"During the National Day of Prayer speech on Thursday, Vice President Mike Pence said Trump “has taken steps to ensure that the federal government will never, ever penalize anyone for their religious beliefs ever again.”
Those remarks quickly got shot down on Twitter from people who noted the administration’s implementation of a travel ban that largely targeted people from Muslim-majority countries."
Jesus Christ this administration is stupid. They obviously mean people from the "right religion", but literally are unable to see the hypocrisy.
As someone who understands the effect of abuse, I understand the inherent abhorrence of pedophiles. At the same time, I'm an objective thinker and I want to minimize the abuse these people cause long-term. While there are sadistic sociopaths who will never change, there are those who suffer from immense shame at what they are attracted to. By creating a culture of shame, you only further reinforce their behavior, as they will feel the need to repress and hide it. That makes the desire impossible to recondition. It is only in a culture of love and acceptance that they can heal and change.
I'm assuming this is on tumblr? It's become a bit of an epidemic over there. This kind of assholery just kind of keeps turning up, unfortunately - pretty much every identity under the acronym gets hit with it atvarious points.
The majority of people like that aren't going to listen to reason or common sense, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is what you're doing already - avoid them. Use the block function very liberally, and you can get things like tumblr savior that will automatically hide any posts with certain words/phrases in. If you haven't turned anonymous messages off, do it - a lot of them are cowards (as many bullies are) and won't send the horrible stuff if they can't do it anonymously. (If this isn't on tumblr, see if there are similar blocking opportunities available.) You could also consider moving to a new blog if that's possible, and being careful to keep stuff out of tags they might be going through.
Things like death threats you can report to tumblr (if you're on a different site, they probably have a similar policy and reporting process).
Disqus user @RainbowPhoenix makes what I think is a good point in this comment:
> Transpeople have been using the public restrooms corresponding to their gender identity all along. The only way you would know if the person sharing the restroom with you was trans is if you were looking under the stalls, you pervert. There was never any problem until you and your fellow child-murdering bigots started freaking out because you realized that all of your lies about GLBs weren't working anymore, so you started fabricating stories about sexual predators trying to sneak into the wrong restroom.
> Well, guess what. Your lies about the trans community have given sexual predators the perfect cover. Now if a man wants to go into the restroom to assault a woman, he just needs to claim that he is a FtM transperson and legally required to use the woman's room. The only way you would be able to tell the difference before it's too late is if people are forced to drop their pants in public to prove their biological sex. YOUR LIES ARE PUTTING PEOPLE IN DANGER. CIS OR TRANS, MALE OR FEMALE, YOU AND YOUR FELLOW CHILD MURDERING BIGOTS ARE PUTTING PEOPLE IN DANGER FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN YOUR IRRATIONAL NEED TO PUT THE FAGS IN THEIR PLACE.
This right here is what the lawmakers and their supporters refuse to see. They claim these laws are needed to "stop the perverts" without considering that they might be aiding them, because the real reason for the laws is simply moral panic. And that's only one of the many ways in which these laws will harm the general community, not to mention trans people.
there is an only white colour skittles variant, so I guess they are using it here as well.
I've seen things tried to get taken down from Archive -- Notably, things like Tryad's Public Domain album, which was mostly sampled audio. AS for Wayback, yeah, saddeningly, that happens and there's some other reasons things get left out of the Wayback archive (notably, older versions of the crawler couldn't handle certain file download redirects).
On the other hand, Archive.org is actively doing things that go against copyright, e.g. the Online Arcade, where they're basically hosting a copy of the whole MAME set with JSMESS to run it. Seriously, All of the current MAME 0.151 Romset is there for the taking.
Tumblr could argue that the site assets are theirs, however the archive itself falls under Fair Use -- It's a historical archive of a site which was taken down for future study. If one copy gets taken down, someone will re-upload it to the Archive.
> Hormones don't increase or decreases one's ability to develop or diminish muscle mass
Source: pick one
https://haveibeenpwned.com/ checks your provided username or address against multiple breaches including the AM one, but they've added an additional privacy step for AM to make it harder for folks to use the tool as a weapon.
> But the conservative ideology is that the government should be small, and individual rights should be uninfringed
So they say, yet in practice whenever there has been a big debate about important individual rights, it has been the conservatives on the opposing side. Apart from gun ownership rights I cannot think of a single case where conservatives and conservative parties were the ones arguing to allow something rather than ban it.
If conservative ideology is about small government, why do they keep trying to make (or keep) the government so huge? The answer is found in the dictionary definition of conservative: "disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change."
