It is manipulated by your search history ಠ_ಠ
Edit: To hijack my own post. Here is a non blurry version to prove what my fellow redditors have said that results stay the same even in Private browsing (NSWish)
We had a team karaoke event and some of us convinced one of our dev managers to sing "Barbie Girl" with us. A few months later, he went on an extended vacation, and we took the opportunity to upgrade his office to a Barbie Princess theme:
Keyboard is Logitech K360 and the mouse is a Logitech M510.
Bought the set for my wife (as a surprise) when got the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls expansion last month. Upon arriving, she commented on the distinct lack of pink on the two peripherals, so I devised a plan and dipped them.
Process took about 6 hours total. 3 hours of coating, plus another 3 to cure. 5 coats of Plasti Dip White were used with 15-20mins in between coats. Then 5 coats of Plasti Dip Blaze Pink, again with 15-20mins between coats. Let sit for 3 hours, then reassemble the devices. Thanks for your time.
EDIT: Including a link to the album:
EDIT 2: Included the original keyboard and mouse pics with the imgur gallery.
I was only gonna post one or two, but I think you could probably use the whole album.
Edit: Thank you anon, for bestowing me my first ever gold :)
I attended this today. Absolutely insane. Easily the biggest protest I've ever seen in my life. Also the heat was insane, but we were kinda saved by some wind breeze later.
Here's my Imgur Album of the protest if you guys want to see some pics. Taken by my Samsung phone. I also shot at least 20 videos at random times, I'll upload them when I get the chance.
Everybody knows this, including those opposed to full legalization. Prohibition is not an ethical or moral stand except for those who echo the sound bytes of those reaping enormous power or money from keeping pot illegal. This was the way that alcohol prohibition worked as well. The cartons linked below could have been done today with only the substances changed.
I can not find the link to the original redditor contributor, as I would like to provide proper attribution. If you are (s)he please leave your id for well earned scholarship.
My dog is 8. She would happily go home with the UPS guy and be his best friend for life. Unless the Telus guy visited, then she'd jump in his truck and never think of us or the UPS guy again.
Basically, my dog is dumb and loves everyone unconditionally.
(Bonus Daisy pics:
Edit. Link for those that don't want to search his user history.
Link to the album showing the incident
I suppose a real life trigger warning is in order for this.
I suck at photoshop. But it's clearly the face make-up that's important. The hair doesn't mean anything.
The aye-aye of Madagascar is a weird-looking lemur that occupies the same niche that woodpeckers do elsewhere. It has an elongated middle finger which it uses to fish for grubs, and its weird appearance means there is much folklore surrounding it, with some people believing that those who are pointed at by an aye-aye will soon die.
Don't ask me how I took this picture.
[Bonus Thread] (credit to apm963, I had forgotten about this one.)
The iconic image wasn't a crop. This is the most widely published version taken by Jeff Widener. Note how it's shot from a lower angle and the ornamental street lights hover over the road markings to the right of the tank. In the wider image, those specific lights are out of view.
At least five photographers are known to have captured images of the Tank Man confrontation. Four of those photographers were in the same building, so they look similar. The fifth, by Terril Jones, was taken from the ground and only published a few years ago. Most people haven't seen this one before.
Nicely pigmented and pretty darn cheap and easy to make, it's something I'll definitely be experimenting with more. The basic recipe is 1 crayon to 1/2 tsp. shea butter and 1/2 tsp. olive oil all melted down together. Easy peasy!
From left to right the lipsticks are made from the following Crayola crayons from a 64 pack. (Well, the first one was just a bunch of scraps of red, purple, and gold. Sorry about that!) Then was 2/3 red violet, 1/3 gold; lavender; tickle me pink; carnation pink; melon; salmon; wild strawberry; and 3/4 violet red, 1/4 gold.
