG stands for.
And a timeline of issues with games journalism going back to 1995, and gaining pace after the 2000s, BEFORE GG even existed.
But seriously this isn't about games journalism, at all, amirite?
edit: for anyone curious, keep going down the rabbit hole, this shit gets hilarious
~~consider that he's 14 years old. at the end of the series, he's 18.~~
~~he has 4 years of experience and character to build up, so just give him time.~~
EDIT: According to the awesome timeline the user /u/TheTartWhisperer made recently, [Edward was 16 on the Promised day. He was 12 when he and Al burned their home. The difference from when Ed became a state alchemist until Primised Day is still 4 years, however Edward is younger at the start, and older through most of the series (15).](/b)
No, the main issue is that, in our state at least, cities are shortening yellow light times in order to maximize revenue. That leads to more red light running and more money for American Traffic Solutions and the city coffers.
Rear-end collisions also go up when you install red light cameras because people are much more likely to slam on their breaks to avoid a ticket, due in part to the yellow light timing manipulations.
Local reporter Noah Pransky has been relentless in exposing these issues. Here's a timeline of his 20+ investigative segments and related stories.
Same for me, but with the dmc reboot. I always took game reviews with a grain of salt, I assumed that most reviewers although good intentioned were just easily influenced because it was still a young medium and was mostly done by hobbyists.
Attacking their own audience was unexpected, I can understand defending the new game if they enjoy it, but slandering everyone just seemed absurd
Also cool timeline link for anyone who haven't see it before:
For me it was the honesty aspect mixed with the game design.
I don't know how many times we were told one thing and then had them go and do another. I won't dive too deeply into this as we are all well aware.
The other is game design, from the terrible new UI that I found no longer fun to build mechs to ghost heat. PGI just isn't good at balancing this game. The UI is really thing thing preventing me from even wanting to try coming back, I have already moved on to other games now.
I tend to think that it's less about age and more about free time. In the period from 1976 through 1978, he seems to have had a tremendous amount of free time to prowl neighbourhoods all over the Sacramento area, and made stalking and burglary almost a full time job. That is an exaggeration, but when you look at the timeline it's less of one than you might think. After the middle of 1978, he slows way down and shifts base to other areas.
Speculation time: I've long suspected that he was a student during the first couple of years, and that his opportunity to do what he wanted while away from home gave him time to indulge in his sick "hobby". School ended in 1978 or 1979 (perhaps with a graduation, or perhaps by flunking out), and he ended up having to work, and quite possibly ended up with a girlfriend and even kids. No time to spend all his evenings prowling, as he'd have to explain it to people and would make his work day much more difficult too. So his activity decreases and stops. This is basically what happened to Dennis Rader; the demands of work and family forced him to stop for the most part.
I'd be really, really interested in someone who finished college in 1978 or 1979 and then moved (back?) south, perhaps to Santa Barbara or LA. And who either lost his job or hit a very rocky patch with a wife or girlfriend in early 1986.
Also, for anyone interested, I got copies of the academic calendars for ARC, UC Davis, and CSUS and built a timeline showing exactly why the student angle is so appealing as a theory of the case. See what I mean?
Someone pointed out to me pretty recently that the gap between the end of Cap and his appearance in Avengers is roughly two weeks, assuming this( is correct. I honestly teared up a bit when I realized how bad that had to be for him.
Timeline. This I believe puts it into a fairly unbiased and objective look at the reasons some people like me stopped playing as they released the Gold mech packs just after Pheonix. Decided to bring my money to Star Citizen mainly due to community involvement and interaction.
Edit: Also, playing from Australia, the HSR problems really hit hard. I loved playing in Jenner, Cicada, and srm Awesome brawlers. Then when HSR went bad for srm's and unhittable spiders especially, I had enough.
>To me, it looks like EAR/ONS was a college student who went to American River College (community college) for 2 years (1976-1978) and then went to a four-year college (possibly UC Davis or another in the Bay Area) before graduating/dropping out and moving to Southern California.
I absolutely think this is a strong possibility. A while back, I got copies of the academic calendars for several such schools for those years, and plotted known EAR activity against it, and the matches are just too interesting not to take seriously, in my view. It doesn't prove anything of course, but it's interesting.
Here's another one -
Mostly bullet-points with brief descriptions of things, but there is a lot of information to shift through. Take with whatever grain of salt you should always check out more than one source of info to gain more perspective.
>Well, that Clumpy person has a point.
