That is Angie Griffin from a Christmas parody she did.
This is the video (it is about 20 seconds in).
That was a thing and it's hilarious. They were convinced that since we didn't see a funeral she was just in a coma and survived and she was going to show up in the finale. Now they're furious
>You say I need help. I’d normally agree with you but, after too many times I’ve had said help and yet fallen back into the same behaviors again, I don’t think I want it any more.
She is aware of her behaviors and yet can't stop. That's some real mental illness, and the fact that she's probably going to be let go, that's the scariest part. Melissa could be in real danger, the longer she does this, the more destructive she can become. I'm truly disgusted with the system today.
Edit: After reading more, she's straight up one scary stalker. Jesus christ.
>Melissa, I didn’t realise it was him. I’m sorry for that but not yet sorry for hurting you. Talk or suffer more from me.
Edit 2: I don't get it, she admitted she is stalking Melissa, why is nothing being done to her? ELI5 please
Edit 3: Melissa posted that she's reported it to tumblr and no action has been done so I thought maybe if we could report it too, bring some more attention to tumblr, they'll do something about it. - scroll down, click the link 'directly' in 'You can report violations of these guidelines to us directly.' (I'd paste the e-mail here but apparently they want your browser information for some reason)
Edit 4: We did it, Reddit! The account has been deleted. :)
One of those infamous storms on the Iroise Sea happened on 21 December 1989. A front of low pressure coming from Ireland brought gale force winds and huge waves of 20 to 30 metres high which crashed spectacularly against the lighthouse.
The waves smashed through the lower windows of the lighthouse, ripped the front door, flooded the tower and washed away the furniture.
About the same time, photographer Jean Guichard was in Lorient hiring a helicopter to take aerial pictures of the storm. Guichard wanted to fly over the Iroise Sea despite extremely dangerous flying conditions.
The helicopter made it to La Jument and hovered around for Guichard to take shots of the waves pounding the lighthouse. Inside the tower, Théodore Malgorn heard the helicopter and went downstairs to see what was going on.
At that very moment, a giant wave rose over the rear of the lighthouse and Guichard took his world-famous shot as the wave smashed against the tower. Théodore Malgorn, suddenly realising that a giant wave was about to engulf the structure, rushed back inside just in time to save his life. In an interview he said "If I had been a little further away from the door, I would not have made it back into the tower. And I would be dead today. You cannot play with the sea.
Edit: this is how they used to relieve the keepers:
Hi everyone,
If you want a link to a high quality version of my drawing, here is the link.
Thanks for all the kind words
Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend celebrating Pokemon !!!
You even reach the same page when searching "thin" instead of skinny. (
Also, it has a similar thing for "suicide"... ( and "rape" (
I think the thought of these is quite nice.
Otherkin is a weird concept that has a bit of popularity on Tumblr. The idea behind it is that the people who claim to be, say "wolfkin", "dragonkin" or whatever possess the souls of whichever animal (or even fictional character or god) and reside within human bodies. A typical otherkin poster might say they have sort of "phantom limb" sensations with perceived tails or wings or what have you.
Otherkin are controversial. The people that believe them tend to presume either that:
A) They really are (Marvel) Loki's soul in a human female's body.
B) They have dissociative identity disorder.
Now I'll admit I'm more on the second disposition, they're just doing this for fun, attention and to feel special in the infinite expanse of the internet where any one individual often has little to no worth. Just look at what "kintypes" they usually are. "Wolfkin", "Owlkin", "Centaurkin", no one is ever "snailkin" or "chickenkin". They always are something that's cool or special, which reeks of choice.
I think that's the gist of it.
Tip: Things going up your butt are the bane of anal sphincters. You gotta relax yourself first.
After that, you're going to feel - 'uh, okay'.. Then after that, you're going 'I feel like I'm going to poop but aren't', which is perfectly normal.
Tip 2: Add lots of lube and make the uh, 'penetrations' faster. My method of choice is make the thing move in small, but really fast strokes.