The flawed premise conservatives base their estimate of their own ideology on is that the way things are now, or the way they were in the "good ol days" is the natural order of the universe, and thus any change or deviation from that (such as allowing gay marriage, legalizing cannabis, women in the military etc...) is an added burden or a forced change which must be indicative of big government, failing to realise that a lot of things are the way they are today because of a long history of laws, censorship and violent enforcement, and thus most modern social changes have been and continue to be steps toward "smaller government" and more individual rights, backed by liberals.
Made me think of this image of a facebook posting - don't recall where I saw it, but it sums up my feelings.
And, because text is better as text, here's the actual text: > We were discussing homosexuality because of an allusion to it in the book we were reading, and several boys made comments such as,“That's disgusting." We got into the debate and eventually a boy admitted that he was terrified/disgusted when he was once sharing a taxi and the other male passenger made a pass at him. The lightbulb went off. “Oh,” I said. “I get it. See, you are afraid, because for the first time in your life you have found yourself a victim of unwanted sexual advances by someone who has the physical ability to use force against you." The boy nodded and shuddered visibly.“But," I continued. “As a woman, you learn to live with that from the time you are fourteen, and it never stops. We live with that fear every day of our lives. Every man walking through the parking garage the same time you are is either just a harmless stranger or a potential rapist. Every time."The girls in the room nodded, agreeing. The boys seemed genuinely shocked. “So think about that the next time you hit on a girl. Maybe, like you in the taxi, she doesn't actually want you to.
(With thanks to http://www.free-ocr.com/ for doing free no-registration simple OCR of the text, because fuck typing it out!)
Android is developed by Google, who has been a huge proponent of LGBT rights for a while now. Around the time of DOMA being struck down, they added a playlist to the front page of YouTube celebrating gay pride.
I haven't had the chance to read that book, but I am familiar with the real penguin couple the book is about.
It didn't turn out as lots of people hoped. Silo left Roy, for a female. Leading to some homophobic/biphobic people saying things. https://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/24/nyregion/24penguins.html
It can have that connotation to you, but it's still not a valid etymology.
We can all agree that it's been used as a pejorative without needing to spread misinformation.
Are you implying that's a small amount? That's not bad for a survey.
No, it's all about the children. Because apparently children cannot think at all and if they see a gay couple they will instantly turn gay and stop going to church (as if any sane person would step into an Orthodox church at all, huh) and grow into a terrible child molester. Because that's totally what gays are all about, going around raping each and every kid they see.
They still argue it's a disease for fuck's sake. That dickhead of a deputy said they “talked to experts, doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists” and they confirmed his cause, but he failed to name even one of those “experts”. The journalist that interviewed him then went on and phoned one of Russia’s leading pediatricians, Roshal, who told him that he “has nothing to do with such nonsense”. Well you bet.
Sadly I cannot find that very interview, but here's another, and it's still hilarious. I mean, look at him. He can't even answer a straight question.
I'm sorry for the rant, it's just that the lack of any logic whatsoever really gets me.
(Edit: phrasing, got too excited again)
This is how it went down, according to him:
>Did you publicy announce your transformation.
>No, it was just on instagram my bio says
>Jay, transguy, ukelele, (an emoji)
>And someone asked if i would date a white boy, i said have you seen my instagram they said you transgender?!?!? Since when and i said yea
I think possibly this exchange happened on Facebook and someone saw it there? It's hard to comprehend. . .
Uh... okay. I don't see anything about a scene. All I see is folk etymology, and folk etymology really rubs me the wrong way, because it's not true. And in this case, I'm going to choose to believe the etymology expert at etymonline over some random faceless internet person whose website is hosted by FortuneCity and looks like it was shat out by 1994 (despite, somehow, having been updated as recently as 2006). Credibility, you know?
So, in this context, not being "an exchange between two characters", I think it really does matter whether or not it's accurate.
I mean.. come on. Next are you going to explain to me how "fuck" was originally an acronym?
The bottom line in any case should really be that it's an offensive, denigrating, abusive term, and people shouldn't use it because it's hurtful. It doesn't matter where it comes from.
How about people just stop using it because it's horribly offensive? It doesn't need to be etymologically problematic for that to be true. See also a fairly obvious example of a word derived from another word meaning "black".
Here you go, and this one even came from The Guardian:
Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds
From the etymonline entry for the word "faggot"
>Any use of faggot in connection with public executions had long become an English historical obscurity by the time the word began to be used for "male homosexual" in 20th century American slang, whereas the contemptuous slang word for "woman" (and the other possible sources or influences listed here) was in active use. It was used in this sense in early 20c. by D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce, among others.
Actually, the word-component 'cise' (I can't really call it a root word, because it isn't used on its own in English, only in combinations) has totally separate etymology from the prefix 'cis-'.