It's a pretty weak point though. There's a laundry-list of journalistic failures out there, and the ZQ thing was just the straw that broke the camel's back. These people try to use those false "review" claims to frame GamerGate as a waste of time. They pick up the straw and say "This thing? It's tiny! Who cares?!" meanwhile the camel is crippled on the floor.
It was the straw that broke the camels back. In the same way Watetgate sprung from a relatively open and shut case of burglary then the scope widened to find the corruption endemic through the nixon administration.
Corrupt games journalism is the nixon administration and the ZQ stuff was the minor burglary case.
This timeline shows the snowflakes of shit that formed this avalanche
Since I have had a few questions both here and elsewhere about the commonly held view that he was a student of some sort at the start of the series, I figured that I'd share this timeline. It's not meant to be an exhaustive account of everything EAR-related, but rather a timeline showing periods of activity compared to the academic calendars for UC Davis, American River College, and Sacramento State. Dates are noted as approximate wherever I'm not certain of them, but the academic calendars come from the schools themselves and should be correct with the exception of CSUS for the 1978-79 year. Only EAR activity (and suspected activity) that didn't actually happen on the day and in the vicinity of an attack is included, because the intent is to show when and where he was busy rather than to include loads of extraneous detail.
Anyway, it's really quite striking how well EAR activity meshes with the academic calendar until the end of 1978, particularly for Sacramento State. After that time, he moves out of the Sacramento area entirely and prowling activity seems to decrease, though this may well be an artifact of the primary source on prowling and burglary activity (Shelby) having less information on the crimes occurring after he ceased to be personally involved in investigating them. In any event, it does seem as though he doesn't spend quite as much time at it once he leaves his haunts in the East Area.
Note: the idea for using this site came from whomever made the other fine timeline of EAR activity, but I didn't refer to that while building this, so any errors on this are entirely mine. And there are bound to be a bunch. If any of you spot an error or something you think should be included, or especially if you have academic calendars for other schools that might be relevant, just let me know. I'll gladly amend this.
No one actually trusts these people anymore right?
For an example of their "management" skills, a timeline of MWO development.
Do not give this company one cent until you see a viable product.
Guy makes blog post about his ex (zoe quinn) sleeping with a journalist for positive reviews. Completely untrue.
4chan latches on because "woman behaving badly".
4chan begins to dig into ZQs personal life. Doxxing, spreading nude photos. This is all while under the disguise of ethics in games journalism, which is funny because ZQ isn't a journalist so why the fuck are they attacking her and not the dude she allegedly slept with?
Actor Adam Baldwin dubs this GamerGate.
Attacks on ZQ continue but now women critical of GamerGate are also being attacked. Only women. Seriously. Multiple men at this point (including former NFL player Chris Kluwe) have torn into the group yet none of them were being targeted. For some reason (reasons being they aren't women).
A couple women in the gaming industry are leaving because they don't feel like it's worth being harassed. They literally drove these women from their jobs. And they celebrated this as victories.
More harassment of women. There are multiple women who GG target specifically. Zoe Quinn (despite everything about her being untrue), Brianna Wu and for some fucking reason, Anita Sarkeesian, being the main three. None of these women are journalists yet they're the targets.
Despite being about ethics in games journalism, nothing they talk about is remotely about games journalism. It took them months to uncover any violation of ethics and even when they think they do, they actually don't.
Seriously this shit has been going on for months. It's absurd.
That will give you a more in depth look because I missed a fuck ton of bullshit that these people have done.
Most recently they've been defending 8chans right to host borderline child porn. No fucking joke.
Edit: and the Gators have arrived to ~~defend themselves!~~ spread lies.
> I'd have to look up when his breaks were and what they coincided with. But during the summer of 1977 he didn't commit any attacks for many weeks.
Here's a timeline I put together before JJD was caught, compared to the academic calendars of a few local schools.
Here's a reasonable timeline of how events went down.
A decent Wiki to fact check any suppositions put forward. as a means of indexing perceived injustices by the Forth Estate members.
I'd not take any sides, remain objective and link potential parts of the movement to political power grabs in the past.
The use of irony and how picking on 'apparent' straight, white men because of their skin tone, sexuality and gender seems to be normalised by people claiming to be progressive and for social justice might be as far as you can go before it starts becoming non-objective.
Cite, Harvard quote and REMAIN OBJECTIVE.
Your paper will not win GamerGate but it is a topic which falls under the criteria you've listed.
Keep in mind, those 10 articles with the same theme came out on the same day. It was coordinated.