That's the 'feel good' part.
Tip 3 (if you're a guy): Work a way to make the 'penetrator' press against the part which is nearest the prostate gland. Find the position that is most comfortable, then go to tip 2. This is the part that will make you go 'aaahhhh!'.
EDIT : NSFW This is the 'aaahh!' that I'm talking about(guy using a vibrating butt plug for the first time) NSFW!
EDIT2: 😕 made some changes[.](#s "reddit, where a question about farts lead to a discussion about capitalism")
actually, fuck that. i just went back and read through ALL their policies, just in case, and they clearly have one against impersonation.
Confusion or Impersonation. Don't do things that would cause confusion between you or your blog and a person or company, like registering a deliberately confusing URL. Don't impersonate anyone. While you're free to ridicule, parody, or marvel at the alien beauty of Benedict Cumberbatch, you can't pretend to actually be Benedict Cumberbatch.
of note, they likewise have one against graphic sexual content.
keep fighting this. this blog violates at least three of their community guidelines.
Yes it is - in fact, it's Sanzy Fresh, a version of him from one of the 50,000 tumblr blogs that popped up after the game's release. Which means that someone at this school knows not just Undertale but also specific Undertale AU fanblogs
Basically I'm cringing and impressed at the same time
Well, there was that one time when Sehun forgot to sing his only line in the whole song.
Another one is when Chen forgot to sing one of his lines in SFY. A fan shouted "I love you Chen" and he got distracted haha. Bonus members reactions (Look at Suho's instant reaction haha ♡)
I've reported her to tumblr. Maybe they'll do something about the harrassment.
Her tumblr is given in the article,
Where to contact tumblr:
As clever as this is, I think your basic objection -- that they "copied' your content without permission -- is totally off base. They had no legal or ethical obligation to ask permission. Like Twitter and other UGC services, Tumblr gets a broad nonexclusive content license from you for anything you post on Tumblr, and it also gets from you the right to give that license (sublicense) to third parties who develop services based on the content. See paragraph 6 here:
Use of your content by third parties in online services is governed by the Developer API terms of use, whether or not the third party is actual developing anything or building an API:
As you can see, pretty much anyone out there in the media has broad rights to display what you put on Tumblr so long as they follow the terms of the API agreement, because you gave those rights to Tumblr and you gave Tumblr the rights to give others those rights.
Also, in-line linking without permission is totally standard on the internet. Notice how every news site anywhere embeds youtube videos and tweets all over the place? Yeah, maybe sometimes they ask, but they don't have to. If you don't want your stuff linked to, don't put it online.
Also, if you are embedding someone's content, obviously check back for dickbutt, because that's the price of showing content you don't control.
I'm assuming this is on tumblr? It's become a bit of an epidemic over there. This kind of assholery just kind of keeps turning up, unfortunately - pretty much every identity under the acronym gets hit with it atvarious points.
The majority of people like that aren't going to listen to reason or common sense, unfortunately. The best thing you can do is what you're doing already - avoid them. Use the block function very liberally, and you can get things like tumblr savior that will automatically hide any posts with certain words/phrases in. If you haven't turned anonymous messages off, do it - a lot of them are cowards (as many bullies are) and won't send the horrible stuff if they can't do it anonymously. (If this isn't on tumblr, see if there are similar blocking opportunities available.) You could also consider moving to a new blog if that's possible, and being careful to keep stuff out of tags they might be going through.
Things like death threats you can report to tumblr (if you're on a different site, they probably have a similar policy and reporting process).
> Like if they can predict if someone is thinking about suicide, they have to show all those suicide help lines and various anti-suicide posts, etc.
I believe this is done by a number of other social networks / websites aswell, Google currently links to the Samaritans, and Tumblr has it's own little PSA. Although they don't try and predict as much as simply react to certain searches that way.