Lip swatches here:
Protips; USE CRAYOLA. Crappy crayons (looking at you, RoseArt) won't do the job. You will need a lip brush to apply these. I did it with my fingers and could not manage a clean/even application but still love them. Also, while these colors are fairly matte, I've found that a quick swipe of cheap gloss makes them just as shiny and wonderful as any expensive gloss lipstick. Oh and have a ton of paper towels on hand. Everything I own is covered in shea butter. Totally worth it.
Right!? What was weird was there was extra tape on the box. It's like someone opened it up, bent the crap out of it, then taped it back up into the box. Here's a comparison though of boxes. On the left is the box the 1st keyboard came in (but it was the wrong model so I have to send that one back too). Box on the right is the one that holds the damaged keyboard.
The leg is the work of Scott Summit. He makes what are called prosthetic fairings (like a motorcycle fairing). He takes a 3D scan of the intact limb and uses that to make a mirror copy of that shape. The shape is then printed. I know he even made a fairing to match a woman's hand bag, now that's accessorizing.
ETA: I found an imgur of a bunch of his work. ETA2: Yes his name is Scott Summit. I did a dammed report on his work, leave it to me to screw it up after doing so well on the report.
At first I was disgusted thinking you were referring to a casket or a box of ashes. Then I did a little research and found this. I have grown to expect the worst on Reddit and now I feel bad.
Edit:He was referencing another occurrence of this phenomenon. This might be trending. Quick! Get to the Karma mines!
Hey everyone. I was able to take some pictures of the places I recognized during my havana tour. If anyone is interested I can upload them. Edit: Here they are! These are the ones that I was pretty sure I recognized and that were 18th century or earlier.
No, that's probably accurate. You have to remember, the only way to aim where a plane is going to crash, is to be inside of it. He probably could have bailed and saved his life. He chose to guide the plane into some fields instead of letting it crash into the town.
You need to go to Normandy to truly see it all. Here's a few pictures my family took while over there. EVERY little town has some memorial to the Americans who sacrificed themselves to rescue the French. There were so many instances of bravery that just tug at the heartstrings.
I actually think most of those games have better visuals than CoD Ghost.
I mean look at it
Those textures are ugly, all my eyes see is blur.
Now look at how defined and appealing these drawings are
Pixel graphics of those indie games are 10 times better than cod ghost's graphics.
This is an old unused scope sitting in a corner of my company's lab.
The one I use everyday is a LeCroy WavePro 7100A 1GHz scope (probably ~$50k new), which runs Windows I suppose it can play Tetris as well... and Space Cadet 3D Pinball!
Boston Marathon bombing.
We were standing on the corner of Fairfield and Boylston, about a block away from the second bomb. I literally just told my friend how amazed I was of how happy everyone was. People just cheering to give support to people they didn't know. I remember the first BOOM but everyone was just confused. Then a woman said, "well that can't be good," and before it could hit me the second one went off. Everyone scattered down the street. The women were screaming and all I could say was "Go, go, go." I was assuming a third one would go off and I felt a weird feeling on my back as though my body was anticipating intense pain. Luckily, it never came. I ran into an alley way away from the crowd just in case there were secondaries on Newbury St.
Before this gets deleted in shame
/u/Moldybooks posted this fake image:
and then made up a bunch of bullshit about a dead grandfather. Grammo found the original picture here:
It varies and depends where you are... some people don't like having their photo taken, but usually asking a few people you will find someone. It helps if you stop and chat with them for a bit. Here's my photos from faces around the world:
Here comes my attempt. It's a 'proof of concept' rather that a real build, done in creative mode on a superflat world, but it shouldn't be too resource heavy in survival, especially if you don't care about the looks. It's about micro-living that can actually be comfortable, so no uber compact tricks, no fancy redstone and such, just a really really small piece of housing. It's exactly 7x7x7 minus the floor (contra: there's no floor), but you can move around and access everything without any problems.
Edit: Because I'm still used to calling her "girlfriend".
Edit2: Because I'm tired of posting the same picture everywhere...rings!