Summary for those who don't want to click through: It actually comes from a combining form of cadere "to fall", although even Latin uses it to mean "cut" in those combinations (e.g. excise comes from Latin excisus / excidere). Whereas the prefix cis was a preposition in Latin, derived from the Latin adverb citra meaning "on this side".
Alternatively, http://outline.com/www.originalsitegoeshere.com/url sometimes works well to strip all the (advertisement and javascript) garbage off a page (but sadly not the bigotry), and denies the googlejuice as well.
> I certainly don't believe that the majority of biblical stories actually happened, but I find comfort and inspiration in the stories of the life of Jesus Christ.
This I fins so remarkable. Why Middle Eastern iron age mythology? There are plenty of more modern writings that could give you the same without the worshiping of a god Richard Dawkins described as:
> The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
> "She didn't know that email accounts change your name without alerting you or making it obvious
It adds the Profile name, that's the expecte behavier if you want something else edit your settings https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#settings/accounts
> , as well as creating shadow social networking accounts that you never have used
This is in the Terms of services anf if the account was created before g+ was around there was a notification e-mail about that.
Once again don't blame others for a clear layer 8 error
I got banned as well. I guess what I posted was a little harsh towards Laurelai but she is a melodramatic lunatic. I was just sick of all of the shit going on there and was glad to see she was stepping down. Whatever, good riddance, I'm getting used to it.
I'm curious if Laurelai will end up in trouble over this Lulzsec thing. She was mentioned here in the conversation with Virus. http://gizmodo.com/5890825/lulzsec-leader-betrays-all-of-anonymous
> because the word gay has been used to describe something bad/sad before it meant anything to do with homosexuals
You're wrong about this. The word was associated with homosexuals long before it was used to mean "something bad/sad." If you examine the etymology, you'll note the word's history is a bit different than you imagine.
No it isn't, in fact, even the Senior Manager of the project said in an interview that their focus is shifted and that you should use a 3rd party antivirus.
Microsoft now supplies it's own virus definitions to all other 3rd party antivirus makers, and MSE is now meant to be a baseline instead of attempting to be a competitive antivirus.
> Yes, and there is no evidence that Eich still donates to anti-marriage equality campaigns.
Apparently he has made several donations to anti-gay politicians more recently, and in this interview, he refused to say whether he would donate to Prop 8 if it was happening now.
You should rig up some multiplayer Frets on Fire sessions in the break room.
To many Conservative Democrats Clinton is this bastion of feminism, so any attack on her is an attack on their take on feminism. Thankfully most of the under 44 crowd tend to have a more updated take on feminism and don't subscribe to the same empty White Feminism that Clinton professes. I don't believe "Bernie Bro" to be sexist, I'm more in line with Greenwald's take of it just being campaigning on Clinton's part to try to erode support of Sanders by smearing his supporters as sexist.
Which, of course, is ironic given Clinton and Albright throwing Lewinsky under the bus, the slutshaming and fat shaming she received by the Democrat establishment when they saw her as an affront to their favorite son. And the knee-jerk defense of what, given the gross disparity in power, was very predatory behavior by the sitting president. But I digres. The term's not particularly sexist, it's just meager and baseless at best, harmful to actual, substantive feminism at worst. Unless there are internet comment sections that I'm missing out on (yes, I know anecdotal evidence), but I've been seeing a pretty even split of those criticizing Clinton for her conservatism. With plentiful call outs for those that use gendered slurs against Clinton as well.
It has to do with the womb, certainly, but I don't see and morpheme that could mean 'floating'. I mean, the '-ia' is ultimately from the Greek '-ikos', meaning 'of' or 'pertaining to', in this case short for 'suffering of'. Here's the Latin equivalent with the PIE.
They might have figured the emotional turmoil to come from floating, but the word doesn't include the concept.
EDIT: Here's the Etymonline entry.
So I was looking up some prior art and I found it!
As far back as 1991 gaymer has meant exactly what it means now - a gay man who games.
His claim Is terrible at best and now by forcing r/gaymers to challenge his claim it is likely he'll lose it anyway.
This whole "Mitt Romney's a stalking horse for anti-gay/anti-woman religious right fanatics" meme is such horseshit. We are talking about the former governor of Massachusetts, the man who implemented Romneycare, which provides state funding of abortions. The guy who campaigned for governor as a supporter of hate crime legislation and partner benefits. I mean shit, there's a whole book about it.
This isn't an episode of Scooby Doo. He's not going to unzip his face and reveal himself as Rick Santorum. This is ridiculous beyond words.
(Don't take any of this for any kind of endorsement of Mitt Romney; I'm voting for Gary Johnson because I'm sick of my tax dollars funding the murder of Pakistani children via flying death robot.)