If you want to read a little more, here's a wiki
Here's a very detailed timeline of events
Another user made this and it os really well made. Maybe she'll add season 5 to it?? The trips to Rosewood are missing.
Edit: adding creator /u/FoxInTheField
there is a true timelime with links to what happened and posted by people.
posted by others in this thread
not fully updated
You could add :
You may also have a look at this timeline :
>They have found over 40 instances alone on the time line.
Most of those are non-starters, and few have evidence. It also is completely wrong-headed at points; it lists the Duke Nukem Forever thing, ignoring the fact that there was a massive outcry against it from game journalists. And yet suddenly it's the journos' fault? There's also a lot of really stupid "but they had (Game X) ads" assumptions, ignoring all the times a game was criticized while the sites were running those ads.
>Again your backtracking to the dick waving on harassment. People pro GG have received syringes and a ton of other people have gotten death threats. This does nothing to further either side.
And again, when one 'side' has a group that explicitly has been known to pretend to be overly aggressive SJWs in order to discredit them? Makes you think.
> They talk about reviewers admitting they get bonuses for better reviews.
I'm not reading that whole thing. Quote the relevant part please.
A good place to start is this interactive timeline that you can sift through yourself, by date covering most relevant events since you last checked in. It's a wip, courtesy of Chronojam.
op, here's an interactive timeline of events from 2011-2014 that illustrate why things are the way they are.
edit: 2011- ..not 2012-2014
Posting again.
With a development cycle like that it can be understood that people who have been here since the beginning area tad bit peeved at the developer.
I think a straw poll on all "review/reaction" threads, such as the AoU or Capt would be a nice way of getting a collective reaction
I would love to see a more comprehensive wiki with :
Hopefully it was a one off piece and has since been balanced by an article or articles that supported the scientific consensus on autism. Too often journalists, who know nothing about science, love the romantic idea of a lone maverick who up ends main stream science against opposition. But they end up promoting quack theories. It's important that journalists, who have an important role in informing the public, follow the scientific consensus not fringe theories.
In fact, the idea that autism is mainly genetic, which has robust proof from studies of identical twins, was a fringe idea in the 1970s.
Back then Dr Michael Rutter, now Prof. Sir Michael Rutter, set about investigating the genetic origins of autism, and in the late 70s he published the first of many studies that proved that autism is mainly genetic.
So in fact, what we know about autism was discovered by scientists, mainly working in the UK (some were parents of autistic children themselves), who were medical mavericks in their day.
So a journalist does not have to look for modern mavericks and contrarians, they have already done their work in the 70s and 80s, we have them to thank for what we now know about autism.
Here's a time line showing hue that National Autistic Society developed in the UK!date=1956-11-22_07:15:45!
Here ya go. Only goes to Oct of last year since that's about when the person building it gave up on tracking every screw up PGI produces.
Not sure if this timeline will help you or not, but I have found this site helpful in reviewing the history.
Check this timeline for a long history of questionable practices and examples of smear articles. (Only goes up through about October?)
Hi Milo,
Was wondering if you've seen this? It's a timeline showing most of the corruption incidents we know about since 1995.
hahahaha then that means u don't know the story i would suggest u look here
look into the timeline exactly why people will not give.
but just to illustrate a few points
being a nerd used to gross then it became cool now it became gross again cause of the media attack on gamers
plus if the narrative that they are feeding the public that we are against women is accepted then less women in gaming industry which frankly is a loss to all gamers.
and do believe these people have thrown the worst vitriol at gamers the fact that can't see that or haven't come across it is disturbing.
I had this theory back in CB that this wasnt meant to be a game or a gaming company, that this was just a big social experiment to see how much bullshit you can dump on a playerbase and still HAVE a playerbase willing to give you money (and the game took off more than they were expecting) because of all the shenanigans they were up too
Old school timeline that shows before CB till a few years in. The guy running it left for other games (static version)!date=2011-10-23_13:32:00! (interactive version)
Take a look at this.
Even if it does go back to MS, it'll get shelved like most other IPs Microshaft has bought out. Remember RARE games? :(
It's a messy situation with the whole Mechwarrior Online thing. To me, it's just a bunch of teenagers (err manchildren?) trying to bring back an old IP. The thing is, is that they're doing a terrible job at it. (!date=2014-09-14_09:26:05!) They have the artists, but they don't know how to code worth anything in CryEngine.