I'm sure there's others aswell; but I think it's a reasonable thing. I think arguments that take it further than such warnings start to make me uncomfortable on a number of levels though, and it feels a little like a band-aid over a wound.
I just genuinely wouldn't trust facebook as far as I could throw them. Deleting my account was the best thing I've done in years.
Edit: I should have said at first; those links do include just searches for 'suicide', just in case you're searching on any monitored networks.
YESSSSS! He was so awkward and sexy at the same time, but good lord season 2 sealed the fucking deal for me! Fuckkkkk...
Sorry, no there wasn't. It was photoshopped - the three proofs he posted across the posts went from 6 inches to 8 inches to 10 inches. It would have been very easy for him to post video proof but he refused to.
He was also known for being very good at photoshop. He was first posting on a Tumblr blog about photo manipulation. Seen here
And come on, some of the shit he said: One of his stories had him "Fucking two girls while two guys fucked him in the ass while he was sucking a dick and licking a vagina."
The dude was just building publicity for a book he wanted to sell.
Can someone explain to me what the fuck tumblr's deal is with this show? And why they get pandered to so much? I've never been on tumblr but I decided to take a quick look and the results for just searching "arrow" were terrifying, and I quote: >"Honestly, I don’t think Felicity gets enough credit for being the true lynchpin of the Arrowverse. “Arrow” may be the title, but Felicity is the most important character. Without her, the show does not work.
I know people talk about reddit having a hive mind, but HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. Tumblr takes the "hive mind" to a brain aneurysm inducing level.
Literally every result for the search term "arrow" is about Felicity or #olicity. There's no variety AT ALL. Look for yourself:
I'm actually seriously terrified of the results shown from the simple search term "arrow". What is going on? I legitimately feel stressed out just scrolling through that.
Are there any other instances of "mad pride"? Looks like she's got a monopoly on this.
>I have OCD, PTSD with depersonalization, schizoaffective disorder (bipolar type), mild ADD, and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (a diagnosis I personally do not view as a disability in any sense of the definition).
Hmm. Narcissism isn't... a problem. Hmm. Well, she claims to have diagnoses, can't say shit except that someone decided arguing with someone who wears "insane" on their sleeve (probably literally) was a good idea.
We talk about tumblr as if it's all socjus crazies but really they're only a small part of the site. Mostly it's fandoms, fashion and makeup blogs, music, and porn. Typical stuff teenagers like.
See their most popular tags or the most popular blogs.
You'll need a tumblr account for this apparently? Source:
In addition, here is this "model's" full page:
Edit: Don't set your expectations too high...
You need to get a B- in order to diagnose friends and family members. But its not all bad. With your C+ you are more than qualified to diagnose yourself, your pets, and total strangers. You should head over to this sight and get started right now.
Personally I find monk straps to be a more formal shoe, so I wouldn't be wearing them with denim at all -- unless it was a very "smart" pair of jeans. Be careful not to veer into jeans and sheux territory.
I don't really understand what happened to Bioware games. It's no longer about the story/combat/tactics. It's all about having sex with your companions and shipping the other ones off. Most of the fanbase doesn't care about anything other than that shit so that's who they pander too. Just take a look into the Dragon Age tag on tumblr. All these people care about is who they can fuck.
Well that's funny, because your blog's favourites list (NSFW) contains mainly pictures of Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. Often shirtless. And not as their characters. And at least once, gay porn because the two guys in it look kind of like them (they really don't, but whatever). Also, occasionally lesbian porn.
So, uh, yeah. You do objectify people. A lot, actually. And you definitely feel all of these others things about men - you clearly feel you're smarter and better than basically every man (except Chris Evans, who I am sure is secretly absolutely a radfem just like you) and mock them, so you can sure as Hell do that to women too. If you can't do that to women too, then it implies you see them as fundamentally elevated above men - in which case you're every bit as shitty as the (actually quite rare) kinds of people you criticise.
Fucking hypocritical moron.