So a long time ago, I was approached by a really amazing photography studio in London about doing a photoshoot with them..they have spun their boudoir business off into a new company, and are offering new styles of boudoir shoots, and one of them is burlesque boudoir and they wanted me to be the model in exchange for a free (usually £1000+!) photoshoot. Obviously I was like YES WHEN PLEASE I AM YOURS FOREVER. And since I kept mentioning it here I thought I should share some of the results.
So these are a few of them. (There is no nudity or near nudity so I think you workin' girls are safe to click...but obvs you know your offices better than I!)
Nice strawman,
Everyone I know who goes on Reddit is an atheist and we all hate /r/atheism. It's not particularly funny and it's all stuff we already know. I understand what it's here for, certain nations are more religious than mine. I applaud the fact that it provides support for so many 'despairing men, women and children: victims of a system that make men torture' (Chaplin, 1940) but I find it to be insufferable due to the fact it merely repeats beliefs I'm already quite comfortable in, that there is no God.
You atheists, from what I've seen on here, are great fans of logic and reason. Also atheists I've met, on here and in real life, tend to be among the most intelligent and kind people I know - but then again I know mostly atheists. Atheists, in my experience, also tend to accept that others have beliefs they do not share. But it's shit like this atheists. Shit like this.
I'm not a fan of the increasingly anti-theist view on here, it reeks of there being some kind of 'universal truth' - and smacks of a sort of religion in itself. This particularly meme is in exceedingly poor taste, do you really need to make strawmen to win arguments? - I should think not, what with you guys being so clever. You're better than this.
Further explication in defense on receiving downvotes by so brave people
For a bit of context, the guy being interrogated (and thus the guy who hired him) is responsible for doing this to Billy's best friend. First Thunder had some really great moments, especially Superman's reaction to discovering Billy's real age.
If anyone is curious... the dimensions are 19.5" long X 12" tall X 1.25" thick.
Here's a link for the full album If anyone is interested.
I don't know how make a certain word at as the link... sorry.
As someone who screencapped every single outfit of S1, she's never worn a dress above the knee or shown actual, boob-squishing cleavage.
Edited to add album: The shitty quality pics are mine, the rest are stolen. There is one black dress that shows a cleavage shadow, but she wore it specifically to get someone to want to sleep with her, so...
There's a lot of neck, but as a member of the IBTC, she never actually exposes cleavage.
here is a screenshot of the most wellknown drug market on the torweb: . the tornet deep web can be relatively interesting stuff, discussions on any topic imaginable. the deep web in the general definition (unindexed sites) is probably just boring personal websites, etc.
I'm not sure about this. Can you provide reliable sources? I've seen those scratches in many photos from people who have been to Aushwitz . I agree that fingernails can't scratch concrete, but they can scratch paint or plaster. Your whole "set designer" thing sounds like bs. Here's some different photo galleries:
Edit: I'm obviously not an expert, but it seems like fingernail scratches wouldn't have a randomness to them because we generally scratch up and down, as our fingers will go up in a grasping motion. It would make more sense for them to claw towards the top anyway, right? They also could have used nails or other sharp instruments.
P.s. your comment history shows you making a lot of under-researched, opinionated views. I'm not sure I want to believe you.
Here is the article on JSTOR you were linking to for those who can't access it. Sorry for not posting a PDF but I figured it would have some metadata that I don't know how to sanitize.
Wernher von Braun and Concentration Camp Labor: An Exchange
Author(s): Ernst Stuhlinger and Michael J. Neufeld
Source: German Studies Review, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Feb., 2003), pp. 121-126
I enhanced both so they're a little more visible
I think it's probably a heavyset black guy in a hoodie squatting down with his elbows resting on his knees, checking out the strange red glow from your camera's infrared LEDs and possibly fapping (SFW .gif)
keep in mind due to the public nature of this particular market, 90% of everyone there is either an idiot or a scammer. if you really need to get something done, they'll contact you.
Hmm, she looks familiar... Ah, yes. The infamous "facebook lost camera girl".
