Painting for you (so glad you uploaded a cool pic, I thought I'd make you something as a thank you for drawing me with my cat!) Hope you like it :)
Bit late to the party, but here!
It was already poor quality for some reason, so Imgur basically nuked it. But here's a slightly better quality photo on a different site:
This is the pic I needed someone to post. I really enjoyed this, it is great!
[Gouache on paper]
Thank you so much!
Edit: Updated the pic now that the sun is out.
Apart from the occasional pencil sketch, almost all of the the stuff I post here(including this) is done in ArtRage. This one was done with the standard thick oil brush and smeared around with the palette knife. The texture is just one of the default papers. The great thing about the software is that it doesn't just look like paint but behaves like it too and all the texture stuff just happens without you having to worry about it.
As for Photoshop, I don't have the modern version, the last ones I used were CS2 and Elements 5! :) But I do remember (back in the day) using a set called "Ditlev Fine Art" that had a decent canvas/paint texture. It wasn't the same as the stuff you can do these days but I recall being able to make some interesting marks with them.
A (failed) WIP :3 What a gorgeous picture!
Edit: Finished sketching it! :) Don't know if I will get to colour it, so here is it
Figured I'd take on Redditgetsdrawn during a 6 hour car ride. Your post was the first on my list, enjoy
Here's my insta with some more art:
I don't have access to photoshop or wacom tablets right now.
Did this using a cheap mouse and an online photo editor.
I used the sketchy-pencil tool.
Just wanted to say that it's been really great to have the podcast back again! Especially because it is putting me back into a regular RGD schedule again. Important note, the time of the podcast has moved to 12-3pm PST and hopefully you can join in and share your art and chat with each other. Previous Episodes can be found here. Sorry the channel link is sloppy as hell. Youtube isn't letting us have our domain name until there are a hundred subscribers, which is weird. Previous soundtracks to the show can be found here.
An IRC would be awesome, admittedly I made one over in the Lounge and totally haven't checked up on it in a while...I wonder if anyone is there. I think a direct RGD IRC could have some good traction.
Reddit Artist Network is a great resource! /u/meatyelbow and /u/macanthony put a lot of work into getting that going, it was really connecting a lot of artists, especially through tumblr.
Thank you RGD mods and thank you Sgt_Mary_Mary for being so supportive of the podcast! Let's see how many more artists we can get to connect with each other! :D
Congratulations BCSketches! I mean goddamn just look at this! And congratulations to this weeks winners! I'm having trouble following everyone now. XD
And hooray for Dogecoin tips! It probably wouldn't hurt to hope over to make an announcement at /r/dogecoin. I should also mention they have a "getting started" tab there that is useful for anyone interested. (Here is a quick guide)
I can't wait until /u/dogetipbot is all caught up so I can start throwing some Doge around. :P The mods should put some doge tip addresses in the side bar so we can throw them some love. :D
You can indeed ask. :)
This (like almost all of my pics) was done on a PC with a Wacom Bamboo tablet and my software of choice is ArtRage. They recently relased a new version of that but I'm still using version 5 and I'm happy enough to not pay for an upgrade.
Your portrait is gorgeous. I could barely do it justice.
Also, first time to stream it here.
I got caught up in making your hand and shirt look great that I didn't catch your face likeness as well, oh well here it is!
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
If you do not have the money for photoshop or are against the other way of obtaining it. Krita is amazing.
I find sai to be lacking in many ways, but that is just my opinion.
BUT, it's not so much about the tools and what program/medium you use. But more about your creativity. (Your work is amazing so no worries about that:D)
I'd like to take this opportunity to give a brief grammar lesson, because I see this one all the time on this subreddit and it drives me up the wall.
It's "Draw this picture of ______ and me", not "Draw this picture of ______ and I."
When the pronoun is the object, use "me;" when it's the subject, use "I." If you take out the other person/object, the sentence should still make sense -- you don't say, "Please draw I having fun at the park," so you shouldn't say, "Please draw my dog and I having fun at the park."
Sorry it took so long, I'm out of practice! I can clean it up a bit and send you the original as well if you'd like.
edit: Imgur link
Here's a quickie I don't have my scanner hooked up right now :/ EDIT: Darkened lines. but it ended up looking less childlike, I need tp practice children more.
don't have any solid prior experience on art (a few lesson back in school)
Andrew Loomis has a great set of books available that will teach you how to draw. I recommend at first using "Fun with a Pencil", then, after completing that, "Drawing the head and hands." Download available here -
I am interested in human body/anatomy, but I suppose I can/must learn about composition, perspective, etc. Loomis Figure drawing for all it's worth, Michael Hamptons Design and intervention.