May I recommend Ubuntu Linux? It's great for beginners and is intuitive enough to replace Windows. (Unless you already have decent experience with Linux in which case ignore me.)
Only thing you might have problems with is the GPU if you use NVIDIA. You'll have to install the drivers manually and it's generally a pain in the ass but oh so worth it for the extra performance.
This is wonderful! Really brilliant. Thank you for doing this - I've wanted to see a lot of these data organized and easier to reference recently, and this meets my needs perfectly.
I've posted a link over on MetaFilter - sometimes folks talk about this stuff there, so maybe check in after a bit if you're interested in seeing if they have feedback.
There are apps for your smartphone which I believe can compensate for your color blindness.
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dankaminsky.dankam.dankam_a2&hl=en
According to Online Etymology Dictionary (I've seen the same claims in other places), "faggot" meant "bundle of twigs" in the middle ages, and became associated with burning people at the stake, and groups of people, such as heretics, who commonly were burned at the stake. There certainly were cases of gay people being burned at the stake, but the modern usage of "faggot" as a reference to gay people only emerged around the time of the First World War, so presumably can't be related to this.
More likely etymologies are:
There's some debate, but when you boil down the argument, it's correct. It's an anachronism, but it's grammatically correct. It comes from a shortening of, "How did it come to pass..." type of phrase.
There's nothing wrong with saying 'how come', except that modern linguists don't like it very much and would very much like people to stop saying it.
This is not as straightforward as it seems. In the past, homosexuality was much more tolerated among Muslims. I don't know about other cultures but among Iranians, there are two famous narrative poems about homosexual love story (and I'm not talking about love between an adult man and a teenager but two adult men). Here you can read more about one of them:
>..he has masterfully composed a long verse ‘Nazer and Manzour’ which tells the tale of a loving relationship between the >sons of a Sultan and his grand Vezir. The story begins with the Sultan’s and the Vezir’s sons being born on the same day. As they grow up together they fall in love. Their teacher threatens to reveal their love to the king, with the result that the Vezir is forced to send his son away in order to protect him. Eventually, however, things come together and Sultan’s son, Manzour, settles in Egypt, later succeeds the king and finally becomes re-united with his lover, Nazer, appointing him as his Vezir
>The story of ‘Nazer and Manzoor’ is a well-developed example of non-pederastic homoerotic literature in pre-modern Iran, revealing how as far as back as the 16th century, Persian literature featured homoeroticism of a type that can compete with contemporary LGBT literature in terms of aesthetics, literary devices, plot and cultural impact.
Oooh, Amazon in the US has this super cute one I wanted (of course, it's not available on Amazon.ca and doesn't ship to Canada).
> You won't convince me that me ignoring a Nazi spouting off Nazi bullshit in a street corner will result in my death.
Then you're an idiot. I encourage you to read about all the wonderful intellectually-masturbatory non-violent resistance the Nazis received in the run-up to WWII. I think we both know the result.
>For me if you're cruel to anybody, you're a cruel person.
I'm not required to take your opinion seriously, and you have yet to give me any reason to do so.
>If you think it's righteous to ever be cruel you are mistaken.
Except against Nazis. Then it's pretty righteous.
> I suggest you read Ian M. Bank's culture serious. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankl. Being Good: A short introduction to ethics, by Simon Blackburn.
Find me something each of them said about Nazis and I might bother, if only to learn precisely why they're wrong about Nazis.
>It would give you some insight into the unethical behavior you are promoting.
Defending Nazis is unethical; my gut feeling is that the authors you cited would agree with that statement. Charlottesville was only the most recent reminder that defending Nazis always ends in tragedy.
I dunno - I went from overweight, no boyfriend, etc. to overweight, yes boyfriend, etc. I could still stand to lose some pounds for health reasons, but an overwhelming part of it was psychological - it's immensely uplifting to realize that there is somebody that loves me, no matter what - that despite my reservations about my body, there are plenty who think I'm (gasp!) actually cute. I'm trying to exercise more BUT food is delicious so I won't be surprised if I don't really lose much.
The TV gays are amazing people but most people don't get on TV without looking amazing. TV-people are a small subset of real-people and an infinitesimally small subset of what-real-people-actually-look-like. We can't all be as dashing as Neil Patrick Harris - and we aren't! And that's okay.
One person I personally find inspiring is anna anthropy - a queer transwoman who is very open and honest about her sexuality, who is making games while the game industry is male-dominated, transphobic, and downright misogynist. I'm particularly in awe of her game dys4ia.
Do you even know what tolerance means?
According to the oxford dictionary:
Definition of tolerance in English: "The ability or willingness to tolerate the existence of opinions or behaviour that one dislikes or disagrees with."