Yeah, Pavel Gubarev Donetsk people's governor was a fascist from Russian National Unity. He left RNU for a while, but never denounced his past.
~~Aksyonov, the "leader" of Crimea, recently joked in twitter that in case of annexation USA to Russia, Obama will be sent to Moscow zoo, to be kept among monkeys.~~ (EDIT: possible fake, thanks to /u/jenya_ -- it was widely supported by his thousands of followers anyway) Agitation in Donetsk Rada seized by the separatist uses the same topic:
Pogroms and discrimination against Russians still exist only in fantasy of Russian propagandists, while when separatists and Russian military took over Sloviansk they immediately started pogroms of Roma people, and repressions against Ukrainian-speaking. When Russians took over Crimea, they immediately started discriminating Tatars and Ukrainians.
Seriously, Russian propaganda narrative against "fascist" Ukrainians and "antifascist" Russians is ridiculous. It's other way around.
Rock it buddy! I can't wait to get home and get the rest of your DogeCoin Bills (wallets) printed.
Here's the link to see the wallets:
EDIT 2: Here are the final wallets I'm sending to you!
Hey folks,
I have approved redditbots and ttumblrbots, hopefully we won't have any problems in the future when they comment. However, if the site they are using to host screenshots are being attacked, there's not much we can do about that as mods.
Taking screenshots when you submit is always a bonus, since now we can't take screenshot bots for granted. Upload them to imgur and use Fireshot
When I get my personal server up and running, I might be able to start a screenshot bot as well. It won't be too soon though. The old bastard doesn't even have a DVD player, just two CD players.
Thank you /u/Silloe and /u/dawn-of-the-dan for the information.
Double dick dude was first bumped up on tumblr before kicking off 2014 with that amazing AMA.
4chan got Jenna Jameson thread to kick off the new year (NSFW) Took /b/ less than an hour for the exchange of pictures and information.
Tumblr has its purpose.
Not pictured is a small ikea dresser of underthings and band tees. I've spent the last 7 months really paring down and cultivating a wearable wardrobe. I bought 100 of those velvet hangers which have helped organize my closet while forcing me to be extra choosy when adding clothes as I love it too much to add a plastic hanger. Here's my clothes album that FFA has helped immensely with improving quality and versatility.
I highly doubt they snapped their achilles. I forget the term but it's basically known as "summer tendonitis" from women switching between winter heels and summer sandals. Painful, yes, catastrophic, no. However, heels do lead to further complications resulting from compromised bio mechanical angles. I forget the source but this shows how distorted the female figure is in heels. Dat ass may look good but the back problems in 40 years won't leave you smiling.
Name: Red_Polo
Location: Toronto, ON
Age: 22
Major/Career: Geological engineering
Nice to meet you!
Tell me something entertaining, please! I'm bored!
Might be worth putting this here, to give some more pictures. The one at the bottom is the most recent (took today), showing off the TKL Model M I just got <3
I have one of the latter,
Holy shit, I read about this in the guide but I completely forgot about it. It says a special non aggro pig can spawn, which is probably easier than getting an angry one to follow you.
Guide Proof:
I hope that I'm not too late but here we go!
I wore this to work one day. I would really love some feedback on this outfit because while I thought it was super cute my mom said that there was too much going on.
I also wore this to work. Here's a close up picture of the shoes that I'm absolutely in love with.
Edit: Thank you /u/aredditorsgf for the link help :D
No problem reading it here, using Chrome on Windows.
According to Imgur photos are only compressed if larger than 1MB in size. In that case, they are compressed to 1MB and no further. This image is 640kb which means it has not been compressed. This is how it was uploaded to Imgur. There may be somewhere out there a higher quality image, but this compression is not the fault of Imgur and your advice is only helpful ("do not upload large res images to imgur") for images with a file size greater than 1MB.
I'm giving you the upvotes, guy. Because coming out and showcasing your look and taking on the criticisms is not an easy thing to do. But I feel everything said so far is pretty constructive.