It was a joyful ring to hear Mechwarrior came back after 10 years of inactivity, but it was a bad taste that it would be Free to Play with nothing but new mechs/maps, slow development, and features that aren't implemented (destruction, collisions), aren't implemented properly (cockpit Screens, UI (debatable)), or features that the community simply doesn't want (3rd person).
I will copy/paste what I told karl below (he got downvoted to hell):
I still like to watch what is happening with the community/game that I spent a long time with (not to mention money). I find MWO/PGI to be a fascinating specimen.
This explains why we are so salty:
It's sort of a natural outcome as this has been ongoing for half a year so the people arguing have a whole lot of background information that you won't just walking in. Here's a good overview of what we've been up to: and here's a decent timeline of how the whole kerfluffle developed: Personally I got involved after the 'Gamers are dead' hit-pieces...
Core of the issues on why this really started:
A good explanation on why things turned out like this:
Either way. Hi! Nice to have you here.
Jason, you have to understand our reticence after that Ebola comment.
In order of importance, I guess.
-Payola, Dewrito Gate, Gerstmann Gate, Diabolo checks, ME3 backlash "homophobia" accusations
-Undisclosed friendships/financial connections with devs!!
-Devs being threatened with blacklisting unless they change aspects of their games.
>Also blackmails in the form of "change your game art or we won't publish a single word about you." is a common behavior found among those.
-Ham handed moderation that crosses over into censorship pretty frequently.
-Autism bashing (see use of language in GaD articles)
I want ALL OF THE GAMES to be made. I don't care by whom, or what kind. Just give them all a fair shake. Threatening to blacklist over boob armor is absolutely not ok.
We all want better games, Jason. Please help make the journalist community a place where coverage/lack of coverage is not used as a carrot or a stick. Imagine a talented indie dev form Nebraska, with no social justice cred, or friends in the industry. I want her game made, too. I want to hear about her even though she's not in the SanFran clique. We just want to trust you as consumer advocates again.
Thanks for stopping by. Perhaps a reverse AMA would be more helpful?
This is a useful pointer. I'd also examine all of these and dig up the journalists who have participated in calling consumers entitled previously, even if we can't prove collusion there it's great proof that the Death of Gamers articles had nothing to do with the supposed threats against LW and everything to do with despising gamers.
It started off simple but keeps going deeper.
Although to summarize it in 1 line:
> Wide scale "journalist" corruption and collusion + Bought-out (money sex, blow) reviews + massive conflicts of interest + racketeering + professional victims
It's a proper *-gate, Nixon would be proud if they were centrist instead of "Cultural Marxists".
Intel cut ad money to that site because they did not want to be associated with radical SJWs who are strongly opposed to their consumer base.
and when Chronojam did that ppl called him mad
>still chugging along nicely.
well yeah, minimal viable expectations
Just as with the conventional depiction of Jesus as a hippie and of Mary wearing a red tunic and blue shawl the conventional depictions of Hindu deities are not grounded in the oldest Hindu scriptures but were gradually developing on their own. You can get a timeline over here.
The most notable part is that the devotional sculptures of Hindu deities start appearing a couple of centuries later than those of the Buddhists and Jainists. Hinduism appears to have ceased being aniconic exactly because of this competitive pressure.
> Maybe they learned something? Culture change?
lol Transverse
...which is the only reason they jumped back on MechWarriors coattails after Russ's big 'MWO is not the future of Piranha' speech when they thought they could still escape into space with all our money after turning MWO into the glitchy Minimum Viable Product it will always be.
That plan blew up on the launchpad and they came crawling back to this community to continue selling mechpacks and peddling the only thing they dabble in -mediocrity. You can thank all the whiteknights that for years shielded PGI from legitimate criticism and helped plug their ears and Grima Wormtongue the situation during SaveMWO etc, NGNG and Heffay and the rest of the cunts...
What's sad/funny is if you look at the terrible games they used to make like Marine Sharpshooter I-III and Outlaw Chopper, you can even see the family resemblance with their shitty LOD and seams at the tile boarders and janky ass movement etc, it's all there.
There has been no culture changes, only name changes and these guys have been the same bargain basement shovelware peddlers for their entire careers. Here's an interactive chronicle of MWO fail up till 2014, but of cource there's more, and of course it's worse.
edit: them still being around has nothing to do with their skill or vision or anything like that... they are squatting on an IP that came with its own 40yr legacy fanbase
here is a great timeline of items. It can be salty so be warned.
And this is why we can't have nice things :D
It's been going on so long and the devs never learn so someone finally made this site to keep records of most of it.
Actually, he did start updating it again recently here:
> They have used up all the good will the informed player base has.