PSA for those who may not know, this is a submission to the Golden Ticket to TI5 contest. There's been a flurry of new content the past couple of days so I would highly recommend you check them out
His Tumbler account.
Please everyone I need you to chip in, to archive everything on this guy! As much as you can, as fast as you can. Now that this is out he'll soon know he's being scrutinized. All his social media and online presence needs to be backed up. I've only done a small amount, there is a lot.
Edit: archive but do not post any link! Remember doxxing is forbidden. If you must, do that part on Voat. Here is the thread:
Can't find the actual source. It only posts to a news site that doesn't even have the image on it...?
EDIT: I lied and I am an idiot. Name was on the image. Hacked the mainframe and found it
I think you might be projecting your own opinions. Like, a lot.
Tumblr is actually a great place to be a R&M fan.
There is no "epidemic". You're being hyperbolic and sensationalist. Just like Morty.
And to that I say: Geeeeeeeeeez
But really, one of the morals of Undertale is that there has to be consequences for your actions, and Asriel's and Chara's fate is the result of their plan to save everybody.
However, that doesn't mean we can't go and think about what would happen post-pacifist! I present to you, Floweypot, my most favorite of anything, because it kinda saves Asriel, in the most canon way!
It gets a bad rap but, Tumblr is great. In fact, it gets a bad rap by redditors that highlights it's worst parts. (It's the same people who use cuck and SJW as insults, how much do you value their opinion? It would be like saying Reddit is all about objectifying women, hating overweight people, red pill, altreich, pedophilia, woman hating bullshit.)
Tumblr is a great website full of progressive people and if there's something you don't like you can unfollow it. I mean, it prides it's self on being woke. Though I don't follow many social justice blogs (mainly anime, video games, and fashion). You'll also realize that alot of Reddit content is stolen from Tumblr.
I can honestly say that the way I think and act would be way different if I didn't find tumblr when I was younger (i'm only 19)
I mean look at all the thousands of notes these post have. Do you think anything like this would get this many upvotes on Reddit? Tumblr also has some beautiful women of all colors. they all fine as fuck.
People who think tumblr is filled with the stereotype reddit portrays of them have probably never been on tumblr.
The front page of reddit and the trending page of tumblr pretty much have the same content.
> Are you dissing me?
Also, reminds me of 'Animals have problems too', the now-defunct webcomic:
edit: author collected some of them in a book -
I Really took the training wheels off for this one. Working in a pocket sketch with a brush pen...I haven't really figured it out yet. If no one else posts here I'll update with something that isn't quite such a mess.
Still a really nice pic, thanks!
Thanks!! I did a boba fett like this not too long ago. oooh nm. 2014
It's all sort of like this tho
twitters: @dnewbold8
She's not a redhead and she goes by the name "blondeandwet" would link her twitter but she got suspended and I dont have a manyvids or any other video sharing sites but here is a tumblr post with more photos
Edit: Found a pornhub playlist with her videos in it
Edit 2: extra tumblr posts
Just look at the antishipping tag and you will find examples and horror stories, including people sending actual child porn to "pedophilic" shippers and claiming that they "normalize pedophilia" by saying that 2 characters with an age difference would make a cute couple
And that app seems awesome. It was annoying as all hell when I was out traveling. Trying to post using my phone and imgur. This seems much easier. I would like to add though that for those of you who use Tumblr then dont forget to tag your stuff with "RedditArtistNetwork".
I swear to God, they really believed that she survived somehow. They had all these theories about the show leaving clues and foreshadowing her epic return. It's so funny and sad.
Thanks! I do tell stories a lot, I guess. I often write stories on Reddit, and I used to back them up online HERE, if you are really interested in seeing them. It's a Tumblr account, but I don't think it really fits in the world of Tumblr. I should really back up some more stories there, because I know I have written a lot more of them since the last one was posted...