Ultimately, you've got some pretty decent pieces littered throughout what you've shown. The graphic tee thing is a personal choice. I like throwing on a t-shirt with imagery that reflects something I'm into, or what have you too. But they never serve use when layering like you're trying to do in some of these. I also don't like how long the laces on your sneakers seem to be in these. Maybe that's just me.
This one in particular -- My favorite of the bunch. No graphics in sight. A good tailor ought to fine tune all that bagginess in the pants and sleeves. That's the biggest thing you can take from all the suggestions I think. Also those are your nicest shoes you've displayed. The sneakers (both pair) weren't helping things.
Here is the rest (sans App Development, because I messed up that week)
We're reaching the inevitable off-season and anyone who follows a TV-show specific subreddit knows it's the no man's land of worth while content. Sure, good posts will be few and far between but everyone's prepared for low res screencaps and barely relevant cast info. Why not compete this? Why not rewatch and discuss community every week. We have 97 episodes to get through which is more than enough for our off-season slump. Why not have an episode specific sidebar image for every week? Just an idea I'm floating out there to see who's down.
Check this out! This needs attention.
It is Donald Marshall's facebook, and he is claiming to be on the inside of this whole scheme, and it's a lot bigger than I had anticipated personally. I put up a post, but I really don't care about karma, AT ALL. This looks like it needs our attention though! Supposingly the elites of the world are running a cloning scheme, torturing people, celebrities are in on it, this one guy is writing almost all of the US's mainstream stuff, and he wants to take them down. He says Queen Elizabeth is the one in charge... please look! There is even a post on Tuesday night, worrying about Tila Tequila... this is insanity. I took a screen shot of the specific post I want you guys to see, but I don't know how to post it.
*Found out how: here.
It appears people are still looking at this. This guy is very shady and I would take anything you read from his facebook with a grain of salt.
> What's 'wrong' with the second one though?
Not a thing.
OPs title is "honest valentine's messages," so your hate commonality fits right in. Also, in the spirit of that, check out these pictures together tomorrow and feel closer:
Here's my face today - I actually thought to take one before I left the house. Yay for natural light!
No shortage of shit in this thread:
Some people actually <em>beat</em> the game - [+143 points], pointing to a picture of Chris Brown. image link
It's my house. At the start of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, my buddy who was a beer rep for a company that rep'ed Dos Equis showed up at my place with 45 cases of Dos and Sol. So, we made my apartment "Mexico House" (There was Irish House, Canada House, Holland House... so we went Mexico)
Ever since then, I only allow Mexican beer in my fridge to stay loyal to the brand that made my Olympics awesome in 2010.
Here was a couple pic. We drank more than 1,400 bottles of beer in my place in 2 weeks.
That link was a direct image link. Last I checked, direct image links don't have titles.
EDIT: Apparently, in Firefox, the link to this image is:
While, in Chrome, the link to this image is:
Weird. Also, I didn't bother to check in IE because who cares?
Update: There were about 30 more cards behind some of the cards in the album. So that was a bonus. Half of them were "energy" cards. The rest were Japanese and english cards. Only a few doubles they seemed more like alternate versions or something.
Original thread for those who missed it. NiceRedditor is responding to the fact that OPs in-game cat is named 'Chairman Meow.'
Screenshots of the original exchange.
It originated as people using bananas to show scale here:
And developed into a joke, example here:
Reasons not to use Imgur:
Reasons to use Imgur:
I have hundreds of 18mb RAW files that I don't expect anyone to look at, I just want to keep them backed up online. Flickr allows that, Imgur doesn't (without paying anyways).
Personally I'd use Flickr over Picasa and both of them over Imgur.
Yesterday, as part of homecoming week, we had a day where you switch clothes with a friend. So me, a 6'2" guy, switched clothes with my friend, a 5'2" girl. so here is me wearing a skirt and tights. It was actually pretty damn fun.