Drawing directly on screen. You'll need to get a Drawing tablet for that. I recommend at first using the Wacom Bamboo range, as they're cheap and really good. If you have the money, then by all means go for intous, and if you really want to flaunt your cash, Wacom Cintiq's are the leaders in the industry.
Cintiq is the only one that's directly drawing on a screen, but they're so expensive. If you're a beginner, i really do not recommend getting one yet.
>I still use the Wacom Bamboo Pen and touch.
Hope i helped :)
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
Only the second time I've painted a face, it's in my sketchbook so apologies for the crease in the middle of the face.
I highly suggest hopping over to /r/dogecoin and going through the "getting started" tab to get set up for Dogecoin. Here is a nice tutorial. I also highly recommend storing your doge in the desktop wallet as opposed to online. Only keep a comfortable spending amount online in the tip bot.
Some photo submitter advice:
Please disable the confetti, it's something from /r/CrappyDesign.
Also, could you confirm exactly what the artists can and cannot do with the pieces they create for /r/redditgetsdrawn? For example, distributing them in portfolios, using them commercially on merchandise, selling the rights, et cetera. There are a lot of restrictions with 'likeness' rights of the subjects of the photos, and copyrights of the photos themselves, which both differ depending on which country the photo submitter is from.
Right now there seems to only be implicit permission to post the pieces on Imgur, the terms of which are very limiting for the artists.
The terms of user-generated-content downloaded from Imgur are:
> By downloading an image or copying other user-generated content (UGC) from Imgur, you agree that you do not claim any rights to it. The following conditions apply: > > - You may use UGC for personal, non-commercial purposes. > - You may use UGC for anything that qualifies as fair use under copyright law, for example journalism (news, comment, criticism, etc.), but please include an attribute ("Imgur" or "courtesy of Imgur") next to where it is displayed. > - You may not use UGC for non-journalistic commercial purposes.
If posting the pieces on Imgur really is the only thing artists can do, maybe it would be better if photo submissions required a Creative Commons licence.
When I was in art school everyone was crazy about Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (the 1989 version)
This one is an updated version.
For me, it was extremely helpful. I was really uptight and anxious about my drawing (i was a design student) and the book was really freeing for me. My work really got much more loose and so much better somehow. And it was so much more fun to do.
This is the best. day. ever. Thanks so much for your contribution and this is amazing. I'm just simply blown away when you artists post it as a 'quick sketch'. To me, these are all master pieces and everyone should be proud of their work. I love her face and really love the bottom part of her vest. The detail is great.
You mean jolly ranchers? Fuck jolly ranchers! It's all about starburst, muthafucka!
Edit: Ahhh, you're clearly referring to the sensual edible massage oil.
In that case, I delightfully concur! Watermelon flavor is the tops.... muthafucka!
I don't have an Imgur account or I'd upload it there.
This is seriously beautiful. I couldn't not have it as my phone screen. Thank you so very much. <3
I'm working on something....and I think it's going to be AWESOME *Whoops! pinkie promise I made this comment with the intent of uploading a and pizza night and omfg a comment can sometimes take longer than the art ಠ.ಠ Kinda got away from me at the end...
i hope this doesn't weird you out.. i submitted this drawing to my uni's literary magazine and it got published.
you can read the full issue here:
Thank you so very much /u/fivepmsomewhere!
Also, I was wondering what type of license covers the photos submitted (i couldn't find the word 'license' in our wiki)? I tend to think they are more towards this kind of CC. Just curious.
edit: forgot to answer actual questions :)
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
Hey there thank you for posting!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
Woah beautiful picture, I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
If you like it pm me your email and I'll send the high res file! :)
Thank you! I do use Photoshop and I mostly use the generic round brush with a low flow rate, like 10-15%, alternating between opaque and transparent. I have a 10 pt, 30 pt, 75 pt, etc set up. However, I do highly recommend Kyle's Megapack just to have on hand, there are some in there that are life savers when needed, great deal for the price!
If anybody is interested i used the program Colour Constructor which made those spheres on the right side on canvas, all with same lighting! And each major piece was a mask in Photoshop with the shading figured out based on the sphere. An interesting way to study.
It is painted in ArtRage. I would normally post a video to show it but this one didn't quite go to plan which resulted in me doing a bit of a rage-quit earlier without saving the recording. :)
Thankfully I did save the picture and a few hours later was able to fix it up a bit better. I really should be more patient.
FireAlpaca looks nice, but unfortunately, it isn't available on iPad.
My favorite tool in Sketches Pro is the "Pen Brush" ( I haven't been able to find its equivalent in any other app, thus far.
I've been drawing since I was about 5 (I'm 47 now), but never professionally (as my main job).
Thank You so much for your kind words.