So: Yes. They would be intolerant. Tolerance by definition means that you tolerate behaviour that you do not like. You do not have to be an advocate for said behaviour. You can be critical of said behaviour. But you do have to tolerate it.
Ok, I know this took a little while, but I didn't forget about you. I think this is probably going to be too long to post here in Reddit, so I made a Google doc:
Great! Here's a link for the sign up form for the study, which has a link within it to the information sheet. It doesn't link to the survey itself as I have to generate a personalized one for each twin pair in order to link their data together when it's sent to me. It doesn't take long for me to do that though, so if you'd like me to send you one via email so that you can have it ready in case your twin agrees just type an email address into the form in that link or pm me it. :)
My favourite is by far Before Night Falls, it follows the life of Cuban poet and novelist, Reinaldo Arenas, who was persecuted for writing about homosexuality. Starring Javier Bardem with Johnny Depp and Sean Penn.
I archived it.
Even in an unrelated forum, I think we need to have and preserve these discussions, these memories.
Under the health care law preventative services has a special meaning as defined by the government. Insurance companies aren't just required cover them, they are required to cover them for "free" (no additional cost at time of service, ie. No co-pay, co-insurance or deductible). These services mostly focus on preventing people from getting diseases and injuries vs. treating them after they have them.
There's a whole host of other essential health benefits that insurance companies are required by the government to cover, subject to standard co-pays snd deductibles. My understanding is that, unfortunately, transgender services aren't included.
Of course none of this is applicable in Boystown, Chicago. Gay bars abound there. That is, of course, because many of the neighborhood's residents are gay, such that the bars are also gay by default, but nonetheless.
A few things:
A) I wasn't offended, I just saw that there were multiple possible interpretations and I wondered which you were going for ... the language "can't tell if" was borrowed from the Fry image macro for a bit of Reddit meta-humor.
B) While faggots (bundles of sticks) were used for burning heretics, that is almost certainly not the origin of the "modern" usage of "faggot" to mean homosexual. A "folk etymology" is an incorrect word/phrase origin that is often believed to be true. The incorrect version may in fact be more widely "known" than the true origin.
TL;DR You did nothing wrong. (I thought it was funny)
No, but the cop who lived in my neighborhood happened to be at the entrance to the woods where I came out, and he drove me to my house after I told him what happened. The bastards chasing me were from the trailer park on the other side of the woods, anyway.
There's tons of free photomosaic software on the net. Making them is relatively simple, just point the software at a source image and a directory full of images for the tiles and let the computer do the hard work for you.
While I think this is a solid idea conceptually, I wonder after a couple of things. First and foremost, what's your background, and what would you see your role in making the thing real? Coder, sysadmin, community manager? I ask because the real skill that I think it would take to make this thing work isn't building a prototype or even managing the userbase (at least at first). My sense is that the lion's share of the work is going to be the unglamorous day-to-day commitment to keeping the thing running and secure.
I've flirted with doing this very thing, and my 2¢ would be to first look at existing open-source software for creating and managing communities, and consider whether any of them can be adapted to your needs. Discourse and Hacker News come to mind, but there are tons of highly extensible forum packages as well. Running an actively developed piece of software that's in use elsewhere in production means it's that much more battle-tested, which will let you focus on the more high-level things that you want to accomplish.
Best of luck however you decide to move forward.
For the sake of clarity, Tumblr TOS
The relevant part on copyright is under the heading "Subscriber Content License to Tumblr". I am not a lawyer, but my rough eyeballing of that section suggests that Tumblr users retain copyright but grant the use of their content to Tumblr. This license is not irrevocable, and under the heading "Termination and Deletion", they promise to actively remove any content that a user might have posted (to the extent technically possible) "on termination of your Account".
I suspect that the argument from the parents would be that since they are next of kin, the legal authority to "terminate" the account would fall to them. And since granting next of kin the authority to delete accounts is becoming standard practice for how social media companies deal with profiles of the deceased (Facebook and Twitter already do this as a matter of policy), Tumblr probably figured that contesting such a claim was not likely to succeed.
Can someone explain this proposition logically?
Here is a timeline for reference.
Using that timeline, one can see that there were two Hawaiian state court rulings in favor of same-sex marriage, one in 1993 and one in 1996. In response, conservatives introduced a ballot measure amending the Hawaiian constitution in 1998 and giving the state legislature the power to ban gay marriage in a way that was immune to state court rulings. Thus, rather than making it happen more quickly, this state constitutional amendment demonstrably delayed gay marriage in Hawaii until 2013--that's fifteen years.
The same goes for California where Proposition 8 delayed the freedom to marry for five years.