That's a good idea! I'll bust some out here in a bit.
Here you go!
Sorry for the crappy application. I'm in desperate need of a proper brush set. Hopefully this will give you a decent idea of what the colors are look like though. Each swatch is a healthy application of the color. A lighter hand seems to have a more lip tint kind of effect.
Columbia was formed as a constitutional minarchist state near the start of Civcraft. As it has grown it faced challenges from many attackers and the justice system provided by the Columbian state has proven to be inadequate or nonexistent. As the problem worsened AnCaps stepped in to fill the demand for fair trials and legal resolution where the state failed to provide.
Today the state was deemed unnecessary and abolished. Which leaves us in the unfortunate position of not having any states to ridicule and undermine in Civcraft, this will be addressed with a advertisement post to /r/politics as soon as we finish making a video.
Palaeontology! Currently doing a masters having graduated undergrad palaeontology last summer. Dinosaurs and fossils in general are awesome, just thinking I have a collection of animals that lived HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS AGO is freaking awesome! For anyone interested, here is an album of ~45-55 MILLION YEAR OLD spiders and other creepy-crawlies in amber of mine, and here is an album of fossil from one of my Moroccan fossil expeditions that I submitted to /r/fossilhunting for a possible banner pic.
For anyone interested in fossils, check out the UKafh, the UK amateur fossil hunters that I help run (I'm more of a professional, but it's nice to help where possible!), we run monthly (at least!) hunts all around the Uk!
Here are my outfits for the week! I'm re-learning how to wear pants again, so all the advice I can get on that front is welcome and appreciated. As always, can't wait to see what you ladies wore!
Here is the r/news discussion:
Here is a direct link to the .jpg:
I think it's impossible to say whether the photo was faked: it most likely looks fake just because we've never seen a photo quite like it before.
There's a fair bit of photographic ignorance running around the comments, so look out for that.
edit - Looks like they've pulled the photo from the gallery. Here is an imgur mirror in case they also pull the photo from their servers:
The GIF starts with the first human settlements, and ends with the Akaian Empire (blue) at it's peak. Shortly after this the empire breaks up, and borders are harder to define as there is so much disagreement. Eventually though, it is organised with the creation of The Central Union.
More information about the rest of this world can be found here:
He regularly impresses me. I've stopped viewing dogs and cats as so different, it's really mostly about the human's behavior and expectations I have found.
Edit: forgot to say that you can even teach them to poop in the toilet. Some people are scared of toxoplasmosis getting into the water, but you can get a test at your vet to see if they are immune. Also, no litter for almost 2 years now!
The how to:
I see your 1.8 world and raise you mine.
edit: In the third image, you can see my dirt jumping board in the bottom right. When I want to get down, I just sprint and jump into water, it's really fun!
You won't exactly be looking for this, but there is a way to tell - you can see two outlines (as in, the boxes it shows you so you can see portals through walls) of whichever portal you went into in order to get to the room. One of them is really far away, down and left of the exit door, the other is in its logical position. You can then notice that when you leave the room, the distant portal's outline disappears (although it's actually the logically positioned one which disappears. Yep.)
Edit: that was a lot harder to find than I remember so: image
Around 6 or 7 pm EDT today they told me I had to re-enter my password via facebook for webOS. When I got home just a little bit ago they told me I had to verify my name. OOOOKKKAAAAYYYY.... So I entered it as I had it on my account.
They did not like this. So they said "please wait 10 mins and try again" after 10 mins I did the same thing. It took me to that screen.
This is what i see now:
Now, I found another form where they only asked for my name and email, they sent me another email saying roughly "please respond to verify you own this account" I wrote back:
>Good evening,
>I am responding to this email to verify that my account is in fact mine. Furthermore the name I signed up with years ago was, and still is my real name. I expect it to remain my full name for some time and wish to use my account with it.
>There will be no documents attached to this email or any other form to verify my identity. I feel my word alone is enough for regarding this issue.