Keeping the player base informed
Well we have this
Gritt was intending to integrate this into the website, but has said that he has too much on his plate at the moment ( see his comment here : )
Anyone have the time / skills to help out some ?
I too believe that it is important to remind others of how much BLK has contributed to the wider ecosystem. Peercoin seems to have realised the importance of this type of activity recently, has stepped up twitter activity.
Quite frankly /u/AtlasBurke, I think it's too early to do a "And it turned around article". Things are definitely better than they were, but we're still at a -bit- of a feature standstill. This article might be good to write for the end of the year though, as a long-form feature piece... assuming PGI continues on a better path.
Anyhow, mandatory linking: Chronojam's MWO Timeline
As for your questions... I was starting to answer them when I realized that those questions are too broad, and too vague. How everything went to shit is a long history of mistakes (or malice, though I'd like to think the former). Some issues that previously were shit have been fixed, but a number of issues remain (and I remain hopeful)...
As for the lessons other devs could take? My friend, you could write a whole book on the development of MWO and the things other devs could learn from it. It's not quite John Romero or Derek Smart, but in my lifetime this seems to be one of the most storied game developments in the industry's history (Though we've yet to see how Star Citizen will turn out).
Hit me up with a private message with your skype info, and perhaps we can talk if you want. I'm not sure how much you already know... my knowledge of everything isn't the greatest, but I can give you my perspective.Keep in mind though /u/chronojam or mintfrog would know the best really.
Posting here will probably result in tons of downvotes... but I really don't care.
For myself and just about all of the original closed beta founders (that I know) have moved on and do not plan on coming back. It's great that PGI is making steps to correct their past mistakes, but for many... it's too late we have moved on to other games/communities.
White knights like markemp (heffay) also did a lot of harm by refusing to acknowledge anything was wrong and claiming things were "spot on perfect", this did nothing but add salt to the wounds... he was almost as bad as Niko for the game.
Here's up to November
This one's pretty good too, but again isn't up to date
Sorry but you're just plain wrong. It's been demonstrated repeatedly that red light cameras actually increase accidents. And more than a few cities have been caught messing with shortening the yellow light to make those cameras print even more revenue.
It's not about safety, it's about money.
For new players:
Take note and educate yourself on the developer, PGI, before you spend real money on MWO. (Spoilers, most of it is bad.)
Are there still examples of corruption in the games media that you're aware of that hasn't reached the public? If yes, are you able to talk about them?
Have the shady practices increased in frequency or is more just leaking to the public (source:
Be the better person, even if his Ebola comments make you not want to be.
Jason, you have to understand our reticence after that Ebola comment.
In order of importance, I guess.
-Payola, Dewrito Gate, Gerstmann Gate, Diabolo checks, ME3 backlash "homophobia" accusations
-Undisclosed friendships/financial connections with devs!!
-Devs being threatened with blacklisting unless they change aspects of their games.
>Also blackmails in the form of "change your game art or we won't publish a single word about you." is a common behavior found among those.
-Ham handed moderation that crosses over into censorship pretty frequently.
-Autism bashing (see use of language in GaD articles)
I want ALL OF THE GAMES to be made. I don't care by whom, or what kind. Just give them all a fair shake. Threatening to blacklist over boob armor is absolutely not ok.
We all want better games. Help make the journalist community a place where coverage/lack of coverage is not used as a carrot or a stick. Imagine a talented indie dev form Nebraska, with no social justice cred, or friends in the industry. I want her game made, too. I want to hear about her even though she's not in the SanFran clique. We just want to trust them as consumer advocates again.
the funny thing is when we called them accountable for THEIR missed deadlines the goal posts just got moved back
Although the interface is clunky, its a pretty good history of the shit that PGI has screwed up.
Edit: Well, I hadn't noticed that it ended in 2014. its been a while since I looked at it. Still, a worthwhile early history of MWO
Lol no, that's really oversimplifying things. I know you won't spend the time but here. ...and the interactive timeline version. It's only comprehensive up till not enough fucks were given to continue to document it. There's been some improvements, but pgi is still pgi and mwo is still mwo.
As a person who was getting quite annoyed that review sites were giving games far too high scores for the longest time (From , very outdated.) I found that some people thought there wasn't a problem, but I feel there is. It's going to all be based on opinion and personal experiences. I don't have much else to say.