The argument that the GOP helped make gay marriage a reality more quickly makes me really angry because it writes off all the very hard work done by the legal teams and community organizers who are the people who made these victories possible. These things didn't just happen by themselves. I'm shocked that anyone would make this argument and even more shocked that so many people would upvote it.
I know that the LGBT rank and file are notorious for ignoring and forgetting the people who fight their battles, but this is just an egregious misrepresentation.
You're literally describing how different people bring their different experiences to a text, but for some reason, you're trying to make that sound like a bad thing, and then shoving some absolutism in behind it, by asserting that there is some true, concrete thing that is "there" that supersedes interpretation.
Examining texts through different lenses is the ground floor of literary theory. Applying a queer lens can't be invalidated just because some director says, "whoopsie, they're not really gay!"
Seriously, read up on Death of the Author, and give some basic literary theory a whirl. You might be surprised.
You should definitely get them this book for Christmas. (Even if you don't celebrate Christmas!) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071P6KC52/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
My favorite book on the subject is Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by Bruce Bagemihl
If you put this in an Amazon wish list I will send you a flag.
I know this might be a bit much, but since you seem to be in support of corporate virtue signalling, I thought it relevant to post this exert from Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom.
> Few trends could so thoroughly undermine the very foundation of our free society as the acceptance by corporate officials of a social responsibility other than to make as much money for their stockholders as possible. This is a fundamentally subversive doctrine. If businessmen do have a social responsibility other than making maximum profits for stockholders, how are they to know what it is? Can self-selected private individuals decide what the social interest is? Can they decide how great a burden they are justified in placing on themselves or their stockholders to serve that social interest? Is it tolerable that these public functions of taxation, expenditure and control be exercised by the people who happen at the moment to be in charge of particular enterprises, chosen for those posts by strictly private groups? If businessmen are civil servants rather than the employees of their stockholders then in a democracy they will, sooner or later, be chosen by the public techniques of election and appointment. And long before this occurs, their decision-making power will have been taken away from them.
Well, it makes sense to read some of that anti-gay nonsense. One of the most important rules in Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is to know yourself, and know your enemy. It would at lest better prepare yourself for any debate with them on the issue, as you would already know their talking points.
This is the recipe I used. I modified it a bit by putting more lemon zest and more fresh lemon juice. I also added small-cut fresh strawberries right before I put them in the liners to bake. They came out a bit more dense than I was hoping for, but the flavor was really good.
Edit: I admittedly used store bought icing. It was Betty Crocker whipped cream cheese frosting. And it was damned good.
You do realise, that that is a totally misunderstood thing, the first ammendment? ALL it really does, is prevent the goverment from saying "You may not print this"
A newspaper can decide not to print it itself, without it breaking the 1st ammendment , A private website, can not print it, and it dosnt break it.
In fact, the ONLY thing that would break the persons 1st ammendement rights would be if the goverment made a law preventing this person's story being printed.
So no, the first ammendment does NOT grant them the right to speak, all it does is prevent the goverment from stopping them speaking, anyone else involved is not so restricted.
Become a whole person. I feel that terminology pigeonholes people. I am not just a bisexual guy. I am a computer scientist. I am a book lover. I am a retail worker. I am a helpful person. Be the best you can be and people will find you. Who are you? What do you like?
I have found Jim Sullivan's Boyfriend 101 an interesting addition to my collection. The first question it asks its readers is "What do you want: sex or a boyfriend?"
Dating in LGBTQ+ culture is the same as any of kind of dating. Sometimes, people are jerks.
I'm also an AFAB enby, and I stopped wearing traditional ladies' underpants a few years back when I found Jockey slip shorts. They're basically boxer briefs, but they're so much softer than mens' underpants. 10/10 would recommend.
I don't normally pay attention to Esquire myself (oh, and it was Esquire, for their 75th Anniversary) but this was showing up on all the gadget blogs, and I think they had even issued a challenge for people to hack the display in the cover, for funsies.
If you like Jay Brannan, definitely check out Christopher Dallman and Eric Himan
Yeah googles dictionary is crap. Check out what a real dictionary says, like Mirriam-Webster
> : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
This "anyone who is intolerant of others opinions" definition is very recent and makes no sense. It was made up by bigots who wanted to act like others were just as bad for not loving their bigotry. Think about it, if a jew doesn't like a nazi does that make him a bigot? Are gazelles also predators because they run away from the lions? The whole thing just makes no sense if you give it a little thought.
Assuming you're going to want to do things and not just hang out on the beach, I would budget for around $250 a day. That I'm imagining nice meals ($25 each) + a more expensive activity like massages/surfing/catamaran + night time activities. You're looking at around $3,000 + flights I'd say.
ETA: https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/5309055—this is owned by a friend of mine, one of my more favorite places to stay.