In a similar, but slightly different vein, I mainly write stories about my children. Every few days I write a memory about our life and my observations as a father. Those are also backed up online if anyone is interested, but it's mostly a project that I'm working on so I can someday give them to my children as a chronicle of their childhood. Those are online HERE.
UPDATE: Let the record show that this paint job is, in fact, in Iron Squadron. Barely visible, but there.
I own a lot of the kind of stuff you'd see in this tag on Tumblr, I wonder if people judge for it or if it's "normal" enough fashion to not matter. Not that I care either way.
IIRC tumblr doesn't really have any content control beyond what's normally illegal- kiddy porn, bestiality etc. THey also have a rule against uploading porn in the 'upload video' thing because they don't want to host porn, but having it embedded or linked is fine.
Source: I have a tumblr, and the terms of service
For anybody who has read Tumblr's license, porn videos have been against the rules for ever since I was on the site; they've just recently started taking them down.
To directly quote Tumblr's Community Guidelines, they're "not in the business of hosting adult-oriented videos (and it's fucking expensive)."
> RedditinAction
There used to be, it got axed ages ago though. The tag is just plain special though. Edit: You have to unlock NSFW stuff to see it all, a lot of them are trying to hide from us :p
Because of the site's restrictions on image sizes. Gifs have to be smaller than 1MB.
edit: Actually, it seems they recently increased it to 1.75MB. How generous...
Thanks! As long as people keep enjoying them, I'm happy to show off my ponies.
I made a tumblr for our tanks if anyone wants to see more pictures.
> How do you report a tumblr post?
You need a Tumblr account. Go to this link ( ), which will open the post in the dashboard. Then you can click the person icon, which will give the option to “Report blog” (not the individual post). I think after that you can point the specific post why you're reporting it.
You should report this post, the original one:
That's a weird thing to ask someone, tumblr IS a reputable site, and there's nothing about "these kinds of images" in Tumblr's ToS or Community Guidelines.
Jesus, wow, okay the creep factor multiplied by 100 with that info. You might want to report him (though, also report the blogs he's reblogging from but if it's really bad don't subject yourself to it). Violent depictions of minors is against tumblr's community guidelines. > Harm to minors > > Sexually suggestive or violent depictions of minors; or bullying, even by another minor
If you click on the link "Report harm to minors" it'll give you a little window where you can paste the url and an explanation of what's on there.
I know its kind of unrelated but for anyone else looking for a cpt poster, I made this one earlier this year.
Edit: since a lot of people are interested you can find similar ones I've made here I plan on doing more of the characters now because you guys seem to actually like them :3 pm me if you want any special size, these can be made any size because they are originally vectors also who would you like to see next? heres imgur in case tumblr doesnt work,aAcSaAp,B2IVrA1,D6TKCNn
You can report violations to Tumblr directly by e-mailing:
Alternatively, you can attempt a DMCA takedown by completing the information on this page.
Are you every trans person in the world? No. Someone else, in this thread, said they were a trans person and weren't offended. Who are you to say that you represent the majority opinion?
>What is HHH currently writing? a book? an essay? a blog?
Currently writing a blog, mostly casual album reviews, ~~I'll add the link in a minute~~ here's the link. I also just started running the same reviews on a Tumblr account, in case anyone prefers that method.
Is anyone else fucking excited for this Golden State/San Antonio game tonight? Regardless of your thoughts on the Warriors, we could be witnessing history, which is always crazy/fun. And it's one of the best NBA matchups ever, at least record-wise.
Would you rather see GS win? Lose? I personally want them to win just to see a record broken. I'm fairly young though (21) and didn't have the opportunity to see those MJ Bulls teams in action. I'm an OKC fan as well, so I don't have much invested in this matchup as a neutral fan.
Edit: Fixed links
I had a disturbing thought, but I had to check.
Yes, apparently all material in the search for lesbians is not safe for work. But if you want to search for the fucking SWASTIKA, then all of a sudden, tumblr has no problem.