I agree 100%. I was looking off this timeline! and one of the first modern day THOR dots says "FOSTER OBSERVES FIRST ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCE" and i immediately thought it was when Jane and everyone looks up to the sky and sees everything. but i do realize i shouldnt have put that there. thatll be fixed on the next update (which honestly wont come til about August)
They have found over 40 instances alone on the time line.
Considering a lot of the major games journalism sites have been involved it would be silly to think it doesn't exist anywhere else just because we haven't seen it. We don't know how rampant it is and we are digging to find out. No disclaimers were used in the past.
Again your backtracking to the dick waving on harassment. People pro GG have received syringes and a ton of other people have gotten death threats. This does nothing to further either side. They talk about reviewers admitting they get bonuses for better reviews.
Send him this.
I'm so glad that people spent the time to catalog all the bullshit they remembered in this timeline. I bet there would be even more between 2002 and 2010 that we simply forgot about.
Note would be the christain gamer review site. Amazing example of keeping person ideolagies outside of the gaming experience.
Here is the core of the gamergate isssues. Zoe was only a catalyst. IF you want to be more unbiased, exclude the zoe sex scandal.
Gamergate didn't start really until AFTER m00t from halfchan decided to start banning all who were trying to discuss journalistic integrety and the sex scandal
That censorship was the breaking point for the entire movement that even got those who want freedom of speech involved and the GamerGate hastag was born (my understanding)
this is the core of the issues with the gaming journalism we seem to share. Any thoughts?
If we're going to dive into the corruption angle full force I have an extensive list of corruption incidents in games jounalism.
Sadly, no.
You may follow this to check your dates as well. It happened end of October, 2012. I could give you the exact patch this build I provided is.
And help enlighten my potato brain... Could you provide an example of this DIF map texture? ^^'
(You see, I'm fine with notepad++ and winrar... Nothing much after that)
EDIT: K, I have some idea of what the Atlas DIF should look like. I don't expect to find them in working conditions, probably you would have to look for an even prior build OR replicate it using the RGB file =/
EDIT2: So, further research shows patch for camo and colors was November 27th. Seemly, our 2012 version is this same version... So, we were so close but so far... If you want to know the history and the interaction from the devs. Its a bit dated but thats because the guy making it finally got tired and left.
History as it was XD with screencaps of the quotes themselves
wish it had the 9/11 quote too
I haven't personally taught with this, however a number of my students used to create a final product for their research assessments. Very impressive and interactive with the capacity to hold detailed information! :)
I've been working on a secret project that you might like.
I need help acquiring links to all the major events in civex history so I could add them and I can't seem to find them. If you'd help me out that'd be really cool.
If you have Netflix, check out Daredevil. I dont think you can be disappointed and maybe that will peak your interest. It was definitely one of the best, if not the best new show this year. That is part of the Marvel Cinematic universe.
Also, check out this timeline for all the detail and crossover info:
Here is an interesting and sobering outline of the ship's last days.
It's not just a few trivialities though, is it? GamerGate was a long time coming, and there's clearly a lot of corruption in the industry. That doesn't mean that KiA will have a new scoop every day. Also, just because one thread (of hundreds) is 'petty trivialities' (which it isn't), doesn't mean we should stop.
>You don't have to respect a medium to be ethical in your treatment of it. You can entirely be against something, but still deal with it fairly. Trying to form a lynch mob on someone purely for having a view in conflict of your own, and then having the audacity to claim you're rallying behind ethical standards, is the antithesis of what GamerGate is about on paper.
That's not what happening here though. It's not that this guy doesn't take gamers seriously, it's that he doesn't take good journalism seriously. Since games journalism is for gamers, helps them make informed consumer decisions, which encourages game developers to make better games, by extension we can say that he doesn't care about gamers or gaming.
The real problem is that he did a poor job and then proceeded to mock anyone who would tell him so. Like, it's his job, why are we having to do this?
Have you read the GG Dossier at all? You may find some interesting things in there. It's missing some information that came out later, but it's still pretty good. This isn't too bad either:
Hi! Welcome to the subreddit, you'll have fun here! I manage the timeline of the RP, which includes birth dates, major historical events, and dates of specific roleplay events. I put Nill and Jek's birth dates in the timeline, but if there is a specific month and day you prefer either of them to be born on, feel free to tell me here or PM me! I basically just choose a random day, but it's super easy to edit!
Oh yeah, here's a link to the timeline! <strong>TIMELINE!</strong>
Good god man, that's over 12k characters. Oh good, you included a TLDR bit.