Aside from that not even being true (source), the sentence itself shows a profound misunderstanding of why offensive words are offensive. ಠ_ಠ
Who knows. I don't really expect most people to be terribly tech literate about that kind of thing, but if you own an Android phone (which is much more likely in developing countries) it's stupidly easy to encrypt your phone.
The push for this document really came from a few cases where fairly young teens came out / were outed and their parents kicked them out into the streets that night. I live in kind of a fundie infected shithole.
Personally I find the inclusion of this section rather awkward as well, but I'm going to do some research and see how it goes. If it's a few links that are great (like trevor project, although their phone line doesn't work up here in Canada, which kind of sucks)
We considered the inclusion of friendly shrinks, but they're all at $150/hr or more, not really in the reach of youth in crisis. And while it may sound horrible, I don't get the sense that the affirming shrinks in town are in it for their overwhelming support of the community, more for that $150+/hr
We're going to start a program to help fund training for certain teachers, counsellors, etc, but that's not in place yet. Probably 6-12 months, give or take.
We're the only lgbt group in town, save for a pride centre at the local university.
FWIW, a draft is here. I'm going to try and get as much info as I can on a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper, front and back and the other stuff will be kind of a general overview. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u63jvr43pfdpaxu/2012-12-13%20-%20Draft%20-%20Kelowna%20Youth%20Resources.docx
I agree. You should not be at church at all. I’m a lifelong atheist so I get it.
I was just thinking your parents were making you go to church anyways. My thinking is why not try to go to a much better one if that will keep them off your back (which it may not) until you are able to be on your own.
I also get they you want to help these kids accept themselves. That’s very kind of you. You might find benefit in reading this book I’m going to link to for counter arguments to what you and these kids have been taught. My advice overall is that you never know the impact your example and words might have on someone. It make take years to bear fruit so don’t get discouraged when/if it ever feels hopeless. https://www.amazon.com/God-Believes-Love-Straight-Marriage/dp/0307948099/ref=nodl_
Anyways good luck.
It’s pretty easy to shittalk russian people tbh. We are talking about a country that’s been brainwashed for a long time, most of which agree with governing lads and will kick your teeth in if you doubt them. And yeah, russophobia is a term invented to color discussion particular way: link in russian
I recommend <u>Dream Boy by Jim Grimsley</u>: In his electrifying novel, adolescent gay love, violence, and the spirituality of old-time religion are combined through the alchemy of Grimsley's vision into a powerfully suspenseful story of escape and redemption.
It's an easy, short read, but very powerful, I thought.
You essentially did this.
"This website has the information that would show I'm right, I won't find it for you. https://www.wikipedia.org/"
You see how that's a cop out, right? If you had actual sources, you could have given those.
This is a story I'm writing on a website caused Wattpad.
In a world, where the population is prominently gay, two teenagers need to face the conflicts associated with their heterosexuality. Jason, a nobody at Solae High School, sudden;y becomes the center of attention and he doesn't like this. Along with this sudden attention comes disappointment from his mothers, and bulling at school. How would you feel if the tables were turned, and you were socially rejected for loving who you love?
You know you're not the only bisexual in the world, right?
>I would like to clarify that I recognize genders other than male and female, I just don't find them sexually attractive as a bisexual.
from another post in this very topic.
I would imagine it isn't very good, since Catholicism is so strict there.
However, according to TripAdviser, Dublin is fairly friendly to gay persons.
Spanish is pretty easy to learn outside of school, although classes don't hurt. I don't know about accounting, but CS and web design can also be learned outside of school (though you'll probably need more help than with Spanish). The most important thing job-wise in CS is your portfolio.
Check out the subreddits /r/CSCareerQuestions, /r/learnprogramming, and /r/compsci. They can help you get started. Also you'll find more recommendations on /r/learnprogramming, but Codecademy is a good place to start self-teaching online.
So yeah, I guess if you ultimately want an MBA, maybe you shouldn't go to graduate school quite yet, especially given that a degree is not necessarily required to work in programming/web design. It sure helps, but your portfolio is way more important. So take some basic programming classes that you can afford, and supplement with online learning/working with mentors.
It's funny that his author page on medium is a gif of a drag queen. But, you know, keep on fighting the good fight against "diva worship culture."
At any rate, the idea of there being a single "gay culture" or "gay male culture" will hopefully only grow more ridiculous.
I havent bought or used a binder yet, but this one on amazon has good reviews and is around 20 usd.
Yeah you're right, they do try to block non-US credit cards. I've had some luck in the past buying prepaid Visas from supermarkets here, some of which didn't get detected as Australian.