Jesus. so i guess i just gave up. tumblr doesnt wanna reply to me today and i cant just sit by and do nothing. so i made a new blog. i have lvld up. plus almost all my piks are re orgaized and tagged. hope to see my followers again soon.
Depending what it is he could probably get 20 bucks per commission or even more, so why not just do that?
Edit: Not sure why I'm being downvoted that's pretty much the standard price of commissioned art
Plenty of people use said tag. Admittedly quite a few of them do so wrongly.
Yep just use the gif instead of any normal image file.
There are actually quite a few animated covers out there- here are a few links: (this guy was on the front page of reddit yesterday, which is where I got the idea).
So I guess it's a case of - he knows the COTA track pretty well from driving there in WEC so that part won't be new to him, and it's a sort of "we didn't give you an F1 seat but you've gone on to do well for yourself so here's a nice little one-off present".
Nice to see I guess. Seems like a good dude. Surprised no-one has posted him and Ricciardo rocking out to Alexisonfire.
So here it is :
Whoa, nice to see this here! thanks OP for linking my gallery. You can also check out my stuff in tumblr, DA, and twitter:
There would be a tumblr shit storm the size of which has never been seen. Have any of you ever actually looked up the search term "arrow" on tumblr before? It's legitimately scary how dedicated they are to olicity. The only thing I can think of to describe it is akin to brainwashing.
Take a look:
It's been a few days since the last episode too. That link doesn't even do it justice compared to what it was last time I searched "arrow", I quote:
>"Honestly, I don’t think Felicity gets enough credit for being the true lynchpin of the Arrowverse. “Arrow” may be the title, but Felicity is the most important character. Without her, the show does not work."
Another one:
>"Oliver knows that he will die alone if he can’t have Felicity. #soulmates"
Nah, it's actually the most common reference for anorexia on the Internet. Tons of forums that specialize in "Pro-ana" discussions, basically people that glorify eating disorders
I'm pretty sure this is actually a fake post though. The tag "ana" is banned from public searching on Tumblr, along with "ED" and "self harm". The only person who could have found this post was someone who already followed her and in that case they would know her name was Ana.
This is the message you get when you search Ana on Tumblr
What does he mean by pookie?
Edit: Now that i understand it in context that's so much funnier. This was the best over/under I've ever seen. Lobster bit was my fave.
Also, dog houses on tumblr.
> And before you tell me spirit animals are cultural appropriation: 1. Tumblr is that way
I can help you out: You can always check the address bar if you somehow aren't able to remember which site you are on. If it starts with a green lock followed by "" you're on tumblr. Otherwise, you're not.
After about 10 minutes of Googling, I've found that she's definitely more active in the sexy department. MFC Webcam style. (NSFW obviously)
I'm just going to link to this fag going off on the annoying Tumblr fangirls because it always makes me feel good.
EDIT: Since miss thang won't let you see her blog unless you're logged in to Tumblr here's what she said:
> Stop desexualizing and infantilizing Gay Men.
> We’re not some soft abstract images in your fanfics and moodboards. We’re real people. We have actual lives. Red blood flows through our veins.
> And yes. Gay men have sex. it’s not gross it’s not taboo. It’s natural. Gay men aren’t oversexed. It’s normal and good for a gay man to want to have sex. Sex between gay men is real. It’s wet, hairy, it’s fun, warm, hot, sweaty, smells, noises, tastes, etc.
> And we’re not perpetual boys. We grow. Old. Elder gay men exist. We’re not this image of a perpetual soft young boy. Destroy that. It’s actually harmful. You don’t become less gay or less valid as you grow older. The ideal image of a gay man isn’t youth. The ideal image of gay man is what a gay man sees when he looks in the mirror.
Narancia is my favorite androgynous character right after Speed of Sound Sonic from OPM. Sorry honey, you just can't beat that shapely figure.