The digital painting was done in SketchBook Pro 6 with a computer mouse (I don't have a tablet), using the default brush set. The brushes I used the most are:
Synthetic coarse angular brush.
Synthetic round bristle brush.
Smudge round bristle brush.
Camouflage and charcoal brushes for blood splatter effects.
Thanks! I use a free program called I prefer it for the interface and color management features. However, you could also use programs like Aseprite, GraphicsGale, Photoshop, Gimp, etc..
You're welcome! There's two versions of the video, I'll leave both. HERE'S A LONG ONE with commentary in spanish (but you can mute it and play another tune) AND HERE'S A SHORT ONE on Instagram.
I like to sketch guide lines when I have to keep proportions accurate. I was teaching a friend to draw this weekend and explaining to her that you have to see the image as shapes rather than as a person. I'll sketch up a few suggestions on how to accomplish that and msg them to you :D
If you're looking for something right now" Figure drawing for all it's worth " helped me immensely in understanding shapes and proportions.
Then I recommend programming videos of this guy. Our course on java android programming was completely based of his videos in my first year of university.
As for digital art:
Thanks! The lead itself in the pencil is made up of different colors, so the outcome can be unpredictable sometimes. Very fun to use though!
I just traced the image with a new brush that came on sketch (android app). I was curious how it would look like with the difference in brush sizes.
It seems you're frustrated with drawing heads, and don't really know how/where to start! I like your attempt though. I recommend that you check out a book called Fun with a Pencil by A. Loomis!
I'm not sure about the subs rules about linking, but googling "Alex Hays Loomis" will bring up a website to download it. I'm not sure about the legality of the site though, so its your choice.
With this one I:
This picture is a wonderful practice reference, thank you so very much for posting.
Also just wanted to say that you look like the girl on the Prismacolor Premier Portrait pencils box! Your freckles, nose, lips, and hair are almost identical, and although your eyes/eyebrows aren’t the same color, they’re completely beautifully unusual.
Here’s the link, I’m still learning to draw, so your portrait will someday look like this …
Gave it a shot!. I think this will look better colored, so I might do that later. I was inspired by the first picture in this gallery.
I made this face this last year. Not bad, but definitely less realistic. A few hundred attempts and tutorials later, and voila. Today’s progress.
I was sketching around with my 10-year-old, today. This is what I came up with. It's not tremendously good, by any means, but it was fun.
And here's how we got there:
If you're a beginner and probably not going to go pro anytime soon, I'd recommend this tablet. It's only $100 (which I know can still be a lot when money is tight) and it comes with Photoshop Elements. It's not full Photoshop but, someone who isn't really experienced probably won't notice much of a difference :)
I made a few changes but i hope you like it:\_175302097733916\_756433690170421037\_n.jpg
(I'm sorry about the legs and the bottom half in general 🙈)
I like bubble tea too. I hope you like this:\_2415699768575705\_7998110711281527877\_n.jpg
Apologies for the hair, I still can't do it properly.
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
I hope you like the drawing!
This is your husband and your daughters!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
Crap, I’m not sure how to upload it another way😬, (I can try to figure it out when I’m home but I’m at an EMDR training until 5pm so I don’t wanna make you wait forever. It’s on my photoblog I shared the link above (let me know if copy and paste works!)
I dunno man. I tried painting your friend, but it turned out somewhat uncanny - any ideas why? In your opinion what parts of this drawing look the weakest, on what parts should I focus more?
Your sister and her dog look ready to adventure, hence what I did to your photo, sorry about the phone pic quality - i hope you like it!
Hah, thank you - I bought a cheap wacom tablet for myself as a birthday gift years back and I use Krita since its free and easy for amateurs like myself.
Wellll the closest aggregate of content I have is probably my Patreon, but I would throw up a soft NSFW and remind everyone that it may or may not be a galactic hate crime to support me.
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it, pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
Thanks for posting :) I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
a bit late :P I hope you like the drawing!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
Hey there thank you for posting!
If you like it pm your email and I'll send you the high res file for free :)
The rules say you can only use it for personal use, but it is all yours, use it however you like!
That's one of the brushes from Kyle Webster's gouache texture pack :)
EDIT: oops I lied, his fur was actually done with a brush from Mike Yamada which is actually free right now as it was a Christmas giveaway.
2 brushes for this, main one was from this free brushpack. The one called 'DaRoz special edition' or something similar. Majority of the 'painting' was done with this one with high opacity and low flow.
2nd one was the 'big wide softy' for blending and softening up edges from Kyle T Webster's megapack, with the opacity dialed down low.
Thanks! It was actually all digital. I've been experimenting with brushes from the Kyle T Webster brush megapack for Photoshop.