HA! Making Halloween costumes was almost required in art college. THE SHAME that would come down on you if you came to a party in something store bought!
Now, I just do practical art and stuff and fail BAD at Halloween!
All in all: A legend and a true scholar. 9.5/10.
Sure: That is the lock for the...I don't know the word, auxiliary tire in the center. They broke the car's lock with a screw driver, opened the trunk and stole the tire. It had turned into a national sport for a while.
There aren't that many parts to your genitals, and really, all of them should be a smashing fun time to rub with most things. Your clitoris is most likely to result in orgasm, however.
Have you viewed them with a hand mirror? Do you know what everything all down there is, and we're it's located?
A VERY NSFW illustration of the scarleteen guide:
> I realize this is not /r/fashion, but man that outfit Cooper's wearing is a special kind of ugly
It was the 2013 combine outfit for the OL and TE groups. He had no say in the matter, unlike this sexy bastard's choice:
Welcome! Thanks for clicking on that Reddit link that you saw. I just finished up a few new Mindcrack Minecraft skin mash-ups, and in particular, one of my favorite UHC Season 15 team so far: PakkerBajZ! I've taken the past Piccosteau skins and decided to give Baj and Pakratt skins to fit that Dragon Ball Z theme: Baj as Krillin and Pakratt as Vegeta.
So what inspired this?
Well, I made Zisteau's UHC 12 and UHC 13 skins, and when I saw the PakkerBaj Z name for this season, I thought two things:
>1.) Damn, I made Zisteau's skin two seasons too early
>2.) Baj and Pakratt need fitting skins!
Why you make Baj Krillin? Why not Nappa?
Because that seemed too easy. Melding Baj and Krillin seemed like more of a challenge and he fits better alongside Piccosteau.
Unless Baj somehow dies early and his ghost decides to haunt Pakratt for the remainder of the game.
Why you make Pakratt as Vegeta?
Because it started out as planning Pakratt to be Gohan and I liked the scouter too much to erase it. It just looks too nice on Pak's skin.
Can we has a copy?
Yes, you can find the images here.
[PakkerBajZ logo by /u/pajam]
Breakfast this past Saturday, chorizo & homemade tortillas. I had a ton of stuff that I was meaning to to this past weekend but ended up just not doing it and spent more time with the family.
Everyone else have a good weekend?
And some more pics and info, anyone know what could be causing this? Hilarious as it is, i kinda want to get my network started :|
It only happens after i quickload, or if i switch to another satellite and then back. When first deployed it works fine.
I was in Puerto Rico for 2 days and they were filming a scene right next to the hotel I was in. It was supposed to be in Mexico during spring break. They took over the Señor Frogs next door and called it Gringos Pendejos. Here's a few pictures:
I also ran in to Jonah as we were walking in to the hotel and he was walking in as well. We had a stroller and were about to get in the elevator with him and his body guard, but the body guard said not to while someone else said come on in. We eventually didn't get in, but I said "I love your shit, dude" as the doors were closing and he waved at me. I just wanted to get in the elevator with Jonah Hill. Fuck me right?
You do this:
I built that system somewhere around 2006 (?) for the President of the currency trading company I was working for. Replaced 3 machines and two TVs. His only complaint was his balls got sweaty from the heat out put when the machine was under his desk.
Back before we got half tanks, legs and lander engines, I tried to get to the Mun and back with the least number of tanks I was able.
I had a successful 9 tank design and tried to do it with 8, but it didn't have the fuel to get back into Munar orbit, so I stuck an RCS tank under the capsule and fitted 3 thrusters, maybe I could have used 4 but I didn't want to risk taking too much weight.
I landed with only a sliver of fuel remaining, but busted off the engine so I couldn't use it to aid the return, I was left with just the as yet unused RCS tank to get my Kerbals home.
It was a struggle getting into a 5km orbit, the 3 thrusters were almost not powerful enough for the job, and I used over 2/3rds of my gas, and it was a painfully slow ascent.