This is if you've noticed your images on a tumblr and want them removed:
Follow the information given to you. Know that the offending link should be the SOURCE and any other direct links.
You'll also need to send any reblogs of those images to , and they'll remove them for you.
Note that we as mods have tried to get images removed before, but unless you're the copyright holder (The man in images), tumblr won't really take action.
I've reported her to tumblr. Maybe they'll do something about the harrassment.
Her tumblr is given in the article,
Where to contact tumblr:
>You're still just a penisless male who can easily be identified (simply by looking at you) as a transgendered person. Dressing up in girl clothing and wearing makeup can never change that simple and undeniable fact. I cannot recall a single time in my life when I was unable to identify based on appearance alone, a trans gendered person.
This is called the toupee fallacy. You cannot think of a single time in your life you weren't able to identify a transperson/toupee based on look alone... but if the toupee was actually effective you would never actually know it was a toupee. So how can you actually be certain you have never seen one and are my go to examples but I'm sure you could find a lot more if you tried.
Yeahhh. I saw one, one time where a kid had one color match his civic...I wish I was kidding, its too bad I didn't think to save it.
Edit: umm guys this may be bigger than we thought.
Links posted in the comments:
Last Thanksgiving & Christmas my SO and I played "Family Bingo". Mark off a square when family does something cliche or rudely expected.
I'm sure a narcissist bingo card could be made and played just to pass the time. Edit: I found the "Breeder Bingo" SO & I played.
> It clearly states that if you sign a contract placing something in public domain then it is public domain.
And twitter doesn't require that.
If it was public domain, then they could just use it without asking anyone (but it isn't public domain).
As it stands, they had to ask either twitter or the creator in order to use it (and twitter would generally just say "ask the creator", which is why they didn't say that twitter gave them permission).
edit: my mistake. It was tumblr, not twitter. Same deal.
Memo Dated July 17, 2015
From: The Office Of The Supreme Patriarch
To: The Minions
OK, the big guy noticed that some of you plebeians are not up on the various forms of non-physical rape that you're all supposed to engage in every day. This may explain why we are way off on our rape targets for this quarter. Brother shitlord Canada-lost has compiled a short list of how to rape a woman without touching her.
You guys need to study this - there might be a question on it in this years patriarchy acceptance exams.
Signed: Maximilian Chartreuse Salazar III, secretary general to the supreme patriarch.
Some of them idolized the Columbine shooters - is the deceased - the female in custody
Hey there! It looks like a disreputable blog has stolen your content. Here is a link to the stolen image:
If you did not give this website permission to host your content, and do not like the fact that they have stolen it with no attribution and passed it off as their own, please fill out the following form:
Thank you!
Candid, real life domestic discipline bare-bottom spanking
I look at those posts, and then I look at and I don't see anything wrong with that. Are the screens captured from /r/tumblrinaction like the equivalent of going into fringe subreddits with semi-big communities that are generally looked-down-upon like /r/theredpill and /r/athiesm? Reddit also has a "reputation/stigma" of its users being racist and neckbeardy full of vitriol, and while there may be those types of people, the vast majority of users are just normal people. You have to dig deep to find them, because you won't really find it on the more popular/mainstream subreddits. I'm inclined to believe that tumblr is the same. Obviously I'm trying to see this from a neutral and unbiased perspective but that's impossible since I use reddit and not tumblr, and I don't know how posts are sorted or get visibility (like how reddit has subreddits and upvote/downvote)
In which tumblr reminds itself things happen, and they are real
This is The "#tumblr update" tag on tumblr. I would look through it for more examples, except I can't navigate that piece of shit.
Give me a minute, i'm on the toilet and clicked the link on my pc...
Edit: here you go, "You want some Spice weasel! Bam!"
upon further investigation it doesn't really look like her, i was blinded by penis love :(...... still hot as fuuuurk though.
First time I've heard that people find it sexist/offensive... The only negative connotation I've seen recently in the Western world is some people started calling dakimakura (body pillow) waifus, so I've seen that mix-up/stigma. Interesting, though. I guess, respectively, cut down on husbando as well.