> First off GG should get rid of harassive and conspiracy driven individuals. They are poison for this movement. They shouldn't be bullied out but they shouldn't be given attention and they will quit by themselves. Point out that GG doesn't need harassive supporters of GG.
Implying that there isn't already efforts in doing so. There's only so much that can be done, given the nature of this consumer revolt. There is nothing stopping someone from doing something bad in the name of Gamergate, all people can do is reject it when it happens. Pakman touches on this.
> Supporters should block provocateurs on Twitter and give them a message they need to look for somebody else to provocate.
They won't listen. They do what they do because they get reactions. The only way to stop that is for people to not react. And how are you going to force a large amorphous group to do that?
> Point out journalistic issues of the past not just recent ones and ask critical questions.
Implying that people aren't already doing this
> Try to get an change in game journalism that it becomes transparent. This also includes questions how much of a game has been played. Demand an apology of those journalists that insulted gamers in many articles.
Yes...again, this is basically what GG boils down to.
Retract the slander, introduce journalistic reform (we're already seeing some sites do this), change practices (people have found examples of better ways to review games), and cut out the bad players.
People have been saying this since nearly the start of Gamergate, and unfortunately, the big offenders have turned away while badmouthing Gamergate. Hence the email campaign.
Though it hasn't been updated in a while. I'm looking to create a website for Gamergate and it came down to 3 things;
A Quiz that people can take, that asks hypothetical questions about the subject of ethics to show why we're doing this. ex. Show an example of a bunch of right/left wing news agencies colluding --> Is this wrong in your eyes --> (Yes) then you're pro-gamergate!
A site to clear up some common myths about Gamergate. ex. We're misogynists -> actually we have many women supporters.
A brief timeline starting from LW's involvement up to the creation of the tag #gamergate. Try and demonstrate that TFYC incident was the real spark that lit the fire.
Looks like I'm going with 2 as I think that'll be more essential in the coming weeks.
Why do you consider the statement "#Gamergate is about ethics in games journalism" unconvincing given the fact that.
A)The vast majority of people who Identify as being part of Gamergate say it is.
B)We have donated over $100,000 dollars to charity, $70,000 of which went to a group that identifies as feminists.
C)We have discovered independently verifiable evidence of ethical breaches. To name only a few.
-GameJournoPros mailing history that shows supposed competitors colluding to steer narrative.
-Nathan Grayson gave favorable coverage to a persons product with out disclosing his intimate relationship with that person. Evidence that this has happened more than once.
-Leigh Alexander gave favorable coverage to a persons product with out disclosing his intimate relationship with that person and who that persons success would actually effect her financially.
-The IDGF Video Game Awards, the majority of the judges all donated to the Patreons of the winner.
-The Blacklisting of the TFYC by all GameJournoPro websites.
-The Blacklisting of Allen Spinoff by all GameJournoPro websites.
To name a few. Here is a timeline of all poor journalism, ethical breaches and consumer slander uncovered so far.
>Q: What is the history of GamerGate?
>A: GamerGate is something that has been building up over a long period of time. These feelings gamers have had have a long history and even this list does not cover everything. One of the earliest events that helped cause this was eventually known as DoritoGate. This was followed by the Kane & Lynch issue, Quinnspiracy/thezoepost, the "Gamers Are Over" articles. And more.
I think this needs to be rewritten. I would separate pre-gamergate, and gamergate. Maybe the question could be 'Why is gamergate happening?' or something like that, and then frame the answer in terms of long-term dissatisfaction with the gaming press and their stubborn refusal to address ethical concerns and sincerely change.
Then after explaining pre-gamergate controversies then the next question could be 'What sparked gamergate?'.
Also, Kane & Lynch is much earlier than Dorito-gate.
According to this Dorito-gate was October 2012, and Jeff Gerstmann was fired on 28th November 2007 (from wikipedia).
I hope these links explain more.
This didn't start with her. Just a catalyst for these issues above that have been boiling over for years.
good detailed article
The information is out there.
If you're willing to not take claims at face value (regardless of which side their source is on) but do your own research and come to your own conclusions, here are two good places to start off the top of my head:
I checked and recompiled my beliefs of corruption then took a look at this.
Beliefs reconfirmed.
Can someone explain this proposition logically?
Here is a timeline for reference.
Using that timeline, one can see that there were two Hawaiian state court rulings in favor of same-sex marriage, one in 1993 and one in 1996. In response, conservatives introduced a ballot measure amending the Hawaiian constitution in 1998 and giving the state legislature the power to ban gay marriage in a way that was immune to state court rulings. Thus, rather than making it happen more quickly, this state constitutional amendment demonstrably delayed gay marriage in Hawaii until 2013--that's fifteen years.