I don't generally spend money on brushes- in the past, I've made my own or relied on free ones. However, I would definitely call the megapack worth the spend, the brush behaviors and textures are super accurate.
I'm always on the hunt for good pencil brushes, and the "Perfect Pencil" series included in the megapack is my current favorite. That's the brush used for the sketch and for some of the shading. The rest was done with a mix of different brushes from the same set- mostly the watercolor ones. Hope that helps. :)
This was painted on Photoshop; I was actually testing out a new dry brush pack from Kyle Webster, he makes awesome brushes.
In terms of style preference, I'm a big fan of markmaking and allowing texture to show through. I don't like my digital paintings to look too airbrush-y or soft. I also like the idea of some passages looking "effortless"; I try to avoid overworking. My biggest concerns at this time are keeping a good speed throughout my paintings and working on my darks (I didn't do that very much in this sketch, hence the "quick" tag.) Hope that helps!
Thanks! Always a fan of yours too!
This page has some really good watercolor textures:
And, I use brushes by this guy:
This is done with ArtRage. Most of the texture comes from the canvas grains and the way they influence the way the paint blends, it all happens naturally without you having to worry about it or contrive it afterwards, all of which makes the process a bit more instinctive than other software.
All the brushes/blenders I use are basically the default ArtRage tools.
A lot of this painting was done with the watercolour tool using both the wet and dry options (the first allows the colour to mix and the other creates those layered overlapping washes which add those nice pigmented fringes if you increase the thinner setting.) When adding details that require more control (like the eyes in this case) I always go to the airbrush (which is just like the most basic round brush with no gimmicks.) And for adding a bit more texture to the fur I used a few dabbed strokes of a worn bristle brush which is one of the Custom Brush presets plus a few pencil lines to show the direction of the little hairs.
And finally for blending, I've said before and will say again, the ArtRage palette knife is my favourite tool in any software. The dry version smears the "oil" paint around in a way that's satisfying and expressive, but for this pic I mostly used the wet version which is like adding drops of water to the paper/canvas and with a few tweaks of the settings it can also add a bit of varied texture too.
Thank you.
It's painted in ArtRage.
For the screen-capture I'm currently using a little tool called Cafe Recorder. There are probably better ones but I like that because it's really easy to use in a one-click kind of way. The only downside is that it saves in an awkward mpg format, so I have to convert it to an mp4 using VLC before trimming it in that crappy Windows editor.
It's all a bit of a chore (and I'd prefer to use that time making the painting better) but it's been interesting to try something different for the New Year.
It did not take any time honestly. I used tree brushes. Check out deviantart for custom brushes. I could have spent some time making them look nicer but I really only cared about the face. Hope that helps.
Krita - it's free. Download it here:
I used a wacom bamboo and the default 'sketch ink small' brush in white and black (this brush is quite like harmony's sketchy brush). Slap a gradient on whene done, a spongy brush to give some texture and Bob's your uncle.
Thanks for taking an interest.
I did it in GIMP, which is free. Just filled the background with black then used a giant sponge style paint brush and stamped it all over the background in green then made it a little smaller and stamped it all over the background in purple.
Well, you have my blessing to get it printed if you really want to! I've uploaded a larger version to WeTransfer (I think Imgur downgrades the quality for large files?) here. It's not ideal, since I drew it at a smaller size originally, but it should still be acceptable at 16x18" if you don't look too closely!
Both, really. I've been practicing alot lately to see if I can get somewhere with art, but that's a-ways off.
And really, I feel like knowing pretty is all the insight you need :P If you are interested in art, I'd suggest looking around for a few beginner resources online or at the library. Though I've been "drawing for years," I can't really say I had any clue where I was going until I started reading up on it ( I started with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.). After that it's part looking up techniques, part receiving critique and part drawing constantly :)
I do have to convince myself that what I'm doing is worth it from time to time, so I know where you are coming from. Honestly, if you are interested in getting better, or heck, just want to draw for fun, the best thing you can do is put aside all the numerous negative thoughts that might plow their way into your head and get to it :) .
I used a UniPin fineliner (0.05 and 0.1) for the lines, and Kuretake Zig brush pens for the shading, on light and one dark grey - like these:
It took a lot of patience as I had to wait for each set of shading to dry before continuing otherwise the lines would have blown out straight away.
It's a Pentel brush pen, but it's their color brush pen (this one) instead of the pocket brush pen. The color brush has water-soluable ink, so after I'm done with the drawing I go back in with water to dissolve some of the lines and create the grays.
Thanks, its a Pentel color brush
I've also blown my budget into 2022, but I'm thinking my left kidney might fetch a pretty penny on the black market. I mean, I've still got righty, right? Right??
I'm in Canuckistan, so finding those particular ones might be difficult. Are these the ones?