So I found this. Part of the argument to dethrone the word these days seems to be that it's "racist", as it's saying wife with a "racist" accent. Other part I guess is against "objectifying" a character of the female gender. (#gamergate????) Pretty sure wives aren't objects...
Take it as you will.
I'm not sure but you can get them somewhere. You probably thought I just made that up but it's an actual "thing" on Tumblr, they wanna form their own university.
Their latest example post makes it clear they are targeting lesbians. They consider any disagreement from what they believe about trans issues to be signs of TERFdom, even when the person in question says things that clearly go against radfem ideology. I don't know any radfem who would call groups of women "scum women", for example.
You can report abuse here:
But it seems like tumblr enables and supports this kinds of harassment.
They're ones released are all pretty bad or dead, and the 3 main games that look promising are still being produced. We're waiting on Wargroove, Macro Tactics and Uberkrieg, but Macro Tactics and Uberkrieg but the guy working on Macro Tactics is in crunch time for another project, and Uberkrieg is still in its early stages. ~~You could always play fire emblem though~~.
Searched for: a picture of my abs
Pictures of the Best Flat-Abs Moves for Men - WebMD
>Go from flabby to flat abs with the right moves and foods, including red meat. WebMD's pictures show the best exercises for men who want a ripped midsection .
25+ best ideas about Abs Pictures on Pinterest | What is abs, Fast ab ...
>Find and save ideas about Abs pictures on Pinterest, the world's catalog of ideas. ... 30 day summer abs challenge - I have got time to get my abs in shape.
>#they are the hunters we are the text posts#i had to delete so many to just have ten#my abs#also i discovered whilst scrolling through and finding these ...
tumblr has a bunch for mobile, pinterest, or zerochan, cheers u w33b
Know the folks who think that Reddit shouldn't have been defined solely by CoonTown? Those are the same people who are defining Tumblr solely by feminism.
Just like Reddit, Tumblr has a ton of awesome content from a wide array of posters. Hit up Google and type: " [Keyword] " to get an idea of what they have. Also leave out the quotation marks.
Example: Mega Man
Hey there! It looks like a disreputable blog has stolen your content. Here is a link to the stolen image:
you can ctrl+F for "[post title]" (You may need to scroll down a bit to load posts from a month ago) and find your post copied to their blog.
If you did not give this website permission to host your content, and do not like the fact that they have stolen it with no attribution and passed it off as their own, please fill out the following form:
Thank you!
I'll start us off:
Instagram: @gavinlundy /
This is my personal instagram account, I use it mostly for sharing the things I get up to, but I try to keep it to a good standard.
Tumblr: enlxghtenment /
This is my kind of aesthetic tumblr blog full of architecture, style, and Kanye.
Looking forward to connecting with you guys!
Doing some more research myself, I found this Spanish Tumblr link that lists her as Gabriella Medina. She's also not blonde in every pic, a few of these are light brown, and she's got even more pics as a brunette.
It's absolutely possible. You can respond to people's posts, ask them questions, tag them in your posts so they see it (I think), and as /u/rp_valiant says, take over SJW hashtags, and have another account doing /u/RockstarMonkey's long con suggestion.
EDIT: First of all we can try and reclaim this. We should all form accounts and get shitposting.
Hurler's disease was originally called gargoylism. I'm sure back in the day Gertrud probably didn't actually receive a professionalism violation.
To receive your own professionalism violation you can follow on tumblr, share on facebook, or share the real deal.
You must have some kind of safe-search feature enabled or something. [edit or your logged out]
Tumblr is well known for being full of porn: [nsfw duh]
Safe search is disabled by clicking the little padlock icon so it shows as open (bottom right)
All the characters are the same character, a la Davestuck or Tereziquest. This would be an optional way to read it. Homestuck: Hard Mode.