Since then though I found Entropay
You're welcome :) If you choose to use a proxy then I suggest which I've found to be really reliable. I suggested Spotflux because it's free and it works really well on mac from my experience. There are of course other options like other VPNs, or "Tor" which you might want to take a look at.
I’m a native English speaker and those constructions simply do not carry a negative connotation to me.
If anything you seem to be making my point that the construction itself is neutral, and any connotations attached to it are arbitrary. I’m not excusing the use of an offensive term. I’m saying it’s not offensive because it has an article in front of it that ‘otherizes’, but because of its historical use.
Consider for example this book called The English by an English man.
No you can't take it if you're dead, but I hardly think it's relevant. You won't convince me that me ignoring a Nazi spouting off Nazi bullshit in a street corner will result in my death.
For me if you're cruel to anybody, you're a cruel person. And cruel people always look for reasons and excuses to be cruel. Cruel people always try to justify cruelty. If you think it's righteous to ever be cruel you are mistaken. I suggest you read Ian M. Bank's culture serious. Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E Frankl. Being Good: A short introduction to ethics, by Simon Blackburn. It would give you some insight into the unethical behavior you are promoting.
>Just because you found one case that's an outlier doesn't mean that the rest of the science is wrong!
Firstly, you need to provide some actual data if you want to claim he's an outlier.
Secondly, there aren't more documented cases of it, because it's incredibly difficult to actually study this.
The vast majority of people aren't transgender and many never even give a second thought to their gender identity, so it's impossible to get large enough sampling to establish exactly when gender identity is formed.
Those who have ever questioned their gender identity could very easily either not remember it (since it conflicts with their current self identity) or not want to admit to it due to social stigma.
The majority of the accepted theory about it is based on the testimony from transgender people themselves, which is not only not reliable (from a scientific evidence standpoint) and not a wide enough sampling. After all, it's possible that whatever factors cause or increase the chances of being transgender also affect the timing of gender identity development (or vice versa).
>It's "Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint" Sixth Edition and the argument that gender identity is formed by that age is on pages 566-567.
What's that claim based on? If it's in a textbook as fact, there should be a specific referenced study to back it up.
>I get the feeling that even if I dug up more papers for you that you obviously don't care about facts.
That's exactly the reception I'm getting here.
I've offered up a highly documented case study, but you're rejecting it because it's only one case. Well, it's one more than you've provided.
Check out a book called Living in Sin? by John Shelby Spong, an Episcopalian bishop. It takes a look at the passages in the Bible that seem to go against homosexuality and women in authority/power and discusses the historical contexts of why they're in the Bible and why Christians now cling to them. Lots to think about. Lots to make your family think about too.
Check out Metropolitan Community Churches. I attended a few when I was a believer. MCC is considered a "gay church" in that they serve a primarily LGBT population. They are generally positive, affirming places. I was an enthusiastic member of a couple of them and enjoyed them quite a lot.
Good luck!
There's definitely some critiquing of Steven Universe's queerness that one could do (for one, there's no outright human queer characters yet), but I would say with confidence that SU is very open about the queer characters it does have.
The censoring you linked to (featuring the same three characters involved in the love triangle in "It's Over") was done by Cartoon Network UK -- in the US the scene is left uncensored.
I think one would have to do some mental gymnastics to take "It's Over" as a "losing my best friend" song. Pearl, the character who's singing, says "You won, and she chose you" directed at the character Greg, who ultimately ended up with the character Rose (the "she" in the song). There can't be a winner unless Pearl and Greg are playing the same game, you know? You could probably argue that the two dads in The Loud House have the same last name because they're brothers, using similar mental gymnastics.
There is another ongoing, completely uncensored, non-subtextual same-sex romance involving two other characters, Ruby and Sapphire. There's an entire episode called "The Answer" that's devoted to how they met and fell in love (and there's a forthcoming children's book of the same name!). I'll gladly link you to more videos and images if you're interested, but since you're not a fan of the show I think that might just bore you. :P
I'll stop here...sorry about the overly extensive response!
Can you reccomend any good ones? (I have liked the [something like series by Jay bell(http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004I6DKPY)](Male Author ) and Carry the Ocean by Heidi Cullianan (Woman author).
Does it need to have a lots of holes to hang up? this one seems to have two; is that enough? I just realized I don't really know anything about how flags hang up.
If they would be receptive to something written by an evangelical biblical scholar who is gay, I recommend God and the Gay Christian by Matthew Vines. http://www.amazon.com/God-Gay-Christian-Biblical-Relationships/dp/1601425163
He tells his personal story AND addresses all the biblical texts that have been used against gay people. He makes a very convincing case for an inclusive and affirming faith that's based in scripture. He also gives a compassionate account of his father's experience of coming to accept him as a gay Christian.