Then another long burn to get free of the Muns gravity, I found myself orbiting Kerbin with a high Periapsis, It took all but a few breaths of gas to get into an aero-braking descent.
I didn't know if I'd make seafall, I almost hit land, splashing down just off the edge of some islands, it was the hardest flight I have done, I had no ASAS or other aids, and I had no idea if I'd make it.
Nope, still don't believe you. You say you took it in 2008/2009 but didn't put it on Facebook until 2011? You say you don't know why it is showing that date (July 31st, 2011) on your timeline--because that is the date it was uploaded to imgur (open and check the date--July 30th, 2011). Also, this reddit post was posted a day (July 30th, 2011) before the link on your facebook is dated with the exact same imgur link as your timeline post.
If you wanted to show proof you did it absolutely wrong and showed you reposting a reddit post on your facebook. Also, you seem to be taking credit for the picture on your facebook as you seem to be taking credit for it here.
Definitely not bad, but a bit short on food in the long run.
I think I vote for when it comes to best starting position.
Do note that there is just enough food to mine every single nonpig hill.
MULTICAM is the latest uniform. Most U.S. Army soldiers who deployed late 2010 and after to Afghanistan were issued OCP (Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern). Basically the same stuff as the ACUs, just a different color.
Edit: link is safe for work, just a picture of the gear with the latest pattern
Edit 2: a user clarified that MULTICAM is only for U.S. Army soldiers who are preparing to deploy to-or recently returned from-Afghanistan
Some more bad gifs and some pics in this album:
It is a replica of Saab 37 Viggen, a swedish fighter jet. Tried to make it as accurate as possible, though that meant little less maneuverability than i would've liked. Still very agile though!
Mods used: Ferram Aerospace, B9, Procedural Dynamics for the wings and Stretchy Tanks for the missiles. Struts from NovaPunch, though stock struts would work fine. The flags on the wings are from FASA i think.
Hard mode completed! I even added in an actual mun landing right at the end.
Can you say asparagus? There were 23 or 24 stages, depending on how you look at it. The first picture shows the "loading tower", with Bill in the command pod. I eject it when he gets in the seat.
What do you mean?
Colorblindness test if you seriously worry.
[Hoover for answer:](#s "74")
Ah! The bank Lofts. I used to live there too. Just left a comment about it a second ago.
About 15 years ago there was a suicide there. Someone went to the top floor and leapt into the center atrium. The individual impacted the edge of the glass roof, flipped backwards, and was decapitated at a window edge. The body remained in the atrium but the head traveled into the first floor hallway.
I believe my apartment was 707, facing the parking garage. I looked down on the roof of it and could see what was the Quest tower at the time.
Interesting place.
Edit: I found the pictures of the aftermath on my computer. It looks like I took them sometime around Nov ~~1999~~ 1998, about ~~14~~ 15 years ago. The photos were taken with an old Kodak APS camera and scanned in a few years later. The elevators are to the right in the picture, near the impact. Due to the poor quality of my camera and scanner, the images are a bit blurry. Nonetheless, they are NSFW. Here's a link to the imgur album.
Edit: I did some searching and I found the story in the Westword archives. The incident occurred on 9 Nov 1998. I had my picture album mislabeled by a year. The article didn't mention a decapitation — I guess I assumed as much given that I couldn't see the head, the blood mark on the sill, and the copious amounts of tissue in the hallway. Sad stuff. :(
Edit: Anyways, aside from that morbidity, I love Denver and have very fond memories of living downtown. :)
cricket with all its intricacies , techniques and rules is basically a simple game
Here you go[Album], just took it now. If you notice closely you'll see that the color of the rope is dull in comparison to the actual photo on the site, and at the end of the rope where they glued it, the color of the rope melted and it actually stains your wrist blue and the metal also stains your hand.
I'm not OP but here are a couple of picture I've taken while aboard ships. The first couple are of when we went through a school of fish and filled up our condenser and the rest are just random pictures from aboard an LNG