The same goes for California where Proposition 8 delayed the freedom to marry for five years.
The argument that the GOP helped make gay marriage a reality more quickly makes me really angry because it writes off all the very hard work done by the legal teams and community organizers who are the people who made these victories possible. These things didn't just happen by themselves. I'm shocked that anyone would make this argument and even more shocked that so many people would upvote it.
I know that the LGBT rank and file are notorious for ignoring and forgetting the people who fight their battles, but this is just an egregious misrepresentation.
Take a look at this..
It's not 100% accurate I think but it also doesn't show all the things that should be there.
In short we want a better standard of gaming journalism. The way it is now and has been for years is just not good enough.
Some of GG also see the damage the party referred to as SJW can make on gaming. We have seen it before in other areas. Social justice activism is one thing but when you take it to the point where you butt in and tell others "You're doing it wrong" you cross the line and become a social justice warrior. There are plenty of feminists, minorities and others that group claim to speak for that infact are against them.
It really doesn't come down to anti-feminism or anti-woman or anything of the sorts. They constantly show how they are uninclusive and fearmongering while we already are inclusive and don't want their fearmongering.
Are there issues of female representation in gaming. Sure. Just as there are issues of representation of anything. Many games aren't works of brilliant narrative with deep characters. But as gamers we don't need that to enjoy the games. At the same time it doesn't mean we don't want better written characters in games. Not only women.
No it wouldn't. Regardless have a look at your own group's pro-GG timeline:!date=2014-08-12_11:30:48!
In it they have flagged on Aug 12 that "TFCY Start Women Making Video Games to promote more women working in the industry".
If this was ONLY about the integrity of games journalism...why is this there?
>If so, why is the focus so heavily on academics (DiGRA, etc) and Indies (IGF, Indiecade, etc)?
None of them make up a significant amount of the conversation.
As for academics/ideologues in general, people might ignore obvious corruption, but it's a bit more annoying when somebody is profiting off your viewership and then turns around and insults you as at the same time and tries to tell you you're wrong for enjoying things, no one likes holier than thou types.
Indies get posted about more often because they're less professional and don't hide their nepotism as well as big companies do, it never would have blown up in the first place if they didn't cause a big backlash, ign and company know this and have years of experience dealing with corruption claims.
>Why is there no research or interest in the larger corporations that frequently offer gifts, parties, and other items to journalists and devs in order to sway them to their products?
There is, it's already been talked about for a long time though, everyone knows ign etc aren't on the level. Anyway it's not like kotaku or polygon are tiny sites either, they're some of the biggest gaming sites and some of the sites that GG attack the most.
If you were part of any video game forum in the last 10 years I find it hard to believe you wouldnt have seen any corruption claims against ign before. Here's some random stuff that is about corruption events before gamergate existed. (around 20 years old)
Here is a great interactive nuclear timeline that you might find useful:!date=2029-04-22_19:41:41!
It also separates the events into different categories, and one of them is nuclear proliferation. Also, it has a list of recommended readings for nuclear proliferation and the other categories at the end (2014).
This is a non-cannon, but pretty in-depth timeline for the whole MCU if you're interested.^1
1:I didn't make this, I just Googled it.
I once put together a detailed chart comparing his known activity to the academic calendars from some local colleges during the relevant years. I was pretty sure at the time that during his EAR phase he was probably a student, or just possibly a professor, and that this would explain some of his weird absences.
Now it looks like some of these were actually due to his wife's schooling, not his. This is still largely speculative, but he seems to have had less time to prowl and pursue his demented hobby while she was off for the summer or during some other downtimes.
The East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker/Visalia Ransacker/Golden State Killer, now known to be Joseph DeAngelo. It's really hard to impress on those unfamiliar with the details what a one man crime wave he was, in multiple cities, over a decade or so. He almost made prowling certain neighbourhoods into a second full time job, and he went out of his way to mess with investigators too. Now that we know he was a cop with a degree in criminal justice, that makes sense.
Since his capture, he has also become a reasonably popular suspect for the Zodiac murders as well. I don't personally buy it, but so far as public information goes he can't really be ruled out yet, so there's that.
Yeah thats never happened here. PGI has a long and storied history of not listening to much of anything we say, implementing then defending to the death bad designs into the game.
Dunno how much of this still works as links, but heres a timeline from before beta to about a year or so after launch, when the guy